Team No-Test!

ooh Mort, its SUCH an exciting time for you! Am keeping fingers and toes crossed that all goes well on Friday - your pregnancy signs are so strong I don't believe your little one is not going anywhere anytime soon!!! How lovely that you can share the news on your 30th birthday! That's so special!
re the puppy, yes, I have already said that I will take primary responsibility, but I truly believe that we both need to be happy to get a puppy and I don't think its fair if my OH says no. I do know that if we aren't successful this month and I'm not pregnant plus no puppy, I'll be devastated! AF is due on Friday .... fingers crossed she stays away! Will be thinking of you on Friday! xxxxxxx
I know ladies, it is stupid, but I can't help. DH is out of town this week and I am considering to find a good dr to help me out next week. But until then, you know. I have plenty of time to think about these. I am better now, though. The shock AF brings make me more paranoid than ever each time.
Mort, I am 29. My AF has been different since my MMC and D&C. My aunt is an (experienced) ob gyn and she performed the D&C for me. She is very upset about my complications, I can't talk to her about this anymore. Last time, she advised me to use homone pills again. This was before I got bloodwork with good results. I refused, because I knew my hormones were okay and I wanted to TTC. By the way, she lives in another city, so I cannot go and see her whenever I like, our conversations are mostly on the phone. Anyways, I want to see another doctor this time who will hopefully put my mind at ease.
:hugs: Hello Leyla, Do you mind me asking how your AF is different? Regardless, In order to put your mind at rest, I reckon you need to speak to you doc about your concerns and get referred to a specialist and get yourself booked in for a scan to see if there is any underlying scar tissue that may potentially be causing the problem. At the same time they can check your egg reserve and whether there is anything else going on. Its always hard when friends and families are involved and something appears to go wrong as you want to lay the blame at someone's door and you feel guilty for doing so. Try not to say anything you regret until you know exactly what is wrong! Your aunt will be feeling bad anyway! Keeping everything crossed that it all sorts itself out OK. You are doing the right thing in investigating things further as not knowing is causing all sorts of stress and will not be helping on the BFP front at all! :hugs:
Ahh, ley, I'm so sorry you're feeling rubbish about it all :cry: massive hugs - I agree completely with Beets, in that it is so worth investigating just to make sure you're armed with as much information as possible to help you achieve your dream. It must be really hard talking it through with family, and perhaps your aunt, whilst an amazing ob/gyn I'm sure, is too close to you to really give you the impartial support you need?

29 is NOT too late, or, on the flip side, too early to address your concerns. Insist on another referral from your GP, that's what I would do. My doctor wasn't keen on giving me one because of my age (also 29) and limited time TTC-ing but I knew I wanted to get checked and so I wrote them a letter and basically demanded to see a consultant (as it happened, I didn't need to use it in the end as I got my BFP!). You should definitely do the same. :hugs:

Beets - is AF due tomorrow? I won't be on a computer til the afternoon (when I'll update you all asap about my scan....eeeeeeeeek). Any signs of her on the horizon? I REALLY hope not. everything crossed for you!!! :kiss:
Hiya Mort and the gang, yes AF is due tomorrow! Arrrggghhh! hmm signs. For the last few nights I've woken up in the middle of the night all hot and sweaty - this morning I woke at 1.30am to go to the bathroom and then at 5am woke again, all sweaty - took temp but down at 97.58 so think its all over ... eventually back to sleep and took temp again at 6.45am normal time and its back up again to 98.34! Normally by 13DPO my temp has started to drop so keeping fingers and toes crossed that it stays high tomorrow and on a continued basis! Only other thing is today I've been feeling really dizzy on and off all day. But I've been dizzy before and not been pregnant so I don't know. Anyway we'll be testing on either Sat or Sunday. Possibly Sat only if temps are still high because we are going to an engagement party and would be good to know if I can have a drink or not! But if temps high and BFN I guess I still can't drink!
Wishing you all the best for your scan tomorrow. Will definitely be logging in to hear all about it! Big hugs to you all xxx
Just popping in really briefly to say good luck for tomorrow Mort!! Im sure everything will be fine cus your signs are strong. I will be back on to see how your scan went! Sending you the most positive thoughts I have!! xx

Beets! - sounding good for you this month. I will be checking your updates too!!

Everyone else - I miss you all and hope you are ok and not stressing out or feeling low.

Thank you Mort, Beets, yes you understand me very well. I did not say anything to my aunt that I suspect she did sth wrong, as I don't think so. but there are risks to every operation no matter how careful the doc is. The problem is just she sees me as her own child and even cries because I had to go though all this. That is why I need another doc.
Thankfully, the health system in my country is not so cruel, I do not have a problem about being referred. I can even go to private hospitals and my insurence covers a good portion of my expenses (not ivf, just the appointments and some tests). I am feeling much positive now. I believe my baby is inside me waiting for the right time. It is correct in a way, at least half of it is inside me :)
I can relate, beetle, I do not POAS but I am a temp-aholic when AF time is near :haha:. It is so very decieving, try to hold on until your usual wake up time honey ;)
Last but not least, I am hopeful that tomorrow I will hear good news from both of you. A BFP news or at least no AF & high temp news and a tiny wiggly beanie news :hugs:
Beetle I checked your chart. The temp drop is not a good sign :( but let's hope it is a temporary one time thing :hugs: It's not over till it's over.
You asked how my AF is different. A bit TMI so I am posting the link to my question on MC support board.
Hi girls!

Just a quickie as I'm on a train to go and share the happy news for the first time with the in laws...had our first scan this morning and all is well, saw the little kidney bean's heartbeat flickering away for the very first time!!! :cloud9:

They dated me as 9 weeks plus 3, which is a couple of days out from what I'd estimated, so other than telling family this weekend, going to keep it under wraps until we get to the 12-week mark, just in case!

But anyway I don't mean to go on, but just wanted to let you know we've jumped that little hurdle for now at least..and your support really means a lot. Beets, would love to hear whether or not AF has arrived...very much hoping not....

Have great weekends girls xxx:kiss:
Fantastic news Mort!! I am SO happy for you!! Its so reassuring to see a little heartbeat flickering away.

Enjoy your weekend and telling your loved ones - it really is a special time.

Lots of love to you all xxxxx
ladies! so far here - no news, we did have a lot of fun on our holiday, came back last night! hope that the little swimmers are meeting my eggy in time!

congrats mort, sooo lovely to hear that you saw the heartbeat and its amazing that you are 10 weeks now! :hugs:

good luck to all ttcers out there, lots of love to all of you! xx
Heya Bumbs great to hear from you and glad you had a lovely time! Hoping everything goes to plan!
Mort, do tell us how the weekend went! So exciting for you!
Leyla .. Same boat as you! Nasty old AF turned up again! grrrr! V. painful and heavy as well which completely disrupted weekend. I'm wondering whether because it was so heavy had something to do with my dizziness before she arrived?! We've booked to go on a fertility hospital's open evening mid July, where we find out more about IVF/ICSI etc, but have about 1-2 months left of trying naturally (will take a while to get an appointment with consultant after opening evening) before we start anything else! I feel happy that we are doing something positive. With me aged 41, we just can't keep trying naturally for too long as time really is running out.
Anyway hope you are all well! Keep in touch! xxx
Hi girlies,

Oh no Beets...I'm SO SORRY about AF. How do you feel about it? is it a huge disappointment? :-( :cry: I think it's brilliant how optimistic you are, and rightly so - you're so healthy and aware of your body. i really, really hope it will happen for you in the next two months. but even if it doesn't, and you need a bit of extra help, that's ok too - you'll still have your dream baby. Massive hugs and know how shitty you must be feeling right now. :hugs:

Bumbs - lovely to hear from you, hun - you've really successfully weaned yourself off B&B haven't you, but it's so nice to see you pop back in every now and then! Good luck post-hols eggy swimming!

Ley - lots of love to you too, and here's hoping the journey from this point on gets easier. Pol, love to you too, and Farmers - thanks so much for coming in to check up on us all. can't believe you're 16 weeks already!!!

AFM..we told the grandparents (to be) - they are over the moon :cloud9: trying to reign in their excitement a little until our 12-week scan on 13 July, but gave them a blurry copy of the 9-week (our little bean!) and they are so excited. My mum wants to take me maternity clothes shopping but I feel a bit like it might be tempting fate before the 13th. I do feel ok, though - well, still very queasy and yuk - and my bump is MASSIVE! already, it's so weird! my mum said she started showing immediately too though, so maybe that's why? still, nobody has offered me a seat on the tube yet though...*******s! :haha:

love u girls xxx:kiss:
Hiya Mort, well, yes, I was gutted. Absolutely gutted. But like all of us, you pick yourself up and you carry on. I know we are doing the right thing in getting fertility specialists involved. Despite the fact that I feel healthy and believe I'm ovulating every month etc, and it should be just a question of time, there is no harm in getting checked out and further tests. Besides we don't know how OH's spermies are doing since last year when they were a little slow. So it may be that they need a little encouragement!
So this month we'll do the same again, LOTS of BD! Plus we've got lots of yacht racing to look forward to including a 3 day regatta in Guernsey 12-14th July followed by 12 day regatta in Cowes! O day will happen just before Guernsey so at least the first week of the 2WW will be taken up by racing! Yippee! Fingers crossed the extra distraction does the trick!

Do you have a pic of the scan that we can see, or are you going to keep us in suspense until the 12 week scan?!
Wishing everyone a fantastic month, Mort, Polaris, Bumble, Farmers, Carine and Leyla! Plus anyone else I've missed! xx
my lovely ladies... you wont believe it as I cant believe it myself, but i just got a BFP!!! :dance: omg, my heart rate is so high i am scared to stop breathing! i never thought it would happen for me and now i am sitting here with a test that has two lines on it in my hand!!! :bfp:

i will hopefully go for a beta soon and let you know everything later... but as i didnt obsess and dont even know when i ovulated, i can only tell you what was and is different and what made me feel like i should test! for now, i am off to work (where i wont be able to concentrate at all!)

love you all, happy happy happy!

:hug: xx
my lovely ladies... you wont believe it as I cant believe it myself, but i just got a BFP!!! :dance: omg, my heart rate is so high i am scared to stop breathing! i never thought it would happen for me and now i am sitting here with a test that has two lines on it in my hand!!! :bfp:

i will hopefully go for a beta soon and let you know everything later... but as i didnt obsess and dont even know when i ovulated, i can only tell you what was and is different and what made me feel like i should test! for now, i am off to work (where i wont be able to concentrate at all!)

love you all, happy happy happy!

:hug: xx

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bumbs - YAY!!!!!!:happydance:
SO happy for you! wow - tell us everything!!! even if you weren't obsessing, how come you knew to check now, so soon after your hols? did you feel anything different? wow - I'm still in shock - this is brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!!! xxxxx

Beets - totally understand how you feel hun and think you are DEFINITELY doing the right thing in seeking extra help. at the very least it'll make it happen even quicker. keep us posted and i will try and post a pic of the scan can't see much of the little bean though so hopefully it'll be much clearer in two weeks! xxxxx
BUMBS!! YAY for you!!!!! I am so pleased for you and I can see that you are over the moon!! Congratulations!! I bet you are unable to concentrate at all let alone just at work!! So pleased for you!!!!!!! xxxx

Beets - I feel you are doing the best that you can now and getting help is a great and positive step. You will feel much better and in control if you have all the facts and then you will be able to find ways forward and around any issues that may arise. I am confident that your BFP is next on the list and I will be checking every month until I see it here on the thread! Lots of love to you! xxx

Mort - hows it going hun? Im sure you are relieved to have your scan pic in your possession. I know I carry mine about now. Even the one where all you could see was a blob. I wish my scanner was working so I could share with you ladies. I need gender guesses from my dating scan. Not long to go now until my 20 week one. I think its four weeks today actually. Im defo finding out the sex - are you?

Leylak - Polaris, Carine? How are you lovely ladies doing? When are you testing?

Love to you all and I wish we all lived in the same town so we could meet for drinks and gossip for real!! That would be soooo great. Feel like I know you all personally as we have shared some very intimate details with one another. Its great to have such support at the other end of a message. LOVE YOU ALL!! xxx
Hi everyone, sorry I've been AWOL! I've not had much to report though, it's been pretty plain sailing so far! Hope you are all well!

I've got my booking in appt tomorrow when I'll be 11 weeks and I have my scan on the 12th July so looking forward to that!

Congrats bumblebee!

Hows things going morticia?

Emma x
thanks for the congratulations! :dance: i am sooo happy and excited!

okay, so my signs and symptoms that made me test:

holiday: constipated (sry tmi)
saturday: queasy, loss of appetite, veeery tired, diarrhea (sry tmi again)
sunday: photoshoot and feeling sick when i got my make-up done, evening dinner with oh's parents where I DIDNT FEEL LIKE WINE!??? what?! very weird! :)
monday: tired, no appetite, cramping, sure af is on her way, ok with it as my bday is approaching
tuesday: no appetite, except for sausage and meatballs (weird!), diarrhea again, biiig bbs
wednesday: woke up after horrible cramping at night, felt like bloating and period pains, massive bbs. tried to have breakfast, felt sick after a bite of banana, did a :test: and :bfp: ...shock for the rest of the day, sick at work (while i had customers, no worries i managed to go to the loo - haha)
went into town got the cb digital with conception indicator and it came up (in the afternoon) pregnant 1-2 so i guess i am about 4 weeks now?! what would you say?

did another test today as i wont get an appt. til i am 6 weeks (is that normal?) and the line is darker. will do one every day until my first appt.

besides being happy and excited i am also a bit scared. but i am eating healthily, walking every day, reading up on what is allowed and what isnt.

mort, farmerswifey, emmy - is it normal to feel crampy? i have a little cramp every now and then and it concerns me a bit!?

i told my mom who is really happy and of course oh is too, he didnt think it would happen that fast :happydance:

will check back more often now, as i need all the support i can get!

lots of love and :dust: xx

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