TCC After Ectopic buddy needed

I totally agree Lucy, I doubt il get pregnant as quick this time, I'm worried if I will at all o I'm going to just go for it

Lucy take it easy gets lots of rest, I'm so glad all is ok with the baby. Same thing happened my friend, she's now 29 weeks.
cmc i thought the same thing about not going to be able to conceive at all bc the dr that did my surgery told me that i had higher chances of ectopic bc it's the only tube that i have but although it took a little longer it happened am sure that you will conceive before you know it hun

thanks for telling me about your friend i have been googling (I know he's the enemy) but i have found some stories where women are ok, my baby was ok with a great heartbeat so am really hoping that it continues this way.

This supports trying sooner than later...... Think il go for it lol
Ok ladies I need your help! I am EXTREMELY EXCITED but at the same time about to best friend of 23 years is being induced as we speak. We actually wanted to have babies around the same time, I started trying 6 months before her and then she got prego her second month. So this is all just hitting me really hard, especially since I had the ectopic pregnancy...I just needed to vent about it and wonder how long it's going to take for me to get over what happened and move on? On a good note I am so excited to see this baby!!! lol
Am it does take time, :hugs: even when your ready to try again you'll always remember you baby I did and still do. A friend of mine was pregnant before me and when I had my ectopic she was not there for me at all, not much of a friend really but you being there for your friends shows what a great person you are. It's totally normal to feel how your feeling hun and remember one day you'll be having you baby too take care of yourself ok :hugs: am here if you need to talk
Lucy-Thank you for the encouraging words! My best friend actually came to the hospital when I had my ectopic and even came over during the week to check on me, so she is an amazing friend and I will so be there for her today! I just wish our babies would be closer in age and I am hoping maybe I will get prego here quick to be with her! How are you feeling?!!? Did you tell everyone you are prego yet?!
Am- my bf and I found out we were preg the same week.. I lost mine to an ectopic and she went to have her little man.. Our boys are now 15 months apart which right now seems like a huge gap but as they get older it won't matter. It's so nice that your friend has been there for you. It really does take awhile to get over the loss but it does get easier with time
Am so happy that you have a friend like that my hubby was the only one at the hospital with me besides his friend but he was there more for my hubby than me, we haven't told many people yet maybe once I get to 12 weeks but with last weeks bleed I'm really nervous something might go wrong

Am you'll be preggo before you know it :)
Skeet-Awww that is a cute story and you are right 15 months apart is nothing!!! I have friends who are years older/younger so age really doesn't mean anything when you are older, thank you for making me feel better!!

Lucy-Aww that is so sad! I am glad your hubby and his friend were there for you!!! I heard that some women bleed the entire pregnancy and have perfectly fine babies!!! When do you go back to the docs?
Am I go next Thursday so one more week :/ countdown begins lol

It was sad but I now know who I can count on in my time of need my bosses have been great too but they are my bosses although they treat us like family I know they are people I can count on if need be :) it's wired sometimes strangers are better than family I understand that mine are on another coast but they already begun to make excuses why they can't come to meet my baby but am ok with that drama always follows lol
Hi all. I've literally just come home from the hospital after having my right tube removed due to an ectopic pregnancy. We were in complete shock that we were pregnant as our son is only 12 weeks old however, we still took this news really hard and I'm wondering if there is ever going to be any hope for us to give our son a brother or sister? Am feeling really strange. On 1 hand I'm just glad the surgery went well and I have a wonderful husband and son but still can't help wondering what could've been... or what may be in the future. Need some hope please? x
Lilo I feel exactly the same.....I just turned 30 a week after surgery and I'm totally freaking that I won't conceive..... I see lots of women on here have healthy pregnancies and babies after this and I'm sure we will too.

We just need to give ourselves time.

Are you planning on TTC straight away or wait till DS is older?

I wanted a 3 yr gap and was gonna have my I'm so desperate to be pregnant ASAP after this
Hey I Can't help but notice that u live in banbridge and had a heterotopic pregnancy I had one of those last year and lost my right tube. I live in Moira so close to you! Small world
Kaznib....o my goodness it's a small world.....

What hospital did you go to?

I work in the city hospital but went to the royal maternity....when they found the ectopic I had to go to the city for surgery and see everyone I worked with. I was mortified. I was rushed over in a blue light ambulance and all I wanted was a pillowcase over my head to hide me lol

How did your surgery go? How many weeks were u? Was yours heterotopic too?
Kaznib we are trying now as AF arrived on's amazing to see you got your BFP so soon.

I have always got pregnant so easily but am in a total panic now with one tube
We are going to wait until DS is around a year old now. The Doc's advice was to give my body at least 6 months as they think the ectopic was due to the fact they I had a c-section and the scarring caused it. I just wish we had a crystal ball so we would all know that we will be ok in the future. I don't want this to take any time away from DS but right now it's all I can think about :(
Hey hun! Don't worry, exactly 4 weeks ago today I had my surgery. It was depressing and it still is but you will get better soon! There are some days that are harder than ever. I started running again and a song came on, actually it was Fighter by Christina A. and I just started crying because my husband and I found out in January he has sperm morphology issues, we had an IUI and it failed then a 2nd IUI and got prego! Then it ends in ectopic and I lose my left tube! So I know what it feels like! We are trying for our first so it's hard! I keep telling myself I know we can conceive again and we will be okay! I read LOTS of women conceive after ectopic! My husband and I are going to try naturally in July and August and then back to IUI's Sept. and Oct! Good luck hunny! We are all here for you!

Hi all. I've literally just come home from the hospital after having my right tube removed due to an ectopic pregnancy. We were in complete shock that we were pregnant as our son is only 12 weeks old however, we still took this news really hard and I'm wondering if there is ever going to be any hope for us to give our son a brother or sister? Am feeling really strange. On 1 hand I'm just glad the surgery went well and I have a wonderful husband and son but still can't help wondering what could've been... or what may be in the future. Need some hope please? x
C m c it was craigavon hospital I went to found out I was pregnant at 8 weeks started to bleed heavily at 9w and went to hosp to be told is miscarried baby in the uterus! Was devastated and after a week went back to work had severe pains 8 days later an was rushed to hosp again they scanned me and realised that I was still pregnant will ectopic in my right Fallopian tube, it has damaged my tube and I had to go for laparoscopy that eve when I recovered from surgery they told me they cudnt save my remaining tube ! Heartbreaking ! They called it a heterotopic pregnancy where it was a twin preg and I lost both babies I started googling it and found out a little bit more about it! It's really rare they told me they'd never seen it at that hospital before that's why i asked u on here as its weird how ur from n Ireland aswell! At the time I found this site a god send chatting to and reading about women who'd experienced the same thing! My advice is to have faith that If u and husband are fertile u will deffo get pregnant again soon but give urself time to heal emotionally and physically and believe that it wasn't the right time for you! It's just around the corner for u like it was for me ! Alls going great for me this pregnancy x
Kaznib my consultant at the royal said a heterotopic was as rare as hens teeth, in his 30 years I'm the 3rd woman he had seen with it. Think it's like a 1 in 35,000 chance of happening.

My story sounds so much like yours. Saw a baby at 6 weeks (went fir scan as i had soooo much pain) then I had MC at 7 weeks then 4 days later collapsed and rushed to royal maternity then my work (city) , was mortified was the worst experience of my life.

I think I'm only starting to think about it now. I haven't even cried. I can't get to sleep as I keep dreaming about my surgery

Thank you so much for your reply. It gives such great hope to me that you have a success story.

Did you get consultant led care this time and have regular early scans?

I hope everything goes perfect this time. I'm sure it will.

Did u wait to TTC? I don't wan to wait but I prob should as I'm so scared it will happen again if I don't wait

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