TCC After Ectopic buddy needed

Skeet-You must remember I am still very young, I am 22 almost 23 (give me 11 more days) and to just be done all together with having children is just very very hard to accept. They asked me when I got my tubes tied if I was sure I wanted to go through with it and I said yes because my husband made it seem like we would undergo IVF or possibly adoption when we were ready. Well when I now talk about the future of wanting that done, he just freaks out. I understand that he doesn't want to be a very old dad, but he also has to understand that I am very young and have just that mommy instinct.

Lucy-I am so looking forward to your gender reveal! Have you thought of any names? I am just so freaking stoked!

AFM I almost had a mental breakdown yesterday at restaurant. So as I have told you lovely ladies, my middle son may be Autistic and I am just starting to accept it for what it is. Well I wish society would as well. :( We took him to lunch the other day because he had a rough day (he had to get his blood drawn...veinously) and well we wanted to treat him. So we took him to a little diner that my husband and I have always loved cause they are a family friendly environment. Well, while the staff was nice as always, the guest not so much. Tom (my middle) started to squeal and just laugh loudly like he always does and just getting excited at seeing the cars outside. I am smiling at him and at the same time trying to remind him to use his inside voice but when I look up I see this woman in the booth across from us just glaring at my son and me. She did this every single time he started laughing too and it wasn't a nice glare was just this disgusted and annoyed glare. I wanted so badly to cry and at the same time yell at her for looking at my son that way but I didn't want to make a scene. Instead I let him have as much fun as he wanted, let him eat his lunch and then be on our way. I watched the woman leave before us, and I just gave her a dirty look back for looking at my son that way. I love my son to death and even if he has a mental disability he is still a little boy and there is no reason to look at a child that is only 2 like he is supposed to be this perfect little boy. Sorry again another rant but yeah.
Pixxie shame on that lady like you said regardless if he does have a disability or not he's still a child, I have never seen a well behaved 2year old NEVER. I'm glad that you let him have his fun and honestly screw people that are like that

As for names if we have a girl which is what am feeling we're naming her Lilian Isabel my moms name was Lilia so we just added an n my hubby really likes it and we both love the meaning of Isabel for a boy we're still undecided I know middle name will be Jose for my hubby but not sure on first name
Pixie- some people are just so arrogant it makes me want to scream.. Good for you for being the bigger person and allowing your boy to have fun. I didn't realize you were so young. Hopefully down the road your oh changes his mind.

Lucy- love the name!! I'm so excited!!
Pixie- I am so sorry hunny!!! What a bia!!!! I wish I was there, I would of reemed her a new one!!!
Lucy-The name is so freaking cute! My friend is actually considering lily as a name for her daughter. I really love it! <3

Thanks girls, if feels good to know that some people understand what I am going through. I just could not believe she was that rude about it. Another lady who was sitting closer to us commented to us about how enthusiastic he was, but she never was mean and kept smiling at Tom. The other lady however, just made me want to hit her soooo much. I am normally I very and I mean very friendly person. In fact I get along with just about anyone, but if you mess with my children, I turn into a total bitch. I will not deny it and that is just who I am.
Pixxie I think we all turn into mama bears when it comes to our kids, I do it with my dogs so you can imagine how I'm going to be with my baby :)
Lol well put Lucy! I'm a super mama bear with my pups.. If anyone messed with my son is snap!!
Hi ladies! Remember me?!

I came across the link to our thread tonight, and was absolutely thrilled to come in here just now and read the amazing news that Lucy is pregnant!!!

Congratulations Lucy!!!

I am just so thrilled and excited for you! You helped me out heaps during my own time of despair, and have provided such fantastic support to so many women out there who have experienced the pain and loss of ectopic pregnancy.

I hope that everything is going well so far! I will keep popping in to see how you're travelling!

My son Max is now 10 months old! He's crawling and walks along behind a walker and pushes his high chair around the room. His 3 big sisters dote on him, and he's just been a lovely addition to our family. I still can't believe he's here sometimes!

Well, a big hello to everyone. I will try to pop back in more regularly. I have an extra incentive now that Lucy is pregnant!

Hi Pink its been awhile :). So glad to hear things are going good with Max and the girls yes def come visit more often stories like yours is what keeps us going

Things are going good so far still scared that something might go wrong but keeping faith.
:wave: to the rest of you lovelies
Hey ladies how are all of you? Well I thought I would stop in and see how you are all doing. Personally I feel like I am going though hell. All this last month has been for me is appointment after appointment after appointment for my middle son. I understand that they want to aggressively "treat" him before his evaluation for the psychologist but recently it has been really emotionally draining on me. I finally got all the reports from his recent evaluations and believe me they are not pretty. They say that for the most part my 2 1/2 year old has the mentality of a 10 month old. When I saw that I started to cry, both for me and my son. I just had a hard time accepting that they feel he is that far behind. His motor skills are also considered behind as well, they put him at about 13 months for that. I want to know who came up with these damn standards as to where a child should be and at what stage. He is my child and I love him no matter what those damn papers say, but it is still hard to accept that he has something wrong with him. I have been trying to do baby sign language with him to get him to tell me what he wants but he just looks at me and starts screaming in frusteration and in turn i get frusterated and it is just all bad. I feel like I am hitting a wall every time I try to communicate with him. Idk, like I said, it has been a really rough month on me. Good news is he finally starts his actual therapy on the 1st and so it is the only thing I am really looking forward to.

In other news, my little rainbow is now crawling!!! It has been bitter sweet watching him reach these milestones and knowing that he will be my last child that I get to watch this happen with. But he is worth it and he always takes away my pain.

Lucy-You are getting close to the time where you find out what you are having...are you excited?!?! I can't wait to see what you are having!

Also ladies I am officially 23!
Pixxie firstly Happy Birthday Hun !!!! I remember being 23 your so much more mature than I was at that age

Secondly am I sorry your having a hard time, I can't even imagine what your going through but try looking at the good side of things they are getting him the therapy he needs maybe once they start that he'll improve lots. Just know your doing the right thing for him it's not easy but he'll benefit from it and that's the important thing your in my thoughts and prayers Hun :hugs:

So happy for you too that little Sam is crawling now you'll really have your hands full :). Can't wait until my lo gets here
I find out the sex if s/he cooperates on the 8th just a few more weeks, but am really feeling girl if they say boy I'm going to be in total shock were having an hour long scan :) then a few weeks after that we're heading to a specialist for an other scan then from my understanding they are doing a scan at every check up after that to make sure baby isn't growing to big to fast but that's up in the air for now. Looking at the bright side I get a glimpse in there every time :) still looking at 3D/4D packages this might be my only one so want to go all out

Keep us updated ok many :hugs:
Pixxie- First of all..HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
you must be so stressed out. I can't begin to imagine what you are going through. It is very good that they are getting him therapy, and with the right help he will improve. Have you thought of using picture cards with him. If he is deemed autistic, many autistic children have great difficulty with all language including sign. Have you thought of attempting using picture cards with him? I've attached an example but you can look online for more or make your own. You can even have pic of the people using the sign you want for each one.

Lucy- so excited to find out the sex :happydance:


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Hi Peeps

Just thought I'd pop by and say I'm doing well, 7 weeks to go until my due date, cannot wait! we've been waiting on this day for years and it's finally approaching!

Lucy glad to see u are progressing nicely and everything is good with you.

Nice to hear success stories on this thread!

Will keep you all posted xx
Kaznib-Yayyy so close!!!! May I ask with your ectopic did you loose a tube? This is my first month trying since they surgery, we had to wait two months..I lost my left tube and I am just so nervous it will happen again!
Kaznib my little heterotopic buddy....I think I got my BFP today at 9dpo.....I'm so petrified !
Oh cmc.. Post a pic!! Fingers crossed this is it!!

Kaznib- good luck with labour and delivery!! Can't wait to hear all about it!! Hope it goes smoothly!
It much more obvious in real life it's hard to capture, this is evening urine so I will do one in morning too


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