TCC After Ectopic buddy needed

Skeet-Yeah I am super I am on a new quest. I told my husband today that i wish I could see my baby one more time before he is born and he then asks well don't you get another one...uh no. So he is now considering paying for me to get a 3d/4d ultrasound done so I can see him again. YAY!!! FX my hubby caves and pays for it lol.
Oh wow that would be amazing if he did., oh told me he doesn't want a 3d ultra sound.. He says they freak him out cause they look like little aliens :haha:
Hi girls, I am a bit of a stalker on this thread and this is a selfish post but as a fellow ectopic sufferer I wanted to give you hope, and reassure myself!

I can't believe it but I got a faint positive this morning :bfp: ahhhhh so excited! I am hoping it's a sticky bean in the right place. I am off to the pharmacy at lunch to buy more tests!

Good luck all :)

Skeet I am due 18 th of March, just in time for st.paddys day:) when ru due?? X
I would like some buddies as well. Trying to cope with my first pregnancy being an ectopic. Tomorrow will be two weeks (7/20) since i had surgery to remove my baby and my right tube. Anxious and scared to try again! Trying natural feretilty stuff to increase my chances since my doctor said my chances of naturally concieving are low due to scare tissue. Best of luck to ladies:)
Panduh when did they say you can try again hun xxx
Hi Ladies! I just read this entire thread start to finish. Wow! This really gives me some hope that I can get pregnant again, and it work right. I am fertile in 3 days. Really scared something weird is gonna happen again. I just don't understand how I had an ectopic if my tubes are open? It's been 3 cycles since my metho shot, so I guess all I can do now is pray and try again.. Good luck everyone!!!
She said she suppose to tell me three month but i could start again whenever really i would be fine cuz i had the laporscopy not the shot. So im nit going to really try for but if it happen then ill be so happy. But i want to hear others stories to give me hope
Let me rephrase that not goingnto prevent it for the three months and leave it in Gods hands then after the three month, im on it hahaha
- I'm really sorry to hear of your loss. :hugs: Please do not give up hope there is still a very good chance that you can get pregnant with one tube. My oh's mother had one tube and has three perfectly healthy children all concieved naturally.

As for the ttc I'm surprised your dr told you you could start asap. My Ob told me no sex until 6 weeks ( i caved and had sex after 4 and even then it was pretty painful) There are a lot of muscles and everything they had to cut through to get to the tube. So you may be tender for awhile. Please be careful. Also after my lap my periods went really wacky. I kept my tube however I think it is damaged or blocked. I would get af my regular 32 days, then I would not get it for 64 days. I highley recomend after you first period to temp to see when you are ovulation to ease your mind if you are late. It helped me learn my body.

Needless to say 8 months after my ectopic ( thats oh and I working separate shifts and only see each other on weekends so not able to really ttc) I got pregnant. My little bean is in the right spot and its heart is beating!!

I wish you the best of luck and am sending you lots of :dust: and :hugs:
Hi Ladies! I just read this entire thread start to finish. Wow! This really gives me some hope that I can get pregnant again, and it work right. I am fertile in 3 days. Really scared something weird is gonna happen again. I just don't understand how I had an ectopic if my tubes are open? It's been 3 cycles since my metho shot, so I guess all I can do now is pray and try again.. Good luck everyone!!!

My tubes were perfectly clear as well. MY ob explained it as there are little hairs that are in the tubes that are supposed to assist the egg to move down them. They can be damaged by several things ( an undiagnosed STI that was cured by random antibiotics, smoking etc etc) She also said that sometimes its just a freak accident. I get your fear !! I've had an MC, a chemical and an ectopic...but there is hope. I'm currently 7 weeks and 6 days pregnant, my little bean is in the right spot and has a healthy heart beat ( first time I ever got positive news from a scan) I'm sending you the best of luck and lots of :dust: Hopefully you get your healthy stuck in the right place bean really soon!!
Hi Ladies! I just read this entire thread start to finish. Wow! This really gives me some hope that I can get pregnant again, and it work right. I am fertile in 3 days. Really scared something weird is gonna happen again. I just don't understand how I had an ectopic if my tubes are open? It's been 3 cycles since my metho shot, so I guess all I can do now is pray and try again.. Good luck everyone!!!

My tubes were perfectly clear as well. MY ob explained it as there are little hairs that are in the tubes that are supposed to assist the egg to move down them. They can be damaged by several things ( an undiagnosed STI that was cured by random antibiotics, smoking etc etc) She also said that sometimes its just a freak accident. I get your fear !! I've had an MC, a chemical and an ectopic...but there is hope. I'm currently 7 weeks and 6 days pregnant, my little bean is in the right spot and has a healthy heart beat ( first time I ever got positive news from a scan) I'm sending you the best of luck and lots of :dust: Hopefully you get your healthy stuck in the right place bean really soon!!

Skeet you are my inspiration!!! You must be on cloud 9 right now!! Another girlfriend just found out she is pregnant today, and my sister in law gave my mother in law her first grandchild today also ( that has been the hardest thing about this is not giving my mother in law her first grand baby) Everyone is having babies except for me story of my life =/
Thanks..I am on cloud 9 but terrified at the same time..I'm having a hard time getting excited because even I dont believe its real!!
I have a fantastic Ob that monitors me closely and have already had 2 scans. I'm also on progesterone to help sustain the pregnancy. I know the feeling though. All of my friends have babies!! I have also gotten a lot of pressure from OH's grandparents as they really want great grand children ..they both know what i've gone through but still feel the need to pressure us. So I complelty feel the heart break.

When are you cleared to ttc again?
The doctor didnt exactly say asap more like your suppose to wait three months but if it happens before its not a bad thing. Also i only had to wait two weeks to be able to have sex. Maybe because they took my tube it diffrent for me. But who knows when my body will be back on track. Not only do I only one tube its damaged:( but they said dont give up and to have an HSG which may help open it up! Sooo ive been trying to get info on that.
CONGRATS!!!! Im very happy to hear to hear your pregs! Gives me hope:)
Pandah it seems were are both at a similar stage - my surgery was 4 weeks ago and had my left tube removed and have decided to not prevent this month, although I am not sure when I am due to O as have a feeling my body would have gone out of sync! I think I would have missed O this month, as we didnt DTD until CD 19 ( I usually O CD18-19) so I dont think anything will happen this month. I am on CD 26 now, and expect AF Monday or there abouts! Next month I will be back on the TTC train and looking to get that BFP asap!

Sorry to hear that your other tube may be not in the best shape - the HSG is supposed to be quite a successful procedure and I have read a fair bit on BnB about ladies getting it done then getting their BFP shortly afterwards.

I will certainly be here alot when I start back TTC!!!
hey girls so so sorry that i have been mia for such a long time, am barely getting any sleep with how busy we are so being on my laptop was far from happening lol but today is my lazy day so i hope i can catch up a little before work

i am so sorry to see new ladies on here and just wanted to say that am so sorry for your losses but i hope that you all get your rainbow babies soon

afm nothing much happening here am waiting to talk to a specialist for RA and then in october my dr said that if my A1C comes back good that i might be able to get on clomid if the the obgyn agrees, it makes me mad that i have to ask "permission" to try to have a baby i know that they are concerned about my health but then i think that there are women who have worse cases than me and are able to have normal pregnancies and a healthy baby it doesn't help either that when i go see the dr she is there with her big belly since she too is pregnant i would think that she would understand what am feeling
alright rant over lol i just needed to get it off my chest

FX for all you ladies :hug:
Lucy-FX for you hunny. I really hope they let you start trying again. I agree it is unfair but they just want to make sure your body can better support a baby when the time comes.

Other ladies-I welcome you new faces and congratulate the BFPs and wish everyone else all the luck when it comes to TTC after an ectopic. It is a very hard and scary process, but in the end it will all be worth it when we all hold our little ones in our arms.

AFM-Sorry for not coming in here as much. Just getting closer to the third trimester and just whole new set of stresses and fears are hitting. I have been getting braxton hicks a lot recently and my midwife is a little concerned now that I will go into premature labor since i have a history of it. (thankfully last time it happened they were able to stop it). Also in other news I need to get my Gestational Diabetes test done...well I have been needing to get it done for the last 2-3 weeks but I keep putting it off. Wish me luck for that. I really hope everyone is doing great. :)

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