TCC After Ectopic buddy needed

hello all my lovely ladies haven't been on here a few days as we have a big group of fishermen staying at the motel and you would think that grown men would be able to take care of themselves they lock themselves out of their rooms constantly and always asking for something lol they are just getting on my nerves most of the time am really friendly i promise lol

pixxie happy ten weeks i hope that your son is only running a fever from the shots and that it goes away soon kids are no fun when they are sick hubby and i are looking at our finances to make sure that we can afford to go the dr if not am applying for finacial assistance since i don't have insurance here we pay out of pocket but we shall see what happens in the next few days

peachy i am so looking forward to the warm weather although our winter has been very mild, i was able to take 4 days off two weeks ago and that did wonders for me we went to this lovely casino near Denver that we went to last year and we loved it so we went back this year we are planning an other few days off in October to go to california and then on the way the way back we are stopping in las vegas that is the plan at the moment but we will see what happens as for the names i have always like jocelyn and isabel for a girl although am not going to be naming my children that we are going with Lilian (for my mom who passed away when i was 11) and Adrian for a boy but might have to change that since a niece of mine named her son that

mrs moose hey girley how are you hope that you get that letter soon so that you can be our next bfp we need some more preggos in here lol :hugs: your in my prayers

pink it is so nice to read from you lol i too thought that you would want to know but am sure that what ever it is as long it is healthy is the important thing i too thought that by now i would be preggo but i guess it is not my time yet, as for how the summer works here we have off seasons that are the spring and right before winter we are supposed to be in the off season now but since we had a mild winter we have fishermen here sooner than we thought am looking at a very busy summer and we have wedding parties too, what fun, they are the ones that always get my bad side bc they tend to drink and make a mess in the hot tub and then lock themselves out and wake me up at 2 or 3 in the morning, so will def need some more days off after the summer lol

afm well am still in limbo but i was thinking about it the other day and i read that sometimes there can be some spotting when you ovulate and i was spotting right before i went on my vacation and then last week i thought that i was going to start af but i only spotted a little and nothing since so am wondering if by some miracle am right along where my cycle says i am am not tempting or doing opks anymore bc it was stressing me out but i wonder i guess i will know in a few days time what i am worrying about is that am having cramps on an almost daily basis and my boobs at times ache but am not getting my hopes up i know that am grasping at straws here

flakeey hi and welcome to the group i had my surgery on Nov. 15 2011 so am in the same boat as you hoping and wishing that that bfp gets here soon gl to you and baby dust that you get that bfp soon fx

:wave: hey to all the other ladies on here hope that you are all doing well
hello flakeey..

welcome to the group.. was either of ur tube removed during the surgery? well i hope ull have ur bfp soon..

pixxie, i hope so too that baby's fever is just due to his shots and nothing serious..well thats going to be a surprise when the baby comes out, only then ull know the gender.. :) im so happy for u hun.. i hope everything will go smoothly for u..

baby dust to us all!!!!

sorry..i have been away for a my tube was not removed. it was 7week when i discovered it was ectopic preg and we went into surgery room that night. am now 9dpo and feeling cramps in my lower abdoment, breasts hurt like hell, gassy, heartburn, uncomfortable while sitting...:wacko:
hello all my lovely ladies haven't been on here a few days as we have a big group of fishermen staying at the motel and you would think that grown men would be able to take care of themselves they lock themselves out of their rooms constantly and always asking for something lol they are just getting on my nerves most of the time am really friendly i promise lol

pixxie happy ten weeks i hope that your son is only running a fever from the shots and that it goes away soon kids are no fun when they are sick hubby and i are looking at our finances to make sure that we can afford to go the dr if not am applying for finacial assistance since i don't have insurance here we pay out of pocket but we shall see what happens in the next few days

peachy i am so looking forward to the warm weather although our winter has been very mild, i was able to take 4 days off two weeks ago and that did wonders for me we went to this lovely casino near Denver that we went to last year and we loved it so we went back this year we are planning an other few days off in October to go to california and then on the way the way back we are stopping in las vegas that is the plan at the moment but we will see what happens as for the names i have always like jocelyn and isabel for a girl although am not going to be naming my children that we are going with Lilian (for my mom who passed away when i was 11) and Adrian for a boy but might have to change that since a niece of mine named her son that

mrs moose hey girley how are you hope that you get that letter soon so that you can be our next bfp we need some more preggos in here lol :hugs: your in my prayers

pink it is so nice to read from you lol i too thought that you would want to know but am sure that what ever it is as long it is healthy is the important thing i too thought that by now i would be preggo but i guess it is not my time yet, as for how the summer works here we have off seasons that are the spring and right before winter we are supposed to be in the off season now but since we had a mild winter we have fishermen here sooner than we thought am looking at a very busy summer and we have wedding parties too, what fun, they are the ones that always get my bad side bc they tend to drink and make a mess in the hot tub and then lock themselves out and wake me up at 2 or 3 in the morning, so will def need some more days off after the summer lol

afm well am still in limbo but i was thinking about it the other day and i read that sometimes there can be some spotting when you ovulate and i was spotting right before i went on my vacation and then last week i thought that i was going to start af but i only spotted a little and nothing since so am wondering if by some miracle am right along where my cycle says i am am not tempting or doing opks anymore bc it was stressing me out but i wonder i guess i will know in a few days time what i am worrying about is that am having cramps on an almost daily basis and my boobs at times ache but am not getting my hopes up i know that am grasping at straws here

flakeey hi and welcome to the group i had my surgery on Nov. 15 2011 so am in the same boat as you hoping and wishing that that bfp gets here soon gl to you and baby dust that you get that bfp soon fx

:wave: hey to all the other ladies on here hope that you are all doing well

hello Luck...oh really??? i had my surgery too in Nov 11, 2011... started TTC in feb 2012. this is my 3rd month trying... hope we get our BFPs soonest:hugs:
Flakeey from your mouth to Gods ears !!!!

i hope that we begin to get more BFPs in here we def need them your symptoms are sounding very promising fx for you when are you testing ?
Flakeey- Think positive thoughts and I will keep my fingers crossed for you hun. Be patient, all great things take time to come about. :)

AFM I have a OB appointment on tuesday and I should be able to hear little ones heatbeat for the first time!!! Also I had another ultrasound done on Satuday and baby was measuring at 11 weeks even though I was only 10 still and with a strong heartbeat!!! I m so happy and feel like I am finally safe in a way. :happydance:

Also in my little world, I just got my first summons for jury duty....oh the fun. What sucks even more is the fact that its right after my finals before my summer courses so if I can't get out of this I am not sure what I am going to do.:dohh: Ugh, so not looking forward to this.

Well I hope we see more BFPs soon!!! Baby dust and postive thoughts!!


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hey pixxie that is great that the baby is measuring ahead that is such a cute pic of him or her i hope that you will be able to get out of jury duty

afm i have been thinking for a few weeks now that i would like to return to school as well and get a bachlors in business management or marketing something that i could use at my current job i talked to my boss, they are like my second family and so i consult with then alot, and they or he plans on one day being able to give me a more active role in the hotel and so he thinks that will be a great idea and am looking into online degrees i also think that i might get something in culenary arts i love cooking and so that might be just a fun thing maybe lol hubby is all for it and since to be honest i don't see a bfp in my neat future although am still trying why not ? hugs cant wait to hear the happy details of your next ultrasound
Hi ladies. Sorry I havent been on in a while. between having my wallet stole, having my ssn stolen from a government computer, having to close all my accounts and wrecking havack on my finances, I started bleeding 2 days ago:(:cry:

I was expecting it eventually because my doc said my hcg levels just werent changing. but having 2 m/c's within 2 months of eachother has done a number on me emotionally. doc said the last one was a missed mc. took my body a while to kick in to flush it out. No matter how much I have told myself were done trying, I just cant be done. I cant give up.

My 4 year old daughter keeps asking me when i will give her a baby brother. and when i will be pregnant again. :hugs: i just have to give her a hug and tell her daddy and I are trying.

I have faith that things will work out like they are suppose to. even though its hard to have been teased w the miracle of a baby twice now, i know some ppl have had it happen more and much worse than me.

Congrats to the BFP's I pray to join you all again very very soon.
Hey ladies so i am on cd 11 and for two days i have had clear cm alot of it and last night i had alot of preasure cramping in pelvic area and to my right side could i be getting ready to ovulate and can someone share there first cycle after ectopic. thanks
Mama-I am so very sorry for you :hugs: I wish there were something I could do for you. I think that pregnant pregnant last time can give you hope though, cause now you know you can get pregnant after an ectopic and it be in the right place. We will always be here for you from the start of everything if you ever need anything or need to vent. Love ya huns!!!!

resque-Sure sounds like you are about to ovulate or are ovulating right now...fx that you get that little eggy!!!! when I started ttc after my ectopic i tried to use those ovulation predictor kits and i never got clear answers but i did notice that when I did ovulate i actually got a minor cramp on the side that didnt have the ectopic and my dischage (sorry for tmi) was literally like egg whites it was so :haha: My husband and I actaully did not dtd when I ovulated cause I was busy with exams but we were going at it the whole week prior lol and amazingly we got pregnant first month lol. FX for you that you get this!!!

AFM I am going maternity shopping today. None of my pants want to button now and I just feel supper fat. :(:cry: I hope everyone is having a good weekend and hope that things get better for people. :hugs::kiss:

btw I told hubby that I now what to know what we were having and he is not happy with me lol. :dohh:
i got my AF this morning @ 14dpo... which made my cirlce 27days this so dissappointed and heartbroken cos i got almost all d symptoms :cry:

Pixxie - how far with ur uss, hope it went well? wishing you all the best.

Mama - i am so sorry, sending you lots of hugss:hugs:

i am planning to use EPO, grapefruit juice and green tea to increase myEWCM cos i hardly get it, and i have also been battling with BV.

:dust: to us all
Well ladies I finally feel safe. Tommorow I will be 12 weeks and guess what?! Today I heard my little ones heart beat on the doppler!!!!:happydance::happydance: Sadly I don't get a 12 week ultrasound cause they feel pretty confident on my due date already and cause I had one a week ago already...oh well. I am so excited though, my last major milestone and I reached it! i feel so happy! :D
pixxie YAY for making it to 12 weeks so glad that you were able to hear the heart beat i bet that was such a great feeling your almost out of the first tri !!!

mama am so sorry for what you are going through :hugs: to you and you know that we are all here for you if you need to talk

flakey sorry the witch got you i know how devastating that is when all you want is those two pink lines hope that it happens for you soon

:wave: hey to all the other lovely ladies that are on here

afm well at the moment am feeling all sorts of emotions yesterday i had a drs apt. to check on my diabetes first surprise was that she is 5 months pregnant and then when we started to talk about my girly problems we talked about possibly trying clomid if my bloods came back that everything was going good i was so happy about it and then....
today i get a phone call from her nurse saying that i have to get more bloods done bc my pcos is way out of control and so is the diabetes. she is talking to the dr that did surgery to get me on hormones to try to get everything back to normal but we have to wait on these other tests again
i feel as if life is playing a cruel trick on me i was so happy about trying clomid bc i want to be preg so bad but i think that in a way she is going to help me get to that as long as i try harder to keep everything in check (so much easier said than done) sorry for such a selfish post but am just sad and mad that there is an other obstacle to get through and now i know why i have been having all the spotting and no actual af am not even ovulating will keep you guys updated on what happens hugs all around :hug:
ohw pixxie, im just so happy for you.. what a wonderful feeling it must be to hear ur little one's heart beat..!!!

lucy, i know everything will be alright soon, we just have to keep faith and be patient for everythig has its own perfect time.. lets keep our fingers crossed and i will include all of u ladies in my prayers.. i know, GOD will hear our heart's desires on HIS own good time and if its HIS will..

baby dust to us all!!!!!
burtch thanks for your kind words i have decided to take this whole thing in a new approach i have begun walking like really walking 4 miles a day and trying to eat healthier although that is the tough one since dh can have what his heart desires lol but he is helping me and am glad that am not alone besides him i have you all

today got another test to chech thyroid and and a tb test they think that the pain pills are making me sick so am off them we will see on tuesday what they find and whether am going to be taking something to get my hormones back in check

you will be in my prayers too girly i know that HE had everything timed i guess i just get discouraged at times but am keeping faith that all will work out soon thanks again for lifting my spirits many :hugs: to you
cd 18 here and for two days my breast are becoming more and more is dry cervix is medium . bot sure whats going ob here. lol
Hello i also had to have an ectopic pregnancy removal 2months ago and i have servere endo. By the looks of things im expecting again! Just having some blood work done to see whats going on and ill get my results back on monday morning xx

So happy for you Beccaaa...i have an ectopic in Feb and we just started trying again this month so fingers crossed for me too xxx
im glad for u lucy, thats also wat ive been trying to do, eat healthy foods, but i just cant help it, i should avoid fatty foods, junkfoods and softdrinks, but sometimes i envy anyone around me that eats those kind of food..

i too cant help feeling scared, but i just encourage myself.. the two surgeries i had was really traumatic and i dont want it to happen again.. and im thankful i found this thread and u guys, the success stories here really gives me hope and encourages me to go on and try again.. thank u everyone here, though indirectly, all of u ladies here help me lift up myself from fear..

and i know, i just know, GOD will really bless us all soon with the BFPs we all long for.. :)

baby dust to us all!!!
resque07 gl to you let us know what happens

burtch i know what you mean about this thread although am not here as much as i used to be i always think of all you ladies, it's not that i don't want to be on here but there is a lot going on at the time. totally get the whole everyone is eating what i want to be able to eat, i love candy bars and softdrinks but because of the diabetes i am not supposed to have that although every now and then i do have some sort of "bad" food. but i gotta be honest i have been feeling so much better since i began to walk and watch what i eat am not that great at it though but am doing so much better

:wave: to all the other ladies hope to hear from all of you soon
Lucy! I hope that the change in meds and a healthier lifestyle will bring you a little one soon. It is soooo hard to eat healthy and I was never great at it because I love sweets and carbs so much. In the long run though I think these changes will be great because at a minimum will help promote a longer healthier life : ) Keep us posted on how things go okay?

Pixxie, so glad to hear that you are close to heading into the 2nd trimester! Was maternity clothes shopping good for you? I am so cheap that I really don't want to spend a whole lot and unfortunately options are really limited in Canada...

Resque, keeping my fingers crossed for you!

To all the others I may have missed, hope you are well and baby dust to all!

AFM, the nausea subsided for a bit but now it's back : ( I'm thinking of going on maternity leave early at just 6 months.... and people at work are acting all weird over this potential decision. Every woman is different and it really sux that they're being all judgemental. So glad I have this board to vent to a bit. DH is all matter of fact about it and just says "well F-them, who cares". Guess I may be feeling a bit sensitive...
Peachy-Being in the US, I think maternity shopping for me was more pricy then it really should have been. :( I bought 2 skirts, 2 shorts, and 1 dress for $140. yeah it was way more then it should have been and the dress was one sale! Thankfully one of my good friends had a baby about 2 months ago and is already fitting back into her normal clothes so she gave me most of her old maternity clothes.:happydance: Other then that I think that this is going to really suck being pregnant in the summer. mostly cause, well, who wants to really spend their whole summer big, sweaty and hot lmao. I hope your pregnancy is going smoothly and that you are stoked to be half way through...I know I would be lol.

Lucy-I am in the same boat. Even though I am not on this thread as much anymore, I still come here because you all gave me the strength and the hope to try again, and to take what ever happens. I swear you all have been the most amazing to me. :hugs:

AFM i feel like giving up in school right now. I am taking 13 units, 1 more then the normal 12, and i am just over my head right now even though finals are in two weeks. I have to do this research paper on domestic violence and I am just struggling with my thesis statment and yeah. To make matters more stressful I have jury duty still the same freaking week as my finals week! I am so sad right now and so stressed that i am just so unsure right now. :shrug: Sorry just venting right now. :(

I hope you are all doing better and I hope to see more bfps soon. I wish you all the best and send you all tons of baby dust!!!

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