TCC After Ectopic buddy needed

carmela sorry for your loss hope that you are able to get some answers soon and that you can tery again soon don't lose hope we are all here for you if you need to talk :hugs:

baby love congrats hope that this is your rainbow

:wave: to all my lovely ladies on here
Hey ladies,
So today has been super hard for me. It has officially been one year since I went though my ectopic and with that memory and pregnancy hormones combined I am just a sobbing mess. I still do not think it was fair for me to get pregnant on birth control and fight with myself to keep the pregnancy in the first place, only to find out a couple weeks later that I had to lose it. I still wonder who they would have been, what they would have looked like, just so many questions. I look at my belly and am greatfull to be pregnant with my son, but the pain still hurts and I am sure it will always hurt in some way. Does anyone else still feel hurt when their ectopic anniversaries roll around? Sorry for the I said it has been a depressing day for me. :cry: :(
pixxie :hugs: i know that it is an emotional time and that no words will make you feel any better all you can do is be happy that there is a little one on the way now and know that our little angels are watching over us hope that you feel better soon and that the feelings that you are experiencing pass soon so that you can get back to enjoying being preg. :hugs:
Pixxie- :hugs: I have not yet hit the anniversary of my ectopic but I'm sure it will be hard.. I have my gender scan on oct 30 and had my ectopic removed on nov 1.. I'm hoping the news from my 20 week scan is good news to maybe help with the feelings of my loss. I know when I passed my anniversary of my mc and the supposed due date of my mc I had a super hard time. My mc was like yours I got preg on bc. To be honest as much as my losses were hard in some ways I am great ful for them. They have really made me realize how previous pregnancy and conceiving are and I don't take it for granted. I'm sending you lots of :hugs: on this difficult day
carmela88 I'm in the same boat with you. I had my son in 2008 but before that's I have a surgery and Dr. removed my right tube. I never know about ectopic before until Oct 4,2010 and it's in my left tube so I had another surgery. Dr. told me to try IVF but we want to try natural way so we have been try since then. Anyway now I'm 5 weeks and 4-5 days (yes i'm pregnant again) but just after I give up it happened. I should be happy but not I still worry and try to make up my mind. It's can be healthy or another ectopic I just can't be happy or sad until my Ultrasound. But just so you know you still be able to pregnant again. Just give yourself sometimes stay healthy and take your prenatal pills because you never know when it's will happened.

Sorry for long post and my english not quite well.

Baby dust for you and all. Wish we all good luck.
carmela sorry for your loss hope that you are able to get some answers soon and that you can tery again soon don't lose hope we are all here for you if you need to talk :hugs:

Thank you, your kind words are appreciated, its nice to speak to people who understand :hugs:
carmela88 I'm in the same boat with you. I had my son in 2008 but before that's I have a surgery and Dr. removed my right tube. I never know about ectopic before until Oct 4,2010 and it's in my left tube so I had another surgery. Dr. told me to try IVF but we want to try natural way so we have been try since then. Anyway now I'm 5 weeks and 4-5 days (yes i'm pregnant again) but just after I give up it happened. I should be happy but not I still worry and try to make up my mind. It's can be healthy or another ectopic I just can't be happy or sad until my Ultrasound. But just so you know you still be able to pregnant again. Just give yourself sometimes stay healthy and take your prenatal pills because you never know when it's will happened.

Sorry for long post and my english not quite well.

Baby dust for you and all. Wish we all good luck.

Thats wonderful news!! When do you get your scan? That gives me hope, I would be so sad if I couldn't conceive again.I would feel exactly the same, it is only natural after suffering a loss. My fingers are crossed for you, let me know how it goes for you :hugs:
My ultrasound not until Nov 5. But my family Dr. book me another ultrasound in the hospital this one should be sooner than November but I will find out in 30 minutes :) lunch time so just have to wait and call them. I wish everything o.k. but who know :) just TRY TO BE HAPPY FOR NOW. Good luck and I will update as soon as I find out :)
O.k. I phone them back and my ultrasound is TODAY at 3:30 pm. super fast. Wish me luck :) If not i'm will be fine hope no more surgery for me :)

I'm back from Ultrasound but I still don't know anything until this Friday. Just hope everything will be o.k.

But if i'm right I think I saw something.
hello everyone, its been a long time since i was last here, got busy with hubby around.. i miss u guys really.. it feels different with people who can understand what i exactly feel..

pink- im so happy for u hun, u r an inspiration to us all, u too pixxie.. somehow ur success story gives me and other girls here higher hope..

carmela88 - welcome to the group hun, u r n the right place where everyone can understand nd support u, and success stories to lift ur spirit and hopes up and give u inspiration..

Benim - from the looks of it hun, its pretty hopeful that ur little bean is in place, im happy for u hun, hope ur success will happen to me too and to other girls here.. u inspire me too sis..

its been 2.5 months since hubby arrived from abroad.. its just this month that we agreed we will TTC, and with that i will now avoid travelling and go up and down our stair, those r my concerns since i travel alot bcoz of business, i travel 2 or 3 times a week, and our bedroom is upstairs, i just have to settle now with another room downstairs.. im now on 12 DPO, but i feel AF is coming with the PMS and all.. well, there is still months to come for TTC since hubby is staying quite longer this time compared to last time he was on vacation twas only 1.5 months.. im still keeping my fingers crossed and keep praying for miracles to happen..

baby dust to us ALL!! i really miss u guys..

hi Lucy529.. hows everything doing with you..? hope everythings well and smooth with u,.
skeet9924- what a wonderful success story u got their hun, so very very happy for u..

oh how everything and everyone here are gradually getting good stuff one by one.. hope mines's coming soon.. :)
well, its not bad to dream and hope.. :)
My ectopic was almost 6 years ago (october, 24th, 2006). I was 17 years old when it happened and had to get my tube removed. The sad part is that I didnt even know I was pregnant until I went to the ER in pain and found out I was pregnant there, and a few hours later it was gone :( Its hard every october (when the surgery happened) and also every may (when the baby would have been born).
My husband and I met a year and a half after I had it and we both agreed early on that we would NTNP, so we did..almost 5 years later, nothing. We recently started fully TTC now with OPKs and all that fun stuff. We are ready for a baby now! I am alittle afraid that I wont be able to get pregnant though, since we have not used protection for so long and it has not happened. I am worried I will never be a mother.

My husbands niece is the same age as my child would have been, so I am especially close to her, because every time I look at her I look at what I could have had, and I envy it so. I just want a baby! It seems so easy for everyone around me to have babies (even when they have only been together for 2 months!) but I seem to not be able to. I feel like I am less of a woman. really gets to me sometimes.
burtch am doing good waiting on some blood work and luckily i have been planning a get away with the hubs so that is helping me keep destracted, am in the same boat as you ladies all i want is a baby asap but only he knows when it will happen

ameronica i know how you feel we have been trying since i got better after the surgery it will be one year in nov and still nothing i was told that if in Oct. my test were good they were going to allow me to try clomid and so we are waiting on that seems that all is a waiting game.
:hug: to you all
I read these stories and it irritates me that my doctor told me that ectopic pregnancies only affect your chances of conceiving minimally. I know now that is a lie after reading these stories. We have seen countless women join this forum, and out of those many women I think I have seen only about 7 bfps that have gone on to become sustainable pregnancies (including myself). Many of them have gone on to have other ectopics, or even more commonly miscarriages and that's if they get lucky enough to conceive. I am wondering where doctors get these numbers from because so many are still trying and are unable to get pregnant after ectopics which shows that it does do more to us then they think...Lucy I joined this ectopic forum shortly after you, and it makes me feel horrible to see you still waiting, and every month I pray for you to announce that you have the bfp. I am so sorry for the other women still trying to conceive and my fingers continue to remain crossed for you and I send you all pregnancy thoughts all the time. I just think doctors really need to re-evaluate ectopics and the overall health effects from it. Sorry just ranted a little but I felt a little sad and frustrated at the last couple posts. Not at you lovely ladies of course, but at the doctors that seem to be clueless at what an ectopic does to us.
thats true pixxie, im with u on that thought.. just like my 2nd OB who seemed to know nothing at all and only made my condition worse after the surgery she made on me.. sooooo very sad to remember that event in my life.. i could have had 2 children already, but they are now with GOD in heaven,

and yes Lucy, only GOD knows when a child is really meant to be ours.. but still, im not losing hope, especially with hubby around who continually loves and supports me, it just saddens me to think i still havent given him any child , esp that hubby is really fond of children.. im not concerned and praying just for my self but most importantly for my hubby, i want to see him really happy with our own child around.. im sure that also goes with all of u ladies..

well, nothing's impossible, if we just hve faith..

and this thread is really really a lot of help, and i really mean A LOT..

it has been more than 2 yrs since my last EP, during those 2 yrs, hubby is abroad most of that time, but if he comes home we didnt really try, but this time we really wanna give it our best shot.. keeping fingers crossed.. and with prayers from u ladies and my prayers for u as well, i think we only have a little more waiting to do, our miracles will come soon.. :)
Pink, congrats on your little Max!

Hi Lucy, i hate the waiting game! I am madly impatient at best. And the worst thing is this is something i cant control and it makes me feel helpless. Btw What is clomid?? Also tmi but losing the baby has made me feel a bit squemish about sex, my poor husband!

Pixxie, we all know how you feel when you say you feel down about your lost baby and i hope you feel better now and are getting excited about your bean! I'm going through a sad and to be honest really frustrated period because everyone around me is getting pregnant and yesterday my doc said i cant ttc until Feb/March as they think my lung blood clots were due to my pregnancy that turned out to be ectopic and i have to wait till i am off the meds to start ttc again...i know its only four/five months but i just want to be able to move on and make a bro or sis for my little angel but I cant! I am just desperate to start trying.

Benim, lots of luck, I know it must be nervewracking for scan results after a loss and i know I would - WIll - feel the same if - WHEN (positive thinking) - i am pregnant again but it will all be worth it.

Americonia, Carmela, Burtch...your words really struck a cord with me. I do feel like my body has let me down and worry sometimes that i will let my husband down in giving him babies. It's just harder than the movies would lead you to believe, isnt it? And i too feel like everyone around me is effortly getting pregnant, a friend even just had a baby which was entirely unplanned....we'll all get there!

Pixxie, about your last post, is it possible some women joined this thread and then didnt update when they had babies? As i'm still hanging on to the hope that my ectopic was a one off and once i can start trying again it might take a little longer but it will happen!!

Hello to everyone else!!!

hi all :wave:

pixxie thanks for your kind words am glad that you are hanging around to give us some hope like pink i like you pray that it happens soon thanks for your prayers they mean alot to me i totally get your frustation with the drs. i am still waiting on some results and in oct i have the A1C test to check my diabetes again if things are not what they want they are not going to let me get clomid, if that happens am going to go to an other dr that might let me try

burtch i totally get you on the hubby situation my hubs is like yours he loves kids and i know that he will make a great father like he is a husband it breaks my heart to know that i have not been able to give him a child especially (i truly don't care but i know that it hurts him) when his sister is constantly asking when we are going to have kids his whole family is on us about that, we never told them that we lost a little angel i only told my siblings and you ladies so there is really no one else that i can talk to

wannabee that sucks that you are going to have to wait i hate it. clomid is a drug that helps you ovulate i have pcos and don't have regular periods, and there is a chance that i might not be ovulating at all and so my dr thought that i might try it but i have to get my diabetes under control so am waiting on my every 3 month test to see what they say and hope that they will give me the pres. to get on it and possibly get my bean

well hope that you are all doing good am going to take a nap before i get ready for work got a cold from hubby so am not all that peachy today hope every one is doing good.
I agree that the doctors don't seem to know what they are talking about. After my surgery my doctor said I would be able to get pregnant again, no problem. Yeah right!

I get jealous alot when people I know get pregnant and are like "oh crap! I am pregnant, what am I going to do, this sucks!" I sit there and think, wow, i wish i was in your situation.

I feel like I am letting my husband down as well. Like I cant give him what he wants, and deserves.

I am also TERRIFIED of having another ectopic. My ectopic was due to PID-so my other tube was affected. The DR said they put dye through and it looked good, but I am still afraid.

When I had my ectopic I didn't know I was pregnant because I had my period and didn't find out until it was too late (I was already almost10 weeks) and my tube had already ruptured. Now, I pretty much test every month just to make sure. If it were to happen again I want to catch it early so I can salvage my remaining tube. If I lose my other tube, I would be completely devastated.
O.k. I phone them back and my ultrasound is TODAY at 3:30 pm. super fast. Wish me luck :) If not i'm will be fine hope no more surgery for me :)

I'm back from Ultrasound but I still don't know anything until this Friday. Just hope everything will be o.k.

But if i'm right I think I saw something.

Fingers and toes crossed for you:kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss:
Hi Burtch, thanks for the welcome:flower:,Im so happy I found this group of lovely woman.:thumbup:
Hi Wannabe, it is hard, deep down and logically you know its not your fault but the guilt is still there regardless. I'm sorry about the amount of time you have to wait, I hope it passes quickly for you:hugs:

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