TCC After Ectopic buddy needed

Do any of you ladies that got your BFPs get them with only having one tube? And if so, how long were you trying? That's the situation I am in, and I feel like I am never going to get a BFP :(

Hi Ladies, I have been reading this thread for a few months but have never posted.

I lost my right tube in March and i'm now nearly 5 weeks pregnant. I waited for my first period before trying again so it took around 6 months to conceive.

Im having a scan on Monday to see if it made it to the right place.

When I seen my consultant after surgery he said that having 1 tube does not significantly reduce your fertility as long as the remaining tube is healthy.

Thank You. I am hoping that DH and I just havent gotten PG the 5 years of NTNP due to bad timing/not BD enough (we have very opposite schedules and really only got to do it once a week, two if we were lucky). We only started fully TTC in september so hopefully it doesn't take too long.

I hope yours is in the right place as well! Congrats!!

My tubes were damanged from PID and that is what caused the ectopic. The DR put dye through my other one and said it went through so I guess I am good there. :)
Do any of you ladies that got your BFPs get them with only having one tube? And if so, how long were you trying? That's the situation I am in, and I feel like I am never going to get a BFP :(

Hi Ladies, I have been reading this thread for a few months but have never posted.

I lost my right tube in March and i'm now nearly 5 weeks pregnant. I waited for my first period before trying again so it took around 6 months to conceive.

Im having a scan on Monday to see if it made it to the right place.

When I seen my consultant after surgery he said that having 1 tube does not significantly reduce your fertility as long as the remaining tube is healthy.

my situation is identical to yours. ectopic in march, and im now 4wks 4 days. when is your due date? im hoping for a bump buddy:hugs: you are so lucky they will be doing a scan so early. i have to wait until the 17th which will put me past 6 wks. iim very nervous. will you keep us updated?
Do any of you ladies that got your BFPs get them with only having one tube? And if so, how long were you trying? That's the situation I am in, and I feel like I am never going to get a BFP :(

Hi Ladies, I have been reading this thread for a few months but have never posted.

I lost my right tube in March and i'm now nearly 5 weeks pregnant. I waited for my first period before trying again so it took around 6 months to conceive.

Im having a scan on Monday to see if it made it to the right place.

When I seen my consultant after surgery he said that having 1 tube does not significantly reduce your fertility as long as the remaining tube is healthy.

my situation is identical to yours. ectopic in march, and im now 4wks 4 days. when is your due date? im hoping for a bump buddy:hugs: you are so lucky they will be doing a scan so early. i have to wait until the 17th which will put me past 6 wks. iim very nervous. will you keep us updated?

Congrats! Im due 6th June. Im getting a little nervous about the scan. I have been so confident the last week that everything was fine but now im not so sure.

Have you had your HCG levels checked to see if they are rising as they should? My doctor would only do 1 blood test so it doesn't really tell me anything without at least 1 more.

Ameronica - Hopefully it has just been bad timing and doesn't take you too long. Good luck :dust:
Congratulations to both of you!!! I'm TERRIFIED of those first few weeks after the next BFP (assuming I get one). I hope they're sticky beans in the right place!!!!!!!
Lovebotlass17 - wow, congratz hun, thats so great to hear another baby came into this world..

mamatrujillo - estrogen really workes for you,.. well, i dont have any appts with my Dr. since the last time i went to her, she put dead end to my story.. do u think its safe for me to try it on my own? and can it be bought over-the-counter? DH and i r just TTC on our own, lifting up everything to GOD, but of course with a little caution and trying on our own.. :blush:

littlemiss84 - OMG, another :bfp:, it just makes me so happy reading stories of ur successes hun, its giving us other ladies here who r still TTC more hope rising every :bfp: thats posted here.. congratz hun, my prayers are with u that that little bean u got there is n the right place, im just so happy for u hun..

Ameronica - hopefully it wont be taking too long for our :bfp:s soon hun.. :)

to all the other ladies, good luck and :dust: to us all!! GOD bless us all here and praying for our :bfp:s to arrive soon!!
I had my scan today and everything looks great. Im measuring a few days behind but bubba is in the right place and the midwife thinks she might have seen the start of a heartbeat. I have another scan next week!!
Littlemiss-you are right that is a great start!!! Especially for how far along you are. When I went to my first ultrasound I was 6 weeks on the dot and I had a heartbeat of 95-110 and it is great when you see the start of that.

Lucy-My love how are you doing?? I hope work is not dragging you down too much. Hope all is well. :)

Other ladies-I am so happy to see BFPs in this group. It has been a while. I will keep my fingers crossed for all of your little beans. :)

AFM final countdown!!!! EEEK!!!! I finally packed the baby's hospital bag, and have all the clothes. It is hard to believe all that this time has flown by. I remember announcing that I thought I had a BFP and you lovely ladies confirming it. :) It has deff been an amazing journey and I am so happy that I shared it with all of you. As of Friday the midwife is having me do everything natural that I can to get the baby out. They do not want me going over due and they really think that he can come next week and be completely healthy. I am so shocked with everything and with the fact that I am already having at least 2 or 3 contractions a day it should not be hard to go into labor...I hope lol. I will keep all you ladies posted!!

Hugs and baby dust to all of you!!!
hi pixxie am so happy that you are all ready for the arrival of your lo YAY!! please do keep us updated

afm am good work is quiet for now lol i was on vacation for a week so that is why i was quiet can't wait to meet your lo

hi to all the other girls :wave:
Lucy-Lucky!!! I wish I could take a vacation!!! I am not allowed to be more than an hour away from the hospital now so I am completely bumming. :( Oh well. Any news on the doctors?

AFM I am in the waiting game...and wait I shall. I went to my midwife appointment on Sat and according to her I am not dilated or effaced at all! The freaking baby is also super high up! So I am now taking all these herbal supplements (that she recommended) and I am drinking Raspberry Tea Leaf Tea. Not sure if it is making any difference but I am praying that it is. It has been just been me and the kids all weekend since my husband is away at a training for his mechanic thing. I know he needs to do it but it also has be very frusterated...hopefully he will be home at 5 and everything will be fine. Well I will continue to let you know what goes on, and I have another midwife appointment on Tuesday so if anything changes I will let you all know. :)
pixxie hope that when your hubby gets home that you begin to go into labor that way you can have someone there with you and not just the boys but fx that by tues something is happening that baby doesn't want to come out lol am so excited for you

afm we went to las vegas for a few days and that was all that i could take am not into the party scene anymore but it was fun having the time alone with the hubs i have a drs apt on the 23rd to see if am going to be able to get on clomid am not going to allow them to make me wait any longer i think that am controling my diabetes pretty well and i should be given the chance to try for a baby but we shall see what they say fx that we both get somewhere soon
Tomorrow might be hard ladies. It will be 6 years since my ectopic removal surgery. :cry:
The day still feels like it was yesterday, and still makes me want to cry all over again. I always think of how old my child would be and if it would have been a boy or a girl. :nope:
I am due to test on the 29th, and hoping that a BFP will make this month a happier month every year.
ameronica we are all here for you :hugs: to you for this difficult month we all understand what you are feeling i am hoping that you get a BFP in the next few days to brighten up your month any symptoms that you can share? thinking of you

pixxie how are you doing hun everything ok with you do you have your little one yet? hope that you are able to update us on how you are doing

all the other ladies hope that you are all doing well and that those that got that BFP are getting along fine

afm doing good finally getting some time to rest after the busy season that we had hubby and i even took a few days off and went to vegas :) well i hope to hear from some of you soon :wave:
Americana-You are in the right place. We all know and understand how you feel. We would love to be with you during your journey.

Lucy-Sorry no baby yet...and honestly I wish he was here. Not cause I am done with being pregnant, but I am more done with people seeming to get mad at me still being pregnant and possibly not being induced around their schedules. It just tears me up inside cause I want this baby to come now so people can all just be happy and let me be happy and I know that is not gonna happen. Sorry kinda went on a rant right there, but it has been just hurting me these last couple days and I needed to let it out. :(
pixxie you rant away that is what we are all here for to give each other support and you should tell those people to sorry but f**k off lol that baby needs to be in there until he is well done lol but am sure he will be here soon :hugs: to you for having to deal with those unsensitive people
:hugs:Thank You Lucy529 and Pixxi1232001 I am glad to have found a group that understands, since some people don't. I didn't know I was pregnant until the day I went into the hospital, so it was such a shock to find out I was pregnant and was going to lose it the same day. My sister didn't understand. When she had a miscarriage @6 weeks I told her I knew how she felt since I had my ectopic before her. She was rude about it and said I had no idea how it was since I wasn't "really pregnant" since I didn't know before hand..That hurt me, since I feel like no matter what the loss (chemical, abortion, ectopic, miscarriage, stillbirth) it still hurts, and it is still a loss. That is why I said I was happy to find women that can relate and be positive :)

DH and I had a great night last night, which helps. We were talking about our future and how we want to raise our children and our birth plan for when we do have a baby someday. It lightened the mood and made me focus more on the future instead of the past.

As for symptoms, not really any. I had some cramps at ~7dpo and some bbs tenderness at ~8 dpo but that is all so far. I also just felt "weird" yesterday, I have no idea how to explain it though. I am 10 dpo now and will be testing on monday or tuesday.

Thanks again for the support!
Ameronica am routing for you that you get that BFP :thumbup: it is so frustrating to have people be so insensitive towards us especially someone so close to us thankfully my sister was nice and although she has never been through that she was understating but i have an aunt that although she can be the nicest person at times me makes me mad lol she is always asking when am i going to try again and about the drs and meds it gets to me so now i avoid her phone calls as much as possible lol
am glad that you had a good time with the hubs it is always nice to have a relaxing day at home but so sweet that you two are making plans for the future and your so right it helps not to focus on the past. keep us updated on what happens ok :hugs:

pixxie my dear hope that you are ok and that those people that are upset because the lo won't come have eased off lol have they never heard that a baby does not follow anyones schedule lol hope that you are doing ok
Lucy-Hey, today is going better and you wont believe what happened at my midwife appointment today. So I went in and told her I had been having some pain and then yesterday when I wiped myself I saw a bunch of goop on the toilet paper. Well she decided to check me and guess what?!?! I am 2 cm dilated now, 40% effaced, and baby's head is now engaged. She even did a sweep because she felt that my cervix was favorable for it!!! When she did it I had a small bloody show, that stopped now, but it was amazing to see. She said that everything looks fantastic and that labor may not be that far off for me! lol :happydance: I am so excited!
pixxie YAY!!! :happydance: well i hope that it happens soon for you do you have everything ready to go incase it does? have you decided on a name yet? am so excited for you

i had not said anything yet but yest i had my apt and guess what i got the go ahead for the clomid :thumbup: am so happy but so scared that it might not work
hello ladies, how are u all doin?

pixxie, hope evrything will go smoothly for u and u deliver ur lo healthily.. and im with lucy on have u chosen any name yet? were all excited for u hun..

ameronica - some people dont really understand what we went thru, of course as u said, "no matter what the loss (chemical, abortion, ectopic, miscarriage, stillbirth) it still hurts, and it is still a loss." and for me, it is already a life, our baby, whom GOD owns first and not for us.. and they're still from us... only ladies like us here understand evrything we feel since we all are going thru the same ordeals..

hello dear lucy - im happy ur Dr let u on clomid, clomid worked for me on my 2nd preg, so dont be scared and just be positive that it will really work on u..

and to the other ladies, how r u all doing?

AFM, im already 3 days delayed, afs supposed to come on the 23rd, i tested on the 22nd it was neg,(maybe twas too early).. i'll just wait another day to test again or af might arrive anytime tomorrow, coz i felt like its coming soon,(have no idea coz unusually i dont feel any PMS this time around, i always have PMS) but i'll wait and see..

good luck to us all ladies, and :dust: to us all!!

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