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Team Kokopelli - Fresh Cycle, Fresh Thread

It's getting to be BD-ing time over the next couple of days! FX for me! I'm not going to get OPK's as they seem to not work right for alot of people (Last month I had positives for 3 days straight)I just hope I didn't o on cd11 because I'm not sure how many "swimmers" can survive when you BD in the shower (sorry, TMI)
Bwhahaa, Pux! Well at least they are clean swimmers now!

Thanks to everyone, and lots and lots of baby dust for you all!
hey girls!!! sorry i havent beeen on, but i wanted to say hey and i am re joining my group~
Excellent! Welcome back! How do you think your chances are this month?
Well... FF just told me that I O'd on Thursday, so I'm 3 DPO. I BD'd the day before and the day of so I hope I got the eggie. It would be a good b-day present to myself!
Excellent! Welcome back! How do you think your chances are this month?

I think that they are great.. I think this is my month.... :) So excited... i have a good feeling about this month :):hug:
Well... FF just told me that I O'd on Thursday, so I'm 3 DPO. I BD'd the day before and the day of so I hope I got the eggie. It would be a good b-day present to myself!

i did it 2 days before, the day of, and the day after ;) better of caught it lol
Hi girls, just wanted to check on you! how are you!!! you are already in the 2ww, the most exciting part of the month (ok together with BDing!!).
Good luck to all of you!
Thanks for checking up on us... Maybe the PG thing will be contagious and I can catch it from you!
I'm bummed! My temp dropped quite a bit. So :witch: should show up tomorrow as predicted. I guess I will be trying to have another July baby after all. If she does show up and I O on cd 11 again then I will be due on my 2 older brothers' birthday July 11th. I think they'd get a kick out of that! It's too bad that my oldest is incarcerated again! I wish he would have grown up! He's got a 5y girl. He's also 38. He's been in longer than he's ever been out. He was first locked up when he was 11. I have 4 brothers and a sister and me and my youngest bro are the only ones that can say we have never been in jail. And he hasn't been because he has a disability and they wouldn't charge him. Isn't that sad! I mean that most of my family are criminals!

Any way! Yesterday I made a turkey and all the trimmings for my dh's and my birthday dinner. Only my dh's parents and brother came. None of my family ever shows up to my gatherings. There excuse now is I live to far away. Only about an hour 20 and that's if you drive the speed limit. Oh well! The meal was good! Well have a good day!
i'm sorry hun when af comes its the worst feeling ever... :( i hope she stays away this month.. :) i am gonna try not to get like i did the first month ttc i was wrecked, :( but i am going to just stay calm, and try not to POAS ha, but knowing me at 6do i will POAS lol
I'm sorry Mom... My family are nut-jobs (only one criminal...) so I can feel your pain. Luckily DH's family are good and law abiding citizens! JK More leftovers for you, right?
I will hold out POAS until friday or until my B@@Bs start to get sore...
Thank you! I just thought it had happened! It's going to be 1 heck of a miracle if she doesn't show and I get a BFP instead. Its going to be the 6th cycle since my m/c in April and I thought by now I'd be pg with a sticky baby by now. I feel like its going to take as long as it did between my 1st m/c and when Trent was concieved. It took 14.5 months. I guess I should talk to my dr and get those tests done to see why its not happening.
hey there ladies, long time!!

well i am still in crazy mode, my af came I THINK??? it was short only 2 days, so i gave up my hopes of any kind of bfp and wrote all those pos tests off, then yesterday WARNING TMI i had a huge blob of ewcm and a brown clot in it... my boobs have been sore for the last 16days since af came, and i have not done anymore tests...i thought i was out.. now i am thinking maybe i was pg and i either had a chemical, or could i still be... hmmm... maybe i will test again, just for fun.. i missed you guys ,, so i had to come back!!
momto3 have you talked to your dr? Maybe you should go in for a blood test. Also have you been experiencing any bloating? When I was preggy in march/ april My pants were so tight. GL to you!
my pants always feel tight!!! lol... i was so sure that af came and that all my prior tests were just evaps, i am going to retest again and then see dr if i even think of seeing a line!!
Sorry to crash the thread girls, hehe, just saw that snowbrella was back on and wanted to say Hello, wondered where you went :) Good luck this cycle :)
Pux, get closer so I can pass the symptoms (specially the MS!)
Well no sign of her yet, but its still early. So who knows. TMI but I still have lots of cm and I checked my cervix and its still high and closed. Also my right bb is slightly sore. So maybe I still will get a :bfp:! I haven't tested yet to find out. I'm scared that I will see a :bfn:.

On to other stuff. My son Trent has a game tonight instead of Thursday. Apparently there wasn't enough kids for the other school to have a heavy weight team and a light weight team for Thursday. So they are going to play a team tonight that they would have played next week. So no game next week. Also the school with the 1 team is playing the heavy weights on Thursday. My son is a light weight. I do think they should find another school to play to keep things even because the heavy weights are going to have an extra game because of this. It happened once before and they managed to have a school from Milwaukee, WI come and play the light weights.

My twins turned 2.5 yesterday. So I had to mark their heights on the wall in their closet. Eli who was the smaller twin when born has been the taller since about 6 months and still is. By maybe an inch.

Ty still doesn't like to go to school. He also doesn't like to clean his room either. Its been a mess since the start of summer. I have tried to help him, but everything I straighten he messes up again.

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