Team Curvy Bumps - 135 members 35 bfps

Hi, can I join you also? I am a big girl also. I recently joined the TWW board. I fit here also. I am not TTC #1 though. I have 2 children. I am currently a junior 24. I was 30/32 last year at this time though. I did not diet or add any strenuous exercise. I moved to Mexico and had a complete lifestyle change. At first I did not know I was losing weight and when I Skyped mom she said I have lost a lot. Anyway, I am currently trying for #3. I am a SAHM. I was a size 20/22 when I got pregnant with my son. He was a surprise. I was then a size 26/28 when I got pregnant with my daughter. I had lot about 10lbs and my DR said as soon as that came off I started to ovulate again. Low and behold I was pregnant within a month. I went off the Depo shot last year in may. I got AF back this year in March. I am currently waiting on AF to make her appearance. I am hoping for a BFP this round. The only problem I have with being overweight is I do not test positive early. It is always 2 weeks after a missed period. Thank you.

Welcome! I just had a "eureka!" moment when reading your post. DH was asking me recently why it's so much easier to read my ovulation signs now than it was when we first took our NFP class back in 2009. When he asked, I couldn't think of a reason except that I've had more practice. Now I'm wondering if it was because of my weight...I've lost about 60 pounds over the last year and a half, and it's certainly possible that I was ovulating irregularly or not at all when I was heavier.

I remember the first two months I was charting my fertility signs after the NFP class, I was SO frustrated because I just wasn't seeing any patterns. BBT charting told me nothing, CM changes told me nothing, saliva ferning told me I was fertile every day of the month, etc.

That makes me feel even better that I lost all that weight...I already knew it lowered my blood pressure and made my joints very happy...maybe it even improved my fertility!
So I'm back from the hospital. Looks like PCOS.

Hey hun sorry to hear that hun, did you just have the scan today? how did you find out so quickly? reason i ask is because i had U.S on friday and i cant get my results until a week 2day, the results are in already but need to wait for available appointment and thats a week today.... x

I had the scan today and they told me after they had done the internal that they could see cysts in the ovaries and it looked like PCOS, especially after the high testosterone shown by bloods. Have an appt with doc on 28th now so she can take me through it in depth and tell me what the second blood test showed.

Thanks for all the comment girls. Bit down about it but I know it's better than not knowing.

I am sorry about your news but maybe now you can get the help that you need to get that BFP :hugs: Good luck x
Welcome to all the new people :flower:

So I did it and managed my walk today :happydance:

Left at about 1pm and even though it was hailing I just put my hood up and got on with it. By the time I had walked around 3 or 4 shops and done what I needed to do I got back around 2pm so I was walking around for an hour :happydance:

TTC wise I am in the two week wait now and am already feeling impatient. Feel tired but apart from that no kind of symptoms.

Oh and on my walk today I went by the wool shop and ended up popping in and getting some wool and a crochet hook so looks like I am a curvy crocheter now too :thumbup:
I would love to join. i need all the support i can get. Been TTC for #1 for 3 1/2 years
Hi, can I join you also? I am a big girl also. I recently joined the TWW board. I fit here also. I am not TTC #1 though. I have 2 children. I am currently a junior 24. I was 30/32 last year at this time though. I did not diet or add any strenuous exercise. I moved to Mexico and had a complete lifestyle change. At first I did not know I was losing weight and when I Skyped mom she said I have lost a lot. Anyway, I am currently trying for #3. I am a SAHM. I was a size 20/22 when I got pregnant with my son. He was a surprise. I was then a size 26/28 when I got pregnant with my daughter. I had lot about 10lbs and my DR said as soon as that came off I started to ovulate again. Low and behold I was pregnant within a month. I went off the Depo shot last year in may. I got AF back this year in March. I am currently waiting on AF to make her appearance. I am hoping for a BFP this round. The only problem I have with being overweight is I do not test positive early. It is always 2 weeks after a missed period. Thank you.

Welcome! I just had a "eureka!" moment when reading your post. DH was asking me recently why it's so much easier to read my ovulation signs now than it was when we first took our NFP class back in 2009. When he asked, I couldn't think of a reason except that I've had more practice. Now I'm wondering if it was because of my weight...I've lost about 60 pounds over the last year and a half, and it's certainly possible that I was ovulating irregularly or not at all when I was heavier.

I remember the first two months I was charting my fertility signs after the NFP class, I was SO frustrated because I just wasn't seeing any patterns. BBT charting told me nothing, CM changes told me nothing, saliva ferning told me I was fertile every day of the month, etc.

That makes me feel even better that I lost all that weight...I already knew it lowered my blood pressure and made my joints very happy...maybe it even improved my fertility!
I am glad I could help. Congrats on your weight loss. I would love to know how much I have lost at this point. These skinny mexicans don't have big girl scales. I can only know when I have lost enough to weigh on their whimpy scales. I hope it helps you. It sure did me. I wasn't trying for my little girl. I was on diet pills from my dr. (He puts you on them for whatever you go the the dr for, go for a urinary infection, come out with diet pills, go in for a migraine, come out with diet pills) any way after my first month on them I had lost the 10 lbs and went in for the weigh in and a refill. I hated them, they made me so mean. I told him I was not taking them as I was preggo. He said no you aren't and we argued. We tested. I called back and told him where to shove the pills 4 days later when I got a BFP finally. There is hope. Do not give up. See even losing 10lbs helped. I will find out with this weight loss I currently have if it helped. I will keep you updated. GOOD LUCK!
Tested. Bfn. Not sure when to expect AF since I'm already late. So disappointed. Buying bbt thermometer and preseed tonight
Well I think AF is definitly on her way soon :( Tonight I think I cried 3 times in the matter of 10 minutes and really let OH have it. He had it comin to him though! Lol! Totally not like me to lose it so much though. I think the added health stress is taking a tole on me :(
So I'm back from the hospital. Looks like PCOS.

Hey hun sorry to hear that hun, did you just have the scan today? how did you find out so quickly? reason i ask is because i had U.S on friday and i cant get my results until a week 2day, the results are in already but need to wait for available appointment and thats a week today.... x

I had the scan today and they told me after they had done the internal that they could see cysts in the ovaries and it looked like PCOS, especially after the high testosterone shown by bloods. Have an appt with doc on 28th now so she can take me through it in depth and tell me what the second blood test showed.

Thanks for all the comment girls. Bit down about it but I know it's better than not knowing.

Thanks for the reply hun, sorry your going through stress at the moment, but now you know you can get help for it and you will get your BFP soon hun, i only asked because i asked if they found anything or could see if everything was ok but they just said you will have to wait to discuss it with the doctor :/ all i heard was a lot of "shadows" and "lumps" being mentioned whilst muttering really softly so they obviously didnt want me to hear anything or discuss things with me, i might phone back 2moro and ask them if they can just tell me instead of making me wait to find out.... hope the doctor helps give you everything you need soon hun xx
Welcome to all the new ladies! :wave:

Magic, so excited for you! I didn't think I'd ever be excited for anyone to get AF, but I know you've been waiting quite some time now. Now you can start trying again. :happydance: At least now you know why you were in such a foul mood the other day.

Nexis, :hugs: Sorry to hear you have PCOS, but if you know about it you can do something about it. Everything will work out.

Bbbunny, good work on getting out and taking that walk! :thumbup: And especially in a hailstorm? No thanks. I think I would have stayed home, lol. I need to get better about taking my walks. I haven't been in awhile.

Cravemyheart, :hugs: You're not out until the :witch: shows so there's still a chance. :flower:

As for me, feeling kind of antsy today. Last night I had a dream I was pregnant and it felt real. It's really weird because I almost never dream and when I do they often come true. As far as I can tell, I haven't even ovulated yet this cycle. Now I can't wait to O and get done with the TWW already. I had one of those psychic readings a few months back and she predicted I would get pregnant in May from a cycle starting in April (which this cycle did) so now I'm thinking about that even though I just did it for fun. I try not to put much stock in dreams and psychics, but it's hard to some times. I guess we'll see.
I feel better about things today. At least now I know and it's not the end of the world :) cheered myself up last night by playing mincraft with DH and also started crocheting a nice blanket :thumbup:

My doctor just called, Looks like i have PCOS AND i have a 5cm cyst on my right ovary :cry: she said its a lot bigger than the ones that the doctors would normally just leave and see how it goes so they want to do something about it asap :cry:

worst bit is, she said to put ttc on hold until i get it looked at and dealt with..... :cry: so as i dont want to go back on birth control due to it messing with my body, it looks like ill be trying to pin point ovulation every cycle so that i can avoid getting pregnant :cry:

My day started off sooooo well too :(
Oh Magic :( Im so sorry to hear that. Its a good thing she wants to take care of it ASAP though the sonner they do it the sooner you can get back to TTC hun. And now you will get the help that you need to get pregnant. Big hugs to you hun! I am still impatiently waiting for a call from my dr so I can get my results.
How can I become a member? I'm new to this whole site.

Hi Babydoll! Jo will add you to the list! Welcome. Tell us a bit about yourself and your TTC journey so far so we can get to know you more :thumbup:


My doctor just called, Looks like i have PCOS AND i have a 5cm cyst on my right ovary :cry: she said its a lot bigger than the ones that the doctors would normally just leave and see how it goes so they want to do something about it asap :cry:

worst bit is, she said to put ttc on hold until i get it looked at and dealt with..... :cry: so as i dont want to go back on birth control due to it messing with my body, it looks like ill be trying to pin point ovulation every cycle so that i can avoid getting pregnant :cry:

My day started off sooooo well too :(

I'm so sorry to hear this!!! My heart goes out to you! Praise God that they are proactively wanting to tackle this and get it under wraps. I'm hoping for the storm to pass quickly and your rainbow to come soon to shine down on you. I'm here if you ever want to talk. :hugs:
Magic and Nexis - I'm so sorry for the tough times you're going though :hugs:

AFM - I have had another +opk today, so that makes i've had one on CD21, two on CD25 and one so far today on CD27, no idea what is going on! On the other hand I have started crocheting a baby blanket, its a bit gappy which is to be expected but i'm roud of what i have done so far.

My doctor just called, Looks like i have PCOS AND i have a 5cm cyst on my right ovary :cry: she said its a lot bigger than the ones that the doctors would normally just leave and see how it goes so they want to do something about it asap :cry:

worst bit is, she said to put ttc on hold until i get it looked at and dealt with..... :cry: so as i dont want to go back on birth control due to it messing with my body, it looks like ill be trying to pin point ovulation every cycle so that i can avoid getting pregnant :cry:

My day started off sooooo well too :(

Aww hunney I'm so sad :(
But like everyone says good news that they want you in and sorted sooner rather than later and then u will be all fixed and ready to rock that BFP

Much love babe xxxxx

My doctor just called, Looks like i have PCOS AND i have a 5cm cyst on my right ovary :cry: she said its a lot bigger than the ones that the doctors would normally just leave and see how it goes so they want to do something about it asap :cry:

worst bit is, she said to put ttc on hold until i get it looked at and dealt with..... :cry: so as i dont want to go back on birth control due to it messing with my body, it looks like ill be trying to pin point ovulation every cycle so that i can avoid getting pregnant :cry:

My day started off sooooo well too :(

:hugs: magic. sooo sorry to hear this. What have they said they can do? Will it involve surgery?
I'm afraid don't know much about PCOS yet.... :blush:
Magic. Where you are do they give you metformin(glucaphoge) for pcos? They told me my gyn that is that they would have given me it, but all 3 times, my bloods come back negative for it.

Where are you in your cycle? I hope they get it sorted out soon.
Welcome to the official

Team Curvy Bumps began when a group of ladies met each other on a thread about plus sized women trying to conceive. You can visit that thread :arrow: here
We soon all became firm friends and have been there for eachother in many ways.
Sometimes just having someone to listen to your inner most thoughts and reassure you that you aren't crazy or alone is all you need to get by in this sometimes long but usually painful journey of trying to make that baby.
Don't be intimidated by the fact that some people already know each other here, you are very welcome to come and join our crazy curvy bump team.

If you need support, a shoulder to cry on, or just a sounding board to shout and rant at, that's what we are here for.

Here you will find a group of wonderful ladies of all different shapes and sizes from all over the world.
They all have one thing in common....

Each of them has a massive

Meet the Curvys

Melly Belly
:bfp:Sombra :bfp:
:bfp:PurpleRose25 :bfp:
:bfp:courtneyjsimo :bfp:
:bfp:JCh :bfp:
Mel Mel
Lawyer chick
:bfp:horseypants :bfp:
:bfp:LadyGriz11 :bfp:
:bfp: Petesgirl20:bfp:
:bfp:Tigerlilly :bfp:
Ttc_num 1
Honest linzel

I've basically been through our old thread and written down every name of everyone that ever posted there. There were a lot of you!!! Now as I did this manually, please forgive me if I missed anyone!
Also, if you wish to be removed, or if I've put something incorrect on the list, let me know too!

If you want to join us, just say so and bam - you're in!

If you want to add the TCB flashing text to your sig just paste the following and remove the ***
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right click and save the image to your desktop,
upload the file to photobucket or an image hosting site
insert the link in your signature


Hello there. I am wondering if it would be possible for me to join. I have been TTC for 2 cycles and took a break this cycle due to a really wacky period. I am now waiting for AF to start so I can keep trying. I am about 60 lbs overweight at this point. Trying to lose weight, too!
Hi kerrbear! Welcome!!! :wave:

Hi! Thanks for the welcome! I am really looking forward togetting to know you ladies. I've been posting on here a lot and figured it was about time I check into this group. :)

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