This site is showing the last post in March on my browser - hopefully this group is still going... :s
Hello team curvy bumps...
Again, been quite a while since I posted - which was about my mum and the test I had... Mums treatment is slowly working and my test came back normal.
Congrats to Stef on the bean and Jo on her little girl...
No other news to report really, I'm back in Cornwall, were still TTC (and I doubt I am ovulating anyway). I've lost 12 stone since the bypass but its started to slow/ yo-yo now

I keep hovering around 14 stone 12 pounds and 15 stone 3 pounds, so I'm adding the gym into my lifestyle again (haven't been since the bypass/ complications so hope I don't do myself some kind of injury!)
Still feeling like its never going to happen for me. I saw my old family doctor while in London for my test and she asked if I was on birth control, obviously I said "no, we're trying" and the conversation went on and ended with her saying "just relax and it'll happen" ... Yeah after over 4 years TTC with PCOS, annovulation and OH having a low and abnormal count, I'm sure that's it(!) grr!!!
Only thing I feel kind of positive about is the fact that they say average excess weight loss following a roux-en-y gastric bypass is 70-something % after 2 years and I did it in just over 12 months (according to last appointment in feb) and that my ideal weight, personal goal I've set myself of 11 stone is only now around a 3 stone drop away compared to a 15 stone drop before the op.
I also have a new incentive, supposing the ob/gyn sticks to what he told me before the op and once I lose and keep off enough weight (which I have, but they only help with infertility 2 years post op), I MAY need IVF and I have just been told the max BMI around here has been reduced. I was told it was 35 at the time, now been told by someone I know who's trying to get it, its 29.9... Well at the mo, mine is 32.4 or something around that - still an improvement from 53.5 before the metformin/ bypass, but not low enough any more!!!
OH's ex partner is coming down in August with their daughter she's stopped him seeing since the age of 1 (she's 9 now and I think his ex is sick of her asking about her dad) - they'll be staying in one of OHs parents holiday caravans (they have their own business) and, not tooting my own horn or anything, I'm already much younger, slimmer (even pre-op) and more "aesthetically pleasing" shall we say, but I really want to drop some more weight and tone up prior to her arrival!
I know that makes me sound very insecure but I have never dealt with an ex before, I have only ever been in a relationship with 2 men my entire life and that includes being intimate - I wasn't with my ex long enough to really know about his past partners but I have been with OH over 5 and a half years now. He has a lot of ex's but this is the first time I've had to deal with one... Ever, so I think I'm allowed to feel a little insecure.
I have no problem with him seeing the kid at all and I will be staying away for the best, and by choice - its just HER
Oh dear, I seem to have posted an essay again :s
Hope all are well, bady dust to all xxxxxx