Team Curvy Bumps - 135 members 35 bfps

Feels like it has been a really long day and its only quarter past five.

Firstly after the spotting I was getting yesterday I expected to find full on AF when I got up but there was nothing apart from a little more spotting when I wiped. I put a pad in anyway and we went out to the dog show.

Only 5 minutes after we arrived there the littlest dog cocked his leg up my hubby soaking the bottom of his jean leg :haha: I was so busy laughing about it that I didn't notice that the little darling did it to me straight after :growlmad: so spent the whole day with the bottom of my jeans stinking of dog pee. :dohh:

We entered them in two competitions and we didn't win anything :growlmad: there was a slight moment of panic when we realised that the judges would be going around looking at the dogs with another 'celebrity' dog in tow which was a female and our littlest dog is known for humping everything that stays still long enough :nope: luckily we had taken some treats and distracted them with those. In one of the competitions the judge said he couldn't decide between our older dog and another dog but they went with the other dog :nope:

We were there over 3 hours so got a really good walk in plus they were doing microchipping for £5 so got the little dog done.

When we got home, tired and stinking of dog pee, I went straight up to change my pad expecting AF to have come by now but there was nothing :shrug: all I had was the tiniest trace of spotting so I have no clue what is going on. I don't normally get any spotting at all. Usually there is nothing one minute and then she is there the next so I have no clue what she is playing at. If I wipe I can see some on the tissue and there was that clot looking thing last night but still no proper AF. I was not expecting here for about another 5 days so goodness knows. If she is coming I just wish she would come instead of teasing me like this as I have to keep stopping myself from day dreaming that this is IB. I know it isn't as it is the wrong colour and its too close to when AF is due for it to be anything else.

Anyway I hope everyone is having a great weekend. I am trying to get as much done today as I can because if AF is going to be here tomorrow then I plan on doing nothing except sitting in front of the TV all day and catching up on my shows :thumbup:
Ladies, quick question, i am off out with my girlfriends tomorrow night but am worried about drinking alcohol.
I know its silly but i have ovulated and if we were successful the egg would be fertilized by now. I'll only be 5dpo tomorrow so there is very little chance implantation would have happened but i'm still worried. Will it be safe?
I was only intending on having 2 or 3 drinks because i don't drink very often and so it doesn't take much to get me drunk these days. So what do you think? :shrug:
Ladies, quick question, i am off out with my girlfriends tomorrow night but am worried about drinking alcohol.
I know its silly but i have ovulated and if we were successful the egg would be fertilized by now. I'll only be 5dpo tomorrow so there is very little chance implantation would have happened but i'm still worried. Will it be safe?
I was only intending on having 2 or 3 drinks because i don't drink very often and so it doesn't take much to get me drunk these days. So what do you think? :shrug:

You will be okay if you don't drink too much. Something you could do is drink each drink slowly over an hour or 2 which allows your body to process the alcohol as you drink it. You could also drink some water in between to help your body flush out the alcohol if you're really worried.
Hey everyone,

So just thought I would do a little rant because I think I might explode if I don't. I've come to realise that Facebook is no longer a fun thing for me to look at. Every time I seem to click on to it someone I know is pregnant, or just had their beautiful little maricles. For some of them I'm so happy for cuz they have struggled like I am. The others not so much cuz I know that it was an oops didn't mean for it to happen. Is it wrong for me to feel like this? I mean late at night I find myself crying because I should be 4 1/2 months but my baby left me at 11 weeks. To top it off my dh is gone away for work which makes me even more lonely. I know I should smile and say I was blessed for those 11 weeks but I can't help but day dream about him/her. Anyway that's my little rant.
Mtslandry. That's been my week and I'm infuriated even more. I almost threw my cell when I saw a friend was even tho only in relationship. Few months and today her sister announced she's due around same time. All I ask myself is what did I do wrong? I've been with same man 10 years. Known him over 20, and yet I work hard and sit here without my baby that I want :(. I feel like the world revolves while I sit still do a million hugs
Hey everyone,

So just thought I would do a little rant because I think I might explode if I don't. I've come to realise that Facebook is no longer a fun thing for me to look at. Every time I seem to click on to it someone I know is pregnant, or just had their beautiful little maricles. For some of them I'm so happy for cuz they have struggled like I am. The others not so much cuz I know that it was an oops didn't mean for it to happen. Is it wrong for me to feel like this? I mean late at night I find myself crying because I should be 4 1/2 months but my baby left me at 11 weeks. To top it off my dh is gone away for work which makes me even more lonely. I know I should smile and say I was blessed for those 11 weeks but I can't help but day dream about him/her. Anyway that's my little rant.

I think everyone goes through this I just found out my 20 yr old cousin is pregnant I'm happy for her but sad for myself because all I wants 1 baby but I'm trying to remain positive and believe god is going to bless me with a healthy baby..
AF is on her way out so I'm on my way to ovulation. June 4th its predicted. I think I might use poke this month. I'm not sure. I'm ordering a bbt thermometer and some preseed at the end of the month. Hopefully it'll arrive before the 1st.
Facebook is never a great pace when you are TTC. You can log in and the first thing you see is someones baby scan or pregnancy announcement. :cry:

I really think AF is on her way now. Earlier today I was still only getting anything when I wiped but there seems to be more of it now so I think by the end of today she will be here for sure.

I have never had spotting like this before especially not for so many days before AF comes. My cycle also seems to have gotten shorter heading more towards to 20 something days rather than 30 something days. Is this a bad thing do you think? I tried looking stuff up online last night (always a great idea NOT!!! :dohh: ) and I had everything coming up from chemical pregnancy (do not think it was this at all) to hormonal problems. What scared me was ectopic was mentioned which frightened me due to having had one in the past but I have no other symptoms apart from the spotting so its just my crazy mind blowing things out of proportion. Sometimes I wish my mom knew we were TTC as then I would have someone to talk to face to face but I know it would not be a good idea to tell her.

Been waiting for a delivery all day so have not been able to go on my walk yet so have been watching tv when I am supposed to be cleaning. Sometimes it is hard when your mind is going a mile a minute to get jobs done.

Hope everyone is having a good day. The weather is a lot better here today than it has been for a while which is nice and the dogs are enjoying sunning themselves outside :flower:
Hey ladies I stumbled across the curvy bumps logo and came over to read a tad do you mind if I join you? I am a size 18 US size. I have two LO's already 4 year old girl Alixandria and a boy Braiden who just turned 1. I am on my third cycle for number 3 I could not help but notice it seems like most are trying for number 1? I hope its ok that I am not? I just know id like a group I can relate to.
Hey ladies I stumbled across the curvy bumps logo and came over to read a tad do you mind if I join you? I am a size 18 US size. I have two LO's already 4 year old girl Alixandria and a boy Braiden who just turned 1. I am on my third cycle for number 3 I could not help but notice it seems like most are trying for number 1? I hope its ok that I am not? I just know id like a group I can relate to.

Welcome :) :)

DW have decided to stop waiting and start TTC from next cycle - yay!!! Now just waiting for AF to show up.... Last cycle was 42 days and I'm on day 23.....
For my complete lack of updates and welcomings and bfp postings on behalf of the team!!!

I am just about to go back now and read through the posts I have missed. So I am sorry if I've been MIA!

Congrats to littlepeterso on the bfp!!
I did see this and for some reason thought I had updated it!

This is for you darling :)

Mammoth reply sesh forthcoming.........
Hello ladies hows everyone getting on? i feel like im not meant to be here anymore due to being told not to get pregnant so im not sure where im supposed to hang out now lol
Hope everyones ok :) :hugs: and :dust: to everyone :) xx

Oi you, get your arse back here. You aren't escaping that easy!

Well, i'm 9 days late, but I went to the dr yesterday for a blood test, but it said my hcg level was 0. I was hoping i was one of the people who would test positive for a blood test even though I was negative for the urine test. I've never missed a period, so, i'm very puzzled as to what's going on with my body.

Hi honey, do you know when you ovulated for sure? Maybe you ovulated later and therefore AF is later? Or maybe it's just too early to tell?

Hey everyone,

So just thought I would do a little rant because I think I might explode if I don't. I've come to realise that Facebook is no longer a fun thing for me to look at. Every time I seem to click on to it someone I know is pregnant, or just had their beautiful little maricles. For some of them I'm so happy for cuz they have struggled like I am. The others not so much cuz I know that it was an oops didn't mean for it to happen. Is it wrong for me to feel like this? I mean late at night I find myself crying because I should be 4 1/2 months but my baby left me at 11 weeks. To top it off my dh is gone away for work which makes me even more lonely. I know I should smile and say I was blessed for those 11 weeks but I can't help but day dream about him/her. Anyway that's my little rant.

1. I hate facebook.
2. Please don't let it get you down, it's a tough horrible journey and it's pretty shit when you have to see everyone else's annoucements and baby pictures etc. Being stressed about it will put you in the wrong frame of mind and then you'll just keep getting down all the time.
I know it must be horrible to have experienced that loss. You just have to remember that there will be a time for you and when it happens it will become clear as to why you had to wait so long :hugs:

AF is on her way out so I'm on my way to ovulation. June 4th its predicted. I think I might use poke this month. I'm not sure. I'm ordering a bbt thermometer and some preseed at the end of the month. Hopefully it'll arrive before the 1st.

Poke? What is poke?
Do it! join the temping gang :) I've heard good things about preseed, we've used it a couple of times but I'm not sure if we got the timing right. We'll be using it again this cycle so fingers crossed!

Been waiting for a delivery all day so have not been able to go on my walk yet so have been watching tv when I am supposed to be cleaning. Sometimes it is hard when your mind is going a mile a minute to get jobs done.

Hey bunny :hi:
Love the pics of the doggie. I hope you get your answers on your cycle soon and if AF is coming I hope she hurries up!
I get so annoyed with waiting in for deliveries, it's a nightmare! They always come that minute you are on the toilet or in the shower!

Hey ladies I stumbled across the curvy bumps logo and came over to read a tad do you mind if I join you? I am a size 18 US size. I have two LO's already 4 year old girl Alixandria and a boy Braiden who just turned 1. I am on my third cycle for number 3 I could not help but notice it seems like most are trying for number 1? I hope its ok that I am not? I just know id like a group I can relate to.

:hi: welcome to our little (actually quite big now) gang of curvy ladies!
We don't discriminate, if you feel at home here then you belong and we won't not talk to you just because you already have little ones!

DW have decided to stop waiting and start TTC from next cycle - yay!!! Now just waiting for AF to show up.... Last cycle was 42 days and I'm on day 23.....

YAY! Go you! :dust: let's hope you don't have to wait too long to start trying!
Well I think AF is going to get me tomorrow :nope:

I think this whole post is going to be TMI so you have been warned :thumbup:

Went to the loo earlier today and there was a browny reddy few streaks on the toilet paper but nothing in my urine (if you know what I mean). Problem is that we bought pink toilet paper so I couldn't tell what colour it was very well :dohh:

I realised it was probably AF on her way but part of me was hoping it was maybe implantation bleeding but then when I looked it up people were saying that IB is usually pink and I don't think this was but like I said I couldn't tell the colour properly (blooming cheap pink loo roll :growlmad: )

Not long ago I got up to go to the loo again and there was a little on the toilet paper again but only a tiny amount so I decided to check my CM and it was stretchy but there was proper red blood almost like a bloody piece of snot or a little clot. Up until that point I had had no cramping but about 10 minutes after seeing that I have a bit of light cramping. I should have known AF was on her way as the muscles at the top of my boobs have been really aching all afternoon.

She is about 5 days earlier than I expected if this is her. Arghh why am I kidding myself of course it is her :growlmad:

So annoyed. Its hubbys birthday the start of June and it would have been such a great present for him. Part of me wants to take a break next month but part of me feels like the time is going so fast that next thing I know the 12 months will have gone by.

Why is this so hard? :wacko:

In other news I picked up my glasses and they are fine. Feel a bit like my mother in them though.

We have the local dog show tomorrow so it has been like the doggy version of Toddlers and tiaras in our house this afternoon. They have been showered and brushed and had their fur tidied up so lets hope they behave. The little one likes to hump stuff so I am taking a bag of treats to keep him occupied. We have to have a lead on his collar and a separate harness with another lead on him as he slips one or the other if you have them on on their own.

Here is a very blurry pic of him in my new glasses. Have warned him I have the number for Batersea dogs home if he misbehaves tomorrow :growlmad:

Hey lovelies :hugs:
Well sorry ive not been in much over the past few days, i only told a few people about my news because i didnt want it getting back to my family and them finding out. But someone slipped up and ended up telling a few more people and low and behold ive had a load of grief off my family and im just wanting to forget about it at the moment but fella also told a few of his friends just so he wasnt bottling things up, and they just seem to keep coming up to me saying sorry etc and bringing it all back up again. so ive just been trying to get my head together...

I went out to watch fella's band rock out in a club last night, was a great crowd, and was a great night, i was on water (alcohol just isnt agreeing with me lately) and met up with a few girlfriends (i say girlfriends like we've know each other years but i met Beth about 9 months ago, Eira about 4 months ago and Heather about 4 months ago, We hit it off straight away and are now great friends who act like we've known each other all our lives :) was also great catching up with them, they cheered me right up and i found out that my friend Heather also had the same problems as mine except she had mild endometriosis and mine is pcos and we had a great chat, she said she never had anyone to talk to about it so anytime i need to talk i can give her a call and we can do lunch or something, shes a lovely girl, i thought she was 25 all this time but shes 30 so lifes been kind with her youthfulness :) i promised that when im fixed we are getting together to have a big blow out :~) cant wait :)

Hope everyones good :) thanks for your support girls it means a lot, your words are lifting my spirit so thank you :hugs: xxxxxxxx

Facebook is never a great pace when you are TTC. You can log in and the first thing you see is someones baby scan or pregnancy announcement. :cry:

I really think AF is on her way now. Earlier today I was still only getting anything when I wiped but there seems to be more of it now so I think by the end of today she will be here for sure.

I have never had spotting like this before especially not for so many days before AF comes. My cycle also seems to have gotten shorter heading more towards to 20 something days rather than 30 something days. Is this a bad thing do you think? I tried looking stuff up online last night (always a great idea NOT!!! :dohh: ) and I had everything coming up from chemical pregnancy (do not think it was this at all) to hormonal problems. What scared me was ectopic was mentioned which frightened me due to having had one in the past but I have no other symptoms apart from the spotting so its just my crazy mind blowing things out of proportion. Sometimes I wish my mom knew we were TTC as then I would have someone to talk to face to face but I know it would not be a good idea to tell her.

Been waiting for a delivery all day so have not been able to go on my walk yet so have been watching tv when I am supposed to be cleaning. Sometimes it is hard when your mind is going a mile a minute to get jobs done.

Hope everyone is having a good day. The weather is a lot better here today than it has been for a while which is nice and the dogs are enjoying sunning themselves outside :flower:

I am having the same problem. I thought AF was here, then she left. The I had white cm last night. I woke up at 4am and it was still white on TP. Then at 6:30 She came again. Now I am lightly spotting and looks like she is leaving again. So sorry about the dog pee. That must of been terrible. Hope it gets better for you.
Hey ladies hoping you can calm me down a little bit.

So the spotting is still there. Its been about 3 or 4 days now and this is unusual for me. Basically there is almost nothing in my underwear but when I wipe I can see it on the tissue and it looks like the beginnings of AF. When I check as I would for CM there is red blood and some old brown blood mixed in with the CM although when I last checked it was just red.

I am freaking out as I have been having cramps on and off for the last few days and this afternoon I have had tummy pains that were not like AF cramps. I am so worried in case it is the beginnings of an ectopic.

I have asked hubby to pick up a pregnancy test on the way home but even if it is a BFN I will still be scared as ectopics don't always show up on the tests.

I realise I am sounding like some hysterical fool but the spotting is really unusual for me and I don't want to over react if it is nothing and go to the out of hours clinic and it just end up being my AF.

Is it unusual for spot like this for 4 days before AF?
Oh bunny. Don't panic.
I have had a couple of cycles when I have had spotting for 3-4 days before AF.
My current theory is that those are the cycles I've ovulated and just not caught the egg at the right time. As I've had cycles when there is no spotting and I am putting that down to those being the cycles I didn't ovulate.

There is a chance that it's IB. With my LP of 14 days IB would happen a few days before AF. But I think we just know when it's AF. You know, get a gut feel. Usually IB is (apparently) more brown. If there is bright red I would assume AF if it were me.

I am sure the spotting is normal hun x try not to worry and I'm sure the witch will come very soon.
Do a PG test if it helps you to stop worrying as it could be IB xxx
Weeeeelllll...even though i O'd later than i normally do, i still had a 13 day LP, so at least im on track as far as that goes...

im out for this month, hadnt done anything other than just using opks this time around, going to order a big bunch of them from amazon, since it is starting to look like this is going to be a long trip...all i want to do is lay down and mope, but nooooo, i have my labor and delivery clinicals today...because that isnt a big slap in the face...sigh.

anyway, goodluck to everyone still waiting to test and keep us posted TreeofLife, good luck to you!

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