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Team Kokopelli - Fresh Cycle, Fresh Thread

My temp dropped more today so I think I will O today for sure. I just hope that we :sex: tonight. My dh is back to his regular work after being on restriction for a back injury so he's in pain every night. So I maybe out for a JUne baby after all. We haven't done anything since saturday morning, so I doubt if there are any spermies from that. :hissy:

Well anyway, my dh was going to surprise me tomorrow and have his parents come and watch my 3 younger kids so we could go out. Trent has a game an hr away. We weren't planning on going because its too much on the twins to drive that far and back. They fall asleep and then they won't go back to sleep. I was up till 2 am with Eli last time. Back to the surprise. He still is taking me out. He won't tell me where tho. The only reason he told me anything at all is because I came home from Trents practice with an invite to a facial party. So I have to call and tell my friend that I cannot make it. I so need a facial and manicure. Oh well maybe next time!

Yesterday I took the twins for a walk and we must have walked about 2 miles. Then we went to visit our elderly neighbor whose husband is in a nursing home. She can't take care of him herself any more. It's so sad because they just celebrated their 56th wedding Anniversary in May and he may not make it to their 57th.

After we got home I started sweeping our garage and driveway. We have tons of leaves all over. I had to make dinner. After dinner I got Trent from practice, put the twins to bed and went shopping. While shopping I called my foster mom to see how everyone was.

When I got home and done putting the groceries away I went back out and swept the rest of the driveway. It doesn't look like it was even done. More leaves fell throughout the night. Man, we could use a leaf blower here! After that I folded the laundry. So all in all I had a busy night!

Today I have to clean my kitchen and bathrooms. Mostly what needs to be done is dishes. Trent was supposed to empty the dishwasher and load it back up, but after practice he was doing homework until 9 pm. So his chores got put off.

Have a great day! I'm off to do house work!
mom2pne - Hope that you manage to catch that eggy sweetie!!!
I guess I spoke to soon! Because I went to the bathroom and noticed I had ewcm and my dh scared the crap out of me by knocking on the bathroom door @ the same time. He got home 3 hours early. He was on the phone when I got out, but after he was off. It was time to make a baby. :happydance: So hopefully soon I will actually O and my dh's spermies can do their job. Just this morning I thought I'd be out for a :bfp: and then things just line up right and I'm still in it for a June Baby. :cloud9: I'm soo thrilled!

How is everyone else doing? Anyone close to Oing to so we can be in the 2ww together?
Nope Ive aaaaages left before the big O!! The :witch: is on its way out, and Ive got my no shite alan sugar avatar. Basically Im going to shag shag shag!!! :rofl: that my plan!!!
I'm in the 2ww now! :happydance: I'm also 35 today! So hopefully I'll get a :bfp: in a couple weeks as a late bday gift! FF even has Happy Birthday on my normal page. I saw it when I logged in today.

Pux I was thinking the same thing!

Where and how is everyone lately?
Happy Birthday Mom2pne! My 35th is next month...
I am sore from using my Wii Fit for the past 3 days. Who knew doing a non-existent Hula Hoop could hurt so much!
Waiting for O time is sooo boring! But I am excited for the premiere of Survivor tonight! And NHL started this week! WooHoo!
YAY Hockey. Hopefully we make it to the playoffs again. Go Red Mile!!
Uhhh.. looking at the dates for everyone, our group has shrunk quite a bit... maybe we should be recruiting some people in...
I am still here too....just lurking! Bad Moose!

I figure I am about 6DPO. I would like to wait till 10 maybe...but the call of the sticks is strong.

Happy Birthday Mom2Pne
Uhhh.. looking at the dates for everyone, our group has shrunk quite a bit... maybe we should be recruiting some people in...

I haven't added my dates cause I am WTT, or on a break, whatever you want to call it, but I am still here! :D
We went out for dinner. I had fish! We were going to go to a movie too but After the fish my stomach was upset. My il's stayed till 9 this morning! So I let my twins sleep in while I took the older 2 to school. when I got back I got them up to eat and then got them ready to go to a play date. We were there for 3 hrs. It was amazing how pleasant all the kids were. I even was holding a baby girl and boy did that want me to have a baby girl, much less a baby. While I was holding her Peyton saw me and gave this look like what is my mom doing! But he never was jealous. So hopefully he'll be fine when ever we have a new addition to the family. Eli was too busy playing and running around to notice. I didn't see my son's game last night and they lost. I think the score was 28-21. My il's are coming back Thursday to see Trent's game then. Then there coming back Sunday the 5th because my dh's 36th Bday is the 3rd.
Ugh...it is 2:43 am and I am up with nasty af like cramps and heartburn.

I hope all is well with everyone and that the weekend is full of fun!
Flames won! Slaughtered Florida 8-2! Great game!
I have one more day to get my store ready for inventory (ugh) I hope I'm not there until 3 am on Monday.
God! The week before trying is the WORST! At least in the TWW I get to pee on things!
i'll be on your team cd 1 the 23rd, and 35 day cycle
Excellent! Welcome tot he team! We had 4 BFP's last month...
HI guys

Aplogies for going MIA work has been crazy!! Got some practice sessions in :sex: and with Maccy's lucky TTC kit Im hoping for a lovely :bfp: in a few weeks.

Mom2pne - Happy belated Birthday :wine:!!!
Oh my goodness everyone has been sooooo quiet!!

10 DPO here, POAS and BFN. Oh well tomorrow is another day...DH is taking me into the big city for a movie and some yummy Indian food! Wooohooo!
Oh my goodness everyone has been sooooo quiet!!

10 DPO here, POAS and BFN. Oh well tomorrow is another day...DH is taking me into the big city for a movie and some yummy Indian food! Wooohooo!

Have a great night! I hope you get a :BFP: as soon as you test again!

I'm not familiar with Hockey! But yay for your team!

AFM I had a very busy weekend. Thursday was my birthday and my il's watched my 3 younger ones. So my dh and I could go out. Then Friday and Saturday I had to do some much running around that I was looking forward to Monday. I got and watched "What Happens In Vegas" and "Baby Momma" for my bday from my dh. They were both funny and very good movies. I won't say anything that happens because I don't want to ruin them for the ladies that have not seen them.

As for 2ww symptoms I only have the usual. Swollen bbs, headaches and lots of cm. But I do have more of a feeling that it actually did happen. I'm only 5 dpo so I'll test in about a week.

GL to everyone!

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