TCC After Ectopic buddy needed

Hi Ladies...can I join you all please??

My story, will keep it as brief as possible...
Fell pregnant end of Aug, had small amount of bleeding at 6 1/2 weeks, had a scan which showed nothing in uterus so told I miscarried. Check up 1 week later, bleeding had stopped, told I had rpoc and I said I'd wait for AF to arrive. 2 weeks later really heavy bleed and 3rd scan, told complete miscarriage and can ttc again.
Fast forward 2 more weeks to Oct 31, in A&E with severe stomach pain, pain around ribs and shoulders. Told positive hcg, blood levels over 9000!!!
Admitted to hospital, on IV fluids all night, lots of painkillers and emergency surgery the next morning. I had an ectopic which would have been 12 weeks into my pregnancy, ruptured and lots of internal bleeding so needed a blood transfusion. Left tube removed.

The surgeon was gob smacked the ectopic was missed and said my case had to be reviewed start to finish...I am glad to be alive!!

I can't wait to ttc again but know I have to let my body heal, how many cycles did you all wait???

Sorry if my story was so long!!

I have a gorgeous 2 1/2 year old daughter who is my world :)
Wow! You are definitely lucky to be alive!!! I can't believe they didn't check your blood levels when you first miscarried. They checked mine right away!! My tube was close to rupturing as well and I had no bleeding or pain so my doctor said for each pregnancy thereafter I must see a specialist for the entire first trimester, and hopefully you will too just in case!! I didn't wait that long lol! I had my surgery in May and it took about 8 weeks to stop bleeding. Once I stopped we immediately starting trying and we were super lucky because we got pregnant the first time trying since the bleeding stopped! So I would say of course as your doctor, but once your bleeding has stopped I would say go for it! Worked for us!!! Good luck! :)
Thanks Amcolecchi!
My surgery was Oct 31 and I stopped bleeding a week after. I'm 2 1/2 weeks post surgery and still a bit tender so no chance of letting OH near me yet lol!!
A bit of tmi but I have started getting tonnes and I mean tonnes of ewcm (!) did anyone else get this so soon after surgery?
I'm waiting until first AF then I guess we will ttc after that. I haven't been told anything by the gynae doctors so I'm going by the internet! Because of the blood transfusion and such low hemoglobin levels I have to have blood tests next week so might ask or book in with my doctor soon.
Oh and no they didn't check hcg levels after any of the 3 scans back in September. The more I think about it the more I realise how lucky I am!
Hi yazzy wow what a story your def very lucky huge hugs Hun

I like AM didn't wait after my surgery but it still took a year and a half to conceive my son. I was told to wait but that more than likely it would be another ectopic (proved that dr wrong) it's really up to you Hun and how your feel physically
Ya Lucy, the doctor said there is always a chance for another ectopic which scares me but screw them HAHA...but how are you doing?!!? So we are trying but I noticed my husband gets anxious when I saw I am ovulating so I have decided to not tell him so he wont get stressed and his sperm get more messed up HAHA so just surprising him with sex and he doesn't seem to mind! I am st ill not regular with my cycles yet so just trying to do it 2-3 times a week. I think in January I will start using ovulation sticks again!! I can't believe Ivan is going to be 1 so soon!!!!
Hey AM :wave:
We are still trying for #2 but the more time it takes the more scared I am of an other ectopic, I only had the one tube from the beginning so Ivan is a true miracle I'm hoping I get blessed one more time and that might be it for me :( I need to lose weight again I think once that happens my cycles might be better as they are all over the place too. Fx we get to be bump buddies this time lol
I know can't believe that it's been almost a year :) we're not planning a big party we are taking him out of town and getting some pics done, out to eat but that might be all and a cake of course
Aww Lucy, I think we are all scared for another ectopic! My cycles are like 30-40 days which I was usually 30-33 so I am not too concerned, and yes I am still not pre-pregnancy weight either!! We are starting to try this month, well after my next period, so next month really. I am just trying to stay positive and not think about the ectopic. I think though if I do have another ectopic we will be fine with Matteo, maybe one day adopt but for now we are happy :) Awww he will be so excited to go out to eat and his smash cake!! Definitely put up pics!!
Amco I am just waiting for AF, thinking it should arrive end of next week. That will be 5 weeks since surgery then we will ttc again. I'm just not sure if I should wait 1 more cycle or not?!
I don't normally ov til cd30 so technically if we were lucky enough to conceive it would be around 10 weeks after my surgery so quite a while.

Good luck on your ttc journey!
Yazzy-I am glad your cycles are coming back and are normal! It's totally up to you hun, Lucy and I both didn't wait and it took her a lot longer to conceive than me. I was truly lucky and also I am impatient haha so depending on how you feel, I'd go for it! But if you still need time to heal that is totally understandable!! Keep us posted!!

We just started trying again this month! I didn't use the ovulation sticks but I am going too next month, or hopefully I am prego this month hehehe
Oh wow! So glad I found this thread. I've been struggling to find others who can understand my troubles.

Me and my hubby began TTC in Feb. 2013. We tried and tried, but nothing. In January, he left for Basic Training, and we decided that we would wait to TTC till we could meet with a fertility specialist.

Come May 2014 I had moved to our temporary base, where hubby was getting his technical schooling. We had intended to make an appointment ASAP, but we were having trouble getting our insurance to change from one plan to another, so it would have to wait till July.

June, Fathers day, I wake up in the morning with horrible cramping. I assume it's gas or something like that, and go about my day till I'm doubling over in pain. I take some pain meds, and take a nap. When I wake up I feel fine, though when I go to the bathroom I see that I'm bleeding. Confused, I tell my husband and he suggests that I may have had a cyst burst on my ovary, and we should go to the ER to make sure I'm okay.

After being at the ER for less than an hour we get the news that I'm pregnant. I'm super excited, forgetting that I had been in a large ammount of paint that morning and start imagining my entire pregnancy. I barely hear the doctor when he mentions his concerns about my HCG levels and other symptoms. I go into the ultrasound room with high hopes, and am wheel chaired back into my ER room 45 minutes later a bit puzzled. Now something seems off.

The ER doctor comes in, and tells me and my husband that they suspect now that it is ectopic. They are bringing in a specialist to make sure, but if this keeps up I'll need to have surgery to remove it before it has a chance to rupture.

Hour and a half later, I'm in the ER prep room...or I think thats what it was. Due to my anxiety, they were nice enough to give me what they called "two large margaritas". Everything kind of gets blurry after that. I remember loving everyone. Or at least telling them that.

Next thing I remember is waking up in a dimmly lit room, and feeling like I needed to pee, like, right then. And I was thirsty. The nurse looked a bit confused at my request of one cup of ice chips and a bed pan. "You just had your catheter removed, are you sure you need to pee?" Uh, yeah, lady. I may be drugged, but I know when I need to go.

I remember being wheel-chaired out to our car, and some of the drive home...but nothing else till the next morning. The next few weeks are filled with anxiety attacks and lots of crying. I got some grief consoling, and that helped. But I still felt the panic every time I thought about being pregnant again. What if something was medically, physically, wrong with me that caused this? Could I have children? Will this happen again? Do I even want to try anymore?

Luckily, the OBGYN who performed my surgery took it upon herself to make sure I got all the necessary fertility work ups. Lots of blood work to check my hormones, and a HSG test...I'm not even going to get started on that fiasco.

Everything turned out alright though! I had to be put on a low dose synthroid to tweak my thyroid levels slightly, but I was given a clean bill of health. Though, on the last day of my testing, she told me "I think the only way you may be able to successfully conceive is through IVF." Okay. I can deal with that, I guess.

I got pregnant that cycle...Which was really just, not a good time to. See, we were moving to our permanent base in just a few weeks, and I didn't have the time to get the all clear I needed to travel, since because of my ectopic, I now have a higher chance of having another. They schedule a ultra sound as early as they can manage, but my stress levels were through the roof. The most they could do was the required HCG blood tests every other day.

My first test was only 75. Two days later, 83. 3 Days later, 30. My doctor called to give me the news. Honestly,...It was the best news I could hope for. I'd soon be miscarrying in the comfort of my barely furnished house, safe to leave to our new home (a week long trip in a car with two cats and a dog), and most importantly, not having another ectopic pregnancy. 3 days later I began to bleed, and my HCG levels were nil. But I still felt that pang in my gut, and the little empty space inside where our baby was supposed to be.

Now, we're at our new home. Settled in, and just as happy as ever. I made an appointment with my new OBGYN as soon as I could, but if anyone here knows how hard it can be to get an appointment with base doctors...I scheduled my appointment in November, and I won't get in till January.

And, unfortunately, or...fortunately, I can't even decipher between the two anymore, I may be looking at another BFP in a few days. That or I'm just oddly early. It's been almost two cycles since my MC. I'm on cycle day 22, and am experiencing spotting. I don't spot. I put in my data into the Implantation calculator, and I guess that it would most likely be today? I've had very mild cramping, but nothing that says to me AF is knocking on the door. My other best guess is that my body is still trying to normalize after my MC.

I don't know if I'm ready to be pregnant. But...I'll take anything, so long as it's not another ectopic.
Ive been reading since yesterday, almost made it thru the whole thread. Heres my story...
Ive been not preventing since February. Im 37 with three children 20, 18 and 13. Me and my bf have custody of 3 of his children 14, 10 and 7. Only my 13 is at home. Just wanted one more, empty nest, whatever the reason. I feel we were "actively" trying since august/september. Not charting but definitely know when I ovulate and paying attention. I had regular 26 day cycles, last period on October 10th. Knew as soon as I missed my next period I was. Faint line on first day of missed period, retook clear blue easy with digital weeks estimater a week later and it said pregnant 2-3 weeks past ovulation (4-5 weeks pregnant), matched with my calculations of 4 weeks 5 days at that point. Started a very light pink spotting 2am on Saturday. Woke up to extreme!! rectal area pain at 5am. Waited for kids to get up and off to the ER for the lovely adventure of an ectopic pregnancy. Due to extreme pain and no OB department at this hospital I was transferred and under went laproscopy on Sunday November 16th and was sent home the same day. No problems for a week. The following sunday 11-23 started bright red bleeding, ER on 11-24 per Drs orders, everything was good per bloodwork and drs opinion. Woke up on 11-25 and couldnt utinate. Back to ER (went to one with OB dept). Blood work, catheter, ultrasound (including transvaginal) later...everything tip top, no problems. Bladder seizure, unknown cause. Bleeding stopped completely on 26th or 27th no more pain. Feeling great.
About 3 or 4 days ago started with gassiness (tmi I know) feeling very emotional, start of tender breasts, evening nausea...pregnancy symptoms? WTH? (Returned to sexual activity, didnt think pregnancy was possible yet :/) After reading this thread realized I may have oopsed. Took the other clearblue easy with weeks indicater and it said pregnant 1-2 weeks!!!!! WHAT!!!??? I thought with surgery levels go down immediately. Mine were only 716 the day before surgery. After reviewing (records and memory) they have not rechecked my hcg levels since surgery.
SO sorry for such a long post. Im so scared and worried. Did they not get it all? AM I pregnant? Is it just left over? Why, what, freaking out. And of course its Sunday so no help from Drs office.
Hey Tracey!! If it makes you feel better I got pregnant the first cycle after my surgery!! I bled for a lot longer than you did but I did get pregnant right away so it is extremely possible you are pregnant! I had a laproscopy too and lost my left tube so I was like there is not way I will get pregnant so fast (my hubby also has sperm issues) but I did and now I have a healthy 8 month baby boy! So you definitely could be pregnant!! My doctor said I got pregnant fast and it could be because even though my HCG levels were 0 my body recognized the hormones and didn't reject it, does that make sense? Because technically our body does kill sperm lol so I am keeping my fingers crossed for you!! I am sure you can get in today right away and get your blood levels checked! Keep us posted!
Called the Doctor this morning, he is not seeing patients this week. But...the nurse called this afternoon and said it is "probably" left over hormones from the ectopic but he wants me in next week for appointment and blood work. Next week??? Im so frustrated. I feel like its urgent that I find out what is going on and they feel that there is no reason to rush. Had an appointment for WIC today and the nurse there said there is no way I could be pregnant this soon after. Well I know that is crap because I have seen all your stories. I want to be pregnant because I want a baby, but Im so afraid to be pregnant because of the risks and fear going thru all this again. I guess I get to just sit tight for another week. Would I be insane to buy another test and see what it says this weekend or should I just wait for the Doctor so I dont drive myself insane?
Wow seriously? Did you tell the doctors that you have been actively having sex as well? I mean I literally got pregnant soon after my surgery and I know others have well, so WIC is wrong. I know that some doctors also say once your tube is removed you can only get pregnant from the side that has the tube, which is also wrong. I was seeing a fertility specialist and I ovulated from my left side (side that had the tube removed) and I got pregnant then...your other tube can "catch" the egg and get pregnant, it's super rare but it can happen! If I were you, I would maybe test again in a few days and see what happens and just get in to the docs as soon as possible. Could you see another doctor is that not something you can do?
I gave her the basics, not alot of detail because I was in the WIC appointment when I took the call. I tried calling my mid wifes office today too but they are trying to let the surgeon handle all of the post op stuff before I return to them. If I start having any pain or bleeding Im skipping them all and going to the ER at a hospital with an OB department. I just really think since my beginning count was only 716 I shouldnt have a positive hpt 3 weeks later. But who knows. I know after reading this thread that it is definitely possible to be pregnant. It said 1-2 weeks past ovulation so that would have been after the bleeding stopped and everything. I could have ovulated, I wasnt really paying attention yet. Ugh, think Im going to have to play the wait and see game unless something else happens...
ER last night for pain and nausea. HCG 186. It was 716 the day before surgery. ER doc seems VERY sure this a new pregnancy and that would explain my symptoms. He said very new as in a week since ovulation. Any ideas, thoughts? I'm calling the surgeon today and begging him to put an order in for blood work. Would Thursday be too soon or should I wait for friday?
I think the sooner the better for bloodwork! Please keep us updated!

AFM-I started my period Monday :( A little disappointed but at the same time I am ok, focusing on losing weight before getting prego again.
I'm going to call in a few minutes and see if the fax the orders over. I was not aiming to be pregnant this soon but I guess god has his plans.
I'm sorry to here your af arrived but its good to he's you have a plan of other things to work on such as your health.
I feel like a mad obsessed woman lol.
I'm going to call in a few minutes and see if the fax the orders over. I was not aiming to be pregnant this soon but I guess god has his plans.
I'm sorry to here your af arrived but its good to he's you have a plan of other things to work on such as your health.
I feel like a mad obsessed woman lol.

Hun I have been reading your posts! Please keep us updated! That not knowing period is super tough!:hugs:

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