TCC After Ectopic buddy needed

Well i got my bloods back a week after methotrexate shot and they were 246. they were 111they before my shot im worried although dr said he wasnt because i thought after the shot they would be dropping . im so afraid my tube will rupture. anyone else experience this. i go back in a week to see what they am praying they are down.....i dont want another shot i just want this to go away. and my breast have the brightest blue veins it looks like they are bruised. it seems like everyday it increases.
peachy i guess we never get over that sadness, just yesterday i was talking to my hubby that if we would of been able to keep our little angel we would be getting ready for the arrival of our little one not getting ready to go gamble and get drunk lol, i guess as the time gets closer to the would be date it is going to be harder not to constantly think of the what if's but our faith and hope and with God on our side we will geet throughh it

resque7 is there anyway that they could check your levels sooner than that i mean you need to know what is going on .:hugs: and gl keep us updated with what is going on with you. i hope that it all gets sorted out soon for you so that you can begin to greive and then move onto healing hugs to you
K ladies the top test is the positive from my ectopic last month. the other 3 below it i have taken since yesterday. they are super faint, dont know if you can see them. i'l try to post a better one tomrw
top test is from ectopic, the other 3 are faint


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Im going in on tuesday. thats the soonest i can go since its a holiday and the weekend. is it odd for them to be up a little. dr told me that the shot takes 2 to three days to works and by day four ur levels will be higher but will start to drop. so he said he suspects they rose pretty high bit then started dropping . does that sound right.
Pixxie, I am so glad to hear that your baby's heartbeat is strong. Hugs to ya!

Mamatrujilo, omg that is so wonderful. I am so thrilled for you : )

Lucy, hope you and dh enjoy your much deserved getaway.

Calliope, congrats and thanks for sharing your story. What is your due date? We can be bump buddies?!

AFm, i wonder if having the ectopic has just made me anxious in general. Even though I am in my 2nd trimester I have this terrible fear of miscarrying. When I went to emergency they basically cut me open for the tube removal. Every time I see the long vertical scar on my tummy it still makes me sad...

I'm due September 27th, we should definitely be bump buddies!

After a loss, I think you'll always be fearful. It may be weird, but every time I go to the bathroom, I expect to see bleeding. I go in trying to mentally prepare for that. I don't feel like I'm ever in the clear, and probably won't until I bring home a baby.

I see so many women that are carefree during their pregnancies. I wish I felt that way. I don't even feel comfortable telling people I'm pregnant. I think this is the first time in my life I've actually been happy that I'm overweight. People close to me can tell that I'm pregnant, since my stomach never pooched out, but everyone else just thinks I'm chubby. I know all too well how difficult it is to have random people ask about a baby that didn't make it.
Hey ladies!! How's everyone doing?? Sorry I've been away I was at the cottage.

I'm 8 dpo today and have a question.. I've been getting cramps, but they are not lower tummy cramps they are more to the left side .. Almost exact same place as my ectopic but on the opposite side?? Would I be getting cramps already if it's implanting in the wrong spot??
Hey ladies!! How's everyone doing?? Sorry I've been away I was at the cottage.

I'm 8 dpo today and have a question.. I've been getting cramps, but they are not lower tummy cramps they are more to the left side .. Almost exact same place as my ectopic but on the opposite side?? Would I be getting cramps already if it's implanting in the wrong spot??

Hi hun! I wouldnt worry at all. I ovulated on my right side which is exactly where my ectopic was when Id ovulated from my left. This month was my first cycle since my ectopic and I had cramping just like yours when I had implantation :happydance: Today i am 13dpo and Ive had 6 bfp's! I think the cramping is a good sign of implantation. You cant really know what side of the uterus your baby will implant. Baby dust to you dear and I hope for a bfp so I have a bump buddy!!:hugs:
Thanks so much! That makes me feel a lot better.. Congrats on your bfp!! When did you get your first one??
Thanks so much! That makes me feel a lot better.. Congrats on your bfp!! When did you get your first one??

I purchased my tests on amazon. I used the Wondofo early test that show up at 10miu. I had my first super faint pos 9dpo. today i am 13dpo and it was a LOT darker today! dark enough that finally my husband could see it and stopped thinking i was totally insane! we just lost our baby a little over 3 weeks ago to the ectopic so the fact that we are pregnant again already is so insane! My doc wants me to come in this week for my blood tests.
Whats insane is that last month when i had my tubal baby, my test showed up positive several days before my blood test did! I think if i would have listened to my doc office and hadnt been persistent that i would have ruptured. I owe a lot to those early pregnancy tests. They have them on amazon 25 for like 8 bucks and I had free 2 day shipping;) Let me know how your testing goes!!
I have some online cheapies here .. I'll probably waits few days to test. So glad you didn't listen to the doctors. I can't believe you fell preg so fast!! That's very impressive.. Since I had surgery to remove my preg I had to wait 6 weeks until I was allowed to bd.. It's been 5 months since my ectopic.

I hope everything goes smoothly with this pregnancy.. I'll keep you posted for sure!!
hi ladies

It's been a long while since I've posted, really sorry for the radio silence. I see I've missed a few BFPs, fantastic news :) that's really lovely to hear about.

I also see that Annie has very sadly miscarried :( Annie - I'm so sorry for what you're going through, I know you're probably not in the right headspace at the moment but just take your time and look after yourself. *Big hugs*

AFM - it's been a rough few weeks. I found out 2 weeks ago that I've been made redundant, and am leaving my company at the end of April. It's been a bit of a shock, considering they didn't exactly do it in a very nice way, so I am a bit relieved to be out of there, but still in shock I guess that I need to get myself out there and back on the market. I haven't heard anything back on the NHS funding for IVF yet, but in the meantime we've gone for our bloodtests and I've had a scan, and everything was fine and 100% normal. So just playing the waiting game really.

Sorry it's such a short post, going to bed in a bit, really struggling to bring myself out of the dumps recently and just finding myself sleeping more and more. Hope it passes soon.

Hugs to you all. Really miss chatting to you and hope you're all smiling and looking after yourselves.

Carmen. xx
Hi Guys

I miscarried on 24th March @ 6w 2d - started bleeding the morning of my daughters 9th birthday party. The PSU scanned me and couldn't see anything - mad panic as thoughts of another ectopic kicked in :-(
However my hcg came back at only 60 and two days later it was down to 24, one week later >5 so really it wasn't very traumatic at all. My last miscarriage took 3 weeks to stop bleeding, this one only 4-5 days.

I told hubby that we would ntnp for next few months so that i could lose some weight and put my focus onto something else. However - I got strong ovulation pains yesterday and couldn't resist some baydancing last night with the thought that some women are more fertile right after miscarrying.

So much for moving my focus away - am now officially 1dpo!
Hi Guys

I miscarried on 24th March @ 6w 2d - started bleeding the morning of my daughters 9th birthday party. The PSU scanned me and couldn't see anything - mad panic as thoughts of another ectopic kicked in :-(
However my hcg came back at only 60 and two days later it was down to 24, one week later >5 so really it wasn't very traumatic at all. My last miscarriage took 3 weeks to stop bleeding, this one only 4-5 days.

I told hubby that we would ntnp for next few months so that i could lose some weight and put my focus onto something else. However - I got strong ovulation pains yesterday and couldn't resist some baydancing last night with the thought that some women are more fertile right after miscarrying.

So much for moving my focus away - am now officially 1dpo!

I will tww with you annie i think im 1dpo but wint know for sure until i have a few more temps as i dont use opks.. :)
Hi Guys

I miscarried on 24th March @ 6w 2d - started bleeding the morning of my daughters 9th birthday party. The PSU scanned me and couldn't see anything - mad panic as thoughts of another ectopic kicked in :-(
However my hcg came back at only 60 and two days later it was down to 24, one week later >5 so really it wasn't very traumatic at all. My last miscarriage took 3 weeks to stop bleeding, this one only 4-5 days.

I told hubby that we would ntnp for next few months so that i could lose some weight and put my focus onto something else. However - I got strong ovulation pains yesterday and couldn't resist some baydancing last night with the thought that some women are more fertile right after miscarrying.

So much for moving my focus away - am now officially 1dpo!

Honey I am so sorry for your loss. I know there is still hope. I couldnt believe it when i ovulated on my own just 11 days after my ectopic mc on march 17th. My husband and I bd'd the day before and I never imagined getting pregnant again so soon. Or without fertility treatments for that matter. You are super fertile right now and I really hope your tww brings another little bean. I will be checking up on you!!!
Annie-I am so so sorry for your loss. :hugs: I have my fingers crossed for good news for you in the future. :)

AFM-I have another doctors appointment on the 1st and hopefully I will be able to hear babys heart on the doppler! I should be about 12 weeks at that point. Once that is done I am going to make an appointment for 3 weeks out to find out what I am having since my OH and my family are split down the middle as what they want the gender to be lol. Its hard to believe that I am almost 9 weeks already and I feeling more confident about this pregnancy and this baby.

In other words along with ms, I now have horrible gas...amazingly worse then my husband :haha: oh well. not much I can do about it.
Annie, hun, I am so sorry to hear about your loss. *big hugs*. There is probably nothing that I can say to make this better... but please know that if you need to chat or vent you can message me anytime.

Pixxie, so glad that your pregnancy is progressing well! I totally know what you mean about the gas. I can definitely outburp dh now lol. I should be finding out if I am having a boy or girl next week. I have a son now so would love a daughter : ) That being said my son told me he would love a brother to play trains with. Either way it is all good! I am sure you will be able to hear that healthy heartbeat at your next appoinment. *hugs*

Carmen, I am so sorry to hear about the job situation. It is terrible when companies handle layoffs poorly. It may be tough right now but maybe think of this as a nice break to focus on your health, your family, and just feeling good in general! If there is anything I can do please message me. *hugs*

AFM, I have not puked for almost 5 days straight! My appetite is slowly starting to come back. I really want to put on some weight. Since the start of my pregnancy I have lost 11 lbs : ( Next week I have an anatomy ultrasound and so excited to see my baby onscreen!

Hope everyone else gets their BFP soon!

Ladies I have no idea how to feel right now. I have had 10 positive tests but my doc said my blood test was negative and that my levels were only at a 2. he insists that its not possible to have a positive hpt w such low levels. I thought maybe i had a bad batch of internet tests so i tried toilet water and even had my husband take a test. they were clearly negative.

Im scared I will have a repeat of last month. Last month when I had my first blood test it was only a level 3, but 2 days later it was at a 9 and i was still having positive home tests. That pregnancy turned out to be the ectopic. I think the internet early tests saved my life. if i hadnt had those early results, i could have ruptured. This month I am concerned that I have another bad experience.

My doc doesnt want me to come back for another week or two which seems like forever. Has anyone had a similar thing happen. whether you lost the pregnancy or not. Im concerned Im having a chemical pregnancy... or another ectopic, or a m/c. im now just waiting to start bleeding
Mamatrujilo, I had a similar experience where I tested positive (on a first response stick) while I was on a business trip (about 10dpo). I wanted to test to rule out drinking during my dinners out with my colleagues. Was so excited and as soon as I got back from my trip about a week later I called to make an appointment for a blood test. Well next morning I started to have light spotting and then a full on period so I guess for me it was a chemical? Am still not sure exactly what happened. I know that a week seems like forever... hang in there. *hugs*

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