TCC After Ectopic buddy needed

Also on Saturday the 27th I started spotting maybe, well pink discharge. Turned bright red on thursday and then stopped friday. Bled a little saturday and now Im done. Im now thinking this was af but not sure because my hcg on the 30th was still m70
Traceyp! I would not recommend the depo for a short term preventative!
I had two rounds of depo, and my body/cycle went way WAY WAAAAAY out of wack. Nurses said it was my body "adjusting" to the shot, but I wasn't having any of that. As I was coming off of it, I would skip periods, or bleed for a month. Finally, after dealing with my extreme cycles for a year, I was put on Oral BC. After three months of Oral BC my cycles finally became normal, and three months after that, I stopped taking my pills so that me and husband could TTC. I would strongly suggest you find another preventative before turning to something as extreme as the depo shot.
Vanilla- after my ectopic, I bled off and on for 8 weeks so I had no idea what was a true period or not. I re-started charting after that and now that I am ttc again my periods are all over the place and have been since sept. so unfortunately hormones take forever to fix! Just bd every other day, I am sure hubby wont mind hahaha

Tracey- sorry to hear about your story!! At least after this surgery with your gall bladders, your hormones will be down to 0 and you can start all over from there and not worry about your gall bladders affecting your pregnancy, you know? And I know everything bad always seems to happen at once. But I am kmfx for you that it gets better asap!!

AFM- nothing new...I am still breastfeeding and this week I am not producing as much and I think I am getting a cold. My period will probably be here soon, I was really hoping I was prego because we weren't trying and it would be a huge booster to my husband since he has sperm issues, guess not, oh well I will focus on losing 15 more pounds haha
I'm kind of crampy this evening. I really REALLY hope it's AF as weird as it sounds. Tired of playing games with my body. I'm ready to get down to business, and the cycle after this period is when we start the real BDing again. But that can't happen till after AF has come and gone. Just wish she'd rear her ugly head again so I can move on with my life.
Am-sticky baby dust to you...hope the cold doesnt stick around too long
Vanilla-hope for your af soon, such a strange thing to hope for but I know the feeling oh so well now
I got my results from yesterdays blood work-down to 36-woohoo. Im just going to see what happens, surgery next week and then hope for the best. After 3 perfectly normal pregnancies, I never understood this feeling of wanting so badly to be pregnant but the mere thought of another loss terrifies me
TTC is so weird for me now, after my first time being pregnant and it being an ectopic. Because it totally changes the baby making game. Suddenly, every time I get a + test, everything is rushed. The stress and anxiety of getting those beta quants in ASAP, an early causes so much anxiety for me. The idea of being pregnant those first few weeks is almost terrifying, even though I want a baby so badly. Having another ectopic could mean a number of things. Another emergency surgery. Losing a tube or ovary, or both. Being told me and my hubby can't conceive normally. I'm sure at that point IUI wouldn't even be an option, and we can't afford IVF.

It's morbid, and saying it leaves a bad taste in my mouth, but I would take a MC over another ectopic given the choice. An MC doesn't mean game over. Just try again. Right now I only have a 1 out of 10 chance of having another ectopic. If I did though, it would change to 1 out of 4. I don't like those odds.

AF isnt here and I woke up at 4 am, and can't get back to sleep. I think it's my anxiety messing with me. I guess I'll be calling my OBGYN's office today, and hoping they can get me in sooner rather than later.


Well, I went to the Women's Health Clinic and I was really pleased with how they handled the situation. Within 5 minutes after vaguely explaining my situation, I had orders to go get my blood drawn for my beta quants. This is a relief for me because at my husband's last base I had to fight tooth and nail to get my BQs. I even went as far as to going to the Emergency room where finally I had my blood drawn and a ultrasound. I ended up losing my angel a week later, but still. I was rather put off about the whole thing, and I lost a little faith in the Women's clinic there. But, it's been restored today at his new base. :) I should have my results later today.
Can i join you ladies? I am 26, dh is 27. I had an mc January 2014, then an ectopic December 2014. I found out I was pregnant November the week before thanksgiving. My beta did not double in 48 hours. My level went from 20 to 30. Stopped my progesterone as md ordered. After a week and realizing my levels were increasing, I went back in and my levels were 571. Doctor told me to go back on progesterone so I did. Scheduled a ultrasound because I knew something wasn't right. Basically at ultrasound nothing was found in the uterus. They found blood by my ovary and in my pelvis. Had surgery to drain the blood and remove my left fallopian. Basically the doctor said i had already ruptured and there was no way to save the tube. We were using clomid with hcg trigger and iui. Next cycle we will do femara with hcg and iui.

Question to you ladies... when did you start trying again? My doctor said not until the first real af but had no reasoning behind it. Emotionally I am ready and so is dh. Any opinions or advice?
Hi FutureBabyG! I'm sorry to hear about your losses. :(

I'm actually here to post about the question you just asked anyways, so I hope what I'm about to write helps you.

So, I got my beta quants back and I am not pregnant, but AF still has not shown. And I think I've discovered the issue. Me. My anxiety. My panic attacks are becoming more frequent, I'm having trouble sleeping, and I'm depressed.

And my anxiety revolves around pregnancy, and being pregnant again. I know in my heart I'm ready to have a baby, but I haven't properly dealt with my losses and traumas. I can't breeze through this like I thought. I figured that even though it was sad, that I was physically okay, and that was reason enough to keep on trying. But being physically okay just isn't enough.

So after talking to hubby, we've decided it's for the best we take a long break from TTC. I need to seek more help for my anxieties, and possibly getting on medication to assist me in my recovery. I'll probably start taking oral BC too, to get my cycles back to normal.

Me and hubby will focus more on being happy just being together. Maybe take a vacation, find new hobbies. Just get back to being us, and not being us TTC. This has ruled our life since we started, mine even more since the ectopic. I'm ready to stop trying for now. And I'm okay with that. :)
Vanilla Sugar- sorry to hear about your loss. I know it can be very trying and frustrating. I love your dh and you taking a break for both of you and regrouping yourselves and relationship. I wish you both the best. Good luck to you and your refurbished love. Thanks again.
Vanilla- yes stress and anxiety can do a lot to your body!! I definitely think you do need a break, definitely go on a vacation and when you come back if you still are upset speak to a counselor! It will really help you! I wish you the best!! I know you will get prego one day but it is stressful thinking when and wanting that to be now. So definitely go enjoy yourself and we are here if you ever need to talk!
Hi :wave: everyone!!
Its been awhile and I apologize for not keeping up with this forum more often. I am so sorry for the new ladies and their losses. I hope that all everyone is doing well

AFM- I've been busy with work and working on finally losing the weight my hubby and I want to try for our 2nd baby but we think that we might wait until the end of the year although we would be over the moon it happens sooner. I will try to check in more often in case anyone wants to chat :hugs:
:flower::flower: Hi ladies it's been awhile I'm so sorry for any of you ladies that are currently going through a difficult time with experiencing an ep I've been there twice:cry: but I am here to say don't give up hope I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl on March 12th:kiss: if you read a few pages back you will read my experience and struggle with ectopics, but I'm here to say God has so blessed me and Dh with an angel. And I'm loving every minute of it! Hi Am and Lucy hope all is going ok with you both and those gorgeous babies of yours:thumbup:
Saveme-CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! How was the labor and delivery? I would like to see pics of your baby girl, if not I totally understand!!

Lucy-hope ttc is going ok for you!! My periods are ALL MESSED UP!! I had on in December, but none in January. Had one in February and still havent had one since lol. I JUST stopped breastfeeding this week. I am going thru the nausea, headache, boob aches now so once that goes away I will most likely get a period and then we can try! I am hoping to get pregnant by the end of this year, so here's to trying! lol p.s. my little Matteo will be a year old next Saturday!! Where did the time go?!!?!
AM congratulations I see in your signature your preggy!!!! So happy for you and DH...
And to answer you l&D was the most painful thing I've ever experienced. I had a natural delivery with absolutely no medication, 24hr labor. The most painful was the last 4hrs after my water broke. I poo'ed while pushing and was vomiting the most disgusting thing ever, but the most beautiful and precious being was given to me my daughter Aiyanna! It was all worth it and I would do it all over for her... And here she is...


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Saveme- Thank you!!! I was nursing my son still so I had no idea I was prego!! We are super happy since you know all that has happened between my husband and I. I sometimes feel like my husband is more excited for this one because it happened without stress or trying, so it makes him feel better lol. Your daughter is so cute!!!! So precious!!!!

I did all natural birth too! I was in labor for 9 hours total, so not terrible. They actually had to break my water but I was super lucky, once they broke my water, (I pooed too, didn't even care, they wiped it as soon as it was coming out so my husband said he didn't even see it!), I pushed maybe for 30 min and my son was born!! I won't lie though, I had a 2nd degree tear and I felt the burning and THAT WAS EXTREMELY painful. Before my water broke, I could get through the contractions pretty much ok. I did vomit a couple times too, I asked for ginger ale and as soon as I got that I stopped! I am planning on going all natural for this pregnancy too. I am nervous now that I know what to expect, lol but I am hoping I can do it again!
Hi :) Thank you Save me for sharing your awesome news I am currently 31 weeks pregnant 3 years after an ectopic and I'm due on 20th June I cannot wait...I could literally feel your happiness at your little miracle being born and it made me smile and have hope that my little one will be here safe and sound very soon :) we lost our ectopic baby 13th June people don't know that and they keep saying I hope the baby is born on 13th June (mil birthday ) and I just smile because it would be so weird for me If it was the same day I lost one years later I get to keep another one lol we will see how God works it out lol xx

Your daughter is adorable I saw her pic and my heart melted you are so blessed !!

Amolecchio in the past you have encouraged me :) thank you for that !!Exciting to hear that you are pregnant again and you and dh can enjoy it that little bit more together since you know you can have healthy baby :) Loved your labor story xxx I'm hoping to have natural but will not hesitate to call for epidural if I get tired or can't handle the pain :)

Hoping all the ladies who pass through this thread are not only blessed with a beautiful baby but also find the strength not to ever give up xxxx
Princess-You are in the home stretch, how exciting!!! I wish you good luck in the next few weeks to come and with labor! Are you having a boy or a girl ?
Awwww Thanx Amolecchio - I am excepting a baby boy :) On the 4d scan he had such a cute face my husband calls him my twin :) what is it like to raise a son ?

Still have lots of stuff to do before he comes like move into our new place lol its all going to be a little bit hectic but we are just taking everything one day at a time xx

Do you think you will be team blue or pink this time around ?How is your pregnancy going this far ?
Princess- Aww congratulations!!! I LOVE raising my son!!!! You will have this incredible bond, like a Father and his daughter, you will have with your son, you will love it!! When are you due again?

AFM- I feel great!! Most times I forget I am pregnant besides the fatigue that sets in everyday at 6 pm lol!! I am so excited to find the gender too! I would like a girl but would be overjoyed with a son too! I want 3 kids hehehe and I will take any sex! :)

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