TCC After Ectopic buddy needed

kaznib you will beat this we all will, we can't give up because then there is nothing to look forward to

pixxie you story made me laugh but am glad i read it because my A key has something in there and it drives me crazy that i have to push hard to get an a i was about to see if i could take it apart but guess am going to leave it alone and use the vacuum that i bought to clean the laptops with, am a computer hog and so had to buy my hubby his own laptop last christmas that way i don't have to share lol but now mine needs a new baterry too lol if it's not one thing it's an other

hi to all the other ladies i am going to bed as am running on less than an hour sleep in the last 48 hours, i am seriously having such trouble sleeping am not even tired yet but i need to try to sleep
Ladies I did not have mex to treat my ectopic I went straight to surgery so maybe I didnt give myself long enough to recover:( emotionally I had definately recovered as we didn't start trying for 3 months after ectopic. This time I'm trying straight away I am not waiting atall, whats the point?? If I'm gonna be blessed with a baby then time is precious and Im not wasting it. Just because it took me one month to get pregnant last 2 times doesn't mean it will be as quick this time, it could take much longer!! I'm not letting this defeat me....your right Lucy! we all will get lucky and hopefully read back on this thread one day smiling:winkwink:
Exactly hun it will happen for you!!! I love your PMA!!!!! Your body is destined to be pregnant and carry a lovely baby!! i have everything x for you xxxxxxxxx
Kaznib, I am so sorry that you lost your little one. I am worried about when to start again after my ectopic - but all the guidance out there in the UK def says waiting three months/two normal periods after surgery is OK so it doesn't seem like you tried too soon before. It sounds like you are conceiving well and please take heart from that, although it must be so sad and frustrating to have mc twice. Like you, I would love to have a reason why I lost my baby, then I might be able to do something to stop it happening again, but my doctor said that sometimes there isn't a reason - the way I am thinking of it, is that growing a baby is such am amazing and complicated process, I guess sometimes it might take a few times for it to go right. But it will go right and it will be worth it! Slightly anecdotal but my cousin has just had a healthy 12 wk scan after two mc in quick succession so don't lose heart!

We plan to wait four/five months but that is only because I got blood clots in my lungs after the surgery to remove my tube so there are complications with the medication I need to take (I have to switch to injecting blood thinners while I am ttc rather than the tablets I take now). I think I would have waited three months otherwise as I want to make a brother or sister for our angel baby.

Hello to everyone else and thanks for the messages and support!! What is D&C? And wpo?

Hi ladies, I havnt been active on here in a long time (since mc in Feb) but I check up on you all a lot and I am happy to hear all the good stories and that some of you are very near your due date, how exciting. Kaznib my heart breaks for you. Like you I had ectopic and then a miscarriage, it is cruel but you will get the strength to try again. The need to be a mother is just too strong.

After my ectopic and miscarriage I am now pregnant again. I am really excited but I dont think I am actually accepting it yet. With my past 2 I didnt get strong + tests until maybe 12/13DPO, this time it was 9/10DPO and as of 14 DPO I got a 2-3 on the clear blue digital conception test. TBH I am really scared. The thought of losing my remaining tube is terrifying. I am scared every time I go to the toilet incase I see blood. I have 0 symptoms so Im scared about that. My first scan is Thursday so I suppose all will be revealed then. In the meantime all I can do is pray for my little jelly bean. xx
Kaznib.. I'm so sorry you lost your lo.. Your situation is similar to mine except I had an mc, a chemical then an ectopic. There is still hope for you!! Take your time to grieve as you will need it and spend a bit of time doing some stuff for you :hugs:
Babylove- congrats on the :Bfp: I get the fear as I have it everyday. I also had a string Bfp at 11 dpo and probably could have tested earlier. I had no symptoms up until about almost 6 weeks. Hopefully you feel. But more assured when you see you lo.
babylove congratulations, I hope it's a sticky bean in the right place for you :)

Kaznib, keep positive!

baby-love-Congrats on the bfp!!! I hope your scan reveals good news.

afm I am seriously grossed out right now. So I live in these triplexes that are like three houses smooshed together each with their own tiny backyard and such. Well I had the worse neighbors that would literally spend all night drinking and partying every day of the week and would actually pick fights with our other neighbors and then come to our house all bloody just to use our phone (they spend all their money on alcohol). Well they actually got evicted due to the constant fighting and drinking and they didn't even leave until the police got involved and literally kicked them out. Well the landlord has literally been spending the last month trying to get it cleaned out and now I know they still have a long way to go. A cleaning service was there today trying to make it nice and I guess they can't even do that. She was on the phone talking very loudly when we pulled up saying how she could not finish cleaning the house, that the house had a horrible cockroach infestation! I am so disgusted right now that these people lived right next to me. I kinda knew the house was bad cause they have been spending the last week or so literally pulling the carpet and just tossing things but to hear that it is actually completely infested with cockroaches made me gag. I am so happy I have pest control come out ever 6 months to spray. Sorry needed to vent cause it is just so gross.
kaznib I am so sorry hun about your news, life isnt fair - I cant get my head around why things happen like this, how much crap does one person have to deal with. But when you get your rainbow you will appreciate it sooooo much more!

Wannabee your story is so similar to mine. My scan showed no baby in the uterus, but in my left tube with its little heart beating away nicely. It seems so cruel to remove it when its alive - I know it cant stay there but getting pregnant is a little miracle and it just seems to damn unlucky to implant in the wrong place!

cathgibbs - you just had your first af, bet your glad its over. How many days after surgery / initial bleeding was that?
The reason I ask is that I am 7 weeks past surgery now, and almost 7 weeks since bleeding (which lasted 5-6 days I think) and still no af (CD48). I dont know if I should make an appointment with the doctor? Surely the bleed after my surgery is induced by the hormone levels falling? I just cant get my head around all this!
Hey hun!

Well i started bleeding June 15th i think, had MTX on June 22nd then had surgery on July 7th my HCG was at 0 on July 30th all in all i bled for 6 weeks then as soon as HCG went to 0 it stopped, i had my first AF on the 24th August so 9 weeks after MTX i had my first AF, do you know when your levels went to 0 hun? xxx
Kaznib, so sorry dear. My prayers to you and your dh during this difficult time. try again when you are ready but let yourself heal and get strong as well.

Baby love, congrats on your bfp!! First few weeks can be a bit nerve wracking. Will keep my fingers crossed that all goes smoothly.

Lucy, how have you been doing Hun?

Pink, any signs of labour yet? It's getting so close now!!

As for me, my hospital bag is packed and just waiting for labour to start :)
Baby love so happy for you and wishing u all the best for your scan today, hope it goes well!!

Skeet well done for you getting pregnant again after all those complications hopefully this will be a healthy pregnancy:)

I'm feeling ok today this thread really helps me, u ladies have been so so kind I'm so grateful for all your kind words and encouragement and of course succes stories, it gives me hope and I want us all to have our healthy rainbow babies sooner rather than later.
oohhhh ladies i seen a randbow today!! im hoping thats a sign this is my month!! xxx

Kaznib im glad your feeling a bit better hun, it WILL happen, i kinda understand what your going through except mine was a mc first then an ep so the other way around, :hugs: hunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hi ladies hope that all is going well sorry that i have not been on here as often but am very busy i thought that the season was comming to an end but not yet we are going to be busy for awhile longer which is good just sometimes it gets to me the people that i have to deal with.

i have not done anymore opks or any test i am supposed to have gotten af yest. or today but nothing as of yet i have been having some dull aches over around my ovary area which freak me out at times and then heartburn every morning for the past week and then at night i have flu symptoms but am not getting my hopes up it might be my hormones acting up again last night i had a talk to with hubs and he says that am to negetive when it comes to ttc but i can't help it i would rather be prepared for the worse then get my hopes up and then something bad happening iykwim
i had my dr apt for the ra and well the bad thing is that i have to get more blood work done which am now waiting on the results she told me that she could not tell me for sure whether i had ra or not that is the why of more blood testing but we did talk about me ttc and that the meds that i would need to take are harmful and the good news was that if these test show that im in the early stages of ra then she is going to allow me ttc first before i begin any treatment i will know next week what will happen fx that i find out what is wrong with me because am sure that if these tests come back neg they are not going to let do anything until they know what is wrong

Sorry for such a long me post but i needed to share with someone my frustations don't get me wrong my husband is a great man but they don't always get what we go through thanks for reading :hugs: to you all

I changed the front page hope you all don't mind I had not been able to keep up with it and felt bad leaving new ladies out hope no one minds
Oh lucy-I am sorry and hope they figure out what is going on with you. Yeah husbands are good for some things, but really they do not understand us when we try to talk to them about what is going wrong with us. When I had my ectopic my husband would not even talk about the loss which made the grieving process harder for me. Thankfully I had you wonderful ladies and it helped, it really did. :) I keep my fingers crossed for you and hope for a bfp announcement in the near future.

Peachy-OMG!!!! The final count down!!! I am so excited for you! I bet you are also super excited to meet your rainbow in a couple of weeks. I can't wait for the birth announcement!!!! :D :happydance:

Kaznib-Know that we are here for you always. I know we may not always be on this thread or respond but we are with you in spirit. We all feel your pain and shared in your hopes. Remember a rainbow is the promise of life after devastation so keep positive. :)

:hi: other ladies!!! I hope all is going well for you. :)

AFM I am in between meeting my new baby and knowing I have about 2 months to go. Ugh. I am so uncomfortable and I feel like the end is no were in sight. I have feet in my ribs, and a head on my bladder (which by the way feels like the size of an acorn right now). I guess pregnancy has lost it's glow for me. I also had braxton hicks yesterday continuously for 5 hours. Yeah it was horrible. I am just counting down the days.
pixxie you are so close thanks for the encouraging words i have hope but sometimes it feels like maybe am not meant to be a mom but like you this thread reminds me that it can happen i too hope to announce a bfp in the very near future

Kaznib am glad that you are feeling better keeping you in my prayers :hugs:

cathgibbs how are you doing? I hope that rainbow you saw brings us all some luck

peachy so good to hear from you my how time flies you are only weeks from meeting your little one i hope that you share your birth story and of course some pics of your LO

baby love congrats on the bfp like every one has said we are here for you just take it one day at a time :thumbup:
Hallo Ladies.
am Happy i got my BFP on 21 August. am now 5 weeks pregnant and get very nervous. i lost my right tube in my previous ectopic and the thot of loosing my other one is just about killing me am so nervous and just want to go for a scan as quickly as i can. was wondering if it will be a good idea i do an ultrasound this early in pregnancy so i put my mind at rest.
barack i don't think that they can see much this early in pregnancy what they can do is monitor your hcg levels to see how they are rising fx for you one of the other ladies that are preggo might be able to help you more than me
congrats on the bfp though :thumbup:

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