TCC After Ectopic buddy needed

Fruitcake77 said:
I have passed what would have been my due date. My beautiful nephew was born in that same week - was a little tough going - but I am feeling hopeful about ttc.:

Fruitcake, I struggled in late August in the week that would have been our three month scan. And yesterday, as there was a big family/friemds party and we had planned to announce the baby to everyone then. There will always be little 'what if' reminders of our lost little ones but I still have lots of hope - especially due to the ladies here who have had or are about to have babies, comgratulations to you all and i hope the rest of us will join you with happy announcements soon!!

Fuitcake-:hi: hunny!!! I know how it feels to pass your due date and know you are not meeting that life you thought you would. I had my ectopic in September and I swear that Christmas was one of the most emotional times in my life because I felt that I should have been spending it getting ready for the baby only to know that I was not. We are all here for you during your ttc journey and know what we all have the same fears and hopes as you do. I hope to soon see a positive announcement from you. :)
fruitcake I as well as you passed my due date in July and it was so hard to get through that luckily my hubby was there for me i did break down but like you might read we all have those moments it is totally normal and we are all here for you hope that you announce that BFP soon :hugs:

wannabee how are you doing? I think that you are not sounding corny at all you have to be ready not only physically but emotionally as well there is no reason to rush into something unless you are ready for it so I totally get it
i find that am constantly thinking about what my life would be like now if he/she would have made it to birth but God knows why that did not happen and i am holding on to faith that He will bless me with a little one soon

cath I tested a few days ago but it was a BFN that was before my dream though but i think that am getting a UTI (tmi alert) my pee is really wierd looking to me it looks like it has a twinge of red am going to have to call the dr if it gets worse am still waiting on the test results

pixxie how ya doing? hope that you are doing well

afm nothing much going on with me still no sign of af but no more symptoms the only thing that is really buggin is the freakin constipation and my teeth are killing me oh and then the sex drive is gone for me lol (sorry tmi again) hubby and i have been together for three years and have done it at least once every night if not more (not bragging) except when af is around or am sick but for the past week i find my self making excuses as to why am not in the mood, tbh i have gone as far as to pick a fight with the hubs to avoid dtd, any ideas as to why ?lol i know that it is a bit personal but you ladies are the only ones that i think would get it

thanks in advance
:wave: hi to all other ladies

pink any update?
lucy-those damn symptoms lol. :haha: I really did not believe I was pregnant when my husband first said I was pregnant. I was having cramps and I was moody, both I normally associate with my af. I guess my husband associates them with pregnancy as well. lol. Thank you for commenting on my maturity. I never really had a chance to be a kid as a kid, so my whole life I was practically forced to age 10+ years. The reason for this is when I as about 7 my sister was diagnosed with a deadly kidney disorder and since then my mother was practically forced to pay more attention to her, and well i got left for the most part to take care of myself and when she had other children, i took care of them too. Not a glamour life, but I did what I had to do to make sure I passed school and took care of my siblings. It was hard but i did it for the most part. Yeah a little in my background sob story...sorry for the ramble.

Pink-Is baby here yet?!?!? I am so excited waiting for you. :D

Afm not much going on over here. Going to go register for my baby shower when hubby gets home. Other then that I am mostly just sitting here procrastinating on homework...i know bad, but ugh I don't like homework!

Hope all is well with everyone else!!!
pixxie wow i have such respect for you most young people would use that as an excuse to not be resposible but it seems that you have your head on straight :thumbup: and it makes me happy when i see people like that, i too had to grow up pretty fast and there are days when i wish that my mom was around so that i could talk to her, she passed away when i was 11, so had to learn certain things on my own. but we will leave that sad story for another time. How is your sister? if you don't mind me asking?
lucy-honestly I feel that because she has spent most of her time in hospitals or sheltered at home she has become a spoiled little biatch. She got a transplant for her kidney when she was about 12 and it has lasted her this long (she is turning 21 this year). but she now feels the world revolves around her and that everyone owes her something. She actually came to my house asking me for money and when I told her no she started to flip out on me in front of my children swearing and just being horrid! I love her to death but I feel like she literally has the mentality of a 13 year old but she is a legal adult. Deff not a good combo. Even my poor mom, who is still her caregiver, is at her wits end with my sisters behavior. It is depressing. Overall her disease is in remission, but she will need another transplant in about 5 years. It is just a really hard complicated thing with her that has been giving everyone a headache recently.
Quick now not here. I saw my OB today and baby's head is still floating free (not engaged) starting to worry that something is wrong, and worrying that cord could be around the neck etc. My fears still haven't disappeared. If I haven't delivered by next Tuesday (a week today) my OB will break my waters. I am trying to avoid anything more than that, as I've never had any drugs with any of my don't really want gel/drip induction. Thank you for thinking of me...I just feel like this baby will never be in my arms. It's been such a long journey, even though I was so fortunate to fall pregnant quickly after my ectopic. Will keep you updated....I hope the next time I post I have some news. I hope Peachy is faring better! Xox
:blue: :cloud9:

I went into labour just 5 hours after my last post....woke up to a contraction and a bit of bleeding.

Arrived at hospital at 2.45am, and our beautiful boy was born at 5.44am, September 12th (Australian time).

Did it all naturally, as I did with my girls, only there were a few obstacles this time. They couldn't break my waters as his head was too high out of the pelvis and there was a risk of prolapsed I had to keep laboring until my waters broke. I'd say this added around 1.5hrs to the labour time, as I was fully dilated quite early on in the piece.

Then, we had to deal with his shoulders getting stuck My OB had to do some expert maneuvering to pull him out. Then, the cord was around his neck. They quickly cut the cord, we saw that he was a boy, and they whisked him away to work on him, but within 1 minute he was breathing and all was fine.

He's a very VERY big boy. 4.7kg or 10lb 6oz. I was absolutely shocked. My last girl had been my biggest at 8lb 5oz. Was not prepared for such a big baby!

Wasn't prepared for a boy full stop, and yet I had a strange feeling it would be a boy this time...after enduring the ectopic. It just felt like it was meant to be.

His name is Max. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the amazing support I received here, during my darkest days. Need to go for now, as Max finally seems to be waking up. He's been asleep all day pretty much, so no doubt he is now ready to party all night.

Will be back in touch again soon. Much love,

:blue: :cloud9:

I went into labour just 5 hours after my last post....woke up to a contraction and a bit of bleeding.

Arrived at hospital at 2.45am, and our beautiful boy was born at 5.44am, September 12th (Australian time).

Did it all naturally, as I did with my girls, only there were a few obstacles this time. They couldn't break my waters as his head was too high out of the pelvis and there was a risk of prolapsed I had to keep laboring until my waters broke. I'd say this added around 1.5hrs to the labour time, as I was fully dilated quite early on in the piece.

Then, we had to deal with his shoulders getting stuck My OB had to do some expert maneuvering to pull him out. Then, the cord was around his neck. They quickly cut the cord, we saw that he was a boy, and they whisked him away to work on him, but within 1 minute he was breathing and all was fine.

He's a very VERY big boy. 4.7kg or 10lb 6oz. I was absolutely shocked. My last girl had been my biggest at 8lb 5oz. Was not prepared for such a big baby!

Wasn't prepared for a boy full stop, and yet I had a strange feeling it would be a boy this time...after enduring the ectopic. It just felt like it was meant to be.

His name is Max. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the amazing support I received here, during my darkest days. Need to go for now, as Max finally seems to be waking up. He's been asleep all day pretty much, so no doubt he is now ready to party all night.

Will be back in touch again soon. Much love,


OMG CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY! and BIG BOY! when you say you did it natural, do you mean NO epidural?
Pink I'm so happy for you and proud of you delivering naturally:) a beautiful baby boy called Max ! Congratulations hunni xxx
Wowza!!! Hes a big un!!! congrats lovely!! xxxxxxxx
Congrats Pink!! I have been checking daily for an update from you!! A BIG baby boy!! xx
Omg Pink that is fantastic!!!! What a big baby boy too!!! boys are soo much fun and I can't wait to see pics! :D
awww congrats pink!!! What a big boy!!! So proud of you for doing it naturally..I doubt I can !!!
Thank you all! Yes, I've been fortunate to have 4 births with no drugs, apart from a bit of gas with my first girl. I'm lucky to have had straight forward labors that have been relatively quick. My first girl was my longest labour at 10 hours. My second was 2.5 hours and was nearly born in the hospital carpark. Third was around 3.5 hours and now Max around 4 hours.

Everything is going well. I'm still in hospital and am making the most of the peace and quiet, and the food! I'm feeling well. I have a few stitches, which I've had with all of my babies, but I'm up and about and getting on with everything. It's a very exciting time for everyone in my family. Still can't believe he's a HE!

Thinking of you all,

Pink, I just had a feeling that you were going to get a boy and what a Big Boy he turned out to be, WOW !!!!! am over the moon for you, hope that you are able to share some pics of him soon and Max is such a cute name congrats hun !!! :hugs:
Congratulations, Pink!! You did amazing and I am so incredibly proud of you. It has been a long, dark road. I remember when I was an active member in this thread looking for comfort after my ectopic and surgery. Now I'm expecting my boy in 5 weeks. I am forever grateful. Thank you ladies for sticking with me during this journey, and I hope all is good in your lives.

I'll make sure to post my birth when it happens.
Hi Lovbot,

I cant believe you are due in 5 weeks!! We found out roughly aroung the same time but unfortunately mine ended in mc :cry:

But fastforward a few months I am pregnant again and we have seen a heartbeat :cloud9:

All the best for your upcoming birth, cant wait to hear all about it.
Hi everyone!! you all seem so nice I couldn't help sharing my story.

I have been with my OH for just over 3 years, I have a little girl who turns 4 in Nov(previous relationship) We started TTC in Feb 2012 and got my :bfp: in Aug 2012. At 8 weeks I went to hospital for bleeding and they discovered an ectopic :cry: Got my right tube removed and found out I suffer from Endo and my left tube was badly stuck together:cry:

I feel hopeless and guilty that I might not ever give my OH a child of his own. We are going to TTC as soon as we can, no time to waste!!

We have a doctors app on frid and we are hoping that he will give us the go ahead for trying after my first AF.

Thanks for listening:hugs:

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