TCC After Ectopic buddy needed

Hi Ladies...I have a question for you ladies that had surgery for your ectopic pregnancy. I had my surgery on November 1...after that my af for december was a little late ( but expected) then my one for january was right on time. February came a week early and it was only spotting ( which my doctor said was probably cause by not ovulating) now I'm on to March and am getting all the period like cramps ( as i did last month) but i'm now on cd 36 and normally af comes between 30-32 days... I took a preg test and it was bfn...just curious if any of your cycles went all weird after the ectopic?

It took me about two cycles to get back to normal. My first cycle was about 40 days instead of the usual 34. My doc told me that by third things should have normalized. Hope this info gives you some relief...
Thanks Peachy...this would be my 4th cycle ..and the first 2 after the ectopic were pretty normal...just wonder why everything is so out of whack now...If I dont get af in another week, i'm going back to Doctor
Hi girls

Sorry I've been so scarce - been working late this week so been absolutely knackered when I've come home (and then had to work some more....!)

How are you all doing? Pixxie honey, how's it going with you?

Lucy - how are you doing my lovely?

Everyone else - I promise I haven't forgotten you, just saying a great big hi and hope you're all doing fantastically well. I'm off to bed pretty soon - hubby's out with a friend tonight so I'm taking this opportunity to climb into bed early - what decadence....

AFM, well some very exciting news - we've been invited to our first IVF seminar up in Oxford on the 28th March :) Can't believe we've been invited to one so soon, really excited, because this means it's the start of our journey.....We're still trying while we wait, and I'm officially in the TWW now (took my last round of clomid). I'm symptom spotting to the n-th degree and have already peed on so many sticks, even though I'm only 10DPO hahah! What can I say, I'm a POAS addict ;-)

Miss chatting to you girls. Will try and post a longer post over the weekend. Right now, I'm off to bed with a nice cup of tea and my Kindle to read Game of Thrones (if you haven't seen the TV series, get it, it's great!!)

lots of love and babydust
Carmen. xx
Moose-That is fantastic news!!! I hope that you get a BFP soon no matter what happens and that the baby is a healthy and happy one. It makes me so happy to hear you are so close to getting to that point too.

To all my other fellow ladies I hope you are all doing well and that you all have a fun St. Pattys day.

AFM I feel like an emotional,nauses mess. Emotional cause while yes the doctor told my husband and I no intercourse she didnt say dont kiss your wife or hug her or cuddle with her and so I am feeling a little love deprived right now. Then to add to it I am constently sick now! It doesn't go away till like 3 in the afternoon and by that point I will want to just sleep. To add to it my nerves are through the roof about the upcomming ultrasound. My mother in law is going to be going with me to it, but my own mother said she wanted to hang out with her boyfriend at that time. Yeah talk about some family love. My husband is getting his forklift license that day too so he wont be with me, which is also making me an emotional wreck. Im sorry I just really felt the need to vent and you women always manage to calm me down. The plus side....still no bleeding and no cramping (at least no very painful cramping). I think the baby is in the right place now, I am just praying it makes it to term.... 5 more days.
Pixie my fx for you! And we all love you here ... virtual hugs!
Hello. I am do deeply sorry to hear about the lost. We had an ectopic discovered on 12-21-10. We are finally trying for another now with the assistance of 50mg clomid. We had our first visit at the fertility clinic and was told I ovulated from last cycle but today I am CD7 and I am going to add robitussin to this for more cervical mucous . But I would love to travel this long journey again with faith. Hope. And love!!!
hi ladies :wave:

just a quick post as am at work and am busy am doing at lot better with the uti and i think that am finally over the flu yay, hope that you are all doing good and i hope that later today i can post better but for now just hi hugs all around

welcome to the new ladies
Hey ladies,
Hope everyone had a great for me SPRING BREAK THIS WEEK!!! WOOT!:happydance: The sad thing is I am completely bored. My husband is out getting his fork lift license this week and my boys are both in daycare so its just me in the house, left with my thoughts. To make matters harder for me, I was doing dishes this morning and while right in the middle of doing dishes ms kicked in hard core and I ended up vomiting all over my nice clean dishes. :dohh:](*,) Yeah so I had to do all the dishes again.

Oh also today is my youngest sons 1st birthday!!!! I am so amazed how fast time flys by. But I wouldnt change it for anything. My boys are what are giving me strength during this period of uncertinty.

Well ultrasound is in 3 more days ladies. FX and baby dust to everyone who is still waiting for the BFP. :)
Hi pixxie :wave: happy b day to your little boy !!! time flys :happydance:

i need some words of encouragement or a shoulder to cry on i think is more like it, i have been feeling so sick i think that the flu is back or i have some bug i have been so tired lately and neaseas, i crave somethings too i already did about 10 preg test all BFN's i don't know what is wrong with me but if it doesn't go away soon am going to have to go back to the dr and have an endoscopy done, am not looking forward to that i just want to crawl back in bed and sleep :sleep:

sorry for the me post am just not feeling well :nope:
Awe lucy.. i hope you feel better!!

Afm well i think me and hubs goofed. We had alot of fun in the bed this weekend so i updated my temps on the chart and got my crosshairs for friday.. ive been takingextra folic for about 3 weeks but we havent reached our 3month mark since mtx.... we werent going to try again until next cycle.. im a little worried..
thanks alleysm

i hope it all works out for you what ever the outcome, sometimes things happen for a reason will be praying for you
Lucy, so sorry to hear you're not feeling well. Is it possible to take a bit of time off? It sounds like your days are pretty long... I hope that it ends up begging a bfp instead of the flu. Sending you good vibes!
Lucy, so sorry to hear you're not feeling well. Is it possible to take a bit of time off? It sounds like your days are pretty long... I hope that it ends up begging a bfp instead of the flu. Sending you good vibes!

thanks peachy i wish that i could take some time off but my bosses are leaving for their vacation in a few days and am going to be alone in the hotel since hubby works now i am going to be doing 14 or maybe more hour days for a week but we are planning on taking a few days off in April

i am really starting to worry i just got home and changed into pjs and my bbs are hurting that or my chest i am going to talk to my dr tomorrow maybe if i don't feel better soon i might ask them to do a blood test to make sure that am not preg and see where they want to go from there she had told me that she wanted to do an endoscopy to make sure there was nothing wrong with my stomach

am really worried as last time my heart had a slight irregular rhythm but they said it was nothing to worry about i had to go to the er about 4 times, and then today i have been neasea and just want to eat anything spicy lol am not one to turn down a burger and today the thought of even biting into one made my stomach turn although hubby enjoyed his lol

thanks for hearing me out i think that these past few days hubby is happy to be at work and away from his crazy crying wife lol any little things make the water works go off lol, what are your thoughts about massages?

my boss's dad goes to a women that helps him with his pain and we are thinking about going to her since she does massages for women that are ttc i might go to her what do you think? all right girley am off to pop some popcorn grab hotsauce and watch some tv in bed :hugs:
Lucy hun it seems you and i meet again in this thread. I just experienced my first loss of a baby. We discovered our little bean in my right tube on Saturday. The luck of the irish on st patties day wasnt on my side, or maybe it was. if i hadnt discovered it as early as we did, i would have ruptured and experienced a lot more pain than i already have. The hardest thing is being able to just talk about it. my husband is still shocked and so hurt by it. he and i are both very scared to try again. with my wounds still fresh, i dont know what to think or feel anymore. The thought of having this happen again, and the risks to my life are terrifying. i dont want to leave my children without a mother. But i cant help how badly my husband and I want a baby together. Is it selfish of us to want another baby? Should we give up the dream all together and try to move on? I just feel so empty and broken. We have had little support from family. No one in his family even bothered to call accept his brother who just wanted my pain pills. I know right? what an ass.

I am seing my doctor again in 2 weeks to see what plan route we want to take. I dont think we will use any fertility meds this time around. it may take longer to get pregnant all natural, but im almost certain it was the meds that caused the ectopic. ugh i want so badly to be pregnant again. but i dont know if we can handle the day to day anxiety of wondering what could go wrong :( I just really need to talk to ppl who understand how i feel.
Lucy, so sorry to hear you're not feeling well. Is it possible to take a bit of time off? It sounds like your days are pretty long... I hope that it ends up begging a bfp instead of the flu. Sending you good vibes!

thanks peachy i wish that i could take some time off but my bosses are leaving for their vacation in a few days and am going to be alone in the hotel since hubby works now i am going to be doing 14 or maybe more hour days for a week but we are planning on taking a few days off in April

i am really starting to worry i just got home and changed into pjs and my bbs are hurting that or my chest i am going to talk to my dr tomorrow maybe if i don't feel better soon i might ask them to do a blood test to make sure that am not preg and see where they want to go from there she had told me that she wanted to do an endoscopy to make sure there was nothing wrong with my stomach

am really worried as last time my heart had a slight irregular rhythm but they said it was nothing to worry about i had to go to the er about 4 times, and then today i have been neasea and just want to eat anything spicy lol am not one to turn down a burger and today the thought of even biting into one made my stomach turn although hubby enjoyed his lol

thanks for hearing me out i think that these past few days hubby is happy to be at work and away from his crazy crying wife lol any little things make the water works go off lol, what are your thoughts about massages?

my boss's dad goes to a women that helps him with his pain and we are thinking about going to her since she does massages for women that are ttc i might go to her what do you think? all right girley am off to pop some popcorn grab hotsauce and watch some tv in bed :hugs:

i wanted to answer your question about a massage therapist. YES, as a massage therapist myself I highly recommend it. It is great for infertility, pain, stress, migraines, hormonal imbalances you name it. Find out if your boss's dads therapist accepts insurance or if your insurance will reimburse you. sometimes you can get a script from your doc and submit the receipts to your insurance for reimbursment. I wish I knew a therapist like myself to help me. its difficult to do it on myself. lol. When i was in school, myself and several friends became pregnant. and i hadnt had a cycle in over 2 years and BAM got pregnant. When I started teaching one of my students had been ttc for 15 years and found out a month before graduation that she was pregnant :) I know massage played a huge role in it. Good luck hun :)
Hi Ladies I have finally taken my first AF since my surgery (7weeks ago), it was heavier and more painful than before but I'm so relieved it came so now i can think about my body slowly getting back to normal:)

Hope everyone is well xxx
mamatrujillo-I am sorry for your loss, but you are in loving hands here. Ectopics are very hard to pinpoint what caused them to happen and sometimes we are just a weird statistic. With my ectopic I had already had 2 completely normal healthy baby boys and no miscarrages at all and then I found out I was pregnant (by complete surprise) with the ectopic and really they can never tell me what caused it. The doctor thinks I was a fluke but I think it was the birth control I was who knows. I think that your doctor will be able to provide you with some great options :hugs:

Kaznib-YAY for first AF!!!! You are getting close to that big time again and hopefully it will go a lot smoother!!! My first AF after the surgery and methotrexate was very painful especially on the side that my ectopic was on, the pain will go down over time. But yay I am so happy for you! :D

AFM tommorow is the big days girls!!! Ultrasound time!!!! My husband was able to get a break from his forklift course to go with me to the ultrasound so I feel much happier knowing that he is going to be next to be. To add to it I cant seem to shake my ms...I keep throwing up and my children look at me like I am dying and it makes me feel horrible. My oldest came up to me the other day and kissed my head and said "mommy sick?" and I said mommy is fine and cuddled with him. He is a sweetheart. I am going to talk to my doctor at my next appointment about getting some zofran cause I dont want my kids to worry about me. Well hopefully next time I am on tomorrow it will be to post good news and a ultrasound pic...I will be 6 weeks and 3 days I think!!!
mamatrujillo- am again so sorry for your loss but am glad that you found us you will find tons of support here with all the lovely ladies, as you might have read as well there are already a couple of our girls that already pregnant so there is hope. i totally get your fear though but the chances of it happening again are pretty low but only you and your hubby can make that decision, personally i don't have any kids neither does my hubby so for us not trying is not an option, we are all here for you for support how shitty of your brother in law wanting your pills i too have no family here and so we were alone with our sadness although my boss was there for support and still is so that helped, we still have not told a lot of people only my brother, sister and an aunt know about my family hate each other so telling them is not an option for me :hugs: to you pm me if you need

as to the massages the lady is not a therapist but more of a "healer" if you know what i mean, my bosses dad says that she is good my bosses wife and i have become close and so she is also my shoulder to cry on and she also thinks that i should give it a go, am thinking about it hubby backs me what ever choice i make so am thinking about it

kaznib yay for af the wait to get it is so freakin long and we never think that we are going to be happy to see her but am glad that your body is getting back to normal

pixxie i hope that your dr gives you something for the neasea, although i am not preg at the moment i have my stash of pills that i got from my last preg, i actually have a drawer with all my meds and when there is something wrong i go straight for it lol can't wait to see the pics of your little bean

afm well i am so tired i feel like am not sleeping that well although am taking my sleeping pills and meds am just not feeling it, am not looking forward to the comming week my boss leaves on friday and then am all alone until next friday not af for me yet so am waiting on her too ugh, am having some slight cramps oh my dr called the other day and thank God that the uti was only and nothing more serious, i need some energy lol

pink, lovebot i hope that you ladies are doing ok and hope to hear from you soon

:wave: to all the other lovely ladies
Lucy, so sorry that you are having such a tough time my dear. I would definitely recommend massage. While I cannot say if it actually helps TTC, I know that it helps with stress which is hugely positive because we all know the emotional roller coaster TTC can have. I also went to a naturopath to help with my diet. I admit that I am terrible at eating a well balanced diet. It is just so easy when life is busy to pick up a pizza. In anycase, during December when I had success I was doing yoga, getting massages and had increased my fruit and veggie intake. I think just an overall improvement in ones health is a great thing - TTC or not. Take care hun. *big hugs*

Pixxie - I am so excited for you. After this scan you will feel so much less anxious. Given that you have ms already I think it is supposed to be a good sign that everything is developing well. I know what you mean by trying to not worry your little ones. My ds once said that he does not like the baby because it makes mommy sick and I felt so bad. I have been on pills last few weeks and starting to feel a bit better. Throwing up only a few times a week now and fingers crossed in another two weeks or so it stops completely!

Mamatrujillo, welcome to the group. Ectopics are so difficult and take your time with both your physical and emotional recovery. Your doctor is in a good position to give you guidance of when you can start again. Hope you are feeling better.

Kaznib, congrats on getting AF again. Sounds like things are getting back to normal. Hope all is well with you.

AFM, I just had an appointment with my ob. Had a weird stretching on my left side and panicked. She said it was just my uterus growing and that heartbeat sounded fine. I have my anatomy ultrasound scheduled next month and am really excited!! Morning sickness has eased off a bit but still really tired. I guess only bad news is I lost 2 more pounds : (
Hey ladies so I had the ultrasound...the baby is in the right spot!!!! The down side is I hate my ultrasound tech, first of all she did not do a vaginal ultrasound cause she felt that the view of the baby was good enough, but here is why I hate her. When she did the ultrasound she had the thing on my stomach in one position that showed me to be 6 weeks 2 days with a heart rate of 93-95. Then she moved it to a different position where I suddenly became 6 weeks 4-5 days with a heart rate of 98-109. Then she told me that the heart beat was a little slow...great now another thing for me to freaking stress on. I hope my OB calls me today to settle my fears. Also she only gave me one pic and it was a crappy pic but I will post it later :).

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