Oh Chilli i am so relieved (and excited!) for you
And congratulations Roben

It's lovely to see so many Team Angels ladies with second babies on the way.
Things seem to be going well here, although i find 1st trimester such an anxious time and wish i could fast forward a few weeks.
I think i am finding this pregnancy particularly hard with our last loss having been a MMC rather than a straight up and down MC like our first. The first time i MC it was horrendous but i simply started to bleed and bled for about a week and i knew it was all over, and i cried and cried but it was all quite straightforward actually.
The more recent loss was so much more complicated, i didn't bleed at all, and only had strange twinging pains and lightheadedness which is what made me go to EPU in the first place, and then it took 5 weeks, and 4 scans and a whole load of HCG levels later to find out that our pregnancy wasn't progressing for sure. And with it having been twins as well, i think that messed with my head even further, and then the fact i needed an ERPC...it's just made me very wary. I feel as though i can't relax even though i have no pain and no bleeding and plenty of symptoms as MMC is so sneaky. It's awful to walk around for 9 weeks thinking you're pregnant and feeling like you're pregnant only for someone to tell you the sacs are empty and it's all been in vain. I think it's going to be a loooong while before i relax into this pregnancy and properly start to enjoy it...
I'm looking forward to that day though

And looking at Toby and thinking what it would be like with two of him running rings around me in a couple of years time really brings a smile to my face