Team April 21st

Oh no it must be something to do with having girls! Although today I feel like I should have a bad belly but nothing comes out! We're having an Indian tonight I'm trying something slightly spicer than normal I'm thinking by the time I'm due I'll be on a vindaloo lol

I couldn't help myself today and I went on the trampoline with caden it started with gentle bounces but then caden started jumping abit too much,I didn't do my normal bouncing so think I'll be ok,I just feel sorry for caden coz mummy can't play properly with him,it felt so good to play with him like I had done my duties but feel guilty coz of Baby Caleb! He is still moving around in there so I guess he liked it gives him a taste of what's to come lol

Indian is here x
Hi ladies...I hope you are all well. I've been busy the last couple of days but I've tried to get on in the evenings and not been able to!?

I've had my 3 hours sleep tonight so my body has decided that's enough...grrrr. Watching OBEM now and will try to sleep again.

Been up most nights recently as we have got a "court" date set for this thing to do with our flat and the freeholder expecting us to pay 16k. I say court because I don't really understand it's called a tribunal and we are expected to pay for legal advice etc but it's not an actual court...just what I need.

I also don't yet have my GTT results from Thurs yet, was so busy Friday I forgot to ring so thought it would be ok I could get them today but apparently they aren't back yet, the receptionist suggested trying in a couple of days...!

On the plus side baby is still definately engaged and very lively and I can't wait to meet her, it's getting closer and closer :) x

I'm torn between having a lazy day or heading to Ikea and to see family - I scrubbed the kitchen yesterday so hard my fingers hurt lol! Nesting much? :thumbup:
grrr just called the doctors for my test results and the woman said my results came back "impaired" I asked what that meant - thinking it was something to do with not getting a reading and she said she would have to get the doctor to call me....but he's not in until Thursday...!

I've used Dr Google (which I hate doing!) and apparently it means not full blown diabetes but not perfectly fine either, so I'm still none the wiser as to whether it's GD or whether it means I'm at risk of developing GD/diabetes. I'm overweight and don't exercise and now I feel awful that I might have caused myself to have diabetes :( time for a lifestyle change either way I suppose :(
mummy1985 that would drive me mad waiting for the results, hope you everythings all okay when you get to speak to the doctor :)

no news here, i seem to be getting thrush every single week which is horrible :cry:
cant believe were full term next week peanut!
Not been on here in ages.

Cant believe we are nearly term. 36 weeks today .

I have added first bump pic on here - getting so big now. Was looking at pics from 30 weeks and remebered how I felt huge then and now im almost double the size!!!

Anyone else bored being on maternity and just want your baby here now?


  • 36 week bump uncovered (Small).jpg
    36 week bump uncovered (Small).jpg
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Well I spoke to the Dr today and I DO have gestational diabetes - it's over 2 weeks since the midwife sent me for the test now and apparently there isn't much point in doing anything for me now. I see the midwife next Weds and she will tell me if they want to scan me or induce me early etc.

In the meantime no chocolate for me, so I've been out and bought and prepared carrots, peppers and apples all chopped in the fridge ready for snacking :)
Thats not great news Mummy - hope all turns out well.
On the up side - at least you will be on a super healthy diet from now on in!!!
Well I spoke to the Dr today and I DO have gestational diabetes - it's over 2 weeks since the midwife sent me for the test now and apparently there isn't much point in doing anything for me now. I see the midwife next Weds and she will tell me if they want to scan me or induce me early etc.

In the meantime no chocolate for me, so I've been out and bought and prepared carrots, peppers and apples all chopped in the fridge ready for snacking :)

Aw no! Just try to avoid banana's and things like that so that when you do pop lo won't Have such a hard time stabilising their blood sugar.

Only two weeks til my induction or section now! Have been in hospital this week cos my blood pressure went really high, so been put on tablets for that now too. Have to go in every other day to be monitored now :(

Hope everyone else is having an easier time of it! xx
Hi ladies,
Sounds like some of us are having a hard time!

Mummy its not good that they have only just found out about your gestional diabetes i hope all goes well on wednesday so you know where you stand! And Happybean take it easy for the next two weeks now you have to be health for when Baby comes!

I went for my GTT test on wednesday havent heard anything yet but went to the MWs yesterday (finally got to see the male MW who delivered my son such a relief as he is so nice and understanding even though he is male) And he said no news is good news and also not to worry if Baby's belly is measuring too big as they have all these fancy machine but none are accurate so Baby might have a big belly or he might not,wish he was there when they told me so i didnt have a week of worry.
Also got him to listen to me about my SPD,i just broke down and i keep breaking down i just cant cope with it anymore,i cant do anything to ease it i cant sleep properly as im waking up everytime i move which is alot because i am so uncomfortable in bed. I just feel extrememly old like i cant do anything because my body hurts,im sat here now only been sat here for 5 mins and im in pain. But he said he will see me on wednesday as my blood pressure is abit high so he wants to check that and if im still feeling the same he is gonna ring my consultant and see what they can do for me. He also said he knows the cure and thats to have to the baby which is what i thought anyway. He was so understanding and totally got it. I just dont want to get even more depressed about it coz its not good for me or the baby. I feel like a failure though that i cant cope til 40 weeks but i cant even see passed next week. So we will see what is going on next week!

Hope your all doing ok xx
Hi girls just a quick message to send you all my love and let you know I hope you're all doing well ! Our babies will be here soooon ! Can't wait ! I am full of cold with a sore throat so taking it easy for a few days. X
hope you feel better soon hannah :)
i cant believe were 6 days away from full term now! lol

i just washed all babys clothes, and realised i have only have one washing rack thing, and now have nowhere to put the wet clothes :dohh: lol
need to start doing my hospital bag, just cant find the oomph to do it lol
Tas, the pain can really break you cant it. the most excruciating pain for me is durring the night, i dont sleep at all really, maybe an hour or two, spend the complete night going from one side to the other wincing at the pain in my hips wondering how much longer if have to cope with it. I then spend the day time wanting to sit down but shifting from cheek to cheek because my tailbone hurts so much. My MW told me the same, the only cure is delivery!.:cry: They seem to t hink ive only had it in 3rd tri though, but ive had it for what i can remember for the best part of 2nd tri, its just more painful now.

Sorry to hear your full up with cold Miss R, thats something you can do well without. my dad has a stinking cold but he's having the sense to stay away from me!
Sounds like we are all having a rough time. Hugs to those that need them.

I had a scare today, midwife rang 4 times while I was driving so when I stopped I called her back and she said because of my GTT results they wanted me to go in and be monitored at hospital. So in I go and I had barely sat down on the edge of the bed when this rude consultant woman came in and started telling me that I would be induced today or Monday (baring in mind I thought I was going in for a simple check up) and that I had to decide pretty much there and then which it was to be....All I could think about was my husband isn't here and I'm on my own and now scared as I thought I had 4 weeks left!

I just looked at her shocked which she obviously sensed as she then left to "give me a moment to think about it" she then came back and apologised, turns out she thought I was 38 weeks already - but even if I was it was still really bad, she was making out that if the baby didn't come out now something bad would happen it really panicked me :(

She then left me in the care of 2 midwives who were really nice and explained everything, did the CTG and blood tests etc. I've been booked in for a growth scan on Weds and then an appointment with the rude woman to discuss my options but basically they want to induce me at 38 weeks.

While I was on the CTG the midwife asked if I could feel the contractions I'd been having - which I had been feeling them for a few days so was relieved to know I was right about them being braxton hicks.

Sorry for long post I just can't believe how quickly it all happened and that if they hadn't realised their mistake I could have been having my induction now :dohh:
I cant believe they scared you like that thinking you were 38 weeks at least they should have got the basic facts right.:dohh:
Argh! I got admitted again, rubbish. mummy, are you happy about induction at 38 weeks? makes two of ts:) I'm getting excited now!x
Mummy have they said actually why they want to induce you? How do you feel about it?
Some consultants can be so rude they make you panic all the time,you would think they wouldn't want you to since your pregnant! I suppose they know what's best and if they think your best being induced then then go with it,must be exciting for you!

I disagree that consultants necessarily know what's best... They might know what is statistically likely to be appropriate on average and least likely to get them sued but whether that turns out to be best in individual cases or not is another matter.

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