TCC After Ectopic buddy needed

Hi girls

I just wanted to ask a question to get your opinion. I do have a doctors app on Friday to clarify this but I wanted to ask anyway.

In hospital I was told that I had an ectopic pregnancy and Im getting my tube removed.After the surgery I was told that I have Endometriosis and my remaining tube was stuck together and they tried their best to unstick it. That was all I was told and I was too upset and in shock to ask anymore questions.So over the past 2 weeks I have done tons of research online(as I'm sure most of you girls have) to try and get some idea of were we stand.What I have learned is Endo is something that gets worse with every period, which would mean that the work they done to rectify the problem with my 'sticky' tube won't last long. I was told to wait three months before TTC again but i feel like Im not giving us the best chance of conceiving if I wait, I know I just sound impatient(which I am:blush:) but it is also because the thought of not having another baby fills me with complete dread.I would be a little more at ease if I knew my tube was healthy but it feels like I have a time limit:dohh:

I do apologise for the long rant:dohh: Would do you guys think? anyone had the same problem?:hugs:
wannabee, ameronica - i know what it feels like to witness that most of the ladies around us are getting pregnant so easily and some are trying their best to PREVENT themselves from getting preg while we are trying our best to GET preg.. the irony of it all.. i have passed that stage where i am so fearful of conceiving thinking it might be the same again, but now i am determined to have even just one child of our own.. i have had 2 ectopics already, and the most frustrating HSG result that says my remaining tube is blocked, but i never lose hope that it might unblock all on its own, (am i that desperate?) good thing ameronica yours is good.. so dont loose hope, its just a matter of time, we will soon have that little bean we all so long for..

i also, test every month esp if period delays even just for a day, i test right away just to make sure, (with excitement in my heart, and no fear anymore) :)

Lucy - hope u feel better hun,..

carmela- that happened to me too, i was shocked and depressed i wasnt able to ask anything from the Dr., only then that i was home i have many questions running thru my head, so i just browsed everything in the net, and it turns out, i even learned more from the net than from the Dr.. my ectopic was due to severe UTI i had untreated for how many years that caused my tubes to be infected and i assumed left scarred making it blocked.. but the 2nd ectopic i had, though ectopic but it was not in the tube, it implanted itself at the top most part of my uterus, so that little fact that it already passed thru the fallopian tube, thats what gives me hope and inspires me to try again, coz it means thats my tube is ok, (though HSG result shows otherwise, im really that crazy and desperate.. ;) )..
Hi Burtch, your strength is amazing. Your not crazy at all and I hope that you succeed. Have you considered getting help to conceive or do you want to do it naturally?
Hi Burtch, your strength is amazing. Your not crazy at all and I hope that you succeed. Have you considered getting help to conceive or do you want to do it naturally?

thanx carmela.. the last Dr. i went to, who is finally an expert, said IVF is our only hope,..its wwaaaayyy ttoooooo expensive, and i think it will take us how many more years to be able to save that amount of money, so for now we want to hope for a miracle and do it naturally, if its really GOD's will, it will be, and if not, i believe HE has a perfect time for it and other purpose for me and hubby for now.. give us all an update as to what the dr will say on ur appt today hun..:)

My prayers include all of you ladies here, that we soon have our little beans soon, and for our sisters here who are now preg, my prayers are for your baby to be healthy and u deliver them healthy soon.. baby dust to us all!!!
Hi everyone, so not long back from the doc. He said that it will be harder for us to get pregnant but not impossible and to go back in a years time if we have had no luck. The good news is we can start trying straight away:happydance:
It all depends on personal circumstance and everyone is different and if we feel ready we can start trying. Im soooo happy I dont have to wait till November:yipee:
Carmela-That is great news, at least you were given the ok to try! Hopefully it happens naturally and all works out. :)

burtch-When I went though my ectopic my husband I looked into IVF as well and it was just crazy how much they wanted for it. I mean they had certain "deals" but it was still not promised to work. After we realized the cost for doing IVF we also looked into adoption. We felt that if we could not get pregnant naturally we would just adopt. Again the requirements were crazy! I understand how hard this time is, but do not hold out hope. Nothing is really impossible. They told my sister in law she could not get pregnant, that her tubes were completely blocked due to an infection. She had a healthy baby girl about 3 months ago. :) Never give up.

Lucy-I hope all is going well with you hunny, I have not seen you on here in a few days. Don't let work keep ya too busy. :)

Afm-I am just same old same old. I feel fat, I feel tired, and I feel sore. I am so ready to have my body back. I am also very frustrated with school because my teacher is just being unbelievable when it comes do doing the assignments. I wish she would just figure out how to do things online and stick to it. Oh well. Still also have not prepped for baby, everything is still in boxes and lots to do and no energy.
carmela-so happy for u hun!! :happydance:.. it really i think depends on u if u r psychologically and u feel u r physically ready for it, then :thumbup: go for it!

pixxie- thank u pix.. wow, thats one heck of a miracle story there, or lets just say maybe the HSG or d Dr. who diagnosed ur sis-n-law maybe made a mistake.. well, as i go thru the net about HSG its not really 100% accurate since there r times that the tube might do some spasm, and the cream that will be pumped surely could nt pass thru, and im holdin on to that little hope.. :shrug: i knew quite some stories here also thats the same with ur sis-n-law's story that Dr. said they wont be able to get preg but they get preg anyway, though it took time but it will really happen.. i have always been optimistic almost about everything, and my strength comes from GOD and my OH who is more optimistic and hopeful than i am.. :D
well, u still have more than a month to go, u still have time, and with the feel fat tired and sore, ull restore ur old body soon.. :)
Thank you Pixxie and Burtch:laugh2: I really hope it happens quickly and naturally but we just don't know what will happen in the future, FX'd for everyonex
Hi ladies, :wave:

carmela so happy for you am glad that you got the go ahead and like pixxie and burtch said fx that it will happen soon and natural for you drs can preach all they want but only God has the final answer

burtch how are you doing? hope that all is well with you

pixxie your almost there and soon you will have your body back, thanks for asking about me sorry that i have been absent for the past few days just had a lot to do but am always thinking of my girls on here you better get moving your lo will be here before you get all sorted out

afm well i have been battling a really bad flu for the last few days and finally today it eased up i even went and got my nails done lol, i talked to the dr that is checking the problems with my hands being swollen and they say that i have nonfactor rheutamoid arthritis which am taking some meds as a "trial" to see if it helps and got to say that they have the down side is that i can't try to get pregnant because of the risk of miscarrige or birth defects so i have an apt. on thurs to see what we are going to do on a more permanent basis but am praying that she lets me get clomid she had said at the last apt that if i had that she would allow to try before we began any treatment

the other good thing is that i finally got my days sorted for our vacation we are going to vegas for a week in two weeks time and am so excited i mean i love my job but it can be overwhelming at times and this season has been very busy well enough of my rant will talk to you all soon :hugs: to all

hi to anyone i forgot
hello lucy, i missed u hun,:hugs: hope u feel good now.. and no more flu.. and hope u can have that clomid.. the Dr. let me took clomid after my 1st ep bcos of my PCOS, and it worked for me after 3 cycles i think, but sadly twas another ep.. now i can feel myself ovulating on my own coz i can feel the cramps and a very little pain during ovulation and also the consistency of CM that comes out around the time of OV, and also the Dr. advised me to eat less fats and low sugar, coz according to her, PCOS mostly is caused by too much intake/consumption of fats..since then i watch what i eat, esp with hubby around, he is such a health and diet conscious kind of person, he always watch what i eat..
hope that arthritis will be gone soon so u can have a go with it.. and enjoy with ur vacation hun, u deserve it..:happydance:

m nw on my 3rd day of cycle, we will TTC again but i jst hope we cn be on the right timing since hubby s n review class and can only come home on weekends..

well goodluck to all ladies here, :dust: to us all!!
Hi Ladies,

I hope you don't mind me asking a couple of questions. I could really use some advice, and the Interwebs are not great on ectopic issues. Here's my story:
I started miscarrying a little under 6 weeks with my first BFP. I had very low HCG levels before the pregnancy started--53 at 5+4! I bled for a week, stopped for two (during which time I had + preg tests, but no HCG levels taken), then have been spotting/bleeding for two weeks. I went to the doc's today, and then gave me a preg test (I'm still +), then a U/S. They said my uterus did not look pregnant, but there was a small mass on one side that had blood running to it. They said they think it might be a residual ectopic.

Does this sound like anyone else's experience? I should also note that I have had no pain, and no other symptoms since the m/c began. To my knowledge, I've had no STDs or infections, nor do I have endometriosis (to my knowledge). The only risk factor I'm aware of is that I'm a bit older--35 this week.

I have an appt tomorrow, and the docs said that it might involve surgery. Would any of you recommend I try the drugs first?

I hope someone can provide some wisdom. I'm really terrified about this, and not 100% confident in my doctors right now.

Hi Ladies,

I hope you don't mind me asking a couple of questions. I could really use some advice, and the Interwebs are not great on ectopic issues. Here's my story:
I started miscarrying a little under 6 weeks with my first BFP. I had very low HCG levels before the pregnancy started--53 at 5+4! I bled for a week, stopped for two (during which time I had + preg tests, but no HCG levels taken), then have been spotting/bleeding for two weeks. I went to the doc's today, and then gave me a preg test (I'm still +), then a U/S. They said my uterus did not look pregnant, but there was a small mass on one side that had blood running to it. They said they think it might be a residual ectopic.

Does this sound like anyone else's experience? I should also note that I have had no pain, and no other symptoms since the m/c began. To my knowledge, I've had no STDs or infections, nor do I have endometriosis (to my knowledge). The only risk factor I'm aware of is that I'm a bit older--35 this week.

I have an appt tomorrow, and the docs said that it might involve surgery. Would any of you recommend I try the drugs first?

I hope someone can provide some wisdom. I'm really terrified about this, and not 100% confident in my doctors right now.


So sorry for your loss. It sounds like it may be an ectopic. I can only speak to my experience, but I would take a surgery over drugs if you mean the methotrexate shots. If you get the methotrexate shot you have to wait three months before you can ttc. A surgery may seem scary, but recovery is usually quick.
Hi Ladies,

I hope you don't mind me asking a couple of questions. I could really use some advice, and the Interwebs are not great on ectopic issues. Here's my story:
I started miscarrying a little under 6 weeks with my first BFP. I had very low HCG levels before the pregnancy started--53 at 5+4! I bled for a week, stopped for two (during which time I had + preg tests, but no HCG levels taken), then have been spotting/bleeding for two weeks. I went to the doc's today, and then gave me a preg test (I'm still +), then a U/S. They said my uterus did not look pregnant, but there was a small mass on one side that had blood running to it. They said they think it might be a residual ectopic.

Does this sound like anyone else's experience? I should also note that I have had no pain, and no other symptoms since the m/c began. To my knowledge, I've had no STDs or infections, nor do I have endometriosis (to my knowledge). The only risk factor I'm aware of is that I'm a bit older--35 this week.

I have an appt tomorrow, and the docs said that it might involve surgery. Would any of you recommend I try the drugs first?

I hope someone can provide some wisdom. I'm really terrified about this, and not 100% confident in my doctors right now.


I am sorry but I agree it could be an ectopic. In my personal experience I say you should use methotrexate (the drug). The reason I said this is cause I first had the surgery for my ectopic. I thought everything was all fine until two weeks later when I got my labs back, the ectopic had regrown and turned into a continual ectopic. I ended up being treated also with the metho. Yes you have to wait three months before you can ttc again, but the positive about waiting those three months is that you are able to give yourself time to physically and mentally heal. I wish you all the best. :hugs:
hello pbl_ge, im with you with what u r going thru right now.. sounds like my experience with my 2nd ectopic.. i had BFP, but when i had blood work done, it was very low,..had U/S, nothing was seen in my took another week after i had another U/S that something was seen at the top most part of my uterus, they call it CORNUAL ectopic since twas implanted at the cornua (f my term is right).. my doc at that time suggested surgery right away, but i told her what about mtx, only then did she agree to let me have it but with discouragement.. it took about 3 shots until my HCG went down.. after a day or 2 i felt contractions and started bleeding, i was admitted (where a doc humiliated me telling everybody i refused surgery coz i settled for mtx) after 3 hrs of intermitent pain in the hospital, something came out and i thought twas the gest sac or something,but when biopsy was done, they called it decidua..when i had U/S, there was still the gest sac at the cornua, so the doc suggested surgery right away.. i had the surgery, the dr said she kind of did D & C, she just scraped from my uterus the implanted fert egg..

here's the most depressing part, i transferred to another dr., a specialist this time, guess what her reaction was with my story, she just smiled, and told me, MTX was already enough, there was no need for surgery, it was normal to have bleeding but it will eventually stop, and the decidua that came out was a better result, she said i just had to wait for the gest sac to be resorbed back by my body and the HCGs to go down.. I COULD have saved my remaining fal tube..

the most damaging part that previous dr i had was that the surgery somehow made my remaining fal tube blocked, thus making my condition worst.. the fact that i got preg where it has already passed thru the tube ws an evidence my fal tube was ok, but my current Dr. let me have HSG, and it turned out my remaining tube was blocked, and i asked her what caused it to be blocked since my last preg already passed thru the tube, she said there's nothing else that caused it but the surgery..

see? i would suggest u go with the treatment or MTX, it will save u not just money, but also the stress and trauma of undergoing surgery.. my experience was devastating, but i never loose hope.. i just put in my mind that there are miracles, and that my tube might heal and unblock on its own, and most of all GOD is with me..

sorry for my long sob story, but i hope it helps..
Hi Ladies,

I hope you don't mind me asking a couple of questions. I could really use some advice, and the Interwebs are not great on ectopic issues. Here's my story:
I started miscarrying a little under 6 weeks with my first BFP. I had very low HCG levels before the pregnancy started--53 at 5+4! I bled for a week, stopped for two (during which time I had + preg tests, but no HCG levels taken), then have been spotting/bleeding for two weeks. I went to the doc's today, and then gave me a preg test (I'm still +), then a U/S. They said my uterus did not look pregnant, but there was a small mass on one side that had blood running to it. They said they think it might be a residual ectopic.

Does this sound like anyone else's experience? I should also note that I have had no pain, and no other symptoms since the m/c began. To my knowledge, I've had no STDs or infections, nor do I have endometriosis (to my knowledge). The only risk factor I'm aware of is that I'm a bit older--35 this week.

I have an appt tomorrow, and the docs said that it might involve surgery. Would any of you recommend I try the drugs first?

I hope someone can provide some wisdom. I'm really terrified about this, and not 100% confident in my doctors right now.


I would try the drug first.
My reason being the fact that you have the chance to save your tube. I had an ectopic and my tube was taken, due to it being too far along and already ruptured. Now I only have one and with a higher chance of an ectopic I am always afraid of losing my only tube left. I would say try to do whatever is possible before getting the surgery. Once the tube is out, there is no getting it back. I would rather have to wait 3 months to TTC than it take over 5 years to get pregnant (like my situation right now). If the drug doesnt work, at least you tried all you could do before the surgery, but I would not go straight there. I hope everything works out for you!
Hi Ladies,

I really appreciate your input. The doctors did decide to go for the metho tx. Got the first round today, and they'll wait and see if my levels go down before decided to give me another round. FX they don't! This was an abnormal pregnancy--a "mass" not a fetus--that measured 4 cm. My HCG levels were 2000.

I asked both my regular OBGYN and the one at the hospital today how long I need to wait to try again. Interestingly, both of them told me that it's no longer considered necessary to wait 3 months after meth. to try again. My OBGYN told me to wait two full cycles. The one at the hospital told me that's it's imperative to wait until my HCG levels are at or near 0, but that they no longer feel the need to recommend more time. He actually said that this is so important that they strongly recommend no sex at all, not even using contraception, before the levels are at 0. The logic of waiting for the 0 HCG levels is to avoid the situation where there's a new pregnancy on top of residual ectopic tissue. Neither of them mentioned the folic acid interaction stuff, and seemed a bit nonplussed when I asked.


So, I guess I'll be joining your club here, if that's okay! I'm so grateful that you were here to answer my questions. It's been a dark couple of days.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Hi Ladies,

I really appreciate your input. The doctors did decide to go for the metho tx. Got the first round today, and they'll wait and see if my levels go down before decided to give me another round. FX they don't! This was an abnormal pregnancy--a "mass" not a fetus--that measured 4 cm. My HCG levels were 2000.

I asked both my regular OBGYN and the one at the hospital today how long I need to wait to try again. Interestingly, both of them told me that it's no longer considered necessary to wait 3 months after meth. to try again. My OBGYN told me to wait two full cycles. The one at the hospital told me that's it's imperative to wait until my HCG levels are at or near 0, but that they no longer feel the need to recommend more time. He actually said that this is so important that they strongly recommend no sex at all, not even using contraception, before the levels are at 0. The logic of waiting for the 0 HCG levels is to avoid the situation where there's a new pregnancy on top of residual ectopic tissue. Neither of them mentioned the folic acid interaction stuff, and seemed a bit nonplussed when I asked.


So, I guess I'll be joining your club here, if that's okay! I'm so grateful that you were here to answer my questions. It's been a dark couple of days.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
I am sorry you are going through this, but know we are happy to answer your questions. Because your levels were not that high chances are you will only need that one dose. When I had my metho treatment my levels were at 5,000 and I got that one shot. It took about a month for my levels to get to 0. I wish you the best. :hugs:
mine was a different story though, i remembered my HCG started only at 200, then went 1000+, but it got so high and doubled and tripled even after the 1st and 2nd shot, it took 3 shots until it went down, coz my immune system was a bit strong, the Dr. was amazed how strong the little bean fought for its life.. but sadly its just not meant to be for the time being.. he is meant to be with GOD..
and id say this thread and group of ladies is a lot of help going through everything every single step of the way..
hope ur HCG will go down soon pbl_ge, so u cn try again..
That's amazing Burtch! He really hung on! And pixxie, I'm so happy to see that you've gone on to have a h&h pregnancy. Mazel tov! It feels pretty hopeless from here. I was at a Catholic hospital today, and the chaplain told me that his wife had an ectopic and then a still birth, but went on to have two health kids. I suspect she was younger than me, though. I'm 35 on Sunday.

Another question for the crew, if I might: how many of you got an HSG before or after your ectopic? I'm debating asking my docs for one when this is over, so I have more information about moving forward. I also know that sometimes an HSG will clear out the cobwebs, so to speak.


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