TCC After Ectopic buddy needed

I am now a bit concerned about AF going 'walk about,' I think the last thing you want to deal with after all this is for AF to start screwing with your head.

Cath, I started to bleed on day 4 post op - I know this isnt a 'real' AF, but I am really hoping that AF arrives around 6 th August. So hopefully you wont have to wait 2 weeks for AF - the sooner the 3 AFs are out the way they sooner you can get TTC again!

After my first loss my cycles were slightly off, starting at 35 days and going down to 27 days. I used to have 28/29 day cycles before I got pregnant. My LP on the short cycles were only 8 days - and was surprised when the next month I fell pregnant as I thought I had a LP defect.

I think I have decided that I will wait on proper AF then try again. I am not waiting 3 months!!!!! Pixie its awesome you got preggers on your first try - that would be amazing! I know I wont be that lucky (just based on my luck so far - I am sure I havent broken any mirrors or walked under ladders!!!)

Lucy - I am sure your time will come, they say on 'average' it takes 9 months to conceive. So hopefully your BFP is just around the corner xxx I would be really frustrated having to wait that long. What CD are you on? What are you doing to ttc? I tried every trick in the book - soy, CBFM, Vitamin B6, baby aspirin, reflexology......the list goes on! I think I will stick with reflexology, B6 and baby aspirin (as well as prenatals)
iv been bleeding now for roughly 4 weeks 4 days lol not that im counting or anything, its turning brown now and just there when i wipe so hopefully my hcg is below 100, well my consultant said 3 months or 3 AFs whichever comes first and i got a funny feeling the 3 months will be first as i cant see 3 AFs arriving before Sept 14th lol!

Sorry hun i am new to this post so dont really know your history, when was your ectopic?

i see your getting married in less than 2 weeks!! you nervous!?! Excited!! xxx
Awww Skeet i was just filling up reading that!! those levels are amazing...........any signs of multiples?!?!

i had MTX on June 22nd and had a LAP a week later but they didnt take my tube just gave me a D&C and washed everything (sounds so weird saying that lol) last Sunday my levels were 175 so im hoping this sunday they will be below 5 fingers x and my AF will show 2 weeks later, after my MC in April AF was exactly 1 month after MC xxx

Nope no sign of multiples yet!! But it's still early :)
Bride2be- it really is a pain when Af comes and goes as it chooses after everything. It really messed with my head!! That is the reason I started temping. I knew I couldn't use opts cause my cycle was so irregular it would cost a ton. Oh and I just dtd every time we saw each other ( which wasn't much due to his work schedule) and hoped that we came close to catching ov. At least it kept me sane through out my super long cycles!

Best of luck girls!! There are a few of us now on this site that proves hope is not lost after ectopic
Cath my surgery was exactly 2 weeks ago - 5th July. So I am an one tuber newbie! It does sound like 3 months will come round quicker, you have done a month already! It gives you a chance to get yourself in top shape to get your body ready to accept a new pregnancy.

Skeet how long were you TTC - I cant remember if I read that or not. I need to go back and read!!! I have a brain like a sieve!

Yes I am getting married in 9 days time!!! At least I have a distraction I guess. But cant help feeling this couldnt have come at a more rubbish time as I hoped our wedding would be a happy occasion, but I have all this in my mind so it has kind of taken the whole "happiest time of your life" feeling away from me a bit!
Bride2be- overall I ttcd for a yea and 6 months.. In that time I have had 1
Mc, 1 chemical and one ectopic.. It's been a crazy time
Oh gosh, you have been through a rough time. I have everything crossed for you that this one is for keeps xxx
skeet you and I are very similar hun! Iv been TTC for 9 months, in the past 2 and a half months i have had 1 mc and 1 ep, it has scared me so much xxx
Thanks bride2be.. I'm praying this one does too!
It's feeling like there is a chance it might.. I have way more symptoms with this pregnancy then any of the others.

Cathgibs- we have been through a lot of the same. It is terrifying. It makes it hard to be preg too because it's really hard to enjoy the pregnancy or be excited. I want to get excited and so does oh but it's hard to when we aren't sure if it will stick or not. I'm just looking forward to my next scan so I can see if their is a hb or not.

I will admit though I'm reminded every morning there is a bean in there when I'm hugging the toilet :)
that is a very good sign hun, - hugging porcelin!!!i bet you must be i can totally understand though, this scan will make it worthwhile chick cause this one will stick, 3rd time lucky - when is your scan? xxx
I had one last week, but it was too early .. All the technician could tell me was that their is the beginning of a baby in the uterus. I go see my ob again on Tuesday a d she will send me for another scan
skeet am keeping my fx for you but i have a feeling that you are going to be joining the other lucky one on here that are close to the end or half way there

bride2b you must be one busy lady with the preps for your big day, thanks for your words of encouragement i know that there are a ton of supplements that i could try but that thing is that i have diabetes and high blood pressure and i can't take certain things i do take a prenatal vit every morning as my dr said it couldn't hurt, i can't take aspirin atm bc of some of the meds am on as to what day am on am on day 5 i think the one thing that i am happy about is that she did change some of the meds to baby safe ones just in case i got a bfp

ladies i hope that the rest of you are doing well, am also happy to see that there is more chatter in here, i sure that we are going to get some more bfps soon fx for us that are waiting on it,

afm am waiting for af to go away so that i can get back to ttc am getting ready to go see my dr this morning to check on somethings that are bothering me i will let you all know what happens i might ask about clomid again but i don't think that she is going to allow me on it that would really be a miracle
Thanks Lucky!! And good luck at the Doctors today. Do you temp by chance?
Just to let all my friends on here in on my good news. Had scan this morning, saw baby and heartbeat exactly where it should be! We are delighted and just want to let everyone know that back in Feb I never thought I'd be pregnant again so quickly so it will happen for each of you like it did me:) xx

I had my scan yesterday too! Saw the little hb fluttering away!! First time I've ever gotten to see that!!
Congratulations, kaznib and skeet! I've been MIA for so long since I've been very busy with my transition from active duty Air Force to Reserve. It's been a long road. I remember some of you ladies. For those who don't remember me, I had to have surgery to remove an ectopic (and my left tube) back in Dec 2011. For the love of everything, we got pregnant January 2012. We are now 29 weeks pregnant with our second little boy!

I just wanted to let everyone know that you all are in my thoughts and I only wish the best for you. Please continue your high spirits and best of luck!!
Lovebotlass17 that's fantastic news!! hope it all goes well for you hun, enjoy every moment, i know i'm going to try my best!

Skeet - wow! u must be so so happy:flower: it was my first time seeing a little flicker of a heartbeat and my baby is the size of a little blueberry:) amazing!
Lovebotlass17 Congrats!!!! You must be thrilled!!

Kaznib- when are you due? I'm the size of a blue berry too!!
YAY!!! ladies that is fantastic news. I am so happy all your beans are were they should be. It really is the best feeling to not only see them on the ultrasound, but to see them where they should be. Congrats and one hurdle is down. :)

AFM I am getting ready to enter my last trimester!!! YAY!!! Not so yay is this baby kicks...a lot and hard. He kept me up for three hours late last night, and then woke me up early at around 6am...not very fun. lol, but oh well at least I knowhe is happy and healthy.

I hope to see more bfps soon. It is great to see everyone is doing so well. :)
oh wow pixxie!! Congrats!! Must be excited to reach the third trimester!! The bonus is as long as your little one is kicking you, you know hes healthy!!

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