TCC After Ectopic buddy needed

Thanks lucy..I get my results from my beta today...I will keep you ladies updated, and have my first scan next tuesday to make sure bean is in the right place!! I've stopped testing. LOL the waves of tiredness and tender boobs are reminding me that bean is still there... !!

fx for you
My results are 259 ( in the normal range) at that would be at 14 dpo. My lmp puts me at 4 weeks 7 days but I think I'm more 4 weeks since I Ovd late this cycle.
Skeet-Thats fantastic and you deff are pregnant. It is even more reasuring when your levels match up to what you should be at for how far along you are. With my ectopic my period was two weeks late and my levels were only at 50! Fx for your sticky bean though!!! :happydance:

Lucy-hope all is well with you hun.

Afm-I officially hate the human body. I am taking biology right now and only have a C in the class, even though I get fantastic grades on all my homework and quizzes, my exams are sinking me in deep. I HATE SCHOOL!!!! Oh then to top it off I have a bunch of people are me telling me that I should take maternity leave from school when I have the baby, but the the thing is classes get out three weeks after I have him! So what is the point taking a semester off when I get a 8 week break for winter break shortly after the baby is born!?!?! God I am just frazzled today. Oh well. :/
Aww pixxie.. I suck at tests too so I completely get your frustrations. Don't listen to what others say.. Do what you feel you can and want to do. School is very important and if you can do both.. Then good for you!!!
skeet YAY!! for great numbers are they going to keep testing you? i remember that you said you have an ultrasound next week? i can't wait.

pixxie like skeet said you need to do what is right for you and i totally get what you mean about school i think that i mentioned that i will be taking a couple of courses in the fall am excited but it freaks me out a little too

on an other front am still cramping a little expecially when i lift something heavy or strain much am hoping that it means am going to get a visit from af soon if not am going to have to make an apt with my dr fx that it is nothing serious Dr. Google scared me when it said that those are the symtoms for uterine fibroids fx that it's not that
Yup I do!! I think they are going to keep testing me.. I missed my obs call back yesterday And have to call her back this morning. I'm really curious to see if on Tuesday I will be 5 weeks or 6..I'm about 99% sure that I Ovd on cd 20.. So that would make me just over 4 weeks now whic means my numbers are fantastic

Lucy- I found After my ectopic I had lots of pulling and cramps in the tww.. But I also got the same thing leading up to my :Bfp:
Hello everyone (and any new members who i haven't been in touch with on here) congratulations to you skeet9924!! did you also suffer a loss due to ectopic?
well just to let you all know i got a positive pregnancy test today and really am delighted:haha: i dont know how far gone I am but it can't be any more than 5 weeks! I am also very frightened because of my ectopic and loosing my right tube back in Feb.... delighted that i got a positive test and just wanted to share it with you all and let you know that there is light at the end of the tunnell!! just hoping everything works out for me this time xxx baby dust to all
Hi Peachy and Pixxie. I'm still here too. Time is really starting to tick away now. I'm looking forward to getting over the 30 week mark. I haven't really let myself to do very much in the way of preparations, so it will be nice to wash baby clothes, set up the bassinette etc. I've been focusing on milestones for this whole pregnancy...8 weeks, 12, 16, 20, 28...I have never really relaxed, but reality is starting to kick in. This baby is very active and moves around a lot. It will be lovely to count down with you ladies towards the end.

How are all of our TTC'ers going? Where is everyone at?

just wanting to share my news that i got a positive pregnancy test today!! (i'm delighted but shocked too as i didnt think it would happen me so quickly!!:winkwink:) just hope this time God has blessed me with it being in the right place xx hope ur well!
kaznib OMG an other BFP fx that this little bean is in the right place please keep us updted as well i love to see all the wonderful news that is comming from this thread at the moment soon we are going to be welcoming the new babies

skeet am glad that they are going to keep testing you at least until they see that your little one is in the right place

afm i woke up with a headache and have been naping in a nice dark cool room to urge it away before i go to work, this morning when making breakfast i felt dizzy and nauseas i took a test but it was neg, still cramping a little oh and bloated just not a good day for me so far, tbh am starting to freak out that something might be wrong if am not better by next week am going to have to call my dr uugh sometimes i hate my body

:wave: hi to everyone else i hope that your day goes better than mine
Skeet, yay those numbers sound great! Glad to hear that you are getting an early ultrasound. After that your mind will definitely be at ease. Keep us posted!

Kaznib congrats my dear. That is amazing and I am sooooo happy for you!

Lucy, hope you feel better...and maybe a bfp?

Pixxie, if you feel like continuing with school you should. You know yourself best.

AFm. I failed my glucose test and going for a second test. Hope I don't have diabetes :(
OMG 2 BFPS!!! :happydance: that is what I love to see on this site!!!!! :happydance:

kaznib-Congrats hunny!!!! So excited for you!!! FX it is in the right place and a sticky bean! Can't wait to hear the numbers!

Lucy-it doesn't hurt to test. I also had cramping during my tww. I actually thought I was going to get my AF until my husband said I was acting like I was pregnant and told me to take a pregnancy test...and he was right :haha: I say take a test. You have lost weight and got a lot of things under control so maybe those changes were just enough to do the trick. FX :)

Peachy-don't stress so much on the glucose test. I failed my 1 hour with my youngest too but passed my 3 hour test with flying colors. You should be fine. FX for you huny.

Skeet-When are they going to do your first ultrasound? Are your levels high enough yet? I was told they should be able to see something on the ultrasound with levels around 2,000. By 6 weeks you should be a able to see a little bean and maybe a heartbeat. I can't wait for that.

Thanks ladies. I feel confident that I should be fine with the baby and finishing classes. I do not see any reason to take a semester off from class if the baby is due during the last month of class you know what I mean and then I am getting a good 6-8 week break before spring courses. So I should be fine. hopefully. Also in my world OB still has not faxed my records to my midwife office and i am just about to say screw it. I know my baby is healthy and I am willing to have another ultrasound done to prove it. There is no reason why my health should be punished because i have an old OB who doesn't want to lose out on a paycheck. Oh well. I am so happy to see the good news on here and it puts me in such a better mood.

BTW kaznib...SHOW US THE STICKS!!!! lmao. It is always nice to see the confirmation lol.
pixxie- as of last tuesday my levels were 258 I go for my next set of bloods on monday and my ultra sound tuesday..I hardly doubt i will see anything lol
hey ladies i love to come on here and see all the action going on lol
skeet i can't wait until you get your next bloods am sure all is going well and before you know it you will see that little bean in there

peachy fx that you pass the next test like pixxie said it might not be nothing praying for you

pixxie i cannot believe that the ob has not faxed that over you are more calm than me lol i had always been the nice quiet one but now i stand up for myself and although i try not to be rude i do go off from time to time when my buttons are pushed lol hope that it all gets resolved soon

kaznib how are you doing?

afm i tested yesterday and it was a bfn so i think that it might be all in my head i feel better today slight headache but not as bad as yesterday i will wait a week or two and see what happens am supposed to get af soon i think so we shall see although to be honest i really don't think that this is a bfp but more of my body playing tricks on me
Ladies can i join? I know this thread has been going for a while but i cant find a thread Re EP!!

My story goes like this.......

Had my BFP 1 month and a few weeks after my mc, the following week i had groin pain and shoulder pain so went to A&E, waited for 3 hours before seeing anyone, was told to come back the next day to have an US, showed on US that there was a sac in my left tube, HCG was 800odd. Went back every 48 hours, HCG dropped to 500 then went back up to 800 so had a shot of MTX on June 22nd, day 4 my HCG rose to 1400odd day 7 it was 1300 so had to have emergency surgery as they could see on US that i had more free fluid in my uterus. had LAP they didnt remove my tube thank god, gave me a D&C as there was 'alot of old blood' levels started dropping nicely, last HCG was on Sunday 08th and they were 351 YAY!! go back Saturday for another test im hoping it to be in the 100's!! Can try from September 14th and i cant bloody wait!!

OH and I had sex last night for the first time in 4 weeks and it absolutely killed on the side my ectopic was, anyone had this problem?? xxx
cathgibbs so sorry for your losses but welcome i hope that your levels drop and that you can be one of the lucky ones to get a bfp soon and in the right place

i can't help you much about sex as i had a c section like surgery fx that all gets better for you
I'm sorry to hear of your loss and yes I did have pain for awhile.. I was told not to have sex for 6 weeks... But caved after 4. It wasn't just sex though.. It was working out, running .. Everything actually.. It took a few months before I felt normal again
cathygibbs-I still get pain on the side of my ectopic even now while pregnant. It is a lite cramp but it is still on that side. I was told it can take the body up to 6 months for fully heal from any type of internal situation. I had both surgery and methotrexate though because my ectopic tissue regrew even after the surgery. I think you should be fine, it will take some getting used to. Sorry for what happened to you and hope you can get your rainbow baby soon!!! Remember you are supposed to wait 3 months after a dose of methotrexate as it can have some very seriouse birth deffects. Good luck!!

Lucy-I am naturally a patient woman, but when a doctors office goes to these lengths there is nothing i can do about it other then tell them to suck my left toe. I appreciated the care they gave me during the ectopic, but i feel like that is were they drew the line and me being pregnant again is not one of their concerns. Also dont get discouraged by the bfn. It will happen. Fx for you hunny.

AFM i am just in a blah mood right now. I have a midwife appointment on Tuesday so hopefully they can give me some better insite as to how to go about this transfering of records go. Also I still hate biology....had an exam today and yea...i hate summer school!!!! UGH lol
Thank you ladies, it was doing my head in lol im not patient at all and sitting around was annoying me!! the thought of not excercising is annoying me too as im on holidays in september so want to tone up, im sure my levels will be around 100 this weekend as my ICs are very faint!

Pixxie we will be trying from Sept 14th 3 months after MTX i cant bloody wait xxx
Hello I am new here,this thread is lovely and really encouraging.Please can I join thread's about EP are so few and far between?

I wanted to know if anyone could help or offer advice.

I had an ectopic pregnancy surgically removed on June 13th 2012 ,lost left fallopian tube and had right tube unblocked during laprascopy.Had a bleed of about 10 days after that,which then subsided.

I had sex with dh for the first time after surgey on 3rd July and 5th July unprotected (though I have heard some say to wait one cycle before ttc again).

Right now I am worried that I could of gotten pregnant because AF has not shown up and because I don't know when or where my cycle is or even if I am ovulating again I just don't know what to think and everything is a mess.

Has anyone else gotten themselves into a similar pickle??I know we probably should of waited but I was really sad and intimacy with dh again just seemed to comfort me :wacko:
can you do a pg test just to put your mind at east before thinking of things hun? xxx

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