Team Curvy Bumps - 135 members 35 bfps

:hi: ashleyd - of course you can join us! You're very welcome!
How long have you been ttc? Are you trying anything new this cycle?

Hey girls sorry I have been MIA! I have tried to get on but busy schedule keeps getting in the way! Thanks for letting me join all of you wonderful women! :)

We have only been TTC for about 2 months and I am already impatient and want to be pregnant! lol I am not very patient to begin with... :wacko: The one thing we are trying this cycle are OPKs. No positive yet but my cycles are so irregular its crazy. Ever since I gained a bunch of weight they have been all over the place and sometimes none at all. Now all of a sudden these past 2 months they have come right on schedule. This cycle started April 1 but about 3 days after finishing I started spotting and it is just going away now after about a week... man on man its frustrating! I had an ultrasound done 2 weeks ago and she said everything came back normal but she wants to send me to a gyno for my irregular periods because she thinks I may have PCOS :( So we will see....

I am heading back to the gym this week to lose the weight I have gained and I am hoping and praying that puts my cycles back in line.. we shall see!

Ok I am done lol sorry about the ramble...

Hope everyone else is doing well this week!! :) And Congrats on the BFPs ladies! :D
Jo-bean - em I think it was approx 28 days because it was controlled.

Bubble. Well it wouldn't be unusual to ovulate at cd16 or 17. As it's your first month off BC it might not be a normal regular cycle. I would guess if it was ov then AF would be due around cd28-30 ish. I get pains that feel a bit like AF cramps when I ov. Keep :sex: anyway for luck!!!!
Hey thankyou all for being so welcoming! I didn't try anything new this cycle just lots of BD lol it was nice to know exactly when I ovulated tho as I'm never really sure my cycles r all over the place! Yes nearly time to test eeek although I'm not actually going to test I've had too many disappointments over the years I'm beginning to think ill never see two lines so I'll wait till I'm like over CD 30 as that's the longest cycle I've ever had before I test :)

So are most of you ladies losing weight for IVF or trying naturally first?

I was catching up on one born every minute what happens next and heard the quote of the year.
When talking about her baby being a big one and she said
"I'm gonna have a chuff like a wizard's sleeve"

Laughed my effin ass off!! Classic!

Hey hun, i watched that one and i was spitting tea out of my nose lol was a great saying lol :) x

Hi ladies,

Congratulations LadyGriz11 on your BFP that is amazing.

Welcome to all the newbies hope you find it very interesting they are a lovely warm welcoming bunch.

Im looking for some advice as I am a little worried. I was on BC for years and me and the OH decided to try so my last pill was on the 26th march AF arrived on the 31st and ended on the 6th april because it is only our first month trying I don't know when I ov so we are just enjoying it and BD every other day. However, the other dayb I was getting pains same place as period cramps but different it never lasted long but it was weird and now I am getting them again today but for a lot longer. Does anybody know what it could be sorry for the lack of information.

Lots of love and baby dust to all.


Hi bubble89 it sounds like ovulation, but as its your first month off BC i would just :sex: like rabbits this cycle and write everything down to keep a record, over the next pew months your periods should become regular and you can calculate when OV will show up, hope you dont have to wait too long for that sticky bean :) lots of baby :dust: to you hun :) x

Hey thankyou all for being so welcoming! I didn't try anything new this cycle just lots of BD lol it was nice to know exactly when I ovulated tho as I'm never really sure my cycles r all over the place! Yes nearly time to test eeek although I'm not actually going to test I've had too many disappointments over the years I'm beginning to think ill never see two lines so I'll wait till I'm like over CD 30 as that's the longest cycle I've ever had before I test :)

So are most of you ladies losing weight for IVF or trying naturally first?


Welcome Badkitty glad you found us :) i too have cycles all over the place so i am not sure if im ovulating or not, im waiting on an appointment for an ultrasound to check if i have PCOS so thats pretty scary for me at the moment, i too feel like im never ever going to see those 2 lines but i guess our time will come when our bodies are ready for welcoming a sticky bean :) i hope you get that :BFP: soon hun :)

Im going to be trying everything as naturally as possible before i use other tactics, im only doing opks, pomegranate juice and im going to get some folic acid and keep trying and trying :)

lots of :dust: to you :) x
By the charts I'm considered obese although I'm 5 feet 165 pounds ttc is so crazy and confusing. My SIS is the same height 200 pounds and she was fertile mertile could sneeze and get preggers. She has 4 children I'm just asking for one already.
Does anybody think if I drop a few pounds it'll increase my chances as well.
I posted on the other one then saw the new one.
Hope my curves can be accepted here too
Ah Melly If only we could just go and buy a baby lol!

I might try them next cycle if this isn't the one xxxx
I can just picture going to the store and buying a baby. Maybe you could buy one online and you could pick out all the features. "Ooh, I want it to have my eyes and hun, it can have your nose!' :haha:

Hey can I join you guys? I'm CD 24 of a 26 day cycle I'm on my first month of clomid for unexplained infertility been trying for baby number 1 for 3 years I'm also a curvy girl I've got 3 stone to lose before I can go on the waiting list for IVF which I think is the only thing that will work for us. Congrats to everyone in the group with a BFP! And lots of :dust: to everyone else!

Love xkittyx
Hi Badkitty! Welcome to the team :flower: Good luck on losing that 3 stone. I'm trying to lose weight as well, but it is slow going. Every pound off rather than on is a good thing though so I'll take it.

I could do that Jo Bean :) Thanks.. and of course we will have to chrisin (not sure if im spelling that right) everyroom... lol
Weve been in the process of buying this house and packing for almost 3 months now so the stress of that being gone may help :)

I am a little confused today though because since ive said I seen pink on the toilet paper this morning its disapeard.. im sure AF is just playing mean tricks on me though
Congrats on buying the new house! Hopefully once you move in and get the unpacking all done you'll be less stressed and it will happen for you. That is if you aren't already pregnant. Still keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Im looking for some advice as I am a little worried. I was on BC for years and me and the OH decided to try so my last pill was on the 26th march AF arrived on the 31st and ended on the 6th april because it is only our first month trying I don't know when I ov so we are just enjoying it and BD every other day. However, the other dayb I was getting pains same place as period cramps but different it never lasted long but it was weird and now I am getting them again today but for a lot longer. Does anybody know what it could be sorry for the lack of information.

Lots of love and baby dust to all.

I have to agree with the other ladies, it sounds like ovulation pains. Some women don't get them at all and some get the pains for several days. It just depends. I don't think it is anything to worry about unless they are more painful than period cramps are.

Hey girls sorry I have been MIA! I have tried to get on but busy schedule keeps getting in the way! Thanks for letting me join all of you wonderful women! :)

We have only been TTC for about 2 months and I am already impatient and want to be pregnant! lol I am not very patient to begin with... :wacko: The one thing we are trying this cycle are OPKs. No positive yet but my cycles are so irregular its crazy. Ever since I gained a bunch of weight they have been all over the place and sometimes none at all. Now all of a sudden these past 2 months they have come right on schedule. This cycle started April 1 but about 3 days after finishing I started spotting and it is just going away now after about a week... man on man its frustrating! I had an ultrasound done 2 weeks ago and she said everything came back normal but she wants to send me to a gyno for my irregular periods because she thinks I may have PCOS :( So we will see....

I am heading back to the gym this week to lose the weight I have gained and I am hoping and praying that puts my cycles back in line.. we shall see!

Ok I am done lol sorry about the ramble...

Hope everyone else is doing well this week!! :) And Congrats on the BFPs ladies! :D
No worries about rambling. I do my fair share of it! :haha: Hopefully the weight comes right off and helps regulate your cycles. I have pretty much always been overweight so I don't know what they're like for me at a healthy weight.

Hey thankyou all for being so welcoming! I didn't try anything new this cycle just lots of BD lol it was nice to know exactly when I ovulated tho as I'm never really sure my cycles r all over the place! Yes nearly time to test eeek although I'm not actually going to test I've had too many disappointments over the years I'm beginning to think ill never see two lines so I'll wait till I'm like over CD 30 as that's the longest cycle I've ever had before I test :)

So are most of you ladies losing weight for IVF or trying naturally first?

I totally hear you on not testing. I usually don't test at all, but I ordered OPKs online and they came with pregnancy tests. They were sitting in my bathroom and I couldn't resist. I have tested twice already, but I don't know why. Why should this month be any different than the others? As far as IVF goes, hubby and I are not there yet. I am trying to lose weight so I can just be healthy and many women all they need to do is drop some weight and bam! Prego! I'm hoping just dropping the poundage will do it, but it's slow going. Hubby and I have not been to a doctor yet to do any sort of testing or anything yet. We're nearing on 8 months now I think, and most of the time they will do no testing or anything until it has been a year.

By the charts I'm considered obese although I'm 5 feet 165 pounds ttc is so crazy and confusing. My SIS is the same height 200 pounds and she was fertile mertile could sneeze and get preggers. She has 4 children I'm just asking for one already.
Does anybody think if I drop a few pounds it'll increase my chances as well.
I posted on the other one then saw the new one.
Hope my curves can be accepted here too
I know how you feel about fertile Myrtles! My sister and I are the same height, but I weigh about 40 lbs more than her (210 for her and 250 for me). She conceived her 1st child accidently and her 2nd she just had a little over a week ago she got pregnant the 1st try. We just have to keep believing it will be our turn one day.
Hey thankyou all for being so welcoming! I didn't try anything new this cycle just lots of BD lol it was nice to know exactly when I ovulated tho as I'm never really sure my cycles r all over the place! Yes nearly time to test eeek although I'm not actually going to test I've had too many disappointments over the years I'm beginning to think ill never see two lines so I'll wait till I'm like over CD 30 as that's the longest cycle I've ever had before I test :)

So are most of you ladies losing weight for IVF or trying naturally first?


That sounds sensible. I usually don't test and then every so often I have a mental breakdown and test from like 1DPO. It depends on my mood lol!

I am losing weight to qualify but trying naturally until then. I'm convinced our unexplained infertility is due to timing really. So hopefully we'll get that right before IVF. we only get funding for 1 try where we live so I'm scared of putting all our eggs in one basket so to speak!
By the charts I'm considered obese although I'm 5 feet 165 pounds ttc is so crazy and confusing. My SIS is the same height 200 pounds and she was fertile mertile could sneeze and get preggers. She has 4 children I'm just asking for one already.
Does anybody think if I drop a few pounds it'll increase my chances as well.
I posted on the other one then saw the new one.
Hope my curves can be accepted here too

:hi: glad you found us! Well I know that doctors etc always say the answer to everything is to lose weight and we all stick our fingers in our ears as we've heard it all before. But my opinion is, it can't hurt to lose a bit can it?
I know I always feel better when I am lighter, so I guess my body works better then :)
Hi Panda. Forgot to comment on the post of your sis the other day. So gorgeous. Very cute baby xx
It does give us hope that it is possible! Hard for you I would guess though? Happy and sad/a bit jealous at the same time :( :hugs:
Crikey this thread moves fast!! :wacko:

So glad the bfp's are rolling in nicely :thumbup:

Been so tired last few days we just haven't had the energy to DTD so I am determined tonight to get some action :haha:

I just have this feeling that I ovulate either way earlier or way later than I should and so we are missing that egg every time.

Weight loss wise I am still trying to lose what I put on over Easter and have got rid of around a pound and a half of it so far. Hopefully slow and steady wins the race :thumbup:

Just realised today that I have not been taking my folic acid for about a week now :dohh: I am so bad at remembering to take tablets and vitamins and I know how important it is. Feel like I am letting our kid down before it is even conceived :nope:

The saga of getting the garden done continues but thanks to the good old British weather we are having to do it as and when we can.

I wish I had a fast forward button to use this cycle feel like its dragging so much already goodness knows what torture the 2 week wait will be :wacko:

Oh and if anybody remembers me posting about finding the caterpillars in my sugar snap peas, I got a £15 morrisons voucher through the post today :happydance:
Hey ladies hope your all well, im going to have a break from this until af has come, baby :dust: to you all xxx
ok ladies im driving myself soooo crazy today!!! :(
I woke up this am at 530 this morning went to the washroom and took a test (ill get to that later) When I wiped there was some more brown/red on when I wiped so my heart sunk I havnt had anything since I said so yesturday morning at 1030am I went back to bed and figured if I BD then taht will surely jump start AF if thats what it was. Went back and looked at test negative. An hour later OH left for work so I wentto the washroom and nothing on the toilet paper again! AAHHHHH

Ok so back to the test.. Im doing something incredibly stupid! A friend of mine gave me the blue dye test a few weeks ago and they are expired I was going to throw them out but deicided not to just incase I couldnt resist the urge. So I tested Sunday night and it was negative but half a line showed up half hour later and didnt realy think anything of it since a its expired and because it was half hour later. Well I did another one this morning (I have 2 first response tests but im onlu 14dpo and if that was spotting i feel it would be to early and dont want to "waste" the tests since they are so expensive! Anyway I went back to the test and took it apart (i know your not supposed to) but there was a blue blotch but it was no where near the test window...
I did so many wrong things and my hopes are so freaking high!
Hi Panda. Forgot to comment on the post of your sis the other day. So gorgeous. Very cute baby xx
It does give us hope that it is possible! Hard for you I would guess though? Happy and sad/a bit jealous at the same time :( :hugs:
It's ok Jo! It's been very hard throughout her whole pregnancy and when I knew she was close to delivering. Somehow it is a little easier now, but I'm not sure why. I expected the opposite. I am jealous of course, but I love my little neice and I'm glad she's here. If all else fails, she totally looks like me and not my sister so I'll just steal her when no one's looking. They won't notice right? :haha:

Crikey this thread moves fast!! :wacko:

So glad the bfp's are rolling in nicely :thumbup:

Been so tired last few days we just haven't had the energy to DTD so I am determined tonight to get some action :haha:

I just have this feeling that I ovulate either way earlier or way later than I should and so we are missing that egg every time.

Weight loss wise I am still trying to lose what I put on over Easter and have got rid of around a pound and a half of it so far. Hopefully slow and steady wins the race :thumbup:

Just realised today that I have not been taking my folic acid for about a week now :dohh: I am so bad at remembering to take tablets and vitamins and I know how important it is. Feel like I am letting our kid down before it is even conceived :nope:

The saga of getting the garden done continues but thanks to the good old British weather we are having to do it as and when we can.

I wish I had a fast forward button to use this cycle feel like its dragging so much already goodness knows what torture the 2 week wait will be :wacko:

Oh and if anybody remembers me posting about finding the caterpillars in my sugar snap peas, I got a £15 morrisons voucher through the post today :happydance:
I know what you mean, it moves so fast! You're not alone on forgetting to take pills. I've been taking the Fertilaid for awhile now, but I just forgot to take it 3 days in a row. I am so bad about it. I also would like a fast forward button, but I would like one to fast forward to my BFP! Waiting for AF then waiting to O. It all gets so stressful as I know you're aware of. No you guys have Staples over there? I need an 'easy' button!

Hey ladies hope your all well, im going to have a break from this until af has come, baby :dust: to you all xxx
Oh Magic, I hope AF comes for you really soon. We're going to miss you in the mean time. :hugs:

ok ladies im driving myself soooo crazy today!!! :(
I woke up this am at 530 this morning went to the washroom and took a test (ill get to that later) When I wiped there was some more brown/red on when I wiped so my heart sunk I havnt had anything since I said so yesturday morning at 1030am I went back to bed and figured if I BD then taht will surely jump start AF if thats what it was. Went back and looked at test negative. An hour later OH left for work so I wentto the washroom and nothing on the toilet paper again! AAHHHHH

Ok so back to the test.. Im doing something incredibly stupid! A friend of mine gave me the blue dye test a few weeks ago and they are expired I was going to throw them out but deicided not to just incase I couldnt resist the urge. So I tested Sunday night and it was negative but half a line showed up half hour later and didnt realy think anything of it since a its expired and because it was half hour later. Well I did another one this morning (I have 2 first response tests but im onlu 14dpo and if that was spotting i feel it would be to early and dont want to "waste" the tests since they are so expensive! Anyway I went back to the test and took it apart (i know your not supposed to) but there was a blue blotch but it was no where near the test window...
I did so many wrong things and my hopes are so freaking high!
If I were you I would just stear clear of the blue dye tests. I have heard so much negative about them I wouldn't touch them with a 10 foot pole. Also, about taking them apart, the digital ones will almost always have 2 lines when you pop them apart so that is not an indicator of anything. It's a little late for this cycle, but you can order pregnancy tests on amazon. I ordered OPKs and some tests came with mine. They are very very cheap. If you're not pregnant this cycle, maybe you can get them for next. The cheapies are made by wondfo and you can get 25 for under $10 (plus shipping of course). Way cheaper than buying at the store!
Panda, i said the same thing about my brother's newest! he is soooo cute..and they have two girls already (did i mention he is 5 years younger than me? :growlmad:) they can give me one of them, right? I guess it helps with them being in another state...i really dont want to go to prison for abducting my own nephew :haha:
Welcome Badkitty glad you found us :) i too have cycles all over the place so i am not sure if im ovulating or not, im waiting on an appointment for an ultrasound to check if i have PCOS so thats pretty scary for me at the moment, i too feel like im never ever going to see those 2 lines but i guess our time will come when our bodies are ready for welcoming a sticky bean :) i hope you get that :BFP: soon hun :)

Im going to be trying everything as naturally as possible before i use other tactics, im only doing opks, pomegranate juice and im going to get some folic acid and keep trying and trying :)

lots of :dust: to you :) x

hey magic_angel i see you are off for a while so hopefully u read this when u get back :) I feel for you waiting for your ultrasound that must be very scary i remember lying down having my tubes x-rayd and how scary that was hoping they weren't blocked, luckily they weren't but sometimes the fear of the unknown is worse be good to get it over with.

thanks for you kind words i wish you good luck too in getting ur sticky bean hehe and hopefully the two blue lines won't just be in our heads forever! I've never heard of drinking pomegranate juice before i think that would be pretty hard to come by in England I'm taking 5mg folic acid, anyone who's TTC should altho i sometimes forget mine and thats bad for a nurse! hehe

By the charts I'm considered obese although I'm 5 feet 165 pounds ttc is so crazy and confusing. My SIS is the same height 200 pounds and she was fertile mertile could sneeze and get preggers. She has 4 children I'm just asking for one already.
Does anybody think if I drop a few pounds it'll increase my chances as well.
I posted on the other one then saw the new one.
Hope my curves can be accepted here too

Hey MrsHopefully i can totally see where you're coming from it is very frustrating when you see people your size or bigger getting pregnant and you have everyone telling you its to do with your weight! the way i see it tho is that losing a few pounds can't hurt in the long run and at least if i do get pregnant ill be more of a yummy mummy at the end of it hehe :) good luck

Hi Badkitty! Welcome to the team :flower: Good luck on losing that 3 stone. I'm trying to lose weight as well, but it is slow going. Every pound off rather than on is a good thing though so I'll take it.

Thankyou! i need all the luck i can get hehe good luck to you too are you using any particular strategies? I'm just trying good old diet and exercise although i swear i put on everything I've lost once a month when AF comes and i cry and comfort eat oops! x

I totally hear you on not testing. I usually don't test at all, but I ordered OPKs online and they came with pregnancy tests. They were sitting in my bathroom and I couldn't resist. I have tested twice already, but I don't know why. Why should this month be any different than the others? As far as IVF goes, hubby and I are not there yet. I am trying to lose weight so I can just be healthy and many women all they need to do is drop some weight and bam! Prego! I'm hoping just dropping the poundage will do it, but it's slow going. Hubby and I have not been to a doctor yet to do any sort of testing or anything yet. We're nearing on 8 months now I think, and most of the time they will do no testing or anything until it has been a year.

Oh dear the dreaded free pregnancy tests hehe I've had a few too but they are nearly gone, back when i started TTC i bought 50 tests off ebay i still have a few they are probably out of date by now lol. Since I've started Clomid this cycle I'm hoping something is different but i understand what you feel about it not being any different from one month to the next but you would be surprised a lot about falling pregnant is to do with chance after all one month ur eggs cld be better quality so cld ur OH SC be better its all chance really and good luck to you with the weight loss i to am hoping by just losing the pounds ill get my baby and we will see, hopefully we are both right :D x

That sounds sensible. I usually don't test and then every so often I have a mental breakdown and test from like 1DPO. It depends on my mood lol!

I am losing weight to qualify but trying naturally until then. I'm convinced our unexplained infertility is due to timing really. So hopefully we'll get that right before IVF. we only get funding for 1 try where we live so I'm scared of putting all our eggs in one basket so to speak!

Hey Jo_Bean I'm similar i try not to because i know even if its BFN ill still be holding out hope so I'm still none the wiser so whats the point! but like you I'm not always sensible and i have been known to test more than once in a single day usually if AF is late and she often is (likes to tease me!)

Seems like we r in a similar boat with the weight loss I'm on clomid 50mg in the mean time so i kinda feel like we r doing something while we wait and i diet, isn't it annoying how its all on the woman tho and the man can be as fat as he likes! hehe poor us. I see u live in Bath thats bad that u only get one try there my hubby is from Bristol we had our first anniversary there its lovely. Its understandable that your scared tho about the IVF seeing as how expensive it is privately but you never know it only takes one time after all :) good luck with the weight hun x

So i just had to say that i totally agree with the boycott of Facebook i would love to do it but I'm kinda addicted still theres at least 6 people on mine who post baby pics daily and updates of children they had without even trying or sometimes wanting but there we go for some its easy for others its not but at least ill appreciate my children when i finally have some :)

love to all xkittyx
Bbbunny - why don't you start charting on FF? It's easy and gives you more confidence that you know when you ov?

Panda and Melly - I just got home from visiting my friend and her new baby. Was hoping she'd fall asleep and I could fit him in my handbag lol!

Magan - I feel for you hun xx I love to pull tests apart lol! But it does totally get your hopes up!

Magic - I hope she hurries up hun and you come back xxxx miss ya xxx

Kitty - sainsburys sell pomegranate juice. They do the 100% stuff which is a bit sharp but they do one with blueberry which is very tasty :)
Small world that your hubby is from Bristol! My husbands family is from there too :)
Hey ladies hope ur all good :)

I have been so busy at work lately and it seems I've missed lots of great things and I need to catch up quick, it also seems I've missed 2 BFP's, who and where, i'm so happy for them :)

I'm also gunna miss my Magic hope ur ok hun xxxx

Anyways will catch up at some point this week, we have just booked our holidays to Altinkum in Turkey so I can now get back on track with you guys and not trawl Internet for cheap flights all the night long ha ha xxxxx

Love and dust to you all:dust::dust::dust::dust:
ive just ordered some cheapie tests, so i can test till my hearts content!x

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