Team Curvy Bumps - 135 members 35 bfps

Oh dear god im in the bitch of all moods..... fella is pissing me off, dog is pissing me off, fellas friend is pissing me off and going to get a slap if he keeps it up, family is pissing me off and yes... yes... my mood has gotten that bad, that i have not only threatened the bin in my living room, ive also threatened the hair dryer for falling on my foot.... how very dare it.... god all mighty im in need of this pissing witch to visit and soon, ive got crazy sore boobs which i cant touch at all, im crazy, shirt tempered, hot and bothered, touchy, sensitive, emotional and did i mention CRAZY angry...... by far my worst mood swings..... everytime i go to the toilet there is the tinyest blood spots on the paper, then clumps (sorry) of brown cm which is turning pinkish so there is deffinately something stiring im just hoping it sticks and i wake up in the morning with bad period pains and not bad moods because i fear my OH and DOG might up and leave me if i try and sell them on Ebay again..... first time, he classed that as funny, second time he said its pushing it, 5th time he just stared at me........ :/

Everyone feel free to send witch over (my one and only time im sure ill be saying that....) please keep your fingers crossed af is in full flow in the next couple of days or im going to section myself...... :)
P.s im sorry if i offend with the swear words, i swear a lot when im in the bitch of all moods stage..... sowwy lol trust me it could have been a WHOLE lot WORSE lol xx
P.s im sorry if i offend with the swear words, i swear a lot when im in the bitch of all moods stage..... sowwy lol trust me it could have been a WHOLE lot WORSE lol xx

Oh dear Magic, I don't about anyone else but I think you sound surprisingly upbeat lol :wacko: or you just make the situation sound more comedic than it is, I don't know if I was supposed to but I did chuckle when u said u were trying to sell dog and oh on eBay lol xxxx
Fingers crossed the :witch: shows up and you get your release ha ha
And fingers crossed for your poor OH and Dog, and any other household items I hope they all make it :thumbup:

Seriously though Hun I hope she shows up soon you really have had a shitty time tha last couple of months lots of hugs from me xxx:hugs:
P.s im sorry if i offend with the swear words, i swear a lot when im in the bitch of all moods stage..... sowwy lol trust me it could have been a WHOLE lot WORSE lol xx

I can definitely relate to moods like that lol probably one of the only times I will say this on here but I hope your AF comes soon :hugs:

AFM I am in the two week wait I think. Got in some DTD last night but it was quite late and we were both tired so we were trying to make it quick. My legs were so tired from gardening and were aching so much that I could barely move so looking back the decision to try going on top was not the best I have ever made :dohh: (sorry if TMI) At one point hubby was pulling a face and I started laughing saying how was that supposed to get me in the mood and he said that it was hard for him to get going when I was just sitting there like a Jelly baby :growlmad: No sympathy for my poor tired legs!!

Am biting the bullet and using the hair colour this week. Going to wait until my mom comes to help me though so will probably do it Thursday.

Being so lazy today haven't done anything yet need to go get a shower soon.
Okay this maybe totally TMI but I have seen it mentioned on here before but does anyone sometimes get a bit of an odour down there the day after DTD. It goes after I shower but can be quite strong. I have read a little on it and some people seem to think its the sperm affecting the PH level of things down there. I have read up on BV and do not think it is that.
How can I become a member? I'm new to this whole site.

Hi Babydoll! Jo will add you to the list! Welcome. Tell us a bit about yourself and your TTC journey so far so we can get to know you more :thumbup:
Hi everyone! Lots to catch up on over the weekend by the looks of it!

I actually bought a crochet hook and some wool a couple of weeks ago to give it a go, but I haven't tried it yet! Looks good though and I always sucked at knitting too!

Bbbunny - no odour for me, but can imagine how it would happen with the change in pH......

AFM - waiting to O. Should happen in the next week (normally CD23, I'm on CD16 now). Started OPKs on the weekend and I have grapefruit juice, pomegranate juice, and robitussin at hand to start in the next couple of days!! I aim to be gushing fertile CM :haha:
Magic Angel, I hate it when it is like that.... I had a really bad one last month.. My suggestion take a few days off work lock yourself in ya bedroom hot water bottle chocolates and a good film oh and loads of pain killers.

just make sure eveything is soft in the room incase anything is so rude that it attacks you.

Another good idea is get a pineapple and throw it at someone or poke them with it... This always makes me feel better but it is short lived...

Hope it comes soon xxxx
Well my DH has agreed to take me to the hobby store tomorrow so i can get crocheting supplies. I'm a little confused about the size hooks though, which would you ladies recommend for a beginner?
How can I become a member? I'm new to this whole site.

Hi Babydoll! Jo will add you to the list! Welcome. Tell us a bit about yourself and your TTC journey so far so we can get to know you more :thumbup:

I just joined Bnb last night... i'm definitely a newbie here. I got married New Year's Eve of 2011. My husband and I have been trying to conceive since January 2012. I quit taking birth control November 2011. While being on BC my cycles had always been 28days like clock work. Then, in February I was 4 days late and started speculating that I could be PG, but that was a fail. My cycles decided to do a switch-a-roo on me and now I'm on 32 day cycles. However, this month AF was due May 9th, but nothing came. Pee'd on several sticks and all BFN. I've had cramps for the last two weeks even before AF was due. Now I'm having these twinge type pulling sensations in my lower abdomen. what gives? i have no symptoms. every so often i feel a slight wave of nausea, but nothing to count for much. I'm so consumed with wanting to know what's going on I can't relax or divert my focus.

Then I worry I'm too overweight to conceive. I'm a size 22. I went for a TTC consultation in February and had blood work done, as well as a vaginal ultrasound. The ultrasound showed no abnormalities, but my blood work came back with low progesterone levels, which my dr said maybe I just ovulated late and I'm supposed to follow-up within 6 mths if i haven't conceived, yet. I'm assuming at that time we will discuss my low levels.

Really feel in the dark about what's going on w me at this moment.

Hoping to make some new friends here who understand where I'm coming from, as well as, learn what others are experiencing.

nice to meet you all :)
Thanks ladies, im not in crazy bitch mode today and guess what SHE'S HERE :happydance::happydance::thumbup::happydance::happydance::thumbup:
Not full flow or red but its not brown anymore, ts getting there, its deffo here though so im not going to complain lol, i'll be full on 2moro but for now im happy shes decided to flipping visit me after 105 days..... i was feeling left out and forgotten by her lol :haha: never have i been so happy to have a stoopid period so im hoping to just have a normal one next month :)

Boobs are still sore but a little better today.... fella came in the afternoon with 4 big balls of different coloured wool to cheer me up because i genuinely think he was scared of me yesterday lol im just hiding out in bedroom with a chick flick, going to do my water bottle and chill and wait for pain killers to kick in :)
going to work on a panda hat tonight :) keep my mind focused :)

Hope everyones ok :) xxxx

Well my DH has agreed to take me to the hobby store tomorrow so i can get crocheting supplies. I'm a little confused about the size hooks though, which would you ladies recommend for a beginner?

I have no ideas either but ive been using a 4.00 or a 4.5 mm hook, i wanna get a large-ish one to see how it looks but will only use that for a blanket, i dont do by alphabet sizes, i wouldnt know which hook was which hun, my crocheting is quite small so maybe a 5 or 6 mm hook?? Jo-bean is best to ask im still such a newbie so have no right trying to answer lol
How can I become a member? I'm new to this whole site.

Hi Babydoll! Jo will add you to the list! Welcome. Tell us a bit about yourself and your TTC journey so far so we can get to know you more :thumbup:

I just joined Bnb last night... i'm definitely a newbie here. I got married New Year's Eve of 2011. My husband and I have been trying to conceive since January 2012. I quit taking birth control November 2011. While being on BC my cycles had always been 28days like clock work. Then, in February I was 4 days late and started speculating that I could be PG, but that was a fail. My cycles decided to do a switch-a-roo on me and now I'm on 32 day cycles. However, this month AF was due May 9th, but nothing came. Pee'd on several sticks and all BFN. I've had cramps for the last two weeks even before AF was due. Now I'm having these twinge type pulling sensations in my lower abdomen. what gives? i have no symptoms. every so often i feel a slight wave of nausea, but nothing to count for much. I'm so consumed with wanting to know what's going on I can't relax or divert my focus.

Then I worry I'm too overweight to conceive. I'm a size 22. I went for a TTC consultation in February and had blood work done, as well as a vaginal ultrasound. The ultrasound showed no abnormalities, but my blood work came back with low progesterone levels, which my dr said maybe I just ovulated late and I'm supposed to follow-up within 6 mths if i haven't conceived, yet. I'm assuming at that time we will discuss my low levels.

Really feel in the dark about what's going on w me at this moment.

Hoping to make some new friends here who understand where I'm coming from, as well as, learn what others are experiencing.

nice to meet you all :)

Hi babydoll welcome :wave: First of all you really need to stop worrying so much hun, that will mess around with af, second of all, make a brew, buy a book/diary and do little charts and stuff that you can fill in during the month, i find putting all my info down in a book frees my mind some what and its something to focus on so you dont go crazy, how long were you on birth control for? i was once told that you need to allow your body one month for every year you were on BC, in this time you will have some months where you are regular and you will have the odd one or two months where everything is out of wack, just try and get to know your body and write down every month what your CP and CM are doing and write down all the symptoms ect and this will focus you a little more, you will drive yourself crazy if your not careful hun, lord knows we have all had those months but we are here for a chat and i find that helps so much.
Glad you joined hun :hugs:
Thanks Magic :). Jo any ideas? I may see if they have like a pack of assorted sizes just in case. I can't wait to get practising. Jo you are building up your own little band of crochet followers now :haha:

Now I don't want to get my hopes up but after my random +opks this morning and afternoon I then had a very negative one tonight, plus I am now having what feels like ovulation pain finally! It may not be but I'm trying positive thinking to see if it encourages it. Then i will finally be onto the tww. I actually think the wait to O is worse than the tww, especially as its over 3 weeks long for me, this cycle its been about 4 weeks in fact!

Welcome to all the new ladies, I'm sure you will find the ladies on this thread as kind, supportive and helpful as i have :)
Hi girls. I'm still trying to recover from my surgery. Really not in mood to eat but I wanna get back on track to being normal. Do you any of you use online tracking for exercise etc. I'm using my fitness pal. I was doing well till I was told my wait for surgery was 4 months. Then I got stresses at work and went back to bad habit of not eating till afternoon.

So hopefully soon I can get back to me and meeting my weightless goals. Welcome to new girls. Hope yOu get bfp soon.
Hi girls. I'm still trying to recover from my surgery. Really not in mood to eat but I wanna get back on track to being normal. Do you any of you use online tracking for exercise etc. I'm using my fitness pal. I was doing well till I was told my wait for surgery was 4 months. Then I got stresses at work and went back to bad habit of not eating till afternoon.

So hopefully soon I can get back to me and meeting my weightless goals. Welcome to new girls. Hope yOu get bfp soon.

Aw hun, I hope you feel better. I also use my fitness pal which i use the app on my phone but i've gotten really bad about filling it in recently. I'm just sort of making sure I do at least a little exercise because i figure some is better than none.
I found it on iPad first and my blackberry can be a pain in the arse at times. I quite like it.

I don't crochet but scrapbook but it's been a long time. I got my boss o bring me work tonight lol. I'm working from home this week.
Stefanie I got a J hook, supposed to be a good one to begin with. Once you're making a proper pattern the pattern will tell you what size to use - I just wanted to buy one (about $1.50) to see if I liked it, and if I do I'll buy a pack with all the different sizes!

I agree I find the wait to O worse than the 2ww! Wait for O is just over 3 weeks for me too. :wacko:
I NEED to get moving and exercise. Everyday last week I planned to go for a walk and only managed it once as I got busy with house stuff. I really would love to walk at least 30 mins everyday and I don't understand why I don't just do it!!!

I am forcing myself to go tomorrow. I must get veggies for a stew I am making that has to be done by the time hubby gets home from work so I HAVE to go to Morrisons which is about a 20 minute walk away. If it rains I will just get my brolly out. :thumbup:
Hi, can I join you also? I am a big girl also. I recently joined the TWW board. I fit here also. I am not TTC #1 though. I have 2 children. I am currently a junior 24. I was 30/32 last year at this time though. I did not diet or add any strenuous exercise. I moved to Mexico and had a complete lifestyle change. At first I did not know I was losing weight and when I Skyped mom she said I have lost a lot. Anyway, I am currently trying for #3. I am a SAHM. I was a size 20/22 when I got pregnant with my son. He was a surprise. I was then a size 26/28 when I got pregnant with my daughter. I had lot about 10lbs and my DR said as soon as that came off I started to ovulate again. Low and behold I was pregnant within a month. I went off the Depo shot last year in may. I got AF back this year in March. I am currently waiting on AF to make her appearance. I am hoping for a BFP this round. The only problem I have with being overweight is I do not test positive early. It is always 2 weeks after a missed period. Thank you.
How can I become a member? I'm new to this whole site.

Hi Babydoll! Jo will add you to the list! Welcome. Tell us a bit about yourself and your TTC journey so far so we can get to know you more :thumbup:

I just joined Bnb last night... i'm definitely a newbie here. I got married New Year's Eve of 2011. My husband and I have been trying to conceive since January 2012. I quit taking birth control November 2011. While being on BC my cycles had always been 28days like clock work. Then, in February I was 4 days late and started speculating that I could be PG, but that was a fail. My cycles decided to do a switch-a-roo on me and now I'm on 32 day cycles. However, this month AF was due May 9th, but nothing came. Pee'd on several sticks and all BFN. I've had cramps for the last two weeks even before AF was due. Now I'm having these twinge type pulling sensations in my lower abdomen. what gives? i have no symptoms. every so often i feel a slight wave of nausea, but nothing to count for much. I'm so consumed with wanting to know what's going on I can't relax or divert my focus.

Then I worry I'm too overweight to conceive. I'm a size 22. I went for a TTC consultation in February and had blood work done, as well as a vaginal ultrasound. The ultrasound showed no abnormalities, but my blood work came back with low progesterone levels, which my dr said maybe I just ovulated late and I'm supposed to follow-up within 6 mths if i haven't conceived, yet. I'm assuming at that time we will discuss my low levels.

Really feel in the dark about what's going on w me at this moment.

Hoping to make some new friends here who understand where I'm coming from, as well as, learn what others are experiencing.

nice to meet you all :)

Hi babydoll welcome :wave: First of all you really need to stop worrying so much hun, that will mess around with af, second of all, make a brew, buy a book/diary and do little charts and stuff that you can fill in during the month, i find putting all my info down in a book frees my mind some what and its something to focus on so you dont go crazy, how long were you on birth control for? i was once told that you need to allow your body one month for every year you were on BC, in this time you will have some months where you are regular and you will have the odd one or two months where everything is out of wack, just try and get to know your body and write down every month what your CP and CM are doing and write down all the symptoms ect and this will focus you a little more, you will drive yourself crazy if your not careful hun, lord knows we have all had those months but we are here for a chat and i find that helps so much.
Glad you joined hun :hugs:

Thanks, Magic! I can't remember how long i've been on BC. I remember there was a lull when I wasn't on anything since there wasn't a need, but I was definitely on it the first two years my husband and I started dating. I've been off now for almost 6 months.

I have an app on my phone that helps me keep up w all of my body's happenings :coffee:

What has really surprised me is that I had a HUGE glob of CM AFTER I thought I had already ovulated. I was so impressed, I took a picture of it. But I'm curious if it was indicative of anything...

Nice to me you, magic. Thanks for you input! :thumbup:

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