Team Angels Graduates

Such a great feeling isn't it catfromaus?! So glad it all went well :)
Oooh Roben ! Not long to go then.

How far ahead are you measuring ??

I'll be 36 weeks when OH gets back from working away I think he's going to wonder what happened, he went away when I was 28 weeks and I had a modestly sized bump now it's taken over and I've started to waddle, lol


We're measuring 2.5 weeks ahead. We had an emergency ultrasound last week since they were worried that there might be a potential abruption but we found out that everything is fine, baby is fine and they'll give us his measurements this coming Wednesday. They figure I'm in so much pain because he's so big. Out of nowhere I have gotten these stretch marks right around my belly button also due to his size. I have now taken to walking around saying "get out get out get out." I look forward to seeing my feet again and no longer waddling.

How are the rest of you making out?
Hi Widger welcome in there's plenty of room :hugs:

Catfromaus so glad you enjoyed your scan I was mesmorised at mine.

Roben sounds like you've not got long to go at all I'm excited for our next angel grads baby.

I've just been reading Rebaby's birth story I think she did incredibly so congrats again.

I was saying a couple of weeks ago that my OH was away until 30th November and would be coming back when I was 36 weeks well since then he's been told that he has to stay until 18th December. I'm in a complete panic that the baby will come early and he'll miss the birth I'll be 38+1 when he is due back (the same time that Rebaby gave birth to Tobias)

Throughout the time he's been away I've been reassured by the fact that he is only a flight away and luckily there are three a day so he could easily catch a flight if needed but he's actually at sea December 12th - 18th so wouldn't be able to get off if anything happened early.

I've been told to tell LO he/she is two weeks younger so he/she thinks they have to cook a little longer, lol.

Hope your all ok xx
Thankyou so much for all the lovely congratulations messages :hugs:

We are settling in well to life with our beautiful baby boy :cloud9: and Toby seems happy, the community midwife weighed him today and he has regained his birth weight plus a little extra :thumbup: So i am incredibly happy about that and so proud of our little man.

I'm really pleased that everyone's scans have been good- widger, cat, and roben :thumbup: How are you feeling now Roben? Tired i bet and ready to meet your LO?

I am going to keep my fingers crossed your LO decides he/she is comfy in there lauren and holds off making an appearance until your OH is back.

I must admit i wasn't quite on "operation evict baby" but i was trying to "help things along" with fresh pineapple and raspberry leaf tea and bedroom fun :blush: whether any of it made a difference i'll never know i guess but if you're wanting baby to stay put i guess just do the opposite to be on the safe side!

Hugs to everyone :hugs:
Rebaby, I am very ready to meet him. We got the results of last week's ultrasound today, and baby is measuring 3 weeks ahead and they're estimating him already at 3.5 kg so he's big. They want to put me off work finally, but I really am not ready to go! Too much of a workaholic, but I'm in enough pain these days trying to lug myself around that I'm starting to consider it.

Good to know about ways to evict baby! I'm already looking at my belly saying "out out out" now! So glad things are going well with Tobias. Many congrats on your baby, I read your birth story - what a time! He's beautiful!

Stay in touch with us!
Hi girls,

Well, still excited about the scan, and I've made it further than last time now, so I think I'm really going to have a baby this time!
rebaby, Toby is gorgeous! You did so well!
roben, I bet you can't wait! Can't believe that you are still working, thats crazy!
Lauren, i really hope that bubs stays put for you, at least until OH gets back.
How are you feeling widger? I can't wait to be further ahead, I might calm down a bit!

Such great feeling when you beat that milestone. I'd never got past 8 weeks with my mcs so when I saw a heartbeat at 8.5 weeks I felt much better about this pregnancy.

Lauren - Make sure you stay away from Rebaby's 'helping along tips' so you don't get any early baby. It must be very scary to think that you may be on your own during birth etc but I'm sure all will be fine. Lots of people are overdue so just think to yourself... I will be that person that doesn't come before 38 weeks....!! PMA

Rebaby - Congrats on your beautiful Tobias. So great to hear positive stories on this thread.

RobenR - You need to do the opposite of Lauren and take Rebaby's tips to get that little one out a little early :)

I'm doing well although not feeling pregnant at all apart from sore boobs and feeling so tired all the time.... so obviously am pregnant but feels a bit weird to think I won't get a scan until January... when did they hear babies heartbeat on a doppler with midwives? Excuse me... as you can tell I'm not very good at knowing any of this stuff :blush:
We were able to hear the heartbeat through a doppler at our 17 week midwife appointment :thumbup:
Hi ladies!!
Good to see everyone is going well and Roben I'm glad it was nothing to serious that was wrong... Just a big baby! I'm sure you'll still be fine and good luck with the eviction program to get him moving!!
Great to see so many Team Angels ladies over here now, I really need to remember to check this thread more often!!
All going well here, 32wks tomorrow and then we have a growth scan on monday evening as I've also got a big boy cooking!! Am starting to really 'feel' this pregnancy now, feet are starting to swell if i'm on them for too long and I'm starting to get a bit more short of breath after walking around for a bit. and my pelvis/hips are starting to get a bit sore as well. still, I know it could all be so much worse and I'm just thankful to still have my *little* boy with me and growing strong!!
Widger the MW first listened to the HB at my 16wk appointment.
widger, I heard my babys heartbeat at 8 weeks. Last time I heard it at 5. I think you'll be able to hear it at your next scan!

Hi girls. Had my booking in appointment on Sunday.... finally! Can't believe I am 14 weeks already. Looking forward to my next appointment with midwives then if I get to hear heartbeat... don't think I can wait till my scan in January seems so long away to hear from baby.

I'm losing my waist already!!!!!!!

Glad everyone else is well and exciting to hear about the 3rd trimester ladies! You are so close now :)
Hey ladies, just dropping by to see how everyone is getting on...hope your LO is behaving and staying put Lauren? How are you feeling now the "big day" is nearly here Roben? Hope everyone is ticking along nicely :D

We are doing okay, in fact we're doing great really but i thought once Toby got here my constant worrying might settle a little...ummm...nope! :nope: I find so many things to worry about on a daily basis (Is he too hot/too cold/why did he bring up loads of milk after that feed/does he have trapped wind/is his belly bigger than it was yesterday/is he pooing enough/is he pooing too much/IS HE BREATHING?!/oh no he has a cat hair on his face/why does he want to feed again already/i wonder if he is gaining enough weight ETC ETC ETC) So other than the fact i am driving myself a bit mad, it is going well! :dohh: :blush:

I have started a journal in the parenting section if anyone wants to follow our journey (although knowing my tendency to waffle on and on, it might take some time to read and i think it will end up just being for me to get things off my chest :haha: )

Hugs to everyone :hugs:

Can't believe your nearly there Roben you must be excited xxx

I'm doing ok thank you Rebaby, LO best stay put for a while longer as OH now thinks it won't be the 23rd December until he is home.

He will be the typical male running round on Christmas Eve trying to find me a pressie, I guess I better prepare for some mangled flowers and a bottle of de-icer from the petrol station, lol.

My nursery furniture was delivered yesterday so it really hit home that it won't be long until Bean arrives.

I'm pleased to hear that you are enjoying Toby despite the constant worrying. It's a vicious circle as you would only end up worrying about not worrying. I'll have to make a point of following your parenting journal so I can pick up some hints and tips.

Hope everyone else and their LO's are ok xxxx
Hi Ladies! 6 days and counting, I can't believe it. We saw the doctor today who said we are in early labour, we're 75% effaced and 2 cm dialated. When we asked if we'd make it to our delivery date, he actually snorted and said if we make it through the weekend he'd be surprised. So this is our last weekend just the two of us! Exciting but scary as anything.

So glad you're almost there Lauren, and Rebaby I will stay in touch with you on the parenting journals as well.

I'll let you all know when we take off for the hospital. Hope the rest of you are doing well!
wow Roben, can't believe you only have 5 days to go!! sending you lots of quick and easy labour dust for over the weekend!!! So good to see lots of angel ladies reaching the end of their pregnancy journeys and being able to take their babies home. Lauren not long for you either! and then holy cr*p it will be me! :shock: :haha:
It's exciting isn't it Kota? So glad that you've made it this far. It's almost time for you and Lauren. Yay!
I can just imagine Roben.... so exciting but at the same time absolutely terrifying.

Hope you have an easy time of it... can't wait to find out more xx

REbaby - The moment you decided to TTC was the moment your normal rational brain disappeared. :haha: I can only imagine what it is like when you actually have your child but we all turn into nervous wrecks from TTC so I can imagine it only increases once the baby is born xx

Lauren - Your little one will stay put for a little longer :dust:

I've just been to the hospital as started spotting again!!! Haven't since 10 wks but when called midwife she just told me to get down to hospital. Well, do I have a little wriggler in there or what. Wouldn't stop moving around - not that I got to see, only my husband. So glad all is ok and can't wait to see my little in January at 20 wk scan
Widger, thank goodness everything is ok! The spotting must have been terrifying.

Almost time for your 20 week scan though. Are you finding out the gender?
so glad LO is okay Widger- it must have been wonderful to see it moving around like that!
Roben, so excited for you! Keep us posted :)
Lauren, hopefully LO stays put and you get a lovely Christmas present! Keeping you in my thoughts.


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