TCC After Ectopic buddy needed

resque-I am not sure when i ovulated this time around. I tried to see the day the calendar said i was supposed to but the O tests kept coming back negative so idk. I think i either ovulated earlier or later then i normally do but it is hard to say for sure.

AFM- 6 more days ladies till my ultrasound!!! I am so excited to find out what i am having and its been a great blessing since the ectopic. I am taking this rainbow baby every day at a time and enjoying it as much as i can. I hope everyone is doing good and I will keep you all posted when the day comes around. :) FX for team :pink:

Dust to all my ttc friends!!! :D
fx for you pixxie, let us know

how are all the other ladies on here? i know i have been mia for awhile but there is so much going on between my mornings and then working all afternoon i hardly have time for anything else, am trying to get my fur baby to lose some weight as well but that is not going so good he is lazy lol

everything else is going good having a little of a hard time with the weight thing but am getting there am just glad that am feeling so much better now a days hope that you are all ok and again sorry that i have not been on here as much

Well ladies tommorow is the big day!!! I did something about as crazy as peeing on the stick all the time...I did the baking soda test lol. I got a lot of girl results so maybe that is a good sign. I just don't know how i would have done all this without you guys since the ectopic. I asked my OB if she would deliver the baby since she is the one who treated me for the ectopic and she said she didn't know but she hoped that she was. I hope she is too..I think it would be special for all of us. Well FX and can't wait to tell you all soon!!!

I hope all of you are doing good and hope to see some more BFPs soon!!!:D
Hey girls, just dropping in to say hey and that I had my scan today...we are team :blue:!!!! I thought I would be sad about having all boys but I am not...just worried about my house when they reach their teenage years lol. I'll post pics ya all!!!
yay!!! for team blue pixxie you are going to have your hands full with three boys running around so happy for you

have you thought about any names yet am so excited for you :thumbup:
Yeah we picked samuel james for him. samuel pretty much means blessed and we feel that we were blessed with him, because he is completely healthy and normal and not another ectopic.


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Yeah we picked samuel james for him. samuel pretty much means blessed and we feel that we were blessed with him, because he is completely healthy and normal and not another ectopic.

totally agree he is blessed love the name now all that is left is to see him in real life and not through an ultrasound although loving them is he smiling in the first us? he looks so cute congrats :)
Congratulations Pixxie on your blue bundle!! I have 3 girls, so you have the matching trio. I'm sure one of the other ladies in this group also has 3 boys. Love his name and the photos.

Sorry I've continued to be MIA. I have been thinking of you all. Lucy, I saw your update. How are you? I'm sorry that your journey is still a bumpy one. You are often in my thoughts.

My first 20 weeks seemed to fly, as I didn't really let myself believe that everything would be ok. Now I'm just hanging to get to 30 weeks. I can't believe the journey I've had, but hopefully it gives people hope.

I don't know whether this is a boy or girl. My head says girl, my heart says boy...but I will be so grateful just to hold a healthy baby that I don't care in the slightest.

Hello to all of you ladies, old and new. For those who come here feeling despair, I'm proof that you can come through the other side. It will never leave will always remember...but the sun will shine again.

pink i am so happy to hear from you you have come a long way and only a few more weeks until you get to meet your little bundle of joy

afm am doing good been feeling wierd for the last few days but i think that it all has to do with me getting back to normal and i think that i actually ovulated although i thought that last time and nothing happened but am happy that i have my sugars in control now one step at a time

hope to hear from you again soon

hugs to all the other ladies
Hi everyone!

Pink, good to hear from you and glad that time is flying by and you're into your third trimester :)

Pixxie, congrats on team blue! With all the little guys in the house that'll keep you busy I'm sure. My guy is turning four soon and we hope to start him in swimming and soccer this summer. Do your boys have a fave sport?

Lucy, you are always in my thoughts and prayers and I hope that you will be blessed with a baby soon. Are your health issues getting better? Still doing some exercise and eating well? It's tough in the beginning but once you get into a routine it gets easier. Hugs.

AFM, I have good days and bad. Today I'm nauseous and super tired. That being said, I am so grateful to be pregnant and can't wait to meet my baby girl in a few weeks!

Hope all is well with the other ladies?
peachy so good to hear from you only a few more weeks until we meet your baby girl, have you picked out a name? sorry if you already told me am forgetfull lol

afm yeah am still excersing and eating as well as possible although there have been a few days that i had to have something that i know is bad for me but am doing good, have my sugars under control at the moment and am so excited for next month when i see my dr and she sees that am sticking to my diet, haven't lost a lot of weight but i know that it is not going to happen over night but am patient
mu due date is also comming up and that gets me down a little bit but then i think that there is a reason why it was not meant to be but i have faith that some day am going to be holding a little baby of my own, i have faith hope to keep hearing from you
Lucy-:hugs: I know how you feel. My due date was around last week, and it was hard accepting that the little one that could of joined me isn't. I never thought I would love this little rainbow as much as I do. I hope you get to feel that joy and happiness soon too.

Peach-I can't wait for you to have your LO. I am sure it is going to be so freaking adorable!!!! I bet you are counting down the weeks now.

Afm I am going through a rough time right now. We bought a snake 3 days ago and the following day we took her to a snake specialist who said she was way to skinny right now and sold us food for her. Well we tried to feed her and she wouldnt eat at all. So we just let her alone so she could get more comfrotable and eat tomorrow hopefully. Well, thats not going to happen. Today my husband found mites on her and she will not eat or drink or move, we had to take her back. Once at the pet store the pet store tried to blame us for giving her the mites and her being as sick as she was! Then they said she really needed to see a vet. My husband just left at that point cause he knows as well as I do that they will not take her to see the vet, they are going to let her die. I am so devistated right now cause I tried soooo hard to make her healthy and happy and cause of the damage that she went through at the pet store she never got a good chance. :cry::cry::cry: I am just angry and now boycotting that pet store cause there is no reason why a store should treat both their pets and their customers that way. :cry:
Lucy-:hugs: I know how you feel. My due date was around last week, and it was hard accepting that the little one that could of joined me isn't. I never thought I would love this little rainbow as much as I do. I hope you get to feel that joy and happiness soon too.

Peach-I can't wait for you to have your LO. I am sure it is going to be so freaking adorable!!!! I bet you are counting down the weeks now.

Afm I am going through a rough time right now. We bought a snake 3 days ago and the following day we took her to a snake specialist who said she was way to skinny right now and sold us food for her. Well we tried to feed her and she wouldnt eat at all. So we just let her alone so she could get more comfrotable and eat tomorrow hopefully. Well, thats not going to happen. Today my husband found mites on her and she will not eat or drink or move, we had to take her back. Once at the pet store the pet store tried to blame us for giving her the mites and her being as sick as she was! Then they said she really needed to see a vet. My husband just left at that point cause he knows as well as I do that they will not take her to see the vet, they are going to let her die. I am so devistated right now cause I tried soooo hard to make her healthy and happy and cause of the damage that she went through at the pet store she never got a good chance. :cry::cry::cry: I am just angry and now boycotting that pet store cause there is no reason why a store should treat both their pets and their customers that way. :cry:

Hi - have not been on this thread for ages but thought whilst I had the house to myself I would have a catch-up. Am in TWW and due AF on wed so hoping and praying!

Regarding your snake - what kind of snake was it? Please please get the snake back! The pet shop may not treat it and it could get worse. As for the mites - they are easy to treat with daily bathing and a spray which you can buy and it is inexpensive. It is possible to get rid of them within 3-5 days!

My corn snake got mites from the bark substrate we used - the pet shop did not tell us to heat it in microwave first to get rid of all bugs. I now use different substrate but even i needed to use bark - heating it gets rid of the mites. He has never had them since.

You were right about leaving the snake a few days before feeding it - what size is it and what food did they give you? If the food is too big it might not even try - if it is underweight then go down to pinkies or fuzzies for a few weeks until the mites are gone and he/she starts to eat.
Pythons can be very fussy eaters and sometimes you have to 'brain' the mice or wiggle them in front of snake to imitate live food. Persevere though - snakes can go along time without eating.

If you can get it back - it will be easy enough to get rid of mites and get it feeding again. Did the shop give you a feeding record?
Morning ladies,
Just wanted to pop in to say hi. Hope everyone is well!
Hi Peachy and Pixxie. I'm still here too. Time is really starting to tick away now. I'm looking forward to getting over the 30 week mark. I haven't really let myself to do very much in the way of preparations, so it will be nice to wash baby clothes, set up the bassinette etc. I've been focusing on milestones for this whole pregnancy...8 weeks, 12, 16, 20, 28...I have never really relaxed, but reality is starting to kick in. This baby is very active and moves around a lot. It will be lovely to count down with you ladies towards the end.

How are all of our TTC'ers going? Where is everyone at?
hi ladies :wave: sorry that i have not been on here in awhile we are starting our summer season and it has been so busy these past few weeks that and trying to redecorate the apartment is taking all my time i do lurk though and like pink i wonder where everyone is?

i also don't post much because some don't post back and those that are preg are busy too but i do think of all you all the time and hope that your babies all arrive well as for me am still in limbo have an apt on monday to get the A1C test done to check my diabetes but i don't think that they are going to allow me to get on clomid i have only been able to lose 10 pounds so i need to lose some more lol easier said than done

i am walking still and watching what i eat most of the time there are time that i have to have a little something lol well i hope thast you are all well hope to hear from someone soon

peachy and pink you are almost there pixxie you are not that far behiind :hugs:
Lucy-I know what you mean about being busy. I decided to take summer courses since I wont go to school full time in the summer....big mistake in my opinion lol. They take about 16 weeks worth of information and tests and condense them into 8. UGH! I hate it so much lol. I do hope they let you try clomid soon though so you can join our BFP group. :)

Pink-It is so good to see that you only have about 10 more weeks left. Have you started getting things set up for baby?

AFM I decided to take a trip down memory lane on this page and believe me it almost made me cry lol (damn hormones :haha:). It is hard to believe what we all went through and I am just hoping we can go on and keep continueing our journeys together. :hugs:
pixxie you are more than half way there have you started to prepare for baby or are you going to wait a little longer? i may not be in school but we are so busy that at times i want to scream but oh well i know that in a few months it will all be calm again and this heat along with all the wildfires is not helping at all.
i was supposed to be taking some online courses for my work my boss said that he would pay for them since it would help me take more responsibility but we talked about it and we decided that i would be taking them in the fall when i will have more time to actually do it. there is no way that i could do it now
i have my apt next week and after they get the blood work they are going to tell me whether i am going to be allowed to even try i hope that it all works out i would so love to join you all fx that it happens soon
keep me updated on how you are doing :hugs:
Hello ladies,

Lucy, 10 lbs is awesome weight loss. Congrats to you for sticking with the get fit plan! Keeping you in my prayers that you will get the GO signal shortly. You've been such an amazing source of strength for me and I'm sure for others as well. I truly hope you get your baby soon.

Pink, good to hear from you! How are you feeling in the third trimester? I wanted to do prenatal yoga but feel so exhausted. Any tips for keeping the energy up, please share!

Pixxie, totally know what you mean by the hormones. I was watching a cartoon with my ds and cried when the little fish lost his mom. Lol, dh looked at me like I was crazy. How are you feeling these days?

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