TCC After Ectopic buddy needed

ladies can anyone see this? xxx
I think I do but I am not 100%. I say test again in like 2 days. I know my first bfp after my ectopic was faint, but it got really dark over time.
Pixxie its only been 8 weeks since my mtx iv been so careful :-( xxx
oh crap...then deff test again. that is so scary!!!!! I hope for your sake it is negative and just an evap line then. I have read such horror stories about getting pregnant before the 3 months are up with the methotrexate.
I have a question. I am waiting on my fifth cycle and it was due today my cycles since my ectopic in hmarch have been pretty normal but for a week now i have had the same pain on my right side just like i had in march. My uterus had been having this heaviness and burning pain in it right above my pelvic area. My nipples just got very sore two days ago and last night i got this sudden taste in my mouth that was .i took a test this morning and it was bfn so I'm kinda getting worried.
cath i hope that it is an evap as well i know we never want that but when the healthy of our lo is in play we hope for a better timing gl to you keep us posted

resque how many dpo are you? maybe your testing to early and that is why they r bfn? hope that your get your bfp soon

afm i thought that i was about to o since the opk was pretty dark last night and then tonight it was barely there so who knows, one thing is that am moody as heck and having some craving i mean they are so bad i get mad at my hubby if he doesn't get to the store on time to get what i want lol but i wonder if it is because of ov or something with my hormones it
I had to wait 3 months until ttc then had lap and dye, so just started ttc in july this year, had to build my folate levels up again. I'm scared of being pregnant again, i'm worried it will be another ectopic or pregnancy of unknown location, having one is bad enough, couldn't cope with a third ectopic. FX to you all x
I dont know dpo but af was due yesterday. I am still getting these very odd dull burning pains in my lower uterus area its not cramping just burning . I wander is that a good sign for pregnancy and i could ovulated a week late i am a late ovulator.
resque that is def a possibility, i don't even when i ovulate as my cycles are way to long and just to hard to keep up with but when i begin to feel like i do i begin to test just in case it is o fx for you hun are you going to keep testing?

cybermum welcome we are all with you in the fears that come after having an ectopic but as you might read there are a couple of ladies on here that are preg now and some are almost due so there is hope fx for you

ladies i have a question for you all for the last 2 weeks i have been testing with opks and i have always gotten a faint second line but for the last week and a half they are not positive but there is a darker second line every time that i do one is this normal? or is it that my harmones are still out of wack? i have done a preg test since i have read that you can get a positive opk when preg but it was bfn and so i kept testing hoping that it will be a true positive opk but nothing yet. what do you guys think? am i over thinking this to much and it's just all in my head? thanks for any thoughts on this
It could be that yOur building up to ov.. Do you temp? Where u at in your cycle? I know I've had a + opk and didn't ov then had another + and Ovd later.. But I temped so I knew I didn't ov after the first one
Lucy I would chart your temps next cycle as well as doing the Ovulation kits. Your body will have an increase in temp for a day or so if you ovulate and it will help you be able to line it up much better. I hope that is any help. I never could understand those opks, in fact I always got darker controlled lines and never a dark test line.
skeet am on cd 31 and my temp were low for a while but for the past few days i have been feeling like am running a fever I'm always hot my hubby is always cold lol because i open every window and have the swamp cooler and fan running am going to wait a few days and see what happens but i would love it if it was a bfp to be honest oh and i used to temp but my cycles are so long that it got to be a hassle but your right i might be getting ready to o since my cycles were about 45 days long thanks for the input i thought i was going crazy lol

pixxie i know what you mean i have always had a faint test line like a barely there and they are not as dark as the control line but they are def there i have run out of preg tests for the moment but am going to wait and keep testing to see what happens who knows maybe i do o this month fx that something happens soon i hate waiting and wondering what is going on

:wave: to all the other ladies
I've started to temp, especially over the summer while Iv'e got a bit of time off work, makes it easier to manage... although Iv'e got way too much time on my hands obsesing as cm,cp, temps, charts, calendars, ect..
I started a thread a few days ago about any ladies that have become pregnant after 2 ectopics... but no one replied... I'm starting to think its really not common....
I kept getting postives hun but i was stressed cause my grandad has been told he has terminal cancer so kept getting upset over that and not sleeping etc so my opks were pos 3 times at 3 diff days but on the last day i felt o pains, are you stressed?? xxx
Lucy that also kept happening me when I was using those kits. I never got a opk for 2 months and I started to worry that I wasn't ovulating, I kept them all over 10 days and I did notice second line getting darker but never a full positive! Well looking back getting darker must've meant progressing towards my surge as I managed to conceive (and I thought I hadn't ovulated atall) but everyone is different! Good luck to u hunni cx
cath i have been thinking alot of what might be making them do that but there is nothing that i think am doing different, i am busy at work but have been for the last 2 or 3 months lol as to the not sleeping for the last few days i have not been sleeping well not at night i am just not tired but then in the morning am really sleepy i have my nights and days mixed up lol

kaznib the ones am taking are the same depending on when i do one is how dark the test line is but like you say it is never a true positive am going to keep on testing to see what happens although last night my good side was aching maybe am getting ready to o just keeping my fx that something happens first how are you doing?

just want to thank you all that have given me some thoughts as to what might be causing the opk situation lol fx for all of us that are waiting for that bfp
Hopefully Lucy u will get ur o soon and then your bfp I have every faith in you and u need to have faith too:) its just a matter of time. My friend has been trying for 15 months an finally she's pregnant and that's her first, no previous complications or ectopic tho. So shows u can still take a long time for some people.

I'm feeling groggy most days, wake up like I have a hangover but have not vomited atall, which is great! Have went off many foods that I used to love and am tired all the time. Actually I'm 10 weeks and 4 days today and this morning I have woke up feeling fine for the first time in ages, but I think iftar might have something to do with travel sickness bands I bought at the chemist yesterday. Had heard mixed reviews about them but the seem to be working for me:)

I'm just taking each day as it comes and relaxing as much as I can as I'm still frightened of something going wrong. Even u know it's ok u can't stop worrying and it's a horrible feeling. People say just enjoy your pregnancy and I feel like saying to them if u only knew half of what I've experienced you'd be scared too.

Anyway Hun let me know how all goes and maybe ur big o is just around the corner x
Lucy-I hope you are able to get your bfp soon. I got to know you shortly after my ectopic and was hoping for you to be my bump buddy, but now I am just sending all the baby thoughts and dust I can your way. OPKs never seemed to like people like us. I tried to use one when getting pregnant with this one and I used it around the days I was supposed to ovulate and well according to some people it was considered negative so I really do not know. Hope your time comes soon!!! :hugs:

Kaznib-how far along are you now? I know how you feel though, my whole first trimester i spent laid up in my bed, either from just being tired or from vomiting my brains out. God only during pregnancy can you not have a hangover and still feel like you do in the morning. Hope it gets smoother for you.

AFM-In the final trimester and the weird thing is, morning sickness came back! I have been getting sick a lot more again and it is just horrible. I have to change my underwear so many times cause I keep peeing them when I get sick. UGH! Then to top it off classes start monday and so I know that unwillingly I have to become the back student (the student who sits in the back of the class). The reason for this is if I go into labor, or need to get sick in the bathroom I can do that without desturbing the rest of the class. Also cause my belly is so big I don't want to have to suck in so someone can squeeze into the seat next to me. I hate sitting in the back of the class, but I have no choice:cry: :haha: I am gonna try to post a pic on here soon so you all can see my big ol bump now. No one asks me if I am pregnant now, they just say "oh when are you due?" "Do you know what you are having?" or my new "favorite" "Can I rub your baby belly?" Come on! Complete strangers want to rub my belly...I don't know where your hands have been, so please don't touch me!!! lol.

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