TCC After Ectopic buddy needed

Misshomelife-You are in the right place and know that we are all here for you. When I came up on the due date of my ectopic pregnancy I was devistated and even more so when my SIL who was also due a month before me had her healthy baby girl. I felt cheated and hurt and I cold not get over it. I do not know how I would have managed without these lovely ladies and my husband. We are now expected our rainbow baby on Sunday and believe me it has been a process for me, but with these ladies by your side, it helps.

Thanks ladies I am so excited for Sunday that I am now in overdrive. I am not going to class today so I can start getting ready for bub to come. Talk about nesting to the extreme!!!! lmao So I know I know I promised pics of my boys in costumes and here they are! My oldest is 3 and my youngest is 1 and these are the two trouble makers I always talk about. :)


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Pixxie- aaawww they are adorable and so handsome, girl they are going to be some heartbreakers when they grow up lol i bet they had tons of fun and so happy that you were able to take them trick or treating :happydance: am glad that the news that you are going to meet your boy on Sunday has put you in gear and are getting everything ready so exciting !!!
so adorable pixxie!! Aghhh only 1 day away for you!!! I bet you are getting so excited!!!
Omg girls tomorrow morning is the big day!!! I am so nervous and excited all the same. I will post periodically throughout tomorrow and let you all know how and what is going on, because you guys have been there for me in the start and I want you there for me as much as possible in the end. I love you all so much. :)
so excited for you pixxie!! fingers crossed everything goes smoothly!! Looking forward to your updates
Pixxie a few more hours til you meet your little man ooh i can't wait for your updates tom. I hope that everything goes smoothly for you and for a quick delivery. :hugs:

:wave: to all you other lovely ladies on here
Pixie- Thank you for your kinds words. It definately helps knowing people know what you are going through its comforting in some way.
Good luck with everything today.
Hey ladies I think this is sadly going to be my only update. I got a call yesterday telling me to come in and get induced at 6pm. Showed up and they started me on cervidil. 12 hours after having that stuff change. Nothing. They then decided to have me walk around and then take this pill called cytotec. Walked around for another hour and then all my contractions everything just stopped! I was shocked and now just really upset cause they will not do the drip on me. She feels like she needs to see some change that my body will respond to the pitocin before she gives it to me but cause my body is not responding to everything else she wont. The thing is freaking both drugs they gave me is a cervix rippener! I am already very freaking ripe and yet they keep giving me this stuff. It pisses me off they won't even do a small dose of pitocin. So I am probably going to be sent home...with no baby, and labeled a failed induction. :cry: I am so freaking upset and frustrated right now.
Omg pixxie :( :hugs: that is horrible you would think that they would jut keep you and ensure you have the baby!! Omg I'm so frustrated for u!!
Pixxie :hugs: am so sorry that you are having such a horrible time with that darn nurse or dr. but i agree with skeet they should allow you to stay and have your baby your already there i hope that by the time you are reading this that you are holding your lo in your arms :hugs:
Hey ladies, I did end up having him...but it is a hella long story here goes: I was checked shortly after that and found out I had started to dilated to 4 cm. It was then they decided to move a head with the pitocin (the drip). The stuff was horrible!! I started it around 6pm and I continued it until 3am when they decided to give my body a rest since I was not progressing any again. :dohh: The thing is after the took me off the pitocin they told me my contractions should space and I should get some sleep since they did not think it was doing anything for me. Well shows what they knew, shorltly after the took me off it I started to get harder contractions that did not go away. I was in a lot of pain so they gave me a sleep aid and I was out like a light for the rest of the night. Midwife came in and checked me again in the morning around 8 am and that is when I got the surprise of my life, I was 7-8cm dilated and 90% effaced.:happydance: Labor naturally picked up for me in the end! I continued to have contractions and took a shower, got checked again around 10am and I was then 8-9cm dilated and I had so much pressure so they decided to break my water!! But baby's head was not lowering so I had to walk around which was fine. Around noon I was checked again no progress and they got little concerned and put me back on the pitcoin which again made my contracts just unbearable.:dohh: I finally got to the point where I thought I could not do it anymore and they checked me and I was still only 9 cm...but then they realized baby was at literally right there and decided I could push. After about 10 minutes of pushing my baby boy joined us here in the world. I did not have any ripping or tearing either...not even the skid marks, so I feel completely fantastic! lol

Samuel James was born at 1:40pm weighing 8lbs 8oz. He was 20 1/2 inches long with a 14 1/2 inch head...ouch!!! It was shortly after his birth they went back and recalculated my due date and he was actually 38 weeks 5 days when he was born according to the new due date not the 39 weeks 2 days like they originally told us. They are very happy that they delivered him when they did though cause if I had went to 40 weeks they figured he would have been closer to 10lbs. Breastfeeding is coming along slowly, going to meet with the lactation consultant later on today and hopefully it goes smoother then it did last night.


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OMG pixxie you did it :happydance: :happydance: Congratulations !!!! I am so happy for you and your family

he is so cute i am sure that the bf will get better the hard part is over so now enjoy your little man again congrats :happydance: :thumbup:

Welcome to the world Samuel James :)
Congratulations Pixxie :happydance: He is so precious!! Sorry you had such a long painful labour but happy to hear everything went good for you!!!!!!!!!
Ladies I have not been on here for so long and tonite thought I'd sign in to see how everyone was, and wow!! Pixxie congratulations!!! What a total joy for you after all your previous heartbreak:) u helped me so much with your kind words throughout my darkest times! Baby Samuel is so adorable enjoy every moment it's a blessing!!!
Hi lucy how are you hun? And all the other ladies on here hope ur keeping positive xx
After my miscarriage in August I have decided to give my body a complete rest as I'm not mentally ready hoping for baby dust after Christmas xxx
kaznib hey hun am doing good started my clomid cycle and hoping that a bfp is around the corner for me it is so nice to hear from you

i don't blame you for giving your body a rest sometimes that is what we need i have been having that on my mind lately, how much am i willing to do for a baby, i know i want to be a mother but the anxiety gets to me at times but we shall see what happens
praying for baby dust to you when you are ready to try again

:wave: to all the other ladies hope to hear from some of you soon
Congratulations Pixxie on the arrival of your beautiful little boy, Samuel! I picked just the right time to come on and see how everyone is doing! Hope that all is going well with the breastfeeding, and you're enjoying this precious time.

A big hello to everyone. My boy Max is now 2 months old...I can't believe it. Everything is going well. He's a lovely boy...very settled...getting good sleep at night. I couldn't have asked for better.

Lucy and kaznib...thinking of you two, and hope it's your turn soon. I truly do. It's coming around to the 1st anniversary of my ectopic. 21st November. Despite having my little boy here in my arms, I will never forget my angel. I think some people expected a new pregnancy and baby to erase the memories of my ectopic, but I will forever remember.

Well, I will keep popping back from time to time.

Pink xox
pink so good to see you :wave: aaaww your lo is already 2 months how time flies i hope that you do pop on from time to time it is nice to see you girls that have graduated from this thread so nive that Max is a good baby

my year anniverary is on the 15th of Nov, and as the day gets closer it brigns all the memories back your right no matter how much time passes we will always remember our angels :hugs:

afm at the moment i have finished the clomid and am now in the wait to see if i get to o ot not am praying really hard that it happens but only time will tell hope the rest of you are ok

pixxie hows it going ?
hi pink so good to hear max is doing well post a pic:) im not on here alot but do like to pop by from time to time to keep up with how everyone is doing and think of u all often!
hi lucy lets hope this clomid does the trick, u will have ur success story very soon hopefully 2013 brings us both more luck than 2012, i cant wait to see the back of this year been one of the hardest ever for me xxx
sending lots of love

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