TCC After Ectopic buddy needed

Princess-I never done that but it would never hurt to take a test, or even better call the doctor that treated you for the ectoptic and explain what is going on. They can do a beta levels check to see if you are pregnant. Other then that you are totally welcomed to join us. It is great having people to talk to who have been through what you have been through and is really encouraging too. Sorry we could not meet on better terms though. :hugs:

Cathygibbs-I bet you can't wait. When I got to that three month mark I wanted to try again but I was stuck with one problem...I was still not over the one I loss. So I held off a few more months to finish the greiving process. I hope and wish you well. :) Once your levels get to 0 start taking prenatals. Seriously, it is a good help especially since the methotrexate depleates a lot of iron.

I hope all is well with everyone else. I am excited and now dredding this weekend. We are dropping the boys off at my sis in law today and tomorrow my husband and I are going on the trip. I am now dredding this weekend cause I do not like being far away from my kids, and also because my husband has been very I guess you can say moody recently. I am not really having a good day already and hope everyone is doing better.
Cathygibbs - so sorry for your loss it's such a hard thing to deal with. Lucky for you they saved your tube and got it on time. For me they told me i'd miscarried one in my uterus and then i was still feeling symptoms of pregnancy 3 weeks later and returned to my doctor and they found another pregnancy in the right fallopian tube, i had my tube removed by surgery and it was awful:nope: afterwards all i cud think about was my future and how difficult it might be for me to fall preg again! BUT that was in Feb (i didnt have sex for 2 whole months afterwards because i had no desire too and my husband was patient with me) then we started trying again in May time and here I am nearly 6 weeks so i fell preg again easily with one working tube so it will happen dont worry!:flower: we booked a holiday at Easter time and after the holiday i felt so much better and u will too!

Princess - I waited 3 months as I was so so scared after loosing 2 babies at once but try not to worry chances are you maybe are not pregnant yet depending how fertile you both are tho, i must be quite fertile as first time took me one cycle and second time 2 cycles before i fell pregnant...go with your gut instinct:flower: good luck!

Everyone else - I'm feeling shocked still but feeling very tired and breasts are so uncomfortable and sore, even when I take a shower i cant bear it, but after feeling no sore breasts atall with ectopic i am not complaining one little bit:blush: other than that feeling ok, just moody and worried because i am out of work atm, my job was temporary permanent last year and they didnt extend my contract so currently looking for work on top of all this! just hope something turns u for me. wish everyone a nice weekend...Monday cannot come quick enough to I get to GP to get my levels
princess sorry for your loss it is hard to find someone who knows what we are going through but you have come to the right place i hope that you feel better soon like the other ladies have said if you feel that you might be pregnant either do a test or have your dr check you it's better safe than sorry.

kaznib can't wait for an update fx for good numbers

pixxie hope that you are able to enjoy your weekend with your hubby hope that his attitude changes i hate when they act wierd lol

afm the past few days i spent in bed before work, my headaches are way better and after a couple of bfns i think that it is clear that it is a no go for a baby, my bbs are still feeling weird and thankfully the cramps are gone but am now going to wait on af and see what happens i think following the pattern it should be here next week lets see what happens
Hi ladies

Congratulations on your BFP's kaznib & Skeet!! Amazing news!

kaznib - thanks for your message. It has been awhile! So thrilled to read your news. You've been through a lot, so I'm sending all my positive thoughts to you. Hope you get great levels back today. xox

Cath - Hugs to to you. Hope your levels have continued to drop, and you can look forward to getting back on the TTC bandwagon in September.

PrincessBree - well, I made the conscious decision to start trying again before my first AF arrived after ectopic surgery, and did indeed get pregnant and am now 32 weeks with no yes, it does happen! I hope this gives you some comfort!

Lucy - sorry to read that you've had some BFN's. Am still praying for you girl. I read the suggestion of getting some clomid...perhaps it's something to investigate? It's ok for Doctors to say to wait and lose weight etc, but they don't understand the torture of waiting and wanting to fall pregnant. Hope your headaches have subsided.

Peachy - time is flying now...less than 10 weeks for us! Whats the verdict on the glucose levels? I hope all is OK.

Waves to Pixxie time to write anymore. My daughter has just finished up at the dentist, so have to fly.

Will write again later.

Hi ladies, I found this thread last night but didnt want to post, but I see a couple of newbies have recently joined so thought I'd see if its ok to join you girls too.

I had my left tube removed 11 days ago on 5th July after getting my BFP in early June. I wasnt scheduled for an US, its a long story but managed to get one, it was lucky I did as they found the baby still growing with a HB measuring 9 weeks. I was rushed into surgery and told they wouldnt save my tube as it would be too damaged & would be an increased chance of ectopic in the future. Initially I felt releaved that it was found before if rupture, but also really upset that I had lost another baby. Now I just cant bare to think about waiting 3 bloody months to ttc again!

This baby was the second I have lost in 7 months - I lost my son at 19 1/2 weeks on Nov 28th when my waters broke suddenly. It was such a horrible experience that I can not even begin to explain. I thought we had our bad luck & felt so different that this pregnancy was going to be successful, so it was a complete shock to get the news.

I think what I want to know is.... did you all wait 3 months if you were treated with surgery? I know my insides need to heal, but I think I will go mental if I have to wait to TTC, all I have wanted since the minute I delivered our son in November is to be pregnant again.

Thanks in advance xxxx
Bride2be-You are totally welcomed to join this thread. This is for everyone who has went through an ectopic and would like the extra support and encouragment from people who have been in a similar situation. As to your question, it is suggest to wait 3 months for a few reasons. Medically your body takes 6 months or longer to heal internally, and so while within 6 weeks our outsides may be fine, the insides are still recovering. With my ectopic I waited 5 months to ttc again. I waited that long for two reasons, to allow my body to get healthy, and 2 to because mentally I knew I just wanted to replace the on I lost. I hope you make the decision that feels best for you. Sorry that you are going through this though. :hugs:

Pink-:wave: hope all is well with you! :)

AFM I found out why my doctors didn't fax my information, three weeks later. Turns up they wanted to make sure I knew that once I went back to my midwife office they were never and I quote ever going to see me again as a patient. I was shocked that they are that rude to hold my information and also threaten me. So glad I am switching. On a side note today I am 22!!! Happy b-day me!!! :happydance:
Thanks Pixie & Happy Birthday!! How long did it take you to fall pregnant? You are younger than me so I would imagine you will fall quicker. I am almost 31 and have been trying for almost 2 years now, so I am keen to get going on this baby making business!

I am ok on the emotional side (as ok as you can ever be with a loss). I dont want to sound heartless but my first loss had a bigger impact on me as I actually gave birth and held my baby, so my emotions from losing him are still very much more in the forefront of my mind. The only thing that helped me function again after losing him was when I started actively TTC.

I wasnt really given much advice when I was discharged from hospital about how long the physical healing takes - hence I came on to BnB as usually there are other people who have been through the same to help out!

I hope you have a great birthday and get lots of lovely goodies xxx
Just got back from my u/s...the tech originally told me that she would not be allowed to tell me anything because I'm still so early. We had a very relaxed converstation through out the whole thing and she was asking me about my previous losses. At the end of the u/s she told me I was not allowed to tell my dr that she said anything, but she could see the beginning of a baby in my uterus!! She told me that she is sure that she will probably see me in a week or 2 for a follow up scan and that she would be able to share a lot more with me at that point. I was so happy that she reassured me that it was not ectopic that i actually cried!!
Just got back from my u/s...the tech originally told me that she would not be allowed to tell me anything because I'm still so early. We had a very relaxed converstation through out the whole thing and she was asking me about my previous losses. At the end of the u/s she told me I was not allowed to tell my dr that she said anything, but she could see the beginning of a baby in my uterus!! She told me that she is sure that she will probably see me in a week or 2 for a follow up scan and that she would be able to share a lot more with me at that point. I was so happy that she reassured me that it was not ectopic that i actually cried!!

:hugs::hugs::hugs:I could literally feel your joy through your message I almost cried myself lol I am so happy for you hun xx I really pray this is a happy and healthy 9 months for you xx
Thanks princessbree!! I'm over joyed!! Just praying little bean has a hb the next scan!!
Just got back from my u/s...the tech originally told me that she would not be allowed to tell me anything because I'm still so early. We had a very relaxed converstation through out the whole thing and she was asking me about my previous losses. At the end of the u/s she told me I was not allowed to tell my dr that she said anything, but she could see the beginning of a baby in my uterus!! She told me that she is sure that she will probably see me in a week or 2 for a follow up scan and that she would be able to share a lot more with me at that point. I was so happy that she reassured me that it was not ectopic that i actually cried!!

Congratulations I cant even begin to imagine how wonderful that must feel. I wish you a H&H 9 months xx
Thanks princessbree!! I'm over joyed!! Just praying little bean has a hb the next scan!!

Aww me too hun!!Can I ask how soon after your ectopic did you get your af.I had laprascopy 5 weeks ago but still no af??xx
hey ladies hi to the new girls so sorry for your losses my thoughts on waiting to try are different i too was told to wait but didn't and here i am 8 months out and still no bfp so am glad i did not wait although it hasn't happened i would feel worse with missing all that time

pink nice to hear from you you are so close to the end so happy for you

pixxie happy bday

skeet that was nice of the tech to tell you a little something it makes you feel better fx that they are able to see more next time can't wait for update

i know there is way more that i read but i have a massave headache so sorry that i missed anyone

afm i am laying in bed wishing i felt better not only do i have a huge heachache but af got me yesterday and boy talk about being in pain, so am trying to rest before work sometimes being a woman is so fun i wish i had ordered that clomid so that i could start it now that i actually know what cycle day im on ugh
:wave: hi to everyone sorry for the ramble
Thanks princessbree!! I'm over joyed!! Just praying little bean has a hb the next scan!!

Aww me too hun!!Can I ask how soon after your ectopic did you get your af.I had laprascopy 5 weeks ago but still no af??xx

It took about 6.5 weeks.., I found after words my Af was not on schedule what so ever.. I would go from a 32 day cycle to a 60 day cycle and everything in between.. I started temping so I would know when Af would arrive
I got my beta back in 6 days it went from 258 -4914
Skeet-OMG I almost started crying for you!!! I am so happy the baby is in the right spot :D :happydance: I remember the day they told me my baby was in the right spot I started bawling on the table. It was the best news ever to be told that it was not an ectopic pregnancy but a normal pregnancy. I am so happy for you and it sounds like everything is carrying on normally. I can't wait for your next ultrasound!!!!!!

Bride2be-I got pregnant my first month of trying which was a huge shock for me. Mostly cause with my oldest two it took me about 3 months to get pregnant with them. When I found out I was pregnant my biggest fear was it being another ectopic cause it happened so fast but nope he is a completely normal baby and kicking my bladder every single day :haha:. Don't lose hope though. My sister in law was told she couldnt have children after she had twins prematurely (at 25 weeks) and she found out three years later at the age of 38 that she was pregnant and now she has a beautiful healthy baby girl. So don't ever believe anything is impossible. :)

belle-It took a while for my levels to go back to normal for me to get my cycle but when I did it was the worse period I had in a long time. I think it took about 2 months for me to get my period back so don't stress to bad, your body is just trying to heal.

AFM got an midwife appointment today so I get to hear my little ones heart beat again, even though his kicks are finally getting strong enough to show through the skin, yay and ouch lol. Also my I got my husband his birthday gift since his birthday is also coming up (old man is turning 33 lol (jk to anyone around that age I just like to make fun of him)) I am taking him to see Creed. Trust me he is estatic lol. Well hope everyone is having a good day and much love to all of you!!!!
Thanks Ladies!!! I did cry!! Lol I was trying to be so strong but I turned into a weepy mess!!! It was the first U/s i have ever had that I left feeling good!!

pixxiie- I love creed by the way!! So jealous!!! Your hubby will love it!!
Awww Skeet i was just filling up reading that!! those levels are amazing...........any signs of multiples?!?!

i had MTX on June 22nd and had a LAP a week later but they didnt take my tube just gave me a D&C and washed everything (sounds so weird saying that lol) last Sunday my levels were 175 so im hoping this sunday they will be below 5 fingers x and my AF will show 2 weeks later, after my MC in April AF was exactly 1 month after MC xxx

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