TCC After Ectopic buddy needed

Skeet-I am so excited for you. What do you think you are having? I see you had the same prediction thing I had, but mine was wrong. It predicted team pink for me and I am instead, team blue lol. Oh well, can't wait to hear what it is!!!!

Lucy-I know you can do this diet and know that we are all rooting for you!!! Any type of diet sucks, especially one recommended by a doctor. Know that we all stand by you and support you 100%!!!

AFM-Still no baby!! :cry: Tomorrow is supposed to be a full moon so maybe that is all this little guy needs. I am actually hoping he does not come this week till like Thursday cause I want to go trick or treating with my boys. But I can not control. I have a midwife appointment with my midwife on Halloween and I am going to find out if they are still for the induction this weekend or the coming week if baby is not here yet. I am just feeling super impatient and like I am also part of the Third Trimester of pregnancy on here and it is so depressing to see women who are not as far along as I am having their babies. I get so jealous and my husband is then stuck doing damage control. :haha: oh well. I sent baby dust to all you still TTC and I pray for more BFP's soon!!!!!!
Pixxie I hope that your little guy waits til thurs so you can get to go out with your little boys what are you dressing them up as?

the dr didn't recommend the diet i told her about it she had not heard of it lol my boss is the one that told me about it and to be honest i think that it is really working i have not had insulin since friday and i had to stop some of my meds which i told her i would keep her updated on but am so happy and i think that this is going to take me to my BFP and if not at least a healthier thinner me lol
tbh the diet is not that bad the cleanse days are the harder ones because you can't eat food just the drinks that they give you i made sure to keep an eye on the sugars and they are good too so am happy at the moment and soon i am going to be done with the provera and then on to clomid so fx for me
it predicts a boy, and I'd really like a boy...but I have a feeling it will be a girl. I'll be happy regardless as long as its healthy :)
Lucy-My oldest is dressing up as Buzz Lightyear and my youngest is going as a Vampire prince....not the glittery kind of vampire either! lol (though I do like twilight:blush:)

Skeet-I hope no matter what the gender that baby is very healthy. Hope to see pics of your LO soon!!!
Pixxie aaww I bet they are going to look so cute i hope that you are able to post some pics of them thanks for the support :hugs: it really means a lot to me

skeet well what ever it turns out to be i hope that it gets to your arms healthy share the news when you know ok
AF got me :(
See you all in a few weeks! I am going on my AF break.
Ameronica- so sorry that af got you and totally get you wanting a break I think that we all need them from time to time am using this diet to help keep my mind off ttc and food lol well until i start ttc gl to you next cycle :thumbup:

:wave: hi to all my other ladies on here hope that you all have a lovely monday
Americana-I am sorry AF showed her ugly head. I always hated her. I hope to see you back soon.

Lucy-I love how positive you are staying about your diet. I feel so proud of you. :happydance:

AFM today feels weird for some reason. I woke up with cramps and just feeling sick, and it has not gone away. The cramps are not consistent either so I am really sad about that. I think maybe I got a tummy bug or something, oh well. I took the day off of class so I could feel better and it seems like no matter how i move I still feel horrible and crampy. Maybe I am in early labor or something. IDK I am just not feeling good. :(
Pixxie hope you feel better chick :hugs:
thanks for the support it really does help :happydance: :thumbup:
Hey ladies, I had my midwife appointment today and it did not go so great. I mean I was told amazing news that pretty much baby was completely ready to come out on every level if I was induced but now they are not sure they are going to induce me this weekend even though they spent the last 2 months saying they would! Turns up they planned another induction for this weekend and they do not know if they can handle two at the same time or not. I am seriously depressed right now. Not only that but they said they could do it Sunday night or Monday for sure, but like my mom (who is supposed to watch my boys) is supposed to be in San Fran and so I have no one to watch my children so again that would not work out. I am seriously depressed about all of this. I was really hoping to meet my baby this weekend and that hope was seriously crushed and gutted out of me. :cry:
Pixxie- It's good that your little one is ready to come out but it suck's that they are now moving it for an other day can't you talk to them and explain your situation to them? Or is there anyone else that can help out at all hope that you are able to work something out soon :hugs: chick

:wave: to everyone else
aww pixxie so sorry things are not working out..hopefully your lo will come out naturally before then

afm: had my scan yesterday as far as what the tech seemed to tell me everything looks alright ( our techs are very careful about not saying too much) however my baby is breach with its back to us and legs tucked up nice and guess i'm staying team :yellow: for now!
aww skeet your your lo wants to make you wait a little longer lol but at least you know that he or she is ok, i know what you mean about the techs not wanting to say to much even when i have had a regular u/s just to check things they always say their famous line "i dont read these i only take the pics" they piss me off at times lol sorry went on a rant there

oh and just in case your lo decides not to let you see what it is you have both boy and girls names right ? lol
yes i do..oh and I picked them out when we first started ttc...I just realized that as of last year at this time I was in horrible pain from my ectopic...tomorrow will be 1 year since my crazy!!!
can you believe how times flies the 15 is my year ann. since the surgery and its then that i will be hopefully in the 2ww fx that the clomid will work for me

your like me i have had names picked out for a long time but now i changed them but i have one for each lol if i don't change my mind again that is
I'm actually surprised I haven't changed them..and it didnt take long for Oh and I to decided on one we both like...its especially surprising since I work at a school.

I really hope the clomid works for you this cycle!!! sending loads of sticky in the right place :dust:
Well ladies sorry for the later response, just got back taking my kids trick or treating. We are all soaking wet cause it is raining where I am at but it is ok cause the boys had a blast! So UPDATE! I got a call about 2 hours after my last post and they said that they wanted to induce me Sunday morning!!!! Of course I called my mom bawling explaining what is going on and she decided to watch the kids for me Sunday night and Monday for me! So either way I am having my baby on Sunday now. I am so freaking happy. I just did a lot of walking too and I was hoping that might be all this little guy needs to get going but so far nope lol. Oh well. Hope everyone is doing well.

Skeet-That must be so frustrating!!! But hey there is nothing wrong with being team yellow. I just hope your little love decides to cooperate another time so you can know what you are having. lol.

Lucy-I am so happy to talk to you and always feel a little better after reading your responses. I hope all is well with you.
Hello ladies,
I hope I can join you.
Me and hubby have been ttc for over 3yrs and in April I got rushed to hospital with a ruptured ectopic. I only did the pregnancy test an hour before I went to hospital so only just found out. I lost my right tube along with 6 pints of blood and had to have a blood transfusion. While in hospital I asked why it had taken so long to get preggers and could we have some test done. they said try for another yr and then go to your GP. So a couple of weeks ago I thought enough is enough! I got some blood tests done they came bk normal apart from my testosterone levels which were 1.8 on the boarder line of normal. I have a scan on saturday to see if they can see anything like pcos.
As it is soon coming up to when the baby would have been due 15/12/12 it makes me feel really sad. A friend of mine is pregnant and at a simular stage to what I would have been and it makes me so sad seeing pictures of her facebook of her scans and hearing about her pregnancy.
AF arrived yesteray and I thought this was the month as I know when i Ovulated and we baby danced before and that day but then didnt get chance after so I could kick myself.
Its just so hard and heartbreaking.
It would be so nice to talk to ladies that are going through the same cus hubby just doesnt understand.
misshomelife- so sorry for you loss, but you are in the right place we are all here to help you totally get about the hubby thing mine thankfully listens to me but i know he agrees with me because he doesn't know what else to say, i also get the feeling you have about watching other women that are preg :hug: the only thing that i do to help me with that is to believe that it will happen (easier said than done) i hope that it happens for you soon fx hun and know that we are all here for you :hugs:

skeet- thanks my lovely friend, i changed them because my hubby wanted a say in it so we talked and lucky for me he likes what i pick (like he has a choice lol) but we now agree so that is good. I am praying that it will work.

pixxie- YAY!!! :happydance: that on Sunday you get to meet your little one and you got your mom to watch your other two so that is great news am so excited for you wouldn't it be something if he came earlier. but am truly happy that it got sorted out either way

afm well i just took the last provera pill and now af needs to show up so that i can take the clomid. yest. i talked to my drs nurse to let him know that am no longer on the meds for the diabetes (am actually having some low readings) but i have to go in an see them to see what they want to do, am not comming off this diet that is for sure i might need to add a few more things to keep my sugars up but i feel so good and am keeping at it so that is good for me they wanted me to lose the weight and well i am so they should be happy of my progress i will keep you updated on what happens with that my apt is on the 8th so am hoping that they will see a huge difference and give me the :thumbup:

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