TCC After Ectopic buddy needed

Mamatrujilo, I had a similar experience where I tested positive (on a first response stick) while I was on a business trip (about 10dpo). I wanted to test to rule out drinking during my dinners out with my colleagues. Was so excited and as soon as I got back from my trip about a week later I called to make an appointment for a blood test. Well next morning I started to have light spotting and then a full on period so I guess for me it was a chemical? Am still not sure exactly what happened. I know that a week seems like forever... hang in there. *hugs*

Thank you peachy. I think i could handle a chemical more than another ectopic. ive done some research where one woman said she was only 3 days pregnant and her level was .8 and that her doc told her that she was barely pregnant. she went on to have a healthy pregnancy so I am really hoping things will be fine. I had ib less than a week ago, and last month i showed pg on my internet test before they considered me pg on the blood test. so i am just hoping they are wrong again. I am 15 dpo, but only cd 24 so i guess i can still get af. if i dont get it within the next week than I will test again. i will keep u posted for sure. I am really hoping to some day have a beautiful baby bump like you
hello everyone, id like to have a buddy as well..

have had 2 ectopic pregnancies already

28yrs old
July 2009 - ectopic
right tbe removal

April 2010- left cornual ectopic
methotrexate + surgery

May 2011 - HSG
remaining left tube blocked :(
doc said our only hope is IVF but im still hopeful and praying so hard to GOD for a miracle, id stillw ant to conceive naturally,.and ill try any alternative remedies to unblock my left tube, we really really want to have children, since within almost 3 years of marriage we have no child yet, we could have had 2, but they were passing angels in our lives..

its inspiring though to read many success stories frm u guys, i hope and wish i will be sharing with u mine soon.. im really hopeful.. hubby is due to come home on July from work abroad.. baby dust to all of us.. hope to make friends with u all..
Hi Guys

I miscarried on 24th March @ 6w 2d - started bleeding the morning of my daughters 9th birthday party. The PSU scanned me and couldn't see anything - mad panic as thoughts of another ectopic kicked in :-(
However my hcg came back at only 60 and two days later it was down to 24, one week later >5 so really it wasn't very traumatic at all. My last miscarriage took 3 weeks to stop bleeding, this one only 4-5 days.

I told hubby that we would ntnp for next few months so that i could lose some weight and put my focus onto something else. However - I got strong ovulation pains yesterday and couldn't resist some baydancing last night with the thought that some women are more fertile right after miscarrying.

So much for moving my focus away - am now officially 1dpo!

hello annie, im so sorry for ur loss,.. :hugs:

and im praying and hoping positive results with ur ttc again..:winkwink:
Hi Guys

I miscarried on 24th March @ 6w 2d - started bleeding the morning of my daughters 9th birthday party. The PSU scanned me and couldn't see anything - mad panic as thoughts of another ectopic kicked in :-(
However my hcg came back at only 60 and two days later it was down to 24, one week later >5 so really it wasn't very traumatic at all. My last miscarriage took 3 weeks to stop bleeding, this one only 4-5 days.

I told hubby that we would ntnp for next few months so that i could lose some weight and put my focus onto something else. However - I got strong ovulation pains yesterday and couldn't resist some baydancing last night with the thought that some women are more fertile right after miscarrying.

So much for moving my focus away - am now officially 1dpo!

I will tww with you annie i think im 1dpo but wint know for sure until i have a few more temps as i dont use opks.. :)

hi alleysm, did u have 2 past ectopics too? id really like to have some chat with u and be a buddy since i too had 2 ectopic pregs.. i kinda feel inspired and comforted to know i am not alone in this journey..
Hey girlies, I havent been on here in awhile as very busy with work but thinking of you all:)
Pink: lovely to hear all is well with u and Pixxie too.

Hows things with you Lucy? Did I read you were feeling sick?

After my first AF i went on holiday and am just relaxing and looking after my body atm. Maybe a Summer BF who knows? we'll just have to wait and see after a few more cycles xx thinking of you all often
doc said our only hope is IVF but im still hopeful and praying so hard to GOD for a miracle, id stillw ant to conceive naturally,.and ill try any alternative remedies to unblock my left tube, we really really want to have children, since within almost 3 years of marriage we have no child yet, we could have had 2, but they were passing angels in our lives..

its inspiring though to read many success stories frm u guys, i hope and wish i will be sharing with u mine soon.. im really hopeful.. hubby is due to come home on July from work abroad.. baby dust to all of us.. hope to make friends with u all..

Since its been almost a year since you had hsg i would suggest you have another. Its possible that your body cleared itself and your tube!!!! My two ectopics were both unconfirmed meaning nothing was ever seen in the tubes from the scans..

Tomorrow i am having day 21 labs and im hoping for some good news :)
hello alleysm, somehow thats quite better for u since ur ep was treated with 1st ep rt tube ruptured so it was removed, 2nd treated w/ mtx but was still surgically treated though left tube is still intact.. yes, id really like to have another HSG, no matter how uncomfortable and a bit painful it is id still like to have another one.. bt maybe after i try this thing i found in the internet that says unblocks tube, my DH also want to try, since its herbal i guess its not that detrimental to my health.. did u have HSG as well? are both of ur tubes patent? well, ill pray for u hun that some good news will come to u.. :)
Mamatrujilo - any news yet? Hope you find out something soon as I know how frustrating the wait can be.

Alley - how did the labs go? Keeping you in my thoughts that you get some positive news!

Burtch - welcome to the group. I am so sorry to hear what you have been through. You never know how things turn out so I would definitely suggest you get that hsg again as maybe the tube just unblocked itself?

AFM - did my anatamomy ultrasound today and... *drumrolls* I am having a baby girl! Not that it really matters because I am overjoyed just to even be pregnant and so far having a healthy pregnancy. It feels more real to me now for some reason.

Pink - how are you doing? I think your anatomy scan should be soon if not already just passed?

Lucy - are you off on your trip yet? You totally deserve the R&R. Hope you are having a good time!!
OMG peachy congrats!!!!:happydance: I know what you mean but I am also excited that you are having a girl. I wish you the very best!!!!

Kaznib-I hope everything is going great with you.

AFM everything is the same in the land of pregnancy. Threw up this morning before class went to class, almost threw up in class, only to get out of class and crave french toast for the rest of the day.:dohh: I swear my pregnancy symptoms are going to give me :haha: My next ob appointment isnt for another two weeks, but no spotting and i am having some cramping, but its mostly after I eat mexican food. lol. Also in my world I have had to start wearing maternity clothes cause I have a small bump now and well, my skinny jeans met the plastic bag the other day. :(:cry::cry: Overally, nothing very eventful. I am just so happy that I made it to 10 weeks today. I feel that its a huge accomplishment because I am almost to the second trimester. Well hope all is well and wishing everyone tons of baby dust!!! :dust:
hello :wave: ladies it has been a while since i have been on here and well since taking those days off am making them up at work with the warm weather hitting us so soon we are super busy

burch welcome to the group wish we could have all meet in different circumstances but you will find tons of support here hope that you get that hsg done so that you know what your options might be

kaznib hope that now that you are all relaxed that you are able to get that bfp in the summer that would be so nice we need more bfps in the thread hugs to you hope that you are well i was feeling sick but better now thanks for asking

allesym hope that your day 21 labs come back ok and that you get back on the wagon and get that bfp that we all long for

mamatrujillo i hope that you are ok and that you got that bfp again please let us know soon

peachy YAY your having a girl congrats, i hope that this trimester is treating you much better than the first one, can't wait til you are holding your baby girl in your arms, now you have to think of baby girl names have you got any in mind yet ? so happy that all is going well for you

AFM well before going on vacation i had begun to spot but then nothing for a week and then again the other day for just a day and then nothing again but am having some cramps in my abdomen for days now i talked to my hubby and am going to go see an obgyn possibly next week to see what is going on that seems to be the most at the moment besides work i hope that you are all doing well and that this thread gets lucky again and we get some more bfps soon
thanks for the welcome lucy.. so far its comforting to have read stories like i had..and inspiring to read success stories here.. ill definitely have that HSG before DH comes home.. hope everything will be ok with u soon.. prayers for all of us..
thanx peachy.. im so happy for u and congratulations.. :happydance:

congrats to u 2 pixxie, thats really huge to thank for that u are now on ur 10th week.. congrats hun..

hope everyone will have good news soon to post here..
congrat Peachy, so happy for new here and also TTC since Ectopic preg removed by surgery on Nov 11, currently on 4dpo and praying for a BFB...hope it works out for us all...
Flakeely, welcome to the board. I had lost my tube due to the ectopic and finding this forum was hugely comforting. The ladies on here are so supportive. Keeping my fingers crossed that you get your bfp soon!

Lucy, so good to here from you. Glad that you are going to see an obgyn soon and hope you get help if there are any challenges. It must be beautiful in the spring time where you are? Have you finalized a vacation spot? It is warming up where I am as well but rains a lot. I am looking forward to sunny days soon. I have not thought of any names yet and open to suggestions if you have any!
How is all the wonderful ladies of this thread??? I hope everyone is good! :D

Lucy I am so happy you have an appointment! Hope everything goes smoothly for you! :D

AFM my husband and I made a very important decison today...we decided not to find out the gender of this baby. So for the rest of this pregnancy we are team:yellow:!!! It's going to drive me crazy not knowing but this is our last baby and we want to do everything differently this last time around lol.

In other news my one year old had his shots yesterday and now today he has a fever of I pray that this is due to the shots and that he is not getting sick. Well talk to you all later!

BABY Dust and hope to see more bfps soon!
hello flakeey..

welcome to the group.. was either of ur tube removed during the surgery? well i hope ull have ur bfp soon..

pixxie, i hope so too that baby's fever is just due to his shots and nothing serious..well thats going to be a surprise when the baby comes out, only then ull know the gender.. :) im so happy for u hun.. i hope everything will go smoothly for u..

baby dust to us all!!!!
Hi everyone

Just had a quick read of the recent posts.

Peachy - am tickled PINK about the news of your baby girl!! Congratulations! Girls are a lot of fun...I should know as I have 3 of them!! Have you started to go pink crazy yet with your shopping? Another 20 weeks to go. I don't know about you, but I feel like the first half of this pregnancy has gone really fast and now it's going to start going really slow!

Lucy - good to see you too. I always wish for good news from you when I come into the group. What's the next step for you? Hope things have started to warm up over there for you. Does the tourism slow down in summer?

Pixxie - happy to see you're at 10 weeks. That is a fantastic milestone! I think it's lovely to have a surprise. We haven't found out with any of our girls. It's the first question that everyone is asking me. Of course everyone is intrigued to see whether we can break the run of girls, but I figure they can just be patient! I'm happy to wait and am truly happy just to be pregnant and to have a healthy baby.

Hello to everyone else, and our new ladies. I pray for more BFP's in here soon.

My update. I had my anatomy scan earlier this week and everything looks good as best I could tell. Will see my OB in a couple of days to see what the actual report says. We didn't find out the gender. My gut instinct is strangely enough saying BOY...but I'm probably wrong! I feel that my ectopic baby made way for this one and that it's a boy. We'll have to wait and see! 20 weeks and counting. I feel a lot of 'pressure' already down there, so just hoping I carry this one to term with no complications.

Sending all of you my love and prayers. Will definitely keep in touch.

Hi ladies

How are you all doing?

Welcome to all the new ladies on the board!!

Peachy - a little girl! that's so exciting :) Congratulations....hope you love pink ;-)

Pixxie - so glad to hear of the 10 week milestone :) How are you feeling (besides nauseous)?

Pink_Ribbons: Do you want to find out the gender or are you leaving it as a surprise?

AFM - not much to report. Still haven't had the letter back from the NHS to confirm if our funding's been approved for IVF, so just waiting on tenterhooks at the moment....wish we could hear back soon. Anyone from the UK know where I can find out the waiting list times???

Sending you all love and hugs and hope you're all doing ok.

Carmen. xx
MrsMoose-I hope you get some news soon. I can't wait to see you announcing a BFP!

Pink-Who knows it could be mothers intuition about it being a boy. I know I just felt like my boys were you know boys and when everyone told me they were girls I knew for a fact in my heart that everyone was wrong and it soon proved that I was right at my 22 week ultrasound lol.

AFM I am acutally not feeling much ms any more. Its actually starting to fade. Most days I am actually just tired and have really sore breast and am gassy which really sucks cause I get those bad gas cramps and I can't do anything about it until I actually release the gas and then my husband and my boys then look at me like I am this disgusting thing even though they rip worse ones then me sometimes :haha: oh well.

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