TCC After Ectopic buddy needed

md13-My ectopic pregnancy was not planned at all. I was on the mini-pill birth control and had just had my youngest 6 months prior. The month before the ectopic I had stopped breastfeeding my son and was planning on asking to switch my birth control the following month at my gyno appointment. The thing is the following month my period never came which is very abnormal for me. I took a pregnancy test though and it came back negative. I just associated it with school and my stress of adjusting to two kids.Two weeks later I went to my appointment and I guess cause my period was two weeks late it was protical to do a blood test before they put my on my new birth control. The following day I got the results. My beta levels were at 39...I was pregnant. I was shocked and devestated and actually conisdered terminating the pregnancy because it was really unplanned but after talking with my husband we decided to keep it. Not even three days later I started to bleed. I went to the ER were they checked my levels again only to discover they were at 153. My cervix was closed and I wasnt having much pain so I was diagnosed with a threatened miscarrage. The bleeding got much heaver the following day so I went back to discover my levels were at 147. They figured I was having the miscarrage and to keep monituring my levels. The whole week though my levels went up even though I started to have pain on my right side and was bleeding pretty badly. Then that saturday I woke up in just the worst pain even and went down stairs to take some pain meds. I ended up collapsing on the floor thinking I was going to die right there. My husband heard me and called 911. Once in the ER they discovered my levels finally reached 5500 but nothing showed in my uterus...they found the pregnancy in my tube. I was rushed into surgery and they removed the pregnancy without taking my tube. Because of that 2 weeks later I discovered that the left over cells in my tube didnt reabsorb, instead they regrew to a continuing ectopic and I had to be treated with methotrexate. For the longest time I wished that had taken my tube and to be honest I still wish they did because I have a greater chance of having another ectopic on my right side. I am so amazed that this pregnancy is where it needs to be and even more so that it is making it. It has really become my rainbow baby after such a tramatizing experience.
md13-My ectopic pregnancy was not planned at all. I was on the mini-pill birth control and had just had my youngest 6 months prior. The month before the ectopic I had stopped breastfeeding my son and was planning on asking to switch my birth control the following month at my gyno appointment. The thing is the following month my period never came which is very abnormal for me. I took a pregnancy test though and it came back negative. I just associated it with school and my stress of adjusting to two kids.Two weeks later I went to my appointment and I guess cause my period was two weeks late it was protical to do a blood test before they put my on my new birth control. The following day I got the results. My beta levels were at 39...I was pregnant. I was shocked and devestated and actually conisdered terminating the pregnancy because it was really unplanned but after talking with my husband we decided to keep it. Not even three days later I started to bleed. I went to the ER were they checked my levels again only to discover they were at 153. My cervix was closed and I wasnt having much pain so I was diagnosed with a threatened miscarrage. The bleeding got much heaver the following day so I went back to discover my levels were at 147. They figured I was having the miscarrage and to keep monituring my levels. The whole week though my levels went up even though I started to have pain on my right side and was bleeding pretty badly. Then that saturday I woke up in just the worst pain even and went down stairs to take some pain meds. I ended up collapsing on the floor thinking I was going to die right there. My husband heard me and called 911. Once in the ER they discovered my levels finally reached 5500 but nothing showed in my uterus...they found the pregnancy in my tube. I was rushed into surgery and they removed the pregnancy without taking my tube. Because of that 2 weeks later I discovered that the left over cells in my tube didnt reabsorb, instead they regrew to a continuing ectopic and I had to be treated with methotrexate. For the longest time I wished that had taken my tube and to be honest I still wish they did because I have a greater chance of having another ectopic on my right side. I am so amazed that this pregnancy is where it needs to be and even more so that it is making it. It has really become my rainbow baby after such a tramatizing experience.

Pixie so sorry for your loss and your traumatic experience :hugs: ...congrats on your rainbow baby thats great news! :thumbup:.... I cannot imagine having to deal with a continuing ectopic that must of been really scarey... its not so much i wish they hadnt taken the tube as i wish that had taken the correct tube since they suspect it actually occured in the tube they didnt remove also i just would of liked to been offered the methotrexate shot as an option my levels were only at 319 then 3 days later they dropped to 301 a day before i had surgery
md13 i can't believe that dr, i mean i know we are humans but one would think that they would have looked at other things before doing something so drastic,
like you i had given up on the thought of having kids i have had problems since i was young and was told that bc of my diabetes and high blood pressure no dr would help me conceive(what a lie) when i had an ultrasound done to check for cysts(i have pcos so they wanted to check on that) they told me that they had found a cyst on my only ovary and so i thought that it was over for us, i actually talked to my boss about possibly adopting and had begaun to research that 3 days later on a sunday i began to bleed and thought that the cyst had ruptured so the next day i called my dr and she on a fluke did a test and sure enough i was pregnant, happiest moment, until i realized that something had to be wrong, i had some tests done and my levels were low but they told me that i was way early when i went in for my first prenatal i was told that i was having a miscarriage bc the bleeding was getting worse they monitored my levels for about three weeks and then she came to the conclusion that it was ectopic bc my levels kept going up and then down and then up again
the day of the surgery the found out that i had endometriosis (i think that is what it is) and they had to cut me open like a c section i know that my chances are greater for it to happen again bc i only have the one tube and one ovary so am trying to be realistic that it might not happen for us but am trying not to lose faith
Lucy - i know what you mean about trying to be realistic but at the same time trying not to loose faith i keep bouncing back between the two right now

I just hope that all of us get our Rainbow babies very soon ! :)
Just wanted to drop in to say hi. Welcome to the new ladies who have recently joined.
I wish I could come on more often to chat but have been continuing to feel pretty sick. So much for morning sickness subsiding in second trimester... hope everyone is doing well. Will come back later to catch up!
Hi everyone!

I have thought of everyone in here very often. I wish I had the time and motivation to be here more often, however I'm going to keep checking in whenever I can....I'm never going to leave!

Pixxie were you the last BFP? To be honest, I was hoping to see a few more!

Lucy, where are you at lovely? Did you ovulate last cycle? I see that you've been quite sick recently. I hope your time is coming soon. X. I see you asked about finding out the baby's sex. I am getting asked that a lot!! Everyone is naturally curious after 3 girls to see what this one will be. We did not find out the gender with any of the girls, and I have no inclination to find out with this one either. My DH and I haven't had the discussion yet. I think he's considering it, and I don't blame him. We will have to talk about it and decide soon. My prediction is a BOY. It is quite odd, but I feel a bit different this time. Hungrier, craving savory rather than sweet foods. Just generally thinking boy, and feel that my ectopic was a girl and made way for this one. Wishful thinking maybe. I'll be genuinely happy with either, so it will be very interesting to see!

Peachy, it is nice to see you pop in as well, even though you've been dreadfully sick. Good to hear that all is on track with you. Are you going to find out your bubs gender?

Kaznib, was happy to read that you've had your AF back for a visit. So is it all systems go now?

MrsMoose, hope that all is going well with your journey towards IVF.

Pixxie, I'm so happy that everything is going well and baby is in the right place. I know I had an initial goal of getting to 8 weeks, so you're nearly there!

md31, I read your journey and am sorry for your loss. I'm incredulous that your ob took a healthy tube, and I know it would be easy to be bitter, but I admire your strength to keep moving forward. Ooh I see you're in Sydney. I'm in Brisbane. Hang in there. You have found a great group of women here.

To all of the other ladies, new and old, big hugs and waves.

My thoughts are with all of you lovely ladies. I know how hard it is to keep faith. Even now I still have my ups and downs...even being 17 weeks pregnant has not erased (and will not ever erase) my memories of my ectopic bean. I'm only just starting to feel a sense of reality with this pregnancy. We've told family and close friends, but I am still very guarded. My daughters still don't know yet. Maybe in a couple of weeks. My big scan is in 2 weeks time.

I'm going to try to hang around here a bit more. My thoughts are with you,

Pink xoxox

Just had a little read through and wanted to send a special hug to Annie77 who I see recently had the heartbreak of miscarrying. Words fail me. Thinking of you. X
Pink-Are you finding out what you are having? I am so excited for makes me feel great to see that you are getting to the big scan...are you going to get the 3D one done or just 2D? As far as I know I am the last BFP, but hopefully we get more in the near future. As for this pregnancy I will feel much much better once I make it to 12 weeks with a healthy heatbeat. But you are right 8 weeks is a pretty big reach as well. :)

AFM I have another OB appointment tomorrow and hopefully they will do another ultrasound so we can see how my little beans heart is doing. FX that its much faster and stronger. Other then that its the normal life for me...I registered for my Fall courses which is when the baby is due and I am taking like 13 units...ugh! Med school suck!!! lol.:dohh: Other then that its same old same old...oldest is sick with a flu bug and I am just suffering from horrible ms still.

Also maybe you guys can shed some light onto this but I had a nightmare the other night where I went to the bathroom and started bleeding and had just a bunch of dark clots pass...I am thinking its just my subconciouse telling me my greatest fear but it has really sent me into the jitters. Who knows. I am not having any cramping or bleeding so idk. :shrug:
Hey girls!!! I did have another ultrasound today and my little bean had a heartbeat in the 130s-140s!!!!:happydance::happydance: My Ob said she was very very confident that this one was going to go to term and that I should not make any major plans for thanksgiving lol. Well finally here is a picture of the little bean!!!


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Hey girls!!! I did have another ultrasound today and my little bean had a heartbeat in the 130s-140s!!!!:happydance::happydance: My Ob said she was very very confident that this one was going to go to term and that I should not make any major plans for thanksgiving lol. Well finally here is a picture of the little bean!!!

Im so happy for you!!! Thats so fabulous!!!! :happydance::happydance:
Hey ladies sorry its been a while since ive posted an update. I saw my dr today for my post op. And to my shock I may be pregnant again already!!! I got af 4 days after my mc, and ovd 11 days after my mc. So now I am on cd 15, and 6dpo. My doc said that since there was no damage to my tubes that he isnt worried about me getting pregnant again so soon. We are waiting one more week to start testing! Goodness this would be so amazing if we are given a second chance...
Hey girls!!! I did have another ultrasound today and my little bean had a heartbeat in the 130s-140s!!!!:happydance::happydance: My Ob said she was very very confident that this one was going to go to term and that I should not make any major plans for thanksgiving lol. Well finally here is a picture of the little bean!!!

Yay that is great news! :happydance:
I would like to join this thread. i recently had discovered my first bfp. after my tube reversal was in my right tube. it was caught super early due to my crazy poas obsession. ny levels never got higher than 111before i had methotrexate shot . Im am nervous about getting pregnant again. Im so afraid that i will always have a tubal now. is it possible to have a normal pregnancy after ectopic . Im really new to this is there anything you can do to prevent it .
resque-first of all welcome to our loving group!!! sorry you went through what you have been through but know that we are all here for you while you go through your ttc proccess and even beyond that!:hugs: As for getting pregnant again after an ectopic it is very and I mean very possible. I got pregnant 5 months after having my ectopic and the baby is in the right spot and very very healthy! I also believe there are two other women on here who also went through ectopic pregnancies and are now in their second trimesters or third...not sure lol. :haha:There is really no way to prevent another ectopic from happening. I mean you can get a test done called an HSG which will check your tubes to see if there is any heavy scar damage or blockage but other then that it's really the luck of the drawl as to if you have a normal pregnancy or not. Chances are in your favor though that the pregnancy will be normal. I took prenatals a month before I started activily ttc and then after that we just went from there. I am not sure what the other women did though. I got my :bfp: the first month of trying which was very shocking and to make you feel any better once you do get your positive you will be monitured right away and will have quite a few early ultrasounds to make sure your baby is ok and in the right spot. Good luck and know we are here for you!:flower:
Hi ladies! I'm brand new here, but I thought I'd share a little of my story in this thread.

I had a tubal rupture due to an ectopic pregnancy on December 19, 2011. My right tube had to be removed. Why this happened, I don't know. I didn't have any risk factors for it, that's just the way the cards were dealt I suppose. It was incredibly difficult to deal with and I really believed my chances of getting pregnant again were slim to none. I thought, since the odds were obviously not in my favor with that pregnancy, combined with the fact that I previously lost a baby at almost 22 weeks, it just wasn't going to happen for me.

Lo and behold, 2 weeks after my surgery, I conceived! I never even had a period after my surgery. We actually thought that maybe my hormone levels just hadn't gone down enough, and that's why the test was positive, but nope! I'm now 15 weeks along, and so far, everything is going well. I'm extremely fearful that something will go wrong, given my history, but I'm comforted by the fact that at least a pregnancy is possible.

I just wanted to let people know not to give up hope. Pregnancy is indeed possible after an ectopic, even with just one tube. I wish each and every one of you all the best! :)
I just have to tell you all i just cant keep it quiet! I had I.B today and decided to take an internet test strip i ordered from amazon, and to my amazement its positive! faint, but its there! I am calling my doc first thing on monday, im 9dpo and only 3 weeks since my surgery. i am totally shocked right now. i just hope this little bean sticks in the right place!!!
I just have to tell you all i just cant keep it quiet! I had I.B today and decided to take an internet test strip i ordered from amazon, and to my amazement its positive! faint, but its there! I am calling my doc first thing on monday, im 9dpo and only 3 weeks since my surgery. i am totally shocked right now. i just hope this little bean sticks in the right place!!!

OMG Thats fantastic!!!!! I hope that this goes all well for you and wish you a happy and healthy 9 months!!!! :happydance::happydance::wohoo: Another BFP in the group! Can you post a pic of it so we can see???
hello all my lovely ladies
sorry that i have not been on here as much super busy at work my boss came back last week but i was planning my own little get away that i so need and so i won't be on here as much next week sorry
i know i have been bad at keeping the front page up to date sorry to the new ladies but i promise that as soon as am back from my vacation i will update it just know that you are all in my prayers and hoping that we keep those bfps rolling in
to those that are curious as to what is going on with me i think that i am not ovulating at all the last two cycles i have not had a reg af just spotting and i have read that that is not good but am going to be seeing my dr sometime in april and so am going to talk to her about it and see what she thinks.
pink good to see you glad that all is going well
mamatrujillo hope that line gets darker and that this is it for you, if you can post some pics i would really like it, lol am an addict
pixxie glad that all is going well for you hope that the ms is not that bad and that you will be able to enjoy the pregnancy
to all the new ladies :wave: am so sorry that we had to meet in these circumstances but you have come to the right place for support as you might have already read all of us here have had an ectopic sometime in out life and many of these lovely women are already expecting their happy bundle of joy so it is possible
:hugs: all around
I just have to tell you all i just cant keep it quiet! I had I.B today and decided to take an internet test strip i ordered from amazon, and to my amazement its positive! faint, but its there! I am calling my doc first thing on monday, im 9dpo and only 3 weeks since my surgery. i am totally shocked right now. i just hope this little bean sticks in the right place!!!

OMG Thats fantastic!!!!! I hope that this goes all well for you and wish you a happy and healthy 9 months!!!! :happydance::happydance::wohoo: Another BFP in the group! Can you post a pic of it so we can see???

Im going to see if i can get it on my husbands camera on his phone. im going to take another test in the morning so its stronger and shows up better on the camera :)
I just have to tell you all i just cant keep it quiet! I had I.B today and decided to take an internet test strip i ordered from amazon, and to my amazement its positive! faint, but its there! I am calling my doc first thing on monday, im 9dpo and only 3 weeks since my surgery. i am totally shocked right now. i just hope this little bean sticks in the right place!!!

Congrats to you! My experience was almost the same, even down to the wonderful test strips from Amazon. (My first test was also very faint) I hope that it's in the right place this time. The wait to find out is scary, but the odds are definitely in your favor!
Pixxie, I am so glad to hear that your baby's heartbeat is strong. Hugs to ya!

Mamatrujilo, omg that is so wonderful. I am so thrilled for you : )

Lucy, hope you and dh enjoy your much deserved getaway.

Calliope, congrats and thanks for sharing your story. What is your due date? We can be bump buddies?!

AFm, i wonder if having the ectopic has just made me anxious in general. Even though I am in my 2nd trimester I have this terrible fear of miscarrying. When I went to emergency they basically cut me open for the tube removal. Every time I see the long vertical scar on my tummy it still makes me sad...

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