TCC After Ectopic buddy needed

Pixie So super super happy its in the right spot!!!! Hopefully the tech was just that a crappy one and everything is fine.. post an update when you can!
Yay Pixxie!! I just knew baby would be in the right place. Don't worry about the heartbeat. At around 6 weeks my baby's was about 110 which I was told is on the low side. At 8 week check up it was in the normal range.mcan't wait to see pic!!
Well I talked to my doctor a little bit ago and I think the ultrasound tech is going to get into a little bit of trouble for telling me that the heart beat is slow. The doctor was telling me that telling me that is her job not the ultrasound tech. She did admit though that the heart was on the slow side and that she is going to keep positive thought out there for us. Not only that but she is going to schedual another ultrasound for me after my appointment in two weeks. She wants to give this baby a chance. My husband kept saying how he has a good feeling about this pregnancy but thanks to that evil ultrasound tech I am now filled with doubt and fear. Please pray for my little bean ladies...It really needs positive thoughts.
pixxie YAY that the baby was in the right place sucks about the tech though, the good thing is that your dr is going to keep an eye on you am sure that all will be fine will be praying for you and that tech should have a good talking to just my opinion

peachy totally agree on the getting healthy for me it is like you said so easy to just order something to be delivered to the motel i told hubby that i would try to get healthy if this was a bfn but now that he is working i just eat what ever fills my stomach and get to bed tomorrow my long week begins so am going to be even busier but am going to be so looking forward to getting away towards the end of april

afm last night was the worst night i have had in a while, my stomach hurts so bad that getting comfy was not happening i woke up and walked around awhile and when i did lay down i began to run a fever, i am cramping i don't know whether af is on her way or something am not going to lie but i have been testing all bfn but my bbs hurt from time to time but i think that it's just the witch on her way

i might be on here in the morning or when i have time for now am off to bed night ladies will be praying for you all
So I was looking it up and turns up there is a clinic in the city over from me that does ultrasounds starting at $75. So I am going to call them in the morning and explain the situation. With any luck with will do an ultrasound for me next week for a decent price to just check on the heart beat and the growth. Plus there is a physcian on duty if there is any bad news...Thats one thing everyone should know about me, if things dont work as they should I tend to take matters into my own hands until I am content with the outcome and I know at this center they will be great so Ill let you all know what they say in the morning. :)
So I was looking it up and turns up there is a clinic in the city over from me that does ultrasounds starting at $75. So I am going to call them in the morning and explain the situation. With any luck with will do an ultrasound for me next week for a decent price to just check on the heart beat and the growth. Plus there is a physcian on duty if there is any bad news...Thats one thing everyone should know about me, if things dont work as they should I tend to take matters into my own hands until I am content with the outcome and I know at this center they will be great so Ill let you all know what they say in the morning. :)

Pixxie It's in the right place and u should be stress free! just try and relax yourself as much as possible, get hunny to spoil u for a whole week! less stress means less complications:blush:u will be just fine i feel it xxx

All other ladies hope u have a lovely weekend xx
I'd like to be a TTC buddy after ectopic.... I had an ectopic pregnancy that resulted in surgery and the shot July 2011.... still no BFP yet though but i'm currently in the 2WW
Hello Samantha I am very sorry for your loss but you are in a great group of women. We will love to be here with you on your journey of TTC even through pregnancy!!! God I hated the ttw and I hope you get some good news.

Thanks girls for all of your encouragment. It really feels good to have you all to vent to or else my poor hubby would be ripping out all of his hair lol. The place that I was talking about doesnt even have an opening until the 9th and by that point i am sure my doctor will have done my second ultrasound. Also I was looking at my calander and turns up my AF started on the 8th of febuary which would have put me at 6 weeks 1 day when I went in for my ultrasound...which means the babys heartbeat is just starting to beat...which means my babys heartbeat is still in the normal range for being this early...I mean I should just be greatful she even saw the heartbeat and now I am! :D

Also in my little world, I am going to enjoy my last day of Spring Break since med school starts back up on monday..So my sis and I are going to see the Hunger Games tonight!!! Well hope everyone is doing good and wish you all tons of baby dust!!!
Samantha, welcome. Hope you get a bfp soon! I joined this group about a month before I found out I was pregnant and the ladies here are great!

Pixxie, enjoy your evening. Hunger games sound like it'll be really good.
Hello all!! I don't want to feel like I am barging in on your thread....I just wanted to say I am sooooo sorry to all of the losses!! I too experienced an eptopic pregnancy in 2005 which resulted in me loosing my left tube. I met my husband in 2008 and we have been trying to concieve since since. With no luck :cry: My husband and I have no children together. He has 3 with his exwife and I have 1 with my ex. So we already have a house full. I would just like to have at least 1 more child. I love children. Well best of luck to all!!
Hey every one Im new to this site I had an ectopic 2 weeks ago I was bleeding internally had my left tube removed my right tube had bleeding but they cleaned it out and said it was ok. I am 23 years old and this was my first pregnancy and i have no other children my husband and i had been trying for 2 years before. I just got word back yesterday that the tube they removed did not contain the baby and that the surgeon thinks it may of happened it my remaining tube and have aborted itself into the uterus. The surgeon said mine was a 1 in 1000 case and i know have a '50/50' chance of conceiving naturally has anyone else experienced this?...... I am planning to wait the 3 months before starting to try again and im currently contemplating whether or not to get a hsg test to check if my remaining tube is ok or if it is damaged but im not sure if i should get the test done as there is a risk of infection. I am really scared to start trying again .
Hello all!! I don't want to feel like I am barging in on your thread....I just wanted to say I am sooooo sorry to all of the losses!! I too experienced an eptopic pregnancy in 2005 which resulted in me loosing my left tube. I met my husband in 2008 and we have been trying to concieve since since. With no luck :cry: My husband and I have no children together. He has 3 with his exwife and I have 1 with my ex. So we already have a house full. I would just like to have at least 1 more child. I love children. Well best of luck to all!!

I know how you feel. I have 4 children w my 2 ex and my husband has 1 child from a previous relationship and we had been ttc for nearly a year and finally found out i was pregnant but a week later discovered the ectopic and had to have surgery. I know that having one more baby would really help blend our family and have it bound forever. I wish you the best of luck hun.
Hey every one Im new to this site I had an ectopic 2 weeks ago I was bleeding internally had my left tube removed my right tube had bleeding but they cleaned it out and said it was ok. I am 23 years old and this was my first pregnancy and i have no other children my husband and i had been trying for 2 years before. I just got word back yesterday that the tube they removed did not contain the baby and that the surgeon thinks it may of happened it my remaining tube and have aborted itself into the uterus. The surgeon said mine was a 1 in 1000 case and i know have a '50/50' chance of conceiving naturally has anyone else experienced this?...... I am planning to wait the 3 months before starting to try again and im currently contemplating whether or not to get a hsg test to check if my remaining tube is ok or if it is damaged but im not sure if i should get the test done as there is a risk of infection. I am really scared to start trying again .

Hey again hun. I think you posted on one of my threads and I am so happy to see you on this one as well. I think you should go with your gut. I know you are worried about infection but they can put you on meds for that. I know your fear. My ectopic was on the 17th and now im so scared to try again because my risks now are even higher. My heart is with you hun. I would suggest waiting the 3 months for your body to heal so you can breath a little bit more. If you need a buddy I will gladly be there for you:hugs:
I think I ovd yesterday and Im kinda freaking out. I know I should be happy but my husband and I bd'd the day before and later that evening I had ewcm, like a LOT, and then yesterday I started having light cramping on my right ovary. My baby was found in my right tube, but i know during my follicle check that i ovd from my left one last time.

Even though I should be happy I ov'd on my own so soon after mc I am also terrified of another ectopic if I conceived.

Has anyone else ovd so soon after an ectopic? and has anyone conceive sooner than the recommended 3 month wait and had a healthy pregnancy? Im scared right now i just dont know what to feel
mama-I know your fears about falling pregnant, but the chances of this baby being in the right place are more in your favor then you think. I hope you get your bfp soon!!!

Welcome md13!!! I am sorry that you could not have met us all on better terms but well life has its ways. I am so sorry for your loss though and if you ever need to vent and talk that we are here for you. Know that we are all here for you and your journey!!! :hugs::flower:

AFM I am still here and alive and amazingly still pregnant!!! I just have had horrible ms the past couple of days and its not letting up at all. I lay on the couch most the day praying that it would but it doesnt. Then to add to it I have my med classes on mon and wed and its just all bad. :( Sorry for not uploading the ultrasound pic the damn scanner and camera are not wanting to work for me. I think it has to do with the fact that my son tried to shove his grilled cheese into my USB port and its not reading anything correctly:dohh: I have my OB appointment on tuesday and hopefully they will do another ultrasound that day since I just discovered they have an ultrasound machine there in their office, if not schedual it soon. I feel very pregnant though.

Also my oldest son pulled the fire alarm yesterday at preschool...ugh:dohh::dohh::dohh: Lucky for us the teachers there are very forgiving. What am I going to do with him lol:shrug:
Hey every one Im new to this site I had an ectopic 2 weeks ago I was bleeding internally had my left tube removed my right tube had bleeding but they cleaned it out and said it was ok. I am 23 years old and this was my first pregnancy and i have no other children my husband and i had been trying for 2 years before. I just got word back yesterday that the tube they removed did not contain the baby and that the surgeon thinks it may of happened it my remaining tube and have aborted itself into the uterus. The surgeon said mine was a 1 in 1000 case and i know have a '50/50' chance of conceiving naturally has anyone else experienced this?...... I am planning to wait the 3 months before starting to try again and im currently contemplating whether or not to get a hsg test to check if my remaining tube is ok or if it is damaged but im not sure if i should get the test done as there is a risk of infection. I am really scared to start trying again .

Hey again hun. I think you posted on one of my threads and I am so happy to see you on this one as well. I think you should go with your gut. I know you are worried about infection but they can put you on meds for that. I know your fear. My ectopic was on the 17th and now im so scared to try again because my risks now are even higher. My heart is with you hun. I would suggest waiting the 3 months for your body to heal so you can breath a little bit more. If you need a buddy I will gladly be there for you:hugs:

Hi again :) .....i think i might wait and see how things go first then take the hsg test if things are not working... i am very sorry for your loss .. ....... aww thanks would love to be buddies :hugs:.. are you waiting 3 months also before ttc ? ....waiting sux
Hey every one Im new to this site I had an ectopic 2 weeks ago I was bleeding internally had my left tube removed my right tube had bleeding but they cleaned it out and said it was ok. I am 23 years old and this was my first pregnancy and i have no other children my husband and i had been trying for 2 years before. I just got word back yesterday that the tube they removed did not contain the baby and that the surgeon thinks it may of happened it my remaining tube and have aborted itself into the uterus. The surgeon said mine was a 1 in 1000 case and i know have a '50/50' chance of conceiving naturally has anyone else experienced this?...... I am planning to wait the 3 months before starting to try again and im currently contemplating whether or not to get a hsg test to check if my remaining tube is ok or if it is damaged but im not sure if i should get the test done as there is a risk of infection. I am really scared to start trying again .

Hey again hun. I think you posted on one of my threads and I am so happy to see you on this one as well. I think you should go with your gut. I know you are worried about infection but they can put you on meds for that. I know your fear. My ectopic was on the 17th and now im so scared to try again because my risks now are even higher. My heart is with you hun. I would suggest waiting the 3 months for your body to heal so you can breath a little bit more. If you need a buddy I will gladly be there for you:hugs:

Hi again :) .....i think i might wait and see how things go first then take the hsg test if things are not working... i am very sorry for your loss .. ....... aww thanks would love to be buddies :hugs:.. are you waiting 3 months also before ttc ? ....waiting sux

my doc may want to run tests too but i am going to hold off myslef. Give my body a break from all that stuff. I would love to be buddies too YAY:happydance: Were going to wait at least 3 months before trying again.

Right now im trying to focus on healing and using my music to do that. Im auditioning this weekend in LA for season 3 of The Voice( if youve heard of it) and I know i can pour all my grieving and emotions into that. It will be a great way to help my heart, body, mind and spirit really heal so when I come back I will be a better wife and mother because of it! I keep telling myself i lost the baby for a reason, and maybe im suppose to do well on the show and pursue my dream for a little while. Who knows right?

I think if we were to conceive this summer would be great. with all of our children we have a baby for every season but spring. we have a june, july, sept, dec, and jan :) we need a spring baby! i keep saying everything happens for a reason
Happylady welcome sorry for your loss i hope that one day soon you will get that bfp that we all long for so much, we are all here for you oh and you are not barging in we welcome everyone with open arms no matter when your ectopic happened we are here for you if you need to vent or just talk :hugs:

md13- so sorry hun :hugs: i really hope that if this turns into a bfp that it works out this time, i can't believe that they removed the tube and there was nothing in there you would think that they would be more careful i mean we are talking about a womans fertility they don't grow back, sorry got a little carried away, we all understand to well your fear but have faith that when it happens it will be your forever baby let us know how you get on

mamatrujillo- so happy to see you how are you holding up? hope that your are doing well :hugs:

pixxie- hey girlie how are you doing? hope that ms goes away soon, but it is a small price to pay for a baby, can't believe your little boy lol sorry it is not funny but it is at the same time iykwim, kids they do the darnest things good thing that his teachers were forgiving, can you imagine what he is going to be like when he gets older, i will pray for patience for you :hugs:

afm well i though that i would be working 12 to 14 hours a day but no it has been more like 14 to 16 and only sleeping 4 to 5 hours i am so tired my eyes burn lol but i am planning a small getaway with the hubs for mid april i really need it the good thing is that my boss comes back tomorrow well he won't be back into work until sat morning but am so sleeping in, with all this work i have had no time to think about ttc which has been so good, still no af though so who knows what is going on but am not going to stress about it at the moment well gotta go super busy but had to pause and say hi to all you

:wave: to all the other ladies i hope that you are all doing well and that you soon update us on how your are all doing
Hey every one Im new to this site I had an ectopic 2 weeks ago I was bleeding internally had my left tube removed my right tube had bleeding but they cleaned it out and said it was ok. I am 23 years old and this was my first pregnancy and i have no other children my husband and i had been trying for 2 years before. I just got word back yesterday that the tube they removed did not contain the baby and that the surgeon thinks it may of happened it my remaining tube and have aborted itself into the uterus. The surgeon said mine was a 1 in 1000 case and i know have a '50/50' chance of conceiving naturally has anyone else experienced this?...... I am planning to wait the 3 months before starting to try again and im currently contemplating whether or not to get a hsg test to check if my remaining tube is ok or if it is damaged but im not sure if i should get the test done as there is a risk of infection. I am really scared to start trying again .

Hey again hun. I think you posted on one of my threads and I am so happy to see you on this one as well. I think you should go with your gut. I know you are worried about infection but they can put you on meds for that. I know your fear. My ectopic was on the 17th and now im so scared to try again because my risks now are even higher. My heart is with you hun. I would suggest waiting the 3 months for your body to heal so you can breath a little bit more. If you need a buddy I will gladly be there for you:hugs:

Hi again :) .....i think i might wait and see how things go first then take the hsg test if things are not working... i am very sorry for your loss .. ....... aww thanks would love to be buddies :hugs:.. are you waiting 3 months also before ttc ? ....waiting sux

my doc may want to run tests too but i am going to hold off myslef. Give my body a break from all that stuff. I would love to be buddies too YAY:happydance: Were going to wait at least 3 months before trying again.

Right now im trying to focus on healing and using my music to do that. Im auditioning this weekend in LA for season 3 of The Voice( if youve heard of it) and I know i can pour all my grieving and emotions into that. It will be a great way to help my heart, body, mind and spirit really heal so when I come back I will be a better wife and mother because of it! I keep telling myself i lost the baby for a reason, and maybe im suppose to do well on the show and pursue my dream for a little while. Who knows right?

I think if we were to conceive this summer would be great. with all of our children we have a baby for every season but spring. we have a june, july, sept, dec, and jan :) we need a spring baby! i keep saying everything happens for a reason

WOW thats heaps cool yep ive heard of the voice best of luck hun fingers crossed for you! Thats great that your focusing on your healing right now i think maybe i need to shift out of freaking out mode and into healing mode soon. My husband keeps telling me everything happens for a reason i think it does too but im frustrated i dont know the reason yet lol ....i hope you get a spring rainbow :baby: x :hugs:
Happylady welcome sorry for your loss i hope that one day soon you will get that bfp that we all long for so much, we are all here for you oh and you are not barging in we welcome everyone with open arms no matter when your ectopic happened we are here for you if you need to vent or just talk :hugs:

md13- so sorry hun :hugs: i really hope that if this turns into a bfp that it works out this time, i can't believe that they removed the tube and there was nothing in there you would think that they would be more careful i mean we are talking about a womans fertility they don't grow back, sorry got a little carried away, we all understand to well your fear but have faith that when it happens it will be your forever baby let us know how you get on

mamatrujillo- so happy to see you how are you holding up? hope that your are doing well :hugs:

pixxie- hey girlie how are you doing? hope that ms goes away soon, but it is a small price to pay for a baby, can't believe your little boy lol sorry it is not funny but it is at the same time iykwim, kids they do the darnest things good thing that his teachers were forgiving, can you imagine what he is going to be like when he gets older, i will pray for patience for you :hugs:

afm well i though that i would be working 12 to 14 hours a day but no it has been more like 14 to 16 and only sleeping 4 to 5 hours i am so tired my eyes burn lol but i am planning a small getaway with the hubs for mid april i really need it the good thing is that my boss comes back tomorrow well he won't be back into work until sat morning but am so sleeping in, with all this work i have had no time to think about ttc which has been so good, still no af though so who knows what is going on but am not going to stress about it at the moment well gotta go super busy but had to pause and say hi to all you

:wave: to all the other ladies i hope that you are all doing well and that you soon update us on how your are all doing

I am so slow! a turtle.... im trying to get a hold of this multi reply thing lol ...please forgive

Lucy I am so angry about the surgeon removing the tube and they didnt even offer me the shot they said surgery was the only option i feel violated that they removed it and the ectopic 'resolved' itself they could of left it alone :cry: he basically told me that he made a big mistake but its too little too late i just really hope my remaining tube is ok it also makes me angry because i am wondering how many other women this has happened to ? anyways enough of me on my soap box lol

Everyone Random question/thought things happen when you least expect? what is everyone else's experience? does anyone else think this is true..... I was thinking about ttc 24/7 for over a year before my ectopic and ended up with constant BFN's but when i was getting comfortable with spending time with my husband and not obessesing over ttc thats when it happened ...go figure. I am trying not to get into obessive mode right now lol

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