TCC After Ectopic buddy needed

Carson was born march 14th after 30 hours of labour and totally worth it ]

Congratulations Skeet!!!

Just had my second blood test, the first had hcg of 30 and good progesterone but have to wait to see if the hcg has approx doubled..if it has that is good news so far. The whole waiting thing is so stressful. I want to fast forward to 12/13 weeks so I can relax a little!


I Remeber all the anxieties when I first got preg with Carson.. I had so many ultra sound, blood work and was put on progesterone .. I checked my underwear every time I went pee.. Every single pain or twinge I was concerned about.. It's so stressful.. And to be honest until I felt him move every day I was worried.. Then before birth I started to worry about birth defects!! Lol now that he's here I worry about sids!! Lol I think once your pregnant after loss you never stop worrying .. But it does become less after 13 weeks
Hey ladies, it has been 6 months since I had my rainbow baby and it has been amazing. He is such a happy, playful baby and he just brightens my world as much as his brothers do. I am not able to have anymore children for sure now, but I am so happy with my 3 boys. To the ladies ttc, miracles happen, even when there is the darkest cloud hovering over you. :hugs:


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Hey everyone !!!

It has been a long time but am back after taking a few months off and getting my body a little more healthy we were shocked to find that we were naturally pregnant again. I was to start clomid in July or around there still early days but betas looking good like many of you every time I pee I check for blood every twinge cramp ache scares the daylights out of me praying really hard that this baby makes it.

We are not telling anyone yet bc I don't want to jinx it but maybe at 12 weeks but maybe not the only ones that know are you lovely ladies hope to hear from some of you guys. :hugs:
Pixxie - he is beautiful!

Lucy - Congrats, I'm so happy for you! :happydance:

My rainbow baby is due in 3 weeks!!!
Congrats littlemiss !!!! Please update us with pics how exciting :)
Hi ladies

I hope you don't mind me butting in. I had surgery (laparotomy) for a late ectopic on April 19th and am now slowly starting to feel vaguely normal again. However, I'm still left with a lot of questions that I'm hoping you may be able to answer (especially as a lot of you now have your rainbow babies or about to meet them!:happydance::happydance:).

If you had surgery, how long after the surgery did it take for your lining to shed? I had some very light brown/pink/ red spotting for around 10 days after the surgery but it was not enough for it to have been the lining (I was 13w3d so I'm expecting a reasonable amount :wacko:)

How long did it take you to ovulate following this first bleed? Did any of you have irregular periods before and if so, how did the surgery impact them?

With those of you that became one-tubers how long did it take for you to conceive again? I can see that many of you have been successful which gives my heart some hope!

Congratulations to all of you for coming out the otherside of this awful time!

Hi ladies

I hope you don't mind me butting in. I had surgery (laparotomy) for a late ectopic on April 19th and am now slowly starting to feel vaguely normal again. However, I'm still left with a lot of questions that I'm hoping you may be able to answer (especially as a lot of you now have your rainbow babies or about to meet them!:happydance::happydance:).

If you had surgery, how long after the surgery did it take for your lining to shed? I had some very light brown/pink/ red spotting for around 10 days after the surgery but it was not enough for it to have been the lining (I was 13w3d so I'm expecting a reasonable amount :wacko:)

How long did it take you to ovulate following this first bleed? Did any of you have irregular periods before and if so, how did the surgery impact them?

With those of you that became one-tubers how long did it take for you to conceive again? I can see that many of you have been successful which gives my heart some hope!

Congratulations to all of you for coming out the otherside of this awful time!


So sorry for your loss :hugs:

I only had very light bleeding for about a week after surgery. The surgeon said that he removed a lot of blood clots during surgery.

My first period came 39 days after surgery (on my wedding day:dohh:) and I ovulated about 11 days before that. My periods were regular before and never changed.

I conceived on my 6th cycle after surgery.
Hi ladies

I hope you don't mind me butting in. I had surgery (laparotomy) for a late ectopic on April 19th and am now slowly starting to feel vaguely normal again. However, I'm still left with a lot of questions that I'm hoping you may be able to answer (especially as a lot of you now have your rainbow babies or about to meet them!:happydance::happydance:).

If you had surgery, how long after the surgery did it take for your lining to shed? I had some very light brown/pink/ red spotting for around 10 days after the surgery but it was not enough for it to have been the lining (I was 13w3d so I'm expecting a reasonable amount :wacko:)

How long did it take you to ovulate following this first bleed? Did any of you have irregular periods before and if so, how did the surgery impact them?

With those of you that became one-tubers how long did it take for you to conceive again? I can see that many of you have been successful which gives my heart some hope!

Congratulations to all of you for coming out the otherside of this awful time!


Hi hun so sorry for your loss :hugs:

I bled before we even knew we were expecting but when we found out I knew something was wrong bc I cramped severely bleed on and off for about 2 weeks after surgery

My cycles have always been irregular so they stayed that way until last nov when I dd a round of clomid and lost some weight I began to have my periods and ovulate on my own

I was a one tuber before my ectopic and that's why she did surgery right away she saved my tube and got things cleaned in there lol I had had a surgery years ago to remove a huge cystthat dr took my ovary out and that dr removed my tube too that don't understand why since I have pcos the tube should of been ok :( from my understanding

It took a year and a half but am finally here again they have checked betas this time they are doubling great and there's no bleeding or pain they believe its a good sign won't know until my prenatal apt. Praying that everything is ok [-o<

Hoping that you get.a sticky bean soon hun
Thank you so much ladies this is very helpful!

I have everything crossed that my AF will come back on or around 39 days as it would mean less than 2 weeks until I can get plotting strategy again! I can't believe it came on your wedding day - what bad timing!! Our bodies always have a way of being frustrating even when they're trying their best!

Lucy529 - your numbers sound very promising for a healthly bub this time. Good luck for your first scan. I have my fingers crossed that s/he is nestled down in the right place this time!!!! :happydance:
Hilslo thank you hun hoping af comes soon for you. I will keep this page updated on what happens feeling pretty good about it too hoping am right :)
Congrats Lucy!!! So happy for you!!

Hislo- I had a regular period before my surgery.. The doctor managed to save my tube.. I had light bleeding after and it never really got heavy. My period took about 6 weeks to return. Although the dr saved my tube I think that there was damage done as I went from having af every 34 days too it rotating. 1 cycle 34 days 2 be cycle 62 days then 34 etc
Skeet - thank you!!

Do you know if you ovulated before that first period? So confused as to what is supposed to happen and when!

Huge congratulations on your rainbow baby :happydance::happydance::happydance:

You ladies give me hope! x

Sorry I don't have a clue if I ovulated or not.. I didn't start temping until I realized at was all over the place.

There is still lots of hope for you! My oh mom got pregnant with 3 children all with one tube :) it's very possible!!
Hi Ladies!

Thought I'd pop on here to see how everyone was it's been ages! Lucy looks like 2013 has definately been our year... congratulations I am delighted for's some Irish lucky charms sending your way and hoping for a sticky bean, I have a good feeling about this one for you!

I am 22 weeks today found out in January 18th I was pregnant but have been so sick, severe hyperemesis from week 8 to week 18 and hospitalised twice to go on vitamin drips ect.... but our baby is doing great and we had our big scan a few weeks ago which was amazing!!!

I was worried sick for the first 12 weeks even now I am haunted by pregnancy loss but my advice to you Lucy is try to relax and think positive thoughts, I kept telling myself 'this is my time' and so far so good.... keep me updated as to how things are progressing xx
Hi Kaznib thanks for your Irish lucky charms I will gladly take them.

Had my first u/s last week and we saw the gest. sac and beginning of yolk sac in the right place :) :happydance: perfect for the time I was have another apt next week to check for heartbeat but like you am feeling positive a little scared but mostly positive

So glad that your better I have been lucky so far nausea is not to bad yet when are you due? 2013 is our year although my baby will be born in 2014 that's ok as long as its healthy. Do you know what your having? Did you have a feeling of what it might be ?

Am so excited for us :happydance:
Hey ladies I am very new and just had an ectopic pregnancy Monday and it ruptured so I lost the baby and my tube and I just don't understand what happens next...I meet with the doc in a week after my blood levels go down but like do I ovulate every other month now?
Amcolecchi am so sorry you find yourself here :hugs: you still have both ovaries so you'll probably still ovulate monthly, did you know your tube can actually "swing" over and catch the egg from your tubeless side. I have read that somewhere so there is hope hun.

I only had one tube and one ovary when I had my ectopic the dr caught it early and saved my tube, the same one that got me pregnant this time. There is hope hun and we are here for you :hugs:
Amch- so sorry for your loss. The dr saved my tube after my ectopic however I ovulated only every other month and my cycles went very strange. However just 2 months ago I gave birth to my little miracle. Don't give up hope :hugs:
hi ladies... can i join you......

after having episodes of severe pain i saw my baby on ultrasound in the uterus on 9th may... i then miscarried on 16th May (6+6)

i woke up in agony on 20th May and was diagnosed with an ectopic on my left fallopian tube and had emergency surgery to remove it..... so it looks like i had 2 eggs fertilised, one ectopic and one in the uterus

i conceived naturally and cannot even begin to understand how i had a heterotopic pregnancy.

im so scared of TTC now that i only have one fallopian tube...... i havent had metho yet as my hCG is coming down- it was 5000 now its 700.... ive been told to wait 3 months before i ttc--- were you told the same?

id really like to get to know your stories and any hope for the future

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