TCC After Ectopic buddy needed

pixxie thanx i really hope that my time is comming but i got to be honest am terrified the dr told me that the chances of an other ectopic are higher since it is in the same tube that am going to be trying but i have faith that i will get a rainbow baby although at the same time am scared i guess what will be will be
i am sorry that you are going through a rough time hope that your little one stays in there as long as needed thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers :hugs:
Ok.. So I have a situation, and I wanted to see if any of yall have experienced anything like this. My Dr finally found a polyp Jan 2012. I then had hysterocopy to remove it Feb 14th. I got pregnant for the first time 3 weeks later. I noticed right after my surgery my husbands sperm would burn my uterus starting about 20 mins after sex was over. That pregnancy in March of this yr was my first time being pregnant, and ended by me having to take methotrexate. they never could see it in the tubes but i was having pain on the right side and my hcg level would rise, drop then rise again. So we were told to wait 3 months... We had sex with condoms and I had no pain at all.. Well last night we were free to try again, and I ovulate in 4 days. So I am fertile now... WELL last night I kinda felt the burning in the uterus, but today im having burning plus cramping! I am pretty sure its ovulation pain but what is the uncomfortable burning in my uterus? Could my husbands sperm be irritating me? Could I still have cuts in there from my polyp surgery from 6 months ago? Is this maybe just strong ovulation pains? HELP!! OPINIONS PLEASE!! =(
O also not sure if this makes a difference , but my husband has super potent sperm.. Around 125 million every time they have tested it. Plus he is on a bunch of fitness related supplements, and I don;t take anything other than prenatals. Maybe my body does not like his sperm?? I just get afraid im gonna get an infection in my uterus and it will give me a bad pregnancy again. UHHHH ttc is so terrifying! I just wish the stork would drop me a baby off, and I could just have it already. Hahah.
Trophy-I know sperm count or numbers should not be irritating your cervix. I do know however, it took months for sex to feel comfortable with me and my hubby after my ectopic. When I finally was given the ok for intercourse after about a month it really hurt, especially on the side of my ectopic. I think what may be going on is you already have an infection and need to get checked out. Burning and feeling uncomfortable is not normal. Maybe you have an irritation to laytex condoms if you used condoms during intercourse. Just an idea. I say see a doctor.
trophywife am with pixxie on this you should def see a dr and ask but although i might be wrong on this but maybe the supplements he takes are some how in his sperm? sounds crazy i know lol but you never know hope that you get it sorted out soon
I agree Trophy, I'd see a doctor, especially as the magic time is upon you and if you are about to O you dont want to waste an opportunity / make things worse. Its best to find out sooner rather than later as then you can make a plan of action for getting his sperm to meet your egg! Good luck xx
Thanks yall! I just emailed my fertility nurse, and hopefully they can get me in. So sweet of yall to answer me back so quick =)
Lucy, That's totally what I'm thinking!! Maybe some how his sperm is kind of acidic from all his fitness supplements. Either ways now that the evil polyp is gone I'm confident I will get pregnant again, but if I have some hostile environment / irritated uterus I'm sure it will bother a pregnancy =(
These are what he takes I'm about to look them up...
vitamin code mens multi
alpha brain
hcl acid
Hey ladies, I am just waiting...very impatiently for the results of my GTT. They are normally good about calling the following day but who knows. I am just so worried. At the start of my pregnancy my A1C was 1 point away from failing and so I am afraid of what it will say.

In another part of my world I am coming up on my 1 year mark since my ectopic next month. Around this time last year every thing started coming apart and it wasn't till the start of next month I discovered that I was pregnant with my little angel. I keep telling myself that I will see that baby again someday, but it is just hard. I think this whole next month is going to be the hardest on me emotionally for that reason. I still can't get over the fact that I was blessed with something that beat the odds, only to lose it to a terrible odd a couple weeks later. :( Sorry just ranting up it has been on my mind for the last couple of days. Being pregnant with my son right now is just the biggest blessing and I can't not help be so greatfull this pregnancy has been so normal and healthy for the most part. I just sometimes miss my other baby still.
Hey ladies, I am just waiting...very impatiently for the results of my GTT. They are normally good about calling the following day but who knows. I am just so worried. At the start of my pregnancy my A1C was 1 point away from failing and so I am afraid of what it will say.

In another part of my world I am coming up on my 1 year mark since my ectopic next month. Around this time last year every thing started coming apart and it wasn't till the start of next month I discovered that I was pregnant with my little angel. I keep telling myself that I will see that baby again someday, but it is just hard. I think this whole next month is going to be the hardest on me emotionally for that reason. I still can't get over the fact that I was blessed with something that beat the odds, only to lose it to a terrible odd a couple weeks later. :( Sorry just ranting up it has been on my mind for the last couple of days. Being pregnant with my son right now is just the biggest blessing and I can't not help be so greatfull this pregnancy has been so normal and healthy for the most part. I just sometimes miss my other baby still.

No matter how precious a new pregnancy is, and that odd feeling of if my angel survived this one wouldnt be on the way, I think all ladies carrying rainbows feel the sadness of the baby they will never get to keep. Its a real mix of emotions. I found it tough and kept imagining giving birth to my baby Bertie again, I knew the baby wasnt him but I couldnt get the image out that the baby was going to be a boy just like him. In the end I never got to meet my second angel, but there were mixed emotions about being pregnant and missing my angel. I dont know if that all made sense, but basically what I am saying is your feelings are totally normal.

I have no idea about the tests or what they are hun, so cant comment on them. But I hope everything goes ok xxx
Pixxie even now that I am lucky to be nine weeks pregnant again I do not get that excited feeling that I did with the two I lost in February this year. I think of them always and try will always be my first babies:)
On positive note I'm doing fine ATM, had some cramping and spots of blood on Sunday night and freaked out , called my doctor and she scanned me and all is ok, saw little baby and heart beat ticking away! So reassuring! It's still a worrying time tho as every twinge and spot o blood reminds me of before.

Hope all I going well with everyone else, so many new people on here I need to take time to sit down and read all the threads properly, but if all have experienced an ectopic welcome, these girls have been wonderful and an inspiration to me:) just hope I can give the same back.

So Lucy thinking about u often an am praying that u get ur Bfp very soon, I am confident that u will and all will be fine!!
Pixxie, How far along were you when you lost your 2 babies? I don't know if its to protect my self from hurt, but once I realized it was a bad pregnancy I told myself it was never a baby just tissue trying to make a baby ( I am pro life, and a christian btw).. I was about 5-6 weeks when they told me my levels dropped and it was a bad pregnancy. Which I translated into " not a real pregnancy" I got super bitter about it, and have never made light that there was a baby in there because I didn't wanna hurt emotionally also while in that much pain. My hcg only ever got to 78 at the highest, and bounced around the 40 mark for a few weeks before it dropped with the metho. Also my husband kept telling me don't be sad we will get pregnant again soon, so I never still to this day have let myself think about the reality of it. I know I would have been devastated if I saw a heart beat!! Wonder if any of the other ladies shut their emotions off to the situation like I did?
Also I was about 8 weeks along when I finally hit 0 hcg. They could never see it either... So I don't even know what to think of it all.
Trophy-Honestly I really do not know how far along I was when I discovered I had an ectopic pregnancy . My period was already about 2-3 weeks late when I found out that I was pregnant (plus I was on birth control). Finding out I was pregnant in the first place was the biggest shock for me cause I had just had a baby 6 months prior and I did not think we were ready to have was after much soul searching we decided to keep the baby.) It was about another 2 weeks after I found out I was pregnant that my tube started to really hurt me and almost rupture. It was at that point I was taken by ambulance to the ER and then rushed into surgery a couple hours later after they discovered it was an ectopic pregnancy. I kinda knew something was wrong with my pregnancy most the time though cause my levels were low and not rising as they should, and about a few days after after I found out I was pregnant I started to bleed a lot and the doctors could not explain it especially cause my levels were still to low to see anything on an ultrasound. So I think when I finally treated the ectopic I was about 7-9 weeks maybe more it is really hard to say.
pixxie i think that i know exactly how you feel for some reason now that i know that things are running a little better with my health it scares me to think that if i get a bfp something might go wrong again like the other ladies said we will always carry the reminder of the little angeles that could not be, i think of mine more often than before expecially since my due date passed as am sure yours has, but i believe that my little angel is with my mom and grandma and that one day am going to meet him or her although i keep thinking that it was a boy, there is nothing wrong with having these mixed feelings :hugs: hope that your A1C comes back ok

kaznib from your mouth to gods ears i hope that i do get a bfp soon and that i am able to join all you ladies in sharing a happy story

i keep thinking what is going to happen once i get the next A1C done it is in october and that was when we found out that i was pregnant and that it was ectopic am really having some mixed feelings about that i want to try asap but i don't know i guess it all depends really on the next apt on the 28th of this month am getting the results from a specialist that i might have RA and depending on that i have to see what i push for

:wave: to all the other ladies
Hi ladies

I'm still here and am reading along when I get a chance. Welcome to all the new ladies. I'm sorry for your ectopic losses. It's a tough road, but a few of us are proof that you can come out the other side and the sun will shine again. In my case, I count my blessings every day that I was able to fall pregnant again so quickly. For those who don't know my story, I had surgery on the 21st November and had my left tube removed plus a D&C. After reading these forums I made a conscious decision to try straight away, and was very fortunate to get a BFP on the 30th December.

My ectopic experience has affected me greatly. Like you ladies, I will never forget. I have been a lot more guarded with this pregnancy. I worry a lot more. I also think of my angel. He/she was measuring 8 weeks when I was diagnosed, but had no heartbeat which is something I was grateful for (although to grow to 8 weeks I am realistic enough to know that there would have been a heartbeat at some point).

I have 4 weeks (give or take) to go. I'm doing ok...have been really well up until this point, but am starting to slow down now.

Am excited about the baby arriving, finding out what it is, etc, but most importantly just want it to arrive safely and for us both to be healthy.

Peachy, are you still with us? You don't have long to go either, and are in my thoughts.

Lucy, as always I think of you, and pray your time will be here soon.

Kaznib, if I didn't already congratulate you, congrats on your pregnancy! I'm so pleased to see that all is going well.

Lovebotlass, I was pleased to see you pop in awhile ago. Not too much longer for you either.

Pixxie, I hope that all is ok with your GTT results. Time is moving along for you too!

Well, I will post this now, and will be back with another update when I can. My thoughts are with you all. This group helped me enormously in those dark days post-ectopic, and I will never forget it.

Pink-EEEK!!!!! 5 more weeks for you hunny!!!! I can't wait for you to post the birth story for your baby :) It is hard to believe that time has flown by for us.

Lucy-Still praying and keeping fingers crossed for you hunny. It feels good to know i have you and well all the others ladies to talk to and understand how hard it is to be pregnant after an ectopic, even if the pregnancy is going smoothly it still puts a person on pins and needles.

AFM still no call from my midwife office. I guess it goes back to that saying of no news is good news right? I tried calling them today and i guess most of the midwifes are at training right now and those who are not are at the hospital delivering babies so i will not know the answer either way till next week. oh well. I'll let you all know how my appointment goes on Tuesday or Wednesday. Forgot what day it was on and i lost the paper...oops lol.
pixxie no news is good news but i am keeping my fx that it all comes back normal and that you have a smooth rest of your pregnancy

pink so good to see you only a few more weeks to go and you will meet your little one i can't wait to hear your birth story

afm nothing much changing here i barely get time to get on my laptop at the moment but i guess it is good oh the only exciting thing is that there has been a bear roaming around the lodge which scares me to no end lol but hubby scares it away but i refuse to go out at night
hi to all the ladies
I had an ectopic in 2010, I had key hole surgery to remove the pregnancy. It was very emotionally draining and will never be forgotten. I fell pregnant with my youngest daughter 3 months after that, who was born very healthily at 39 weeks by c/section and i am now 30 weeks pregnant with a little boy. xx
Thats amazing Butter!! nice to hear some good news after an ectopic!! Did you wait 3 months or 12 weeks and how many cycles did you have? xxx
so glad I found this thread... my signature says it all really, Will keep reading on, hoping and praying! It's lifted my spirits knowing that some ladies have gone on to have a live baby after one or more ectopics/ pregnancies of unknown location! x

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