TCC After Ectopic buddy needed

That's amazing Burtch! He really hung on! And pixxie, I'm so happy to see that you've gone on to have a h&h pregnancy. Mazel tov! It feels pretty hopeless from here. I was at a Catholic hospital today, and the chaplain told me that his wife had an ectopic and then a still birth, but went on to have two health kids. I suspect she was younger than me, though. I'm 35 on Sunday.

Another question for the crew, if I might: how many of you got an HSG before or after your ectopic? I'm debating asking my docs for one when this is over, so I have more information about moving forward. I also know that sometimes an HSG will clear out the cobwebs, so to speak.


Some women go on to have miscarriages and such after ectopics but some of us go on to have normal pregnancies. I will be honest no matter the situation, the first 12 weeks of being pregnant after an ectopic are really the scariest.

as for your question, I never got the hsg test done. I was just praying that there was not that much damage done. my husband and I both agreed if I was not pregnant within the first year after my ectopic we would do the hsg, but i got pregnant the first month of trying, so i guess i got really lucky.
That's amazing Burtch! He really hung on! And pixxie, I'm so happy to see that you've gone on to have a h&h pregnancy. Mazel tov! It feels pretty hopeless from here. I was at a Catholic hospital today, and the chaplain told me that his wife had an ectopic and then a still birth, but went on to have two health kids. I suspect she was younger than me, though. I'm 35 on Sunday.

Another question for the crew, if I might: how many of you got an HSG before or after your ectopic? I'm debating asking my docs for one when this is over, so I have more information about moving forward. I also know that sometimes an HSG will clear out the cobwebs, so to speak.


I "think" I got this done. I say this because I was underage when I had my ectopic and my Dr. literally didn't tell me anything. I learned things that they did to me afterwards from my mom. They put dye through my remaining tube and said it went through and it looked good, and my mom saw the xray or chart of it. From reading I think this is what an HSG is (correct me if I am wrong). Like I said I never got to see it or even knew they did it, but it looks like my other tube is okay. I am not sure if this was before or after the ectopic was removed, I was in the hospital for only one day so either way it happened that day.

I think it is a good thing to do. That way you know the status of your other tube and it can help you when TTC to know if it is blocked or has a good passage.
yes, twas amazing but he had to be removed coz he was not on the right place.. :cry:

i had HSG after my ectopic.. yes, they say its the best time to TTC after the procedure, HSG shud be done 7-10th day of ur cycle, so there ar just a few days more til ur ovulation, a dye is to be inserted in ur uterus and will be pushed to ur falopian tubes, so it will definitely clear out ur uterus and tubes, so its the best time to TTC, it will be clear and easier for the little :spermy: to flow and run.. :)
I don't think I got the hsg done unless they did it while I was out :shrug: it took me awhile to get preg after my ectopic but my first one was a good one.. So it is possible :)
Hello ladies I am sorry I havent been aroud in a long while. I had thrown mysel into work etc after we lost the baby. w had one chemical after my ep, my dr put me on clomid again. 100 mg this time. first cycle which wa in aug didnt work, 2nd cycle (this month) did. I am praying that this one sticks in the right place. my husban and i had decided to stop ttc after this cycle and id given up hope until i started having symptoms. im only 10 dpo and had bfp on 2 dollar store tests then a clearblue digital :) baby dust to everyone!:happydance:


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OMG Congrats!!! I am so happy to see a bfp and praying that it is a sticky bean for you!! :D :happydance:
Just to update folks that I have got a BFP & just cautiously waiting to find out its location!
hey ladies just popping in to see how you are all doing and to welcome any new ladies to the thread am so sorry for your losses but you have come to the right place, hope that you get your bfp soon

and it is nice to see that there are a few new bfps congrats YAY!!!! we are getting our second batch of babies. so exciting.

afm doing good still fighting this flu i thought that i was over it but got the flu shot yest. and i think that it is comming back so i think that i need a nap and many fluids.
Hey All! Hoping over from the 2nd Trimester to give you all a little word of encouragement.

In February of 2012 I was admitted into the hospital with an ectopic pregnancy that dated 5 weeks. Because I had already began bleeding and cramping I was given two doses of methotrexate and sent home. They monitored my HCG levels until they dropped to zero 6 days later. My OB advised that we should wait for my normal cycle to return 3 times before trying again.

Thankfully :witch: returned to her normal visits every 28 days. In May after I completed my 3rd cycle DH and I decided to try again. We were told that it could take up to six months before everything straightened out so we didn't stress too much about charting my OV.

On June 7th I took a pregnancy test because AF was 3 days late. It immediately turned positive. DH didn't believe it at first so I took another one while he monitored the situation. We became cautiously optimistic about our BFP, and immediately scheduled an appointment with our OB. Blood tests confirmed that we were indeed pregnant again.

At 8 weeks we got to see our baby and hear the heartbeat via an internal scan. At 12 weeks we had a bit of a scare due to me being in a car accident. So we got to see our little bean wiggling around again. Everything checked out normal. Then this Wednesday we went in for our 20 week anatomy scan. Turns out we can expect to welcome a little girl on February 13, 2013. She looks perfect and currently weighs 11oz.

I hope that this story provides encouragement to all of you who are currently trying to conceive or have recently experienced an ectopic pregnancy. It is a horrible experience, but know that there is hope.
Do any of you ladies that got your BFPs get them with only having one tube? And if so, how long were you trying? That's the situation I am in, and I feel like I am never going to get a BFP :(
Do any of you ladies that got your BFPs get them with only having one tube? And if so, how long were you trying? That's the situation I am in, and I feel like I am never going to get a BFP :(

I didnt lose my tube, but due to scar tissue my right tube was completely blocked! dr was going to do a procedure next month to clean it out but this cycle my left tube did the trick. It took me 6 months since my ectopic, and was on clomid and estrogen. im still nervous of course, until we have my ultrasound to confirm, im still terribly nervous. theres always hope hun! Clomid is something that is a good option and the estrogen helps move the sperm etc along. this was my first cycle using the estrogen, i think that really made the difference.

good luck hun!
hello ladies, i feel more hope rising every minute as i read BFPs one efter another.. YAY for all of u ladies with BFPs, mamatrujillo and annie77 FXd that it be in the right place, but i do have a positive feeling for both of you.., and thank u kellen, for such a story that gives us more hope..
well, it wouldn't be long that some of us ladies here will soon have that BFP too.. YAY!! :happydance:

ameronica - no worries hun, i knew a lot of ladies who lost one tube but still had normal pregnancies after.. just like my aunt, who lost her tube during her first preg when she was 21.. but still had 2 boys and 2 girls who had 2 yrs interval each after her ectopic and who are now all married.. so never lose hope...

btw mamatrujillo, did ur Dr. prescribed u the estrogen? i might ask my Dr. about it. :)

goodluck to us all ladies here. babydust to all!! and GOD bless us all!!
Do any of you ladies that got your BFPs get them with only having one tube? And if so, how long were you trying? That's the situation I am in, and I feel like I am never going to get a BFP :(

I didn't lose my right tube, but I'm pretty sure its pretty damaged and scarred. After my ectopic I went from having a regular af to haveing one every 60-70 days so i'm pretty sure I only ovulated from one. My Oh's mother lost her tube when she was 20 and went on to have 3 perfectly healthy children. So it is very possible.
Do any of you ladies that got your BFPs get them with only having one tube? And if so, how long were you trying? That's the situation I am in, and I feel like I am never going to get a BFP :(

I did not lose my right tube, but I also do not know the extent of the damage to the tube. They did a window surgery were they took part of my tube and removed my ectopic and then closed it back up, which in turn left some remaining cells and caused it to regrow. Because I had both surgery and the metho treatment I feel safe to say that I do not think my right tube is really reliable anymore and in fact my doctors feel the same way even though I never got the test done. I actually got pregnant my first month of trying, which was very shocking and hard for me to believe. Do not give up. :hugs:

AFM my in-laws are throwing me a baby shower next week and still nothing is put together for baby....I have a horrible case of procrastination and for some reason my nesting instincts just went out the window. I just seem so caught up with school and such that preparing for baby is just kinda last on my mind. Oh well, I still have a couple more weeks to get ready. Hopefully I can get my butt into gear after the baby shower. :shrug:

I am so happy to hear about all the new BFPs and I am praying that all of them are in the right place and continue to go on to be h & h pregnancies. Baby dusts to all the lovely ladies still ttc. :dust:
Do any of you ladies that got your BFPs get them with only having one tube? And if so, how long were you trying? That's the situation I am in, and I feel like I am never going to get a BFP :(

I had an ectopic 9 Dec 11 (had my left tube removed) and got my :bfp: 3 Feb 12. I actually just gave birth on the 22nd of September (thank God!!), so it is possible. I had one "AF" after the surgery and then got pregnant before my second AF. I wish you all the best. Just make sure your remaining tube is in tip top shape (my right tube is perfect - my ectopic was a "fluke.").
hello ladies, i feel more hope rising every minute as i read BFPs one efter another.. YAY for all of u ladies with BFPs, mamatrujillo and annie77 FXd that it be in the right place, but i do have a positive feeling for both of you.., and thank u kellen, for such a story that gives us more hope..
well, it wouldn't be long that some of us ladies here will soon have that BFP too.. YAY!! :happydance:

ameronica - no worries hun, i knew a lot of ladies who lost one tube but still had normal pregnancies after.. just like my aunt, who lost her tube during her first preg when she was 21.. but still had 2 boys and 2 girls who had 2 yrs interval each after her ectopic and who are now all married.. so never lose hope...

btw mamatrujillo, did ur Dr. prescribed u the estrogen? i might ask my Dr. about it. :)

goodluck to us all ladies here. babydust to all!! and GOD bless us all!!

hey hun! yes my dr did prescribe me the estrogen. gave me a bottle of 30, only cost me 4 bucks at walmart! i started taking it cd9 untilt the day i detected my lh surge. my dh and i could only bd ONCE 2 days before i ov, and im still in shock that thats all it took! my cm was hostile before because of clomid, and i am very certain that this cycle worked because of the estrogen:) good luck hun!!:hugs:
hi everyone wow there is a lot going on here sorry that i have been MIA just been a little busy but am so looking forward to my week off next week :happydance:

we have some new BFPS so congrats to those future mommies. hope that you all have a h&h 9
sorry that am not replying to everyone individually but i had a horrible night last night and have not slept that well and then am up early, i have to go to drs. to get the TB test done ugh i hate when i have to get a crap load of things done.
Ladies am seriously thinking that all the meds that i take are making me sick, i know that i have to be on most of them but i think that my drs. need to get together and come up with a solution that works for us all (wishful thinking) well won't complain anymore hope that you all have a great day :thumbup:
Do any of you ladies that got your BFPs get them with only having one tube? And if so, how long were you trying? That's the situation I am in, and I feel like I am never going to get a BFP :(

Hi Ladies, I have been reading this thread for a few months but have never posted.

I lost my right tube in March and i'm now nearly 5 weeks pregnant. I waited for my first period before trying again so it took around 6 months to conceive.

Im having a scan on Monday to see if it made it to the right place.

When I seen my consultant after surgery he said that having 1 tube does not significantly reduce your fertility as long as the remaining tube is healthy.
Do any of you ladies that got your BFPs get them with only having one tube? And if so, how long were you trying? That's the situation I am in, and I feel like I am never going to get a BFP :(

Hi Ladies, I have been reading this thread for a few months but have never posted.

I lost my right tube in March and i'm now nearly 5 weeks pregnant. I waited for my first period before trying again so it took around 6 months to conceive.

Im having a scan on Monday to see if it made it to the right place.

When I seen my consultant after surgery he said that having 1 tube does not significantly reduce your fertility as long as the remaining tube is healthy.

Fingers crossed that it is in the right place!!! The second they told me my baby was in the right place and with a heart beat I started bawling lol.

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