TCC After Ectopic buddy needed

Pixxie, lol I can't believe that strangers would ask to you rub your belly! Hope the morning sickness stops soon. You're a real trooper and glad to hear that you're continuing with school.

Lucy, sorry but I have no suggestions regarding the opts. They were sort of wonky for me... As in I would get positives sometimes really early and at other times really late. The month I got pregnant I pretty much jumped on dh every other day for two weeks straight. Hope you get good news soon!

Pink, how are you doing my dear? If I recall correctly you have 2 or 3 weeks till you're due?!!

Hi to all the other ladies *waves*

As for me, I am down to my last few weeks. Been feeling pretty good except I can't sleep these days. I feel like I wake up every hour needing to pee lol.
Hey ladies!!! :wave: so today I had an midwife appointment and it went well for the most part. Found out that I had some of the best lab results the midwife had seen in a while and she was very encouraging about be getting my tubes tied after this. Well to the bad news. She had me lay down to hear the baby's heartbeat and measure and the heartbeat was fantastic, but when she measured my stomach she got this very worried look on her face. She asked me again when my last period was and i told her and she said I was measuring pretty big and that I needed to get another ultrasound done. Along with telling me this bit of information they also informed me that if the baby isn't here by my due date they will induce me, they do not think it is safe for baby and I to go past 40 weeks because they think I might need a c-section (I have been measuring big at my last two appointments.)

So at the ultrasound I discovered 2 things. 1. That my son is very uncooperative. He would not position himself correctly for any of the pics and the poor tech really had to work to get his measurements. 2. He is measuring very big. He is weighing in at 3lbs 6 oz already!!!! No only that but he is also measuring about 2-3 weeks ahead. So at my next appointment I am going to see if they are going to induce me early or not. They said his breathing inside the womb looks fantastic and that overall he is a very healthy baby, just very big which they are surprised by cause I am not gaining a lot of weight and I have very normal blood sugars so who knows.

Here are some pics from the ultrasound, which btw were a pain to get!:dohh:


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PIXXIE I am so happy for you dear!! i hope you have a healthy delivery! i cant imagine having a large baby,all of mine were super small and ive never made it full term.

Soo I am back!! after ectopic in march we were ttc but i just wasnt ovulating so this cycle dr put me on clomid 100 mg and I released like 4 eggs! two from each ovarie I was in AGONY and felt like my ovaries were going to explode. I am 3dpo right now. I am an anxious wreck. I was having sharp pinching twinges on the lower left side of my abdomen and generalized cramping everywhere just above my c section scar. being only 3 dpo and having symptoms makes me worry my egg attached too early or outside of my uterus again.
Has anyone else had early symptoms at just 3dpo? I hope that at least one egg makes it to my uterus and sticks!! I have heard that you can implant as early as 3 days, but some places online say 6 days. ive talked to women who actually had a BFP at only 3dpo! Which seems nearly unheard of!! FF says I should wait until the 30th to test, but I dont think i can!! if i am pg right now, my due date would be on our wedding anniversary which would just be amazing
Ladies I've had terrible news over the last few days, went for my scan yday which I thought to be 11 weeks and no heartbeat:( had a repeat scan today and baby has died at 10 weeks. I'm scheduled for a d an c tomorrow and I'm so scared and frightened, first the ectopic in feb and now a miscarriage. I want tests to be carried out as I have pcos as well. Just have no clue as was not expecting this nightmare :((
Oh Kaznib I am so sorry!!! :hugs: I wish I could be there for you more. Stay strong hunny. I hope you get answers soon.
Ladies I've had terrible news over the last few days, went for my scan yday which I thought to be 11 weeks and no heartbeat:( had a repeat scan today and baby has died at 10 weeks. I'm scheduled for a d an c tomorrow and I'm so scared and frightened, first the ectopic in feb and now a miscarriage. I want tests to be carried out as I have pcos as well. Just have no clue as was not expecting this nightmare :((

honey im so sorry! i wish there was more i could say. i feel your pain and you are in my prayers dear. hang in there and dont give up.:hugs:
Oohhhh kaznib I am so so sorry hun I don't know what to say....iv had a mc then the ectopic within 2 months of each other and its horrible thing to go through Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Ladies I had mtx on June 22nd hcg was at 0 on July 30th,still Jo af,do I expect it 6 weeks after hcg 0 or from mtx? Xxx
Ladies I had mtx on June 22nd hcg was at 0 on July 30th,still Jo af,do I expect it 6 weeks after hcg 0 or from mtx? Xxx

It really is different for everyone. I think that if you do not get an AF by 8 weeks of your beta levels being at 0 you should get seen again. It does take a while for the body to recover though. I was told it takes about 6 weeks for the outside to be considered full recovered and a whole 6 months for the insides to be considered back to a normal state again. But again when in doubt, see your doctor cause they will better be able to answer your questions. About 4 weeks after my mtx I was still getting decent beta levels but I started cramping and bleeding heavier then I was during the weeks prior. Went in and found out my body was not only trying to expel the pregnancy, but also have a period at the same time! I never would have known that if I didn't go in and have an ultrasound done. Once my levels finally went back to 0 and I stopped bleeding all together it took me about 2 months to get a normal period again.
Thanks hun,similar thing happened with me,a week before hcg 0 I had a lot of blood loss compared to how much I lost daily so they suspect it was af!! I ov 2 weeks ago Sunday so Cx it should be here this weekend xxx
Yeah chances are you will get your period soon. Especially if you are pretty sure you are ovulated. A period is the body's only way to get rid of an unfertilized egg...unless however tubes are tide, in that case it is then just reabsorbed by the body. but for the most part we have our periods for that reason.
Kaznib :hugs: i am so sorry that you are going through this i wish that there was more that I could say to make this easier on you just remember that you are my prayers

pixxie what a shock that must be wow 2 or 3 weeks ahead, is there any reason that they are telling you as to why that is the good thing is that he is healthy and you might get to meet him a lot sooner than you thought :hugs: to you too

mamatrujillo good to see you again 3 dpo might be to early to start testing I know that it is to hard to wait but I think that you should try to if you get a bfn you are going to be disappointed try to wait :hugs:

cathgibbs i don't know what to tell you i had surgery fx that you get af soon and that you can know where you are in your cycle and like the girls say the best one to ask is the dr they should be better able to answer any concerns

i think that i got everyone :wave: to all the other ladies that i might of missed

afm well nothing much here i have stopped doing the opks because they were driving me crazy and i keep forgetting since i get home from work so late lol but i am due for af soon i think but we shall see what happens
Kaznib, I am so sorry, going through an ectopic is hard enough, let alone having another loss. Sadly I've just miscarried at 6 weeks after my ectopic in March :-(

As this is your third loss try and push doctors to investigate, I know one was ectopic but if you get a bit pushy they might help.

Sending you BIG hugs.

Hi, I am new to all this so I am not even sure what all of the acronyms mean - although I have figured out TTC means trying to conceive. Hopefully I am even posting this message in the right place.

The reason why I am writing here is that I lost my first baby due to an ectopic pregnancy in June this year.

My husband and I were so happy when we found out I was pregnant, which happened the first month we tried (so we were a little surprised, somehow I thought it would take longer). I only knew I was pregnant for two weeks before we found out about the ectopic - but it felt like a life time for both of us, I felt like a mum from when I found out and I think my husband felt like a dad.

I found out about the ectopic because I had a tiny tiny amount of bleeding, tummy pain but only slight but the big things were that I blacked out a bit whenever I stood up and I was violently shaking and sweating all over. My lips also were white and had started turning blue around the edges.

When they scanned me there was an empty womb, my baby was a shadow in my tube and they said I had internal bleeding and needed surgery. I had my left tube removed...the doctors must have thought I was mad as I spoke to my baby the whole time I was being wheeled to surgery. It makes me feel better that me and my husband could say goodbye, although it kills me that my baby was still alive when I went into surgery but of course the doctors said there was no choice other than surgery given there was already a rupture.

They said my other tube looks healthy but at the moment I am finding it hard to find that reassuring...

With hindsight, I had had a sharp pain in my left side. I had noticed it for a week, probably two. It wasn't agonising and it came and went which is why I didn't worry too much about it. The pain stopped me from doing my normal gym activities and flared up sometimes when I was walking so I thought it might be a stitch type thing. I had mentioned it to my doctor and even rang the midwife service, each of which said aches and pains can be normal in the first few months. I don't think I stressed the location of the pain enough when speaking to them. So, to anyone reading this, if you do have a one-sided pain and are/could be pregnant, I would take it seriously. Hospitals and GPs take pain during pregnancy seriously and at the end of the day, it's always better to be safe than sorry. If the ectopic is detected early, I understand intervention without surgery/loss of a tube is possible.

What makes me really said is I can still visualise the scan I had when I was diagnosed. Our tiny tiny baby had implanted in the tube so had a proper blood supply which showed up on the scan - it was doing so well, it had just gotten lost. Which makes me think it would have been healthy and strong if it had have just managed to travel those few centimetres extra down to my womb. I am so frustrated and I don't know why my tubes let me down. I didn't have a single risk factor (non-smoker, not on the pill, no (known) infections, no family history, no previous surgery etc etc...) which makes me more worried as I don't know why it happened this time.

My husband and I both cried a lot at the beginning. We planted trees as a memorial for our baby (it would have been born in March and the trees should flower around that time). I was insanely sad for a few weeks. Then it started getting better, with sad moments coming less frequently and more fleeting. I feel guilty sometimes when I don't feel sad. But I loved my baby so much and I have to keep telling myself it would have felt that.

Then, this week (about seven weeks on) has been hard. Monday would have been the date for our 12 week scan. We would have seen our baby for the first time. And as luck would have it, at midnight on Sunday my friend announced she was pregnant by sending us her 12 weeks scans. We would have been just a week or so behind them in making the same announcement.

I am still happy for her and I don’t get upset seeing babies – I think this is just a hard week for me.

The plan is to start trying again in November, we think our angel baby would be happy to have siblings. But I am scared I won’t conceive. Then I am scared it I do conceive, an ectopic will happen again. How will I survive the five/six weeks until the early scan?

Noone knew about the pregnancy until the ectopic. Now my and my husband’s parents and our siblings know. But that’s all. I won’t tell friends as I don’t want them expecting the next one. So that’s why I thought writing here might be a good idea, there aren’t many people I can talk to about this.

Sorry this is so long….thanks for reading.
Oh hun, reading that is exactly what i felt like i was going through and im sure the majority of the women on here went through aswell. I feel your pain about seeing other peoples pics etc when the anniversary of 12 weeks scan/gender scan etc comes up it hurts real bad, you are happy for them but somewhere deep down you cant help but feel upset and a teeny bit jealous, you will get your rainbow baby hun and November may seem like ages away, i had my Ectopic followed by MTX and then LAp and D&C in June and my next (and first) cycle is due then i can start trying again, the thought of fear never goes away and im sure the women who are pregnant on here right now will tell you the fear doesnt go away until they have had an early scan to make sure everything is in the right place xxxxxxxxxx
Kaznib, sending you my love and prayers from where I am in Australia. I am just devastated to read that you've lost your little one. It was my worst fear, and I'm just so sorry that it is your reality right now. I know that words can't and won't help, but please know that I'm thinking of you. It is just so unfair. As if an ectopic wasn't enough to endure. Please let us know how you are going.

Too numb to write anything further, but hello to everyone else. xox
wannabe so sorry for your loss, there are no words that can make your loss any easier, we all know exactly what you are going through and like cathgibbs said the fear does not go away until you see your baby in your womb, don't lose faith that is what keeps us all going we are all here for you

kaznib keeping you in my prayers
Ladies thank you so much for all your support. Today has been heartbreaking, same nurses looking after me as did in Feb for ectopic, same hospital, same theatre, it was devastating to sit back and witness another nightmare of loosing my little one, it was like deja vu!!! I have cried and cried all day long,wondering what the problem is with me and not being able to carry my babies past the first trimester:( i hope and pray to God that we can put it down to bad luck and nothing else...

Laubull Your situation is very much like mine was your ectopic first and then you miscarried? my doctor told me they are not related and the nurse told me perhaps i should have given myself more time? i just dont know what to believe or who to listen to. But I am waiting one period and trying again ... i am nor prepared to let this beat me!! i am strong and all you women on here on making me stronger xx
Kaznib, yes I had my ectopic first in March and then miscarried last week. I got told by the doctor today it's just sh*t luck, not related. However on another ectopic thread there's been a couple of girls who have lost their pregnancies which have followed the ectopic and they wonder if it's related, especially as they have had methotrexate, which I did, did you? Positively though they're now expecting and with hopefully sticky beans :)

I hope you feel better tomorrow and yes you CAN put it behind you, you will be ready to try again and you will be ok.


Ladies what were you first period like after mtx? I have just had mine.....good lord xxx
Cathy-I am glad you finally got your period. They should start to get more normal as your body recovers from the mtx. Like I said it took a couple months for mine to be semi normal.

Kaznib & Laubull-I agree there is something up when it comes to having an ectopic and methotrexate. Before I got pregnant this time I did a lot of research about it and most women (at least 60% of them) had a miscarriage after being treated with methotrexate for an ectopic pregnancy. That was one of my biggest fears when I got pregnant as well, was that this baby would not make it past 12 weeks and when I had bleeding at 11 weeks I really thought I had lost him. Did you guys take any prenatals before you started to conceive? I was reading that mxt really depletes iron levels which can be important for sustaining a life. Stay strong hunnys. :hugs:

Afm I have an interesting story to tell you all. My children were messing with my laptop and ended up getting a rock stuck in my S key. So I pried the key off with a butter knife (which by the way is a very dumb idea) and got the rock out. But then I realized that my key was not going back on. So being the not so bright person I pried off another key, my M key and tried to look at what I was doing wrong. Well when I looked at my M keys spot I realized it had small plastic pieces in it. I had broken the M key and when I compared it to my S key I realized I broke it in the same spot! So my S & M are broken, and I have new keys on the way. My husband is super mad at me now for using a butter knife for trying to fix my computer and no longer trusts me to use them. Go figure. He also said I should have used key cleaner (which I guess we had in the garage). Oh well, lesson of this story is never bring a butter knife near your computer lol.

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