TCC After Ectopic buddy needed

kaznib- i hope 2013 does bring us more luck hopefully with losing some weight and being a little healthier it will so the trick

gl to you and keep me updated on how you get on
Pink-Hey!!! It is great to see you here and to hear how well you and your little guy are doing!!!! I know how you feel to have your anniversery of your ectopic and no matter what it was a life to us and that is how we keep our memories alive of them.

Kaznib-I hope 2013 is the year of great change and that you get a BFP, but remember that there is 1 more month my fingers are still crossed for this year.

Lucy-When are you gonna start the Clomid? I hope soon and that way we will see a BFP from you as well.

AFM I am going to continue to stop in now and then and see how everyone is doing. I also thought I would let you all know I got my tubes tied and I was awake for the procedure. I asked them to tell me the extent of the damage in my right tube and I was right, I was really only a 1 tuber. They said they saw a high amount of scare tissue in it and that it was highly unlikely I conceived with my right tube. They clamped the tube off anyway to be on the safe side, but still I really wish the original doctor took my tube when I had the ectopic. Sam is doing great and is just a great sleeper already. I am so happy. Breastfeeding is going 100 times better also. The only issue I am having now is people trying to get me to put my new baby in child care right now!!! I am so pissed off and upset about it because he still has his freaking umbilical cord on him, why the hell would I put him in daycare!!!! UGH I finally posted a rant/vent to those people on facebook and have already gotten some hate mail, but I really do not care. I wish you all the best and tons of baby dust. :hugs:
pixxie- great to hear from you my lovely and so glad that Sam is already sleeping good for you :happydance: ignore those people it seems they have nothing better to do then to tell you how to raise your child but you ignore and enjoy it will be up to you when you want to put him in daycare or not glad that you vented/ranted to them maybe that will make them think to keep their mouths shut lol

afm i did my first round of clomid this past week and i think that am about to o soon fx for that i had a temp spike and some ewcm last night so who knows but am keeping the faith that it will be my turn soon the weight thing is going great i have not felt this good in a long time and i hope to keep it up please do continue to stop by it is nice to hear from you if not give me your name and am going to find you on fb lol
Hello ladies!

Had my baby girl Madison two months ago and am so in love with her. So far she isn't the greatest sleeper so I am a bit of a zombie. Congrats to the other new moms -pink and Pixxie:happydance:

Lucy, hoping the clomid works for you and that 2013 will be your year. I am hear to chat so don't hesitate to email me for support.

To the other ladies ttc I wish you bundles of joy in the near future. It was a difficult journey for me but I could not be happier now!
peachy so good to hear from you and congrats on your little girl do we get a pic?

love the name btw very pretty.

thanks for the well wishes am keeping my FX that it happens soon hopefully with the clomid it will do the trick thanks for checking in on us
Peachy-Congrats on your little girl!!! It seems like I am the only one who had a boy recently out of the three of us, we need more boys! lol. I am so happy for you and again congrats.

Lucy-Are you on the clomid now? I hope it really works fast for you and that this is your year. FX and baby dust.

:hi: to all my fellow ladies and hope all is well for you guys. Know we are all still here if you need any support or just a vent. :)
hi ladies out there...
im quite new in this forum,dunno where to start,just found out this forum and decided to join..i just had my surgery for ectopic a week ago which was devastating for me as it was my 1st child after being ttc for 15 months...and what is more depressing was the doctor told me i had endometrioma at the other ovary ( which my only tube left ) just being hopeful and really eager to start ttc again but is it ok if i start ttc after only 1 cycle?Does endometrioma reduced my chances of getting a BFP?
ans- so sorry for your loss hun :hugs: i to only have one tube that is where i had the ectopic luckily ther were able to save it i have been trying for a year now and still waiting on a bfp i too began ttc right away
i have read stories where the tube that is left will actually pick up the egg from the other ovary (how that happens is natures secret) so there is always hope there are a couple of ladies on here that began ttc right after and now they have wonderful babies so all is possible we are here for you if you need to talk ok :hugs:

pixxie- how is that adorable boy of yours he is cute, yep am on clomid now and currently 7or 9 dpo so waiting to test and see what happens, have had some symptoms but have read that it could be caused by clomid so am not getting my hopes to high yet but at least there is hope
hope you are doing well and enjoying being a mommy to your three wonderful boys :hugs:

:wave: to the other ladies that stop by occasionally
Fingers crossed for Lucy!!

Ans- endo can make it more difficult but several ladies on this site have gotten preg with it so its not the end.. I'd check with your dr about TTc right away.. My dr told me no sex for 6 weeks .. I'm so sorry for your loss you have found a great supportive group to help u through this :hugs:
Aww Lucy I've got everything crossed for u hunni u so deserve it!!!
hi kaznib how are you?

i did do the clomid but by the looks of it it seems that it did not work this time. DH and i decided that we are going to take a break from ttc and ntnp for a few months i have been losing weight so that might help the next time we decide to do clomid again or if i o on my own so that is the plan for now, am just waitng for af to show her face

ladies i want to thank you all for giving me support and although am going to be taking a break am going to be checking up on you all please keep us updated on how you and your lo's are doing, it gives us hope that there is a rainbow at the end of this dark tunnel thanks again :hugs:
Lucy-I am so sorry that the colmid did not work this time around. :hugs: i can understand just wanting to take a break from trying. Who knows though, maybe during your break, you get pregnant, since you are not so stressed about ttc. I will continue to keep you in my thoughts.
thanks pixxie it did work in the sense that i did ovulate or at least ff says i did LOL but am still waiting for af and according to my dr she wants me to wait a week and test again and then we shall see what happens if af doesn't get here by then but a break is def going to happen and am at peace with that

who knows like you said i might get lucky and get a bfp by surprise so fx LOL how have you been i see that sam is doing really well YAY you and your bf :) ounch on that burn who would of thought that pop tarts could be so dangerous
lucy- sorry to hear that it possibly did not work this time :hugs: hopefully during your break you will get a nice christmas or new years surprise .... I actually got pregnant when oh and i were not actually I was planning on going back on birth control I just didn't get to my dr on time
skeet- life works in mysterious ways and i know that there is a bfp out there for me surprisingly am ok with the decision we made to wait, i thought that it might be harder for me but no am at peace especially that i have an other goal to accomplish so time might fly by and who knows maybe by then there might be a lo on the way all on it's own so fx for me.

we had thought about getting on birth control but DH doesn't want me taking birth control as he's scared that if we do get preg the pills might do more harm than good thanks tho for your kind words please let us know when your lo arrives it always makes me happy to hear of new arrivals
I will for sure .. I think just focusing on your other goal will help.. I get that ur oh is concerned about the bc thing as I was too.. I think that's the partial reason I delayed going on it..
skeet- hubby and i talked again last night about bc but again he said no so we are def going to be ntnp for a few months or at least until feb or march but if i get a little surprise before then am going to be very happy lol
Hi ladies

Anyone still there? Just clicked on my link to this thread and everyone's been quiet since December. How is everyone?

Max is now 6 months old! It's unbelievable how the time has just flown. He's been the loveliest baby and he's at a really nice age now. He's been an excellent sleeper pretty much from the start. Doesn't wake up during the night at all. I count my blessings every day.

Lucy, I still think of you. Would love to know how you're doing.

Hello to anyone else who is still reading.

Pink x

Omg....skeet....I just checked and you are in literally you're in hospital right now! All the very best to you for a safe delivery of your baby in the coming hours. Something made me check the group tonight, and there you are having your baby boy! X
I dont know if this forum is still being used but thought I would update. My husband and I started TTC after my last period and yesterday (April Fools Day, I hope not a bad omen?!) I had a BFP. So it only took one month. Went for an ultrasound today and nothing was visable (and have been bleeding a teeny bit since Thursday) , so am trying not to get too excited until we find out if our little one is in the right place this time. But hopefully this can give hope to ladies who have lost a tube like me (I was told my other/remaining tube looked healthy at the time of my ectopic) as it is possible to conceive naturally (and quicker than we expected after reading the stats on the web). Fingers crossed now for a baby at the end. Xx
Carson was born march 14th after 30 hours of labour and totally worth it :) hope this gives hope to all you ladies that had an ectopic.. Your miracle baby can arrive :)

Wannabe- I hope this it it for you!! Fingers crossed !!

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