I'm so glad you ladies have started posting on this thread again and am so excited to read that many of you have either had babies or are expecting, such fantastic news! And to those of you that are just experiencing your ectopic i'm so sorry for your loss and my thoughts are with you.
I started reading all your stories after I had an ectopic pregnancy in February last year. It was my first pregnancy and after i started spotting and had hcg levels that went down and then up again, my husband and I were devasted to find out it was ectopic and that I was going to lose my left tube. Everyone said that we would fall pregnant again and not to worry but it didn't help ease the pain at the time. My doctor said we could start trying again when my period returned so after it came back in April we started trying again and when I took a pregnancy test at the end of may we found out we were pregnant again. Even though my hcg levels were good, much better than when I had the ectopic, it was still a very nervous wait until our first ultrasound. When we did have the ultrasound a week later the sonographer had been looking at the screen for a while and then told my husband and I to hold our breath, we obviously thought it was going to be bad news again, but she said she could see two sacs, I was pregnant with twins! I had a pretty nerve racking pregnancy with the those nervous first few months and then because one of my twins was measuring very small and on 26th November my girls were born via emergency caesarian. They were only 30 weeks and 6 days when they were born and my little one was only 900 grams but after 58 days in the neonatal nursery at the hospital we were able to being our girls home and now they are both doing so well and turned 6 months old this past Sunday.
I wanted to thank you all for sharing your stories, they really helped me after I had my ectopic. At the time if I didn't feel that a lot of people understood what I was going through and they didn't treat it like a real pregnancy. Reading about your situations made me feel not so alone and definitely helped me get through that very sad time. Even now when I think about the ectopic I get sad and often still cry but then I look at my beautiful twin girls and I can't help think that it was all meant to be.