TCC After Ectopic buddy needed

kaznib so glad that your levels are now at 0 you can start trying i really hope that you get your keeper this time around.

thank you all for all the wonderful thoughts but i have not yet gotten an answer as to what is going on, i did an other test it was neg but the symptoms come and go i honestly think that my mind is playing tricks on me
yest i had to go pick up my insulin and i talked to my drs. nurse i told him what was going on and he said to give it a few more days and if i still got a neg he would talk to my dr so that i could get a blood test so i guess that am in the waiting game
Kaznib-That is fantastic that your levels are finally at 0! :happydance: Hope the rest of this is smooth sailing now.

Lucy- I hope the figure out what is going on. That must be so frustrating and I hope that they do labs soon. Is your AF pretty regular now? Is it late? I really hope that some light is shed on this situation. I am just waiting for the day you come back screaming it is a BFP. I know it looks bleak right now but always be positive. You have to be positive and believe in yourself.

Afm I had one of those crash and burn days. I did horrible in school, only to come home and find out my kids did not nap at all and refused to nap most of the day. It was horrible and so was their attitude. I ended up having this horrible breakdown that my husband comforted me out of. I really do not know what I would do without him. I have a midwife appointment tomorrow and so I will let you all know then how baby is doing, so far he feels like he is doing just fine, just kicking away in there and making sure I get heartburn all the time. :/ Oh well. Love you all!
Hi ladies

Quickly stopping by to let you know I'm still baby yet! I'm 2 days from my due date. Have felt a few niggles, but baby isn't really in the ideal position, so who knows when he/she will decide to appear! I'm hoping within the next week!

Peachy, how are you going? At this rate, your baby will be here first! Hope you are feeling well.

Kaznib, that is really great news that your hcg is at zero already. Some people battle with fluctuating levels for some time, so I'm pleased you are being spared that torture.

Lucy, hang in there. I continue to think of you, and pray more than anything that your dream is soon realized. Keep us updated. xox

Wow Pixxie, only possibly 7 weeks to go! You'd better start getting organized!

Well, hopefully the next time I post I will have some news. Thinking of all of you are in my heart.

Pink-I have such a horrible case of procrastination when it comes for actually getting ready for baby. I mean I have some clothes for him and we are starting to clean off the old bassinet and swing. It just feels to unreal so I am kinda holding off on it. I hope your baby comes soon!!! My oldest was overdue by almost 2 weeks before he decided to come. It was really not fun. FX and still waiting for your birth story when the big day comes. :)
Pink & Pixie
its so nice to see you both here and so near the end of your pregnancies with healthy babies !!! It gives the rest of us and especially ME hope for the future.

i can't wait to come out on the other side of this situation. Right now im waiting for my #'s to drop - I had my shot on 8/23 and luck for me they are dropping quickly. I went from 740 last week to 44 yesterday!!!!!

Im hoping by next week I'll hit 0 and I can start my prenatals, DHA Omega 3 and B6 then. I'll also start temping and charting again. I can't wait to ttc again.
Although I will be terrified, at least I will have you all to talk me through it all.

hugs to all!
Hello my lady loves!!! :hi: So I have an interesting story for all of you about my midwife appointment. So she said my measurements are pretty on today and I was surprised and asked her why she said that and she said that they changed my due date! I was wondering how much and it is almost a week! The original due date from the OB office was Nov 15-16 and now it is Nov 10. They took almost a week off my due date! They also said that for my induction (cause they wont let me go past 40 weeks) they will induce me at 38-39 weeks! So my newest member will be here the latest Nov 3!!! I am so shocked at how soon this is coming up and I feel like they just stole two weeks of not preparing away from me. Now I really feel like I need to start getting ready. Also I am getting my tubes tied and I signed the papers today to get that done. so 24 hours after baby is born I am getting the procedure done. Sorry but like I said it was a very eventful appointment.
Pink Cant wait to hear you coming on here with ur little bubba boy or girl!!! thinking of u hun and wishing u all the best, u really are my inspiration xxxx big kiss

Pixxie November 4th is my birthday!!! November babies are by far the best babies xxx good luck not long now!! wooohhooooooo

Lucy fingers still crossed for u hunni hope u get that positive soon

Cathy Hope u caught that 'O' im sure u have or its just around the corner...

I'm waiting until after next AF to try as im job hunting atm and its taking up most of my time...hoing for a Nov/Dec positive !! maybe thats wishful thinking xx heres to staying positive!!!!:thumbup:
hi everyone, i'm new too this section. had been TTC for 2 and half years before falling pregnant unfortunately lost the baby and my left tube just over a week ago. Was wondering how long you all left it before TTC again. My doctor said to wait for 2 periods did anyone do that or start trying sooner??
sorry for your loss sparkles :hugs:

I did lose my tube so i waited 6 weeks
Hi ladies :wave:

pixxie wow they really moved your date up but think about it this way you will get to meet your lo sooner but you better start preparing everything soon the date will be here before you know it lol

pink so good to see you hope that the next time that you are posting is to give us the news that your little one has arrived i remember when we talked about you wanting a baby that was not born in Oct. lol and you got your wish so happy for you hun

kaznib good to see that you are making plans on when you are going to try again hey we might be the lucky ones and get our BFPs for the end of the year fx for you hun

cathgibbs how are you doing? hope that all is well with you

grace can't remember if i welcomed you but if i didn't welcome, your numbers are dropping well and should be back to 0 in no time and then you can start trying again fx for you

sparkles :hugs: so sorry for your loss but you have come to the right place i had surgery and was told to wait 3 months before trying again which i decided i would not do and since i have yet to get my BFP i dont feel bad about it i think that i would have felt as if i had lost those opportunities if i had waited but you have to do what feels right for you gl to you

skeet so good to see you it has been awhile happy 13 weeks so glad that everything is going well for you

afm well nothing has happened yet and tbh i think that it was my mind playing tricks on me bc most of the symptoms are now gone the only things that are left are twinges both in my bbs and lower ab area other than that nothing I have yet to get the results for the blood work that they did i have this feeling that they are going to make some excuse up on why i can't try clomid yet (just thinking about it pisses me off) Had a wierd dream last night quite funny actually my teeth have been bothering me for the past few days and last night i was dreaming that my teeth hurt so i had to do a test because they say that that is one symtom when preg and in my dream i was going to go poas to see if it was pos. i almost peed in bed because i was dreaming that i was trying to pee in a cup to do a test then i woke up and went to the bathroom lol

on a happier note got surprised today at work my boss handed me 150 dollars as a bonus for the summer season that is more than what i get for my xmas bonus lol although for xmas i also get gifts from them but it was nice none the less and since am planning a trip to vegas that is going into my vegas shopping fund lol overall today has been a good day sorry for rambling but have not been on here for a few days

:hugs: to you all
Hi Lucy!! I really hope they allow you to take clomid..I dont really know what excuses they could give you..

Thanks!! I havent been on bnb too much I was finding hanging around on the first tri thread was making me worry too much...So I'm officially in second tri now :)
Lucy-I really hope they let you start the clomid. This is ridiculous that they haven't yet. I mean I can understand that they want you to be healthy for the most part, but come on are they really expecting perfection?!?! I really hope we see bfps from you soon! :hugs: Btw I hope you win big in Vegas. I have been dying to go recently and it bugs the hell out of me that it is about a 6 hour drive from where I live and I am not over there having some fun lol. Oh well, you need to enjoy yourself.

skeet-So happy that you are finally in the second trimester. I know it is a huge load off making it that far. I know most of my fears started to go away then. Are you gonna find out what you are having???

sparkles-I am sorry about your loss and that we all had to meet this way but know we are all here for you and will stand by you during your ttc journey. With my ectopic I was told to wait 3 months before ttc again, but I ended up waiting 5 because I was still trying to emotionally heal from the loss.

hi :hi: to my other lovely ladies and hope all is well with you. Especially you Pink and eek I forgot who else but I know someone else is like due right around now as well. Looking forward to birth stores!!! :D

btw lucy my nesting instinct has been taken over by my eat sugar and string cheese instinct. I swear that is all I seem to be eating right now lol. on the up an up though my family is throwing me my last baby shower in early october since I am getting my tubes tied and no more babies for me and my family. So it is kinda like a baby shower/welcome last baby shower. lol
skeet so glad that you are now in 2nd tri and that you are feeling much better continue to delight us with your presence the reason that they would not allow me to get on clomid is because of my diabetes and high blood pressure the ob thinks that i need to lose 40 pounds before they will even think about it but now that there is a chance that i might have rheumatoid arthritis and the meds are harmful i was told that they would want me to have a baby first before getting on the meds so am waiting on an answer as to what will happen next

pixxie it is an 8 hour drive for me to get to vegas and it is becoming a whole production as to where we are going to stay and what we want to do am going for 5 days and then an extra day some where here in colorado before i come back to work am planning to go next month as there are a couple of things that need to get done this will be mine and hubbys first time going to vegas so if there is any pointers let me have them lol
oh and happy 31 weeks
where do you live? are you happy that you are going to be done having babies? I think that you told us your were in mid 20s? sorry if am wrong am hiting 30 and i feel old (sorry to anyone that is at that age) i keep telling my dr that i don't want to be 35 and having my first i want to be planning a second by then God willing but if this is any indication on the future i might end up childless which am seriously beginning to consider
Lucy-I am not even in my mid 20's lol I am in my early 20's. I am 22 years old. I am feeling pretty confident about my decision to only have 3 kids. I have come to the conclusion if my husband and I keep trying to have a girl we will be one of those families with 10 boys and no girls lol. He and i agreed if we ever wanted to have another child we would adopt, that way we could at least have a daughter. I live in the California valley. Very nice but right now it is very hot so I am sad about that lol. I had my oldest when I was 18 and since then I felt that being a mom was the most amazing thing ever. I know I am super young but I have been through so much in my life that I do not feel as young as my birth certificate says I am lol.
pixxie you sound like a very mature 22 year old, most 22 year olds that i knew and no longer talk to only thought about parties and still do, main reason why we no longer communicate, i swear that i have only met a couple of girls that were that age and knew what they wanted so good for you and adoption is a great thing you would be helping a child in need.
my hubby and i have had that talk so many times if i am not able to have a baby we would look into adopting

i lived in ca a long time ago i liked that it didn't snow but those santa ana winds are wicked lol i think that i only ever saw two snow flakes there lol i lived there less than a year and then went back to the east coast now i live in colorado and tbh i really like it am the happiest i have been in a long time well am off to bed got to spend some time with the hubs night
Hi There,

I am new to this forum and the thread - I suffered an ep in January of this year.
Lost my right tube in the process. :cry:

I have passed what would have been my due date. My beautiful nephew was born in that same week - was a little tough going - but I am feeling hopeful about ttc.

I have just started tracking my bbt - which is what led me to this forum in the beginning

While it is a terrible thing to see so many ladies on this thread - It does make a massive difference knowing that you are not alone

Big hugs and baby dust:flower:
Lucy when are you testing? Both my mc abduction ectopic I had a dream that I done a hpt and it was pos!!! Xxx
morning fruitcake and welcome hunny xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Sparkles, I lost my left tube in early July, first AF was mid August. I am planning on waiting until after Nov AF. So paranoid about something going wrong again that I'm basically waiting longer than the recommended time just in case! But I think (at risk of sounding corney) it's just a case of listening to your body and heart!! I still have some pain from the op (am terrible at healing generally) so that's a factor why we want to wait a bit longer xx

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