TCC After Ectopic buddy needed

Lucy-We are going to hold off for a little longer when it comes to getting stuff for our little bub. Too many variables still even though I am almost less then 4 weeks away from V-day!! :happydance: I am taking every milestone for what it is. I hope your appointment goes well though and that they will let you start trying again. :) I am dying to see you announce an BFP.

Peachy-I am doing good for the most part. Just busy with the older two and trying to stay focused on school. My poor husband told me the other day that my hormones are worse this pregnancy then with our youngest son's. He said I might as well be bi-polar which as of right now, I believe. lol :haha: How are you doing? You are at the last stretch in your pregnancy? Any nesting instincts yet???

AFM I am good for the most part but the most interesting thing happened to me the other day. So I am changing back to my midwife and part of going through them I have to speak with their nutrition and health and such and she asked me what I was going to school for and what I already took and I told her and she was very impressed. I told her I had to also find an intership somewhere to graduate and she said that the hospital she worked for needed some interns and that she was going to talk to her higher ups to see if maybe I could start doing office work for them while I am pregnant!!!!! I am so excited! I haven't worked in a long time and while the internship is unpaid, she said if I do well enough, they may just higher me on in general as a electronic medical records keeper!!!! EEK!!!! I am so excited and I hope that it happens. :)
hi i came across your thread and was wondering have you conceived after your ectopic pregnancy?
pixxie that is such great news i hope that they do give you the intereship and then the job that would be really nice and you wouldn't have to search for a job later on, keeping you in my prayers so that you get it :thumbup:
as for the apt. i found out when i went to get more needles for my insulin that they are only going to be taking blood to check my A1C and that i might not need to see the dr at all but am going to push for it bc i am getting all these rashes again and i hate them i was taking an allergy pill but she told me that i can't take those forever and as soon as i stop taking them i break out so who know what is going on lol crazy body of mine
i too can't wait until i announce a BFP from me that would be the most amazing thing in the world although at the moment i have been so occupied with work and we are redoing the floors in our apartment and other house projects and my truck is getting fixed so there are alot of things going on to keep me sane

belle hi I am not sure if you were directing your question to me but i have not yet conceived again since I had my ectopic but as you might have seen and read there are some ladies on here that got their BFP straight away I have not yet lost hope and am hoping that soon I am blessed with a little one how is your journey going?

:wave: Hello to all the other lovely ladies on here hope that you are all doing good am in the process of remodeling my apartment am going to try to take some before and after picture so you can all tell me what you all think
Lucy-If you don't mind me asking what is A1C? I am not entirely sure and so I am rather curious. As for the rashes I do think thats something to speak with your doctor about, maybe you are illergic to something you use in your house? I know with my youngest son and my husband they both have very and I mean very sensitve skin and so I have to use a lot of organic stuff when I was their clothes and buy their soaps. If I don't they break out so badly you can just see how uncomfortable they are. Can't wait to see your interor dectorating skills...god I wish I had some lol :haha:

Belle-I concieved my first month of trying after having an ectopic pregnancy and so far the pregnancy seems to be progressing nicely. It does depend on the woman though and so it is not guarnteed that you will concieve just as fast, or that everything will be fine. There are too many variables after having an ectopic, which is why getting pregnant is just a scary, not matter how far along you are. Don't give up hope though, many of us haven't even though thats what we may only have. :)

AFM Nothing big going on here, just planning for the forth of July the good ole American way. Going to go get some fireworks, then head to my inlaws for some burgers and swimming. It is gonna be fun and i am sure the boys are gonna love it. Other then that I have an exam tomorrow so wish me luck! I really need it cause biology in the summer is just way too hard lol. Well talk to you all soon!
Thanks for replying! I guess Im waiting for AF to come so we can try again. Wishing sticky baby dust to you!
Thank you Pixxie,
congratulations on your little miracle!
did you get your normal cycle after ectopic or bfp without it?
belle-I had like 3 normal cycles before I concieved again. The fourth cycle I was getting off of birth control and I concieved the following month.

OMG ladies, do I have the story for you!!! So as all of you know I am switching back to my midwife office because I just don't feel comfortable with the OB. So on Friday I went and signed the release of information form so they have to fax the records to my midwife office. Well the thing is what I was told was that they were supposed to send the records to them no questions asked. Today I got a call though, from the OB office, saying that they were refusing to send my records unless I talked to them first! I never ever had this happen before. So I then called my midwife office and explained the voicemail I recieved and they too were shocked. They then again explained to me that once I had signed that paper, that the OB office was required to send the records to them, and that they had no right to withold the information. I am so extremly pissed off right now and my husband is also in shock about this whole thing. Needless to say I am saving the voicemail incase of a lawsuit. GRRRRR
my surgery was on june 11th and for the past few days I have been feeling like AF is going to come but it hasn't as of yet. Well today I decided to poas to see if the HCG was out of my system and the Clear blue digital came up "Pregnant"
It gave me an instant headache. I know it should mean that the HCG is still in my system. Huge sigh. I have no clue whats going on with my body:nope:
pixxie i hope that you got that whole situation sorted and they won't give you anymore trouble, i too wanted to change drs when i was going through the ectopic in october but was told that it was better to stay with the dr bc she knew my history and now my reg dr told me that if i get preg again she wants me to see her because she knows what she needs to do as i would have to have a c section but i would gladly suck it up to have a baby with me

the A1C is a blood test that they do to check wether your blood sugars are under control and mine thankfully came back at a good number the only thing is that they are not going to allow me on clomid until i loose the weight that we agreed on sometimes i hate drs they make me feel like a kid again lol i am really beginning to rethink this whole baby thing i told dh that maybe we were not meant to be parents but i know i only think that because i want it so bad and it is not happening, sorry for being a downer but this whole thing gets to me sometimes

belle how high were your hcg numbers before you had the surgery? if it was way high it can take a few weeks for it to come back to nothing mine were in the low 200's and a few days after surgery the test was neg. i hope that your body gets sorted soon :hugs:
Lucy-Thats great that your numbers came back fine...Now lets just push through those pounds. I know this is a little out there, but you do know that you can buy clomid online without a prescription right? Either way I hope the best for you. :)

Belle-My levels never went down after my surgery. In fact they went up! I found out two weeks after my surgery that my ectopic regrew, making mine a continue ectopic. It wasn't till I recieved a dose of methotrexate that my levels started to drop, and they dropped rapidly. I think my levels went back to normal within a month.

AFM My husband has something up his sleve and it is driving me crazy not knowing!!!!! My birthday is next week, and the last couple week my husband has been acting like he isn't paying attention to me, so I told him that he is incharge of planning my birthday. He was shocked and scared when I said that, but now I think he actually did it cause he is telling me that I have to have a lot of clothes packed and he has the kids gone all that weekend! I wish I knew what was going on lol.
pixxie i did not know that you could buy clomid online with no presciption you just made my day lol my bday was two weeks ago and hubby is getting me new floors for our apartment something that i have wanted for awhile lol i had a small dinner here with my bosses and their kids it was so nice
i hope that you have a wonderful birthday too, you just gave me a great belated bday gift i might just buy some clomid and try it, i know that my dr wants me to wait but i would like to have a baby before i turn 30 next year lol thanks so much pixxie i will let you know what happens with it
Hi ladies!! I've popped in and out a few times since my ectopic last November.

I know some of you have had a Bfp since their ectopic. I got my :Bfp: this morning and I have to wait until Monday to call my ob.. Just curious if there will be early testing or anything?
skeet-They normally do both hcg beta level check monituring to make sure that they are going up as they should, and that is also followed by an ultrasound around 5-6 weeks to confirm that the baby is in the uterus. At least that is how it was for me. Congrats on your bfp though!!!!

Lucy-This sight sells great fertlity medication and they also sell pregnancy tests. The clomid will not be exactly like what you would get from a doctor, but yeah I noticed that some sites like the one I posted do sell fertility aid that is supposedly really good and works. The reviews for this FertilAid are amazing and I trust this site so who knows. BTW happy belated birthday!!!! lol :hugs:
Pixxie, happy birthday! Your dh sounds so sweet. I hope you enjoy the surprise!

Lucy, glad your numbers came back in the health range. Hurray! I'm trying to eat healthy and just had my glucose test two weeks ago. Should get my results next week. Hope all goes well.

Skeet, congrats!! You must be so thrilled :)

AFm, I feel like I have no energy and this heat wave is making me feel more lethargic...
Thanks!! I am.. But also so nervous!! I can't get a hold of my on until Monday.. And I'm not even due for Af yet!!
skeet Congrats on the BFP!!! please keep us updated on the progress i love to read when ladies like us go on to have a healthy pregnancy and then little babies

pixxie thanks for the belated bday wishes, it was a nice day but can you believe my brother and sister didn't call me until two weeks later and that was because my sister was wishing an other person a happy bday on fb and it made me mad so i texted her and she tells me that my bday was not until this month i wanted to strangle her lol but they both wished me a happy bday at the end
i have ordered things from that site preseed i think which hubby loves lol i tried fertilaid and i honestly didn't really feel a difference i still have a months supply in the cupboard i might give it an other try now that my sugars are better fx that somethings happens soon
Hope you have a great bday if we don't talk before then :hugs:

peachy i hope that your test comes back fine i have already been told that am going to have to be extra careful when i do get that bfp because of it you are so close to meeting you little one am so excited for you

:wave: to all the other ladies that pop in here from time to time

afm well saturday my hubby and i went and got our new floors and he installed it in our room i am so happy with the way it came out next weekend he is doing the one in the living room and then we will have nice new floors yay lol
i have a question and hope that someone on here will tell me if they know what it is but on saturday when we came back from the store it is about a two hour drive each way i had been cramping most of the morning so my hubby didn't want me to lift anything heavy when we got home (sorry tmi) we were talking to my boss about the flooring when i felt a gush of something and i thought that i might have gotten af when i went to check there was some pink but mostly a lot of cm i checked and this small piece of tissue came out there has been no more pink since then but i have been cramping for the past few days sorry so long but have any of you ever have this happen i am just worried that something is wrong thanks for any advice girls
Thanks ladies!! I had a bit of a scare this weekend because I was obsessively taking pregnancy test to ensure I was still pregnant ( crazy i know!!) My lines yesterday were super faint so I panicked but today they are much darker ( posted the pics below!)

My ob got me in this morning. She started me on progesterone and sent me for a beta and will get the results tomorrow. I have an Ultra sound next tuesday and am supposed to go for a follow up in 2 weeks.


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skeet that is great news but now stop testing some test don't have as much dyes as others and it is going to drive you crazy if you get a light one again. am so happy that your dr is taking care of you now the stress of those betas begin keeping you and your little bean in my prayers :hugs:
Thanks lucy..I get my results from my beta today...I will keep you ladies updated, and have my first scan next tuesday to make sure bean is in the right place!! I've stopped testing. LOL the waves of tiredness and tender boobs are reminding me that bean is still there... !!

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