TCC After Ectopic buddy needed

peachy hey girlie so glad to read from you lol you must be so excited half way there girl before we know it you all will be posting your babies first pics on here (you better) lol. can't believe that the nausea is back all for a good cause, and i totally agree with your hubby on the f**k them part lol it is your decision and every woman is different if that is what feels right to you then go for it having a healthy baby is way more important than what they say, my opinion anyway, feel free to vent we are all here to listen and i really love hearing from you :hugs: and of course i will keep you updated on what happens i really hope that a bfp is in my near future

pixxie wow i thought i was busy lol girl you need a break is there any way that you can take a break from your classes? i am about to dive into that too i had been talking to my boss about wanting to take some courses in the college here and he offered to pay for them they are hospitality so it works great for the both of us so i am applying soon bc classes start at the end of the month lucky for me they are online so that is great for me hope that your load gets better soon :hugs:

afm i am in such a great place at the time getting my 4 mile walk in is so great it makes me feel so energetic through the whole day and get a great night sleep an slowly weaning of the sleeping pills i have also lost some pounds already and that makes me even happier and motivated. my b day is comming up and i asked at first for an ipad which hubby is hesistant to get but then i saw a treadmill on line and want that instead lol and hubby is all for it so maybe might be ordering that soon i love to walk but since we live in the mountains am afraid of the wildlife lol bears especially so i go to this park that is like less than ten minute drive but i can't go on sundays since i have to be at work early so i think that it will help me get a good work out on the days the weather is bad and more private too
last year before my bfp i had lost 15 pounds and then found out that i was pregnant but after the surgery i just let go of the healthy and gained it all back plus some i think so now am more at peace with every aspect in my life so that helps too

i hope that i keep hearing from you ladies you are the insparation to keep people like me going
as for me im still bleeding from my ectopic pregnancy, going for more blood test today at the mo my HCG lvls are at 134 wen thay go down there be no more blood getin took from me lol cant wait for that as the needles are makin my arm look bad
traceyandlee so sorry that you have to join us here but you will find a bunch of supportive ladies. i really hope that this ordeal ends soon for you, as you had the shot i assume that you will have to wait the 3 months that they recommend? we can be buddies in waiting? :hugs:

hello to all the other ladies, well i am going to try not to make this such a selfish post but i had to go back to the dr last week as she wanted to discuss my results to the second blood draw well what i was told was that they won't even consider me for fertility drugs until i lose weight and have my diabetes well in control, and she wanted to make sure that i understood that because i have had an ectopic i could have an other one, i felt as if she was saying that they don't want me to try anymore, something that am wondering whether i should do?

i was and in a way am mad at the whole thing, why is this happening to me? seems to be in my mind a lot but after talking to my hubby we made the decision that we are going to wait until i lose the weight they want and get healthy, so am officially not trying anymore, am sorry if am not on here as much but although i know that all this has to be done for my health it still hurts me i have already begun to eat differently and have been excersing like there is no tomorrow lol it has only been a week but i have notice some changes so am hoping that all this will one day get me closer to a little bundle of joy and a much healthier, happier me

i will pop in as much as possible because you all have been a great insparation to me and i know that one day i will ge there it might just take me a little longer :hugs: to all will keep in touch
tracyandlee-It can take a while both mentally and physically to be ready to try again after an ectopic. It took me 3 months to be allowed to try again, but it took me about 5 months to really feel like i was was ready to accept the loss of our baby. Know that you are in a wonderful group of women and we are all here for you.

lucy-That is really really lame!!! I was hopeing they would work with you. How much weight do they want you to lose? I hope that things get better for you and keep that positive outlook. :) :hugs:

AFM I am a kinda confused right how and upset that I have friends that are this mean. The other day between classes I ran into an old friend of mine and she knows I am pregnant. Well recently people have been asking me when I am due and so I know that it looks like I have a small baby bump. But this chick said something else, she said and I quote "wow you just look like you got a lot fatter." I was shocked and hurt. I am like about 4 months pregnant and she had the gall to say that to me! I swear I hate some people.:growlmad::nope: The thing is, she used to be smaller then me and she is like bigger then me now while pregnant! I wanted to snap at her so badly but instead I went to the bathroom and cried. I really hate her right now.

Also in another part of my world, hubby and I decided to find out the gender so I scheduled a scan at this private center June 1st!!!!!! So keep posted ladies, 3 more weeks and we find out who is going to be my little rainbow. :)
pixxie you should of gone off on her ass I have learned to stand up for myself, like you was usually the girl that got her feelings hurt and would run and cry, not anymore going through everything that i have gone through i have grown a backbone, i can't believe she said that to you but it might be jealousy from her part? hugs to you honey i hope that you stay away from her.

my sister-in-law is like that when me and dh got together she actually asked him why he wanted to marry me that i was fat? wtf? and they wonder why i don't go visit them, but karma is a bitch the other day she came over and boy she has gotten huge i mean she is bigger than me as well this might sound mean but it made me happy to see her that big because i hate hearing comments like that even a cousin of mine that i considered my sister has said things like that to me and she too has gained a lot of weight on from what i hear i dont talk to her because of other issues so i can totally relate how horrible that must have been but i think you should of gone off and her

as for the weight she said anywhere between 20 to 40 pounds but then she said more like 40 and then we will see what happens but said that they want to wait about 4 to 6 months but i think that if at my next check up all goes well that they will consider the options then, she also told me that they think that because i lost my baby that they think that i got depressed and that is why my insulin levels where so high but am going to keep at it and have fx that at the next apt they will allow me to try again but i will keep you posted on what happens

hugs to you and remember don't take anyones crap
Lucy529 - yes its 3 months to be allowed to try again, my HCG Lvls are ar 34 now but thay what more blood from to keep a eye on it till its 15, i of to get them dune agen tomorrw call them back the next day an see what thay have to say from there :)

pixxie1232001 - i feel like im redy now to TTC but is all about time after havin the needle
Well i am no on cd 6 of cycle 2 after ectopic. we r going to start trying this cycle . my last cycle was 23 day cycle and i have never in my life had one that short. ovulation app says i od on cd 8 last cycle. dontvknow how that happened.
Hey everyone havent posted here in a while hope everyone is well....... just found out thursday im pregnant ...its still very soon after my ectopic and surgery so i am freaking out right now my hcg levels on friday were 100 over the weekend i was spotting and on monday my hcg dropped to 91 i really hope this isnt another ectopic im so scared :( i know this sounds bad but i hope this is a 'normal' miscarriage i cant go through surgery or another ectopic again ..... i hate going through this again
md13-I am so sorry you are going through this. :hugs: stay strong hunny and know we are here for you. It doesn't seem good espcially cause your levels are dropping. Lets hope they don't rise and fall cause that is normally the sign of an ectopic. I am praying for you hun.
thanks pixie i need all the prayers i can get x its good to see your pregnancy is progressing well it gives me hope
md13 will have you in my prayers :hugs: please keep us updated am really sorry that this is happening
thanks for the prayers everyone xx most of you know when i had my ectopic about 2 months ago they removed the wrong tube ( my left one) and believed that the ectopic happened in my right tube and resolved itself well i just found out today after firstly being told it was another ectopic (i was so scared and upset) that there was pregnancy tissue left over in my right tube that they supposedley cleaned out and it was growing causing my levels to go up and down ( friday they were 100 sunday they were 71 then monday 91 then today 55) so im getting the metho shot tomorrow .... to be honest at this point ive given up i kind of just want to remove my remaining tube and skip ahead to ivf but they wont remove it because im 'too young'..... i dont want to risk another ectopic and because they didnt do their job properly and remove the correct tube in the first place i think my right tube is now pretty much screwed. sorry for the rant everyone im just so angry ...has anyone experienced anything similar?
:hugs: i dont know what i would do if i didnt have you guys on this forum to talk to thank you!
Md- I'm so sorry to hear what you have gone through :hugs:

For everyone that had laprascipic surgery I have a question.. I had it done to remove my ectopic pregnancy nov. 1 2011.. The doctor had stated that they saved my tube... Well since then I don't think I'm ovulating out of that tube anymore.. I keep having normal cycles ( left tube) then super long unovulatory cycles ( right tube that had ectopic) has anyone else had this happen?
Skeet-With my ectopic they also managed to save my tube as well, but since then things have been really screwy on that side. I am not sure I olvuate on my side or if it is even open and every now and then I get this pain right there on the sight of the ectopic that worries me with this pregnancy, but so far all ultrasounds show up clear for anything being in my tube. Idk, I think that maybe you should talk to your doctor who treated you and look into further possiblities. I wish you tons of luck!!!

Md13-I am so sorry hun and I wish I could give you a big hug :hugs: :( I know with my ectopic, the tissue that was left also regrew but it was shortly after my surgery. I wish you all the best though hunny. :hugs:

AFM they lie about the second trimester. I still have morning sickness, the only difference is now I pee myself. lol. My DH bless his heart has been cleaning up the pee mess if I don't have my pants on. Also I am still just as tired or more so. I slept for 4 hours today, just taking a nap!!!! Ugh, i feel like I wasted a whole day just sleeping. Oh well. I wish everyone the best. :hugs:

Thanks pixie!! Atleast it's hopeful seeing that you got pregnant even if only one tube is working. How long after your ectopic did it take for you to get preg?
Sorry to hear about you feeling so of my friends was nauseous well into the 2nd tri.. Have you heard of preggie pops? My friend lived off them .. She said they worked amazing!!
I had my surgery and methotrexate treatment in September, I had the OK to start trying again starting December. At the time I was still very upset and trying to come to terms with the ectopic. In the middle of January we decided to try again. At the end of my cycle for that one I took off my patch and never put on a new one in Febuary. I got pregnant that very month! I was very shocked when I got the positive test, but then it was replaced with a lot of fear. I didn't know if it was another ectopic, and my doctor wasn't able to see me for two weeks after I called her and it was really really hard. Thankfully all has been fine, but still i get worried sometimes cause of past.
Wow that's crazy fast!! I sometimes wonder if I should go back on bc for a month and see if it returns the normalcy to my cycle..I'm sure when I do get preg eventually I will have fear my entire pregnancy as I'm sure you will too..
Hello ladies,
I've just returned from the hospital because I had a bad fall in the shower. Baby and I are doing fine thank goodness. A couple of bruises but nothing serious.

Md, so sorry that you are going through this and will keep you in my prayers.

Pixxie, lol re the peeing. Tmi but whenever I sneeze I get a gush. Really need to start those kegals.

Lucy, how much weight do they want you to lose? You sound like you have the exercise part down so maybe just a healthier diet? Keep your spirits up. I'm here if you need to chat.

How are all the other ladies? Anymore bfps since I've been gone?
Wow i am so confused on my body right now ever since my ectopic and methotrexate shot i dunno when i ovulate or even if i am. last month i got af on cd 22 i got sore breast early on then a week later got af this cycle im on cd 17 and no sore breast or nothing i havent had ewcm either cycle however yesterday morning i did have a bad pinching pain in my left side for about 30 min we bd last night. i hope if that wasvovulation that by us bding last night we caught it. has anyone else had problems with ovulation after ur ectopic.

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