Team No-Test!

Congrats Mort! Well done on your patience. I admire you!
I didn't need to test this month too. AF got me. But I am fine. If I ever get pregnant, I am hoping to get a strong line at first try.
Oh yay morticia!!!!!! Congrats, I knew it!!!! Im so happy for you, you can be my bump buddy in first tri now! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Emma x
Congrats Mort! Well done on your patience. I admire you!
I didn't need to test this month too. AF got me. But I am fine. If I ever get pregnant, I am hoping to get a strong line at first try.

Sorry to hear af got you Leyla, hope the next cycle is the one!

Emma x
Hello everyone! Wow what an amazing weekend with such fab news on Mort's pregnancy! It gives us all hope that it can happen to us even if we have cycle irregularities. Looking at the learnings from Mort, it looks like BDing like crazy and vit B6 were the solution!

Anyway I thought it would be a good idea to take stock of where the remaining ones of us are.
Carine ... If I'm right you are trying until June and then NTNP?
Bumble ... NTNP? How's it going and hows the holiday ... not sure when you are off but hope its a good one!
Leyla ... sorry the witch got you. Do let us know approx when OV day is this month. Are you regular as clockwork or is it a little bit hit and miss?!
Polaris .. where are you honey?
Beet - well I'm v. confused this cycle. I thought I was regular and would O around 16th, but this month I didn't get a peak on my CBFM (just highs) and FF thinks I ovulated on CD13 and I think I O'd on CD10 (as that's when I had EWCM plus my temps jumped up around that time) but seeing as we didn't BD around either time its irrelevant! Anyway if I O'd early that should mean that AF is not far away and then we can start again! Anyone know why I would Ovulate about a week earlier than normal? Could it be the acupuncture which I had on CD8? This month I'm continuing with Acupuncture and Reflexology to help counteract the stress of everything else that's going on with my life. I'm way more relaxed about getting pregnant at the moment as I know I have too much on my plate, and until my OH moves in its just too difficult and stressful to plan to BD at the right times! So not quite NTNP but more curious to understand my cycle better!

Anyway good luck everyone and lets stick together! I want more BFP's this cycle! Sorry if I've missed anyone! xx
Thanks Beetle. My periods are very regular. I am expecting to ovulate around 6th of June. I will get some bloodwork and DH will get SA done this month.
That sounds like a good plan! Its so good to do something proactive! My MC was beginning of December last year so will be 6 months this month. I keep thinking that if we got pregnant before (on 2nd Month of trying!) it will happen again. good luck for you this month and enjoy the fun other TWW! (OTWW!). You taking/drinking/eating anything different? Any recommendations for us?
we got pregnant on 5th cycle of actively trying and we were considering a doctor visit just before getting our BFP. It seems that we have to pay the visit now. I just can't let it go. I have to do something. I am hopeful that things will turn out okay but I want to rule out that our BFP was a miracle. I am ovulating but still afraid there is something wrong with me. But if the problem is with DH's swimmers, it will be very difficult to cope with the loss of our only chance...

This month, I am not taking anything yet but I will eat dried figs and black seeds like I did last cycle. I had great temp rise and 12 day LP so I think it helped with my eggies. I will also take b6 but I will start tomorrow, after bloodwork.
Hi everyone.

Firstly - yay, Morticia!!! Huge congratulations, I'm so so pleased for you! I had a feeling you would get your BFP when your temperatures were still high and no spotting! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Beetle - I'm so sorry to hear about what you are going through with your mum right now. That is such a tough journey. I hope that they are wrong about the nodules on the lungs. Good news though that she is at least feeling so much better after the blood transfusion.

TTC has been totally off my radar for the past week because my little boy has been in hospital. One of the scariest weekends of my life. I wrote a thread with the details in Toddler Club if anyone wants to know the full story. I am totally exhausted now but it looks like he is going to be OK so I feel very very fortunate that the story has hopefully a happy ending.

In relation to where we are at, I am getting back on track now with B6 and Vitex but we are not TTC this cycle as the timing wouldn't work out well for me work-wise. So this month trying to get my cycle sorted out and next month back to TTC.
Dear Polaris, oh my goodness what you have had to go through you poor thing. I can completely relate to the affects of anaemia, as mum had to have a blood transfusion last week as she was so anaemic as a result of the chemo .. she was in a wheelchair because she couldn't walk and her blood results was 8.2. So poor Thomas, I can barely imagine what he was like with such a low score! Like Thomas she had a miraculous recovery after new blood and it was all we could do to stop her from bouncing around the place!
Im so glad its not leukaemia but hope they get to the bottom of what is causing his anaemia and really hope that now he'll go from strength to strength. Bless you, I can imagine that getting pregnant right now is the last thing on your mind!
With lots of love, hugs and positive thoughts for you and your family! xxxxxx
Hi girlies! :flower:

I am SO sorry that I’ve been off the radar since my big news last Saturday!!! Shocking behaviour, I am really, really sorry – I’ve just been trying to get my head around things (in the BEST way, of course!), combined with a really busy week at work ahead of us going on holiday on Sunday! I didn't want you to think I'd get some good news and disappear on you all - of course not!

How are you all? Beets, how’s your mum? Hope she's ok and that YOU are ok as it sounds like you're having a stressful month this month with the whole O confusion .:hugs: Definitely sounds like acupuncture could've affected you in some way, doesn't it? FX'd you BD'd in time anyway, and also - not sure if you've said before if you've tried it or not - but if you don't get the chance to BD too often, have you considered using Pre Seed to help the little swimmers stick around that much longer? And Pol - you POOR thing, that awful scare about your son. so glad he's doing ok. Hugs to both of you ladies. :hugs: and love and MASSIVE hugs to everyone else!!! (incl Bumble - haven't forgotten about you girlie!!!) Ley - love to you too hun, sorry you're feeling worried or concerned about your chances. But you know you have had a BFP and you WILL get one again.

Feelings-wise, I’m fine – I don’t seem to be experiencing any morning sickness (more morning diarroeah…groan…throughout the day…have heard that can affect some women rather than the other, not sure which I prefer?!) though I am really tired and am having terrible hayfever, runny nose constantly and sneezing all the time (had to stop taking my tablets which usually see me right through spring and summer!)

I’ve definitely also been a bit irritable/snappy/weepy/moody at home with DH – poor thing. Oops! Think it’s because I’ve also been feeling so tired – I’m yawning by 9pm!

My belly is definitely rounded and more prominent, which is odd this early (went to the docs Monday and she said I was approx. 5/6 weeks) but have heard that could also be bloating/gas…? Anyway, am hoping it isn’t TOO obvious because we’re going away with the in-laws on hols on Sunday for a week to France and we don’t want to tell anyone – not even our families – until we’re past the somewhat ‘safer’ period of 12 weeks. Halfway through already though, girls – woo!! The weirdest thing about it is how surreal it all feels…I just do not feel as though it’s happening to me?!

As far as doctor/hospital news goes, the community midwife will contact me at about 10 weeks to discuss antenatal appointments I believe, and I should be getting a letter shortly about my scan for the 10-12 week period. Even though my last AF was waaay back on April 9, my cycles are so long that I’m not as far along as that! OH yes and how crazy - EDD 19 January 2012!!!

The thing I think I’m going to find hard, for example, at my best friend’s hen weekend on 10 June – is not making it obvious I’m not drinking (if that makes sense!) Girls are SO nosy though aren’t they…I went out with some people from work on Tuesday and I claimed I had to drive later so couldn’t drink…the first question they asked me was, ‘Are you pregnant’? Agh! I had to lie, of course! Any tips on how to stave off nosy or pushy pals who want to force you to drink shots?!!!!

Anyway, this is likely to be a bit of a long post…but now that I’m finally here I wanted to share all my tips and symptoms with you all from the TWW (because I know how much we all love obsessing, nothing’s changed there then!)

All that’s left for me to report is that I feel SO happy – very serene and calm though, rather than jumping all over the place. DH is the same. I honestly think it’s because it hasn’t sunk in – I don’t think either of us will really believe it’s true until we see the proof of the shape of that little baby on the ultrasound!!!

So here goes….
Things I did differently this month:
• Didn’t believe my iPhone app which was predicting when I ovulated – trusted my body instead. Waited a week later than every other month because there wasn’t enough CM for me to believe I was ovulating soon – definitely glad I waited! Held off going crazy BD-ing and wearing DH out until I definitely had EWCM (CD26), then BD’d every day for the next three days. Believe that I ovulated on the night of the third day – was also using OPKs and had a positive for each of those three days! Also BD’d in this pattern the week before (from CD22): BD, BD, BD, night off, BD, BD, BD (ovulation). Before that, over the rest of the month, tried to BD every other day – though did have a few two-night gaps when I was sure I was nowhere near ovulating. FYI, I am pretty sure I O’d on Fri 6th May, CD28. My temps went up after that!
• Big one – almost forgot to mention it. Used Pre-Seed the three days we BD’d leading up to and including ovulation! DH didn’t even know about it, used it internally, with the applicator, in the bathroom before coming in to bed!
• Also tried the old Robitussin cough mixture (the red one, containing an expectorant – Guaifenesin) in the week leading up to O to improve consistency and quantity of EWCM
• Vitamins – took 100mg tabs of B6 once a day for whole month, but stopped at day of O. Also took multi-vitamin (Pregnacare Conception) so was probably getting around 110mg of B6 a day. Got a bit freaked out by that so stopped dead on O and just went back to the usual one-a-day vit!
• TRIED not to get too stressed out. Ha! But we all know how hard that is!!! ;-)

0dpo – temp 36.0 (had been between 35.8C and 36.0 for a week prior). Two dark lines days before O, but darkest line on OPK yet on this day!
1dpo – temp 36.3, still positive OPK at 7pm (three days after first one). Still some EWCM.
2dpo – temp 36.4, slightly sore throat on waking, twingey pain on left side of womb. Almost like a ‘flutter’ (believe this could’ve been egg releasing?). Also, a bit gassy and have really bad skin (have been suffering from acne – like a teenager – for past two weeks or so, grrr! Usually completely clear!). Also have slightly greasy hair and light cramps/tender bbs.
3dpo – temp 36.3, greasy hair and bad skin continues, very sleepy. Hungry hippo ALL the time – with lots of cravings for sweet things (very unusual for me as I’m a definite savoury girl!) Feeling really moody, irritable and taking it out on DH! Light cramps and slight headache too.
4dpo – temp 36.3, woke up hungry at 7am with stuffy nose and phlegmy throat. Hungry all day again, especially for chocolate. How odd! Mouth ulcer on gum – ouch! Feeling moody again in the evening…poor DH!
5dpo – Terrible night’s sleep! Hot flashes, night sweats, kept waking up, vivid dreams. Very tired. Slight temp dip at 4am, 36.2C – back up to 36.4C by 7am. Slight bloating, cramps and backaches.
6dpo – temp 36.3, tired – yawning all the time. Burping a lot too! Nice! Still feel ‘full’ and bloated, some EWCM which is unusual at this stage after O. Feel very ‘hot under my skin’ – like I’m getting ill or a fever. Very tired. Had to leave the awards ceremony I was at, at 11pm because I was tired and yawning! Slightly bloated and still some EWCM.
7dpo – temp 36.3 at 7am, but up to 36.6 an hour later. Very stuffy nose, same ‘hot under skin’ feeling. Few cramps but nothing major. Throat feels thick and mouth ulcer sore. Very tired by 10pm – had a few ‘flutters’ in my belly, almost like a pulse, a couple of times during the evening (implanatation?). Light cramps and headache.
8dpo – temp 36.3, very thick throat, very slight nausea (possibly because of thick throat). Had a bad dream. BD’d for first time since O.
9dpo – woke up to go to the toilet at 4.50am, very stuffy nose first thing (could be hayfever!). Temp 36.3 at 7am. Very achey – but did play hockey yesterday! Mild craving (odd) for asparagus – ate a whole bunch. Never do that! Feeling forgetful and a bit weepy. Slight cramps and aches all over. Slight tender bbs.
10dpo – woke up to go to the toilet at 4.40am. Temp 36.3 at 7am. Felt very nauseous on way to work – partly because of thick throat, but also really hungry – even after muesli. Picking on random things/snacks – eg. A McDonalds caramel milkshake. Never eat junk food! Had three diarroeah attacks in the afternoon and evening. Belly very bloated. Feel really cold and bit shivery in bed. Slight backaches, bodyaches, tender bbs.
11dpo – Woke up to go to the toilet at 5am and couldn’t get back to sleep. Temp 36.3 at 7am, a little faint and shaky having to stand up on tube this morning. Starving! Three more diarroeah attacks throughout the day. Could smell steak from a restaurant really strongly on walk home! Eyes a little sore and sensitive with contact lenses in. Feel very wet down there.
12dpo – woke up at 2.41am really thirsty – downed a glass of water. Diarroeah attack first thing (6am), slightly nauseous/hungry after that and a bit cold and shivery in bed. Temp 36.4 at 7am. Really tired for whole day, eyes sore. Cricked my neck stroking the cat – in a lot of pain! Huge massive flutters on right side of womb at 8.30pm – beating like a pulse. Could even see it through the skin! Lasted about half an hour. Weird!
13dpo – temp 36.7 at 7am – higher than ever before! Absolutely starving at 8am. Slept very deeply, but did wake at 5.22am to go to toilet. Stuffy nose on awakening. Tummy very swollen and tender, lots of toilet trips throughout the day! Thirsty too – drinking loads of water.
14dpo – temp 36.6 at 7am, unheard of. LP usually around 10 or 11 days! Starting to feel hopeful now. Hungry and a bit nauseous (because of hunger) first thing.
15dpo – temp 36.5 at 6am, woke up, did FMU in a pot, but was very sleepy so left it in bathroom and went back to sleep for another two hours. How did we resist it?!!! I don’t even know! Then woke up again, went back into bathroom, tested using Clearblue Digital. Immediate result – PREGNANT 2-3!!!!!!!!!!! BFP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Ovulation Chart

:kiss: :happydance: :thumbup: :hugs: :cloud9: :blush: :haha: :winkwink:
OMG mort i am sooooooooooooooooooooooo happy for you, just got back from work and there i am sitting with my glass of red wine, hoping especially for you and beets to have a bfp and my heart starts racing as i read you are pregnant! hun this is amaziiing!!! :hugs:

i cant believe it! :) i wish you a healthy and happy 9 months and hope that ill catch up soon, so far no bfp for me!

sorry to hear about the hard time beets, i am thinking of you and wish you all the best! also for your mum! :hugs:

ill update again, holiday on the 17th which should be in my fertile time, so fingers crossed it will happen abroad when i am all relaxed and oh is off work etc.

all my love, congrats again mort! xx :hug:
Hi morticia, was wondering where you had gone! I'm so glad everything is going well so far! I saw the mw on Monday and my edd is 19th too!! I've not had any symptoms really except feeling really tired! Anyway nice to hear from you!

Emma x
Hi everyone! So glad to see everyone's updates.

Pol and Beet, I hope everything is okay with your loved ones. Sending positive vibes and thoughts for their good health, and for your continued strength in supporting them. I am in awe of you both!

Mort, it's so exciting to hear all the details! As for keeping mum on being a mum, my trick during the TWW is to get a soda water with lime in a cocktail glass. Friends assume it's a vodka soda and I don't get asked why I'm not drinking. Maybe you can beg out of the shots by saying you're dieting, or watching your sugars for some other health reason? Good luck! Only a few more weeks until you can tell everyone....congrats again!!

Bumble, fx for a fertile and fun holiday! Stay safe and have a wonderful time!

I've been trying a much more relaxed approach this cycle--no temps, lots of spontaneous and fun BD, wine if I want it, staying away from the TTC forums to keep from obsessing. I've only been checking CM, and used OPKs over the weekend to confirm that I was on the same schedule as last month, and indeed got positives yesterday and today so all appears well.

I was going to use pre-seed but can't find the darn tube; I have no idea where it's gone! Last night I stayed in bed post-BD and went to sleep for the night without my usual trip to the toilet so I'm hoping that might help. I plan to keep up with the daily BD 'til Wednesday...and then wait! We've just found an adorable little house to rent and it appears we'll be moving 8 June, so hopefully that will be a good distraction (though I am also a bit worried about over-exertion affecting our chances...I'm telling myself that implantation would likely have occurred by then so shouldn't be that vulnerable). AF will probably arrive the 12th or 13th, so I've decided not to test until at least my birthday, the 18th.

I hope you all have a wonderful week! xoxo
Hi everyone and thanks so much for the best wishes. Its a tough time but it really does help getting positive vibes from you all!
Bumbs ... keeping fingers, toes and everything else crossed that you conceive on your hols. It would be utterly perfect for you when you are both all relaxed! Mort, wow, epic entry! Lovely to hear from you and I'm so glad you haven't got the dreaded morning sickness which I know Farmers suffered from alot! Although I have to say the diarrhoea doesn't sound much fun! ugh. Its really helpful you giving us not only the symptoms throughout but also what things you did differently in terms of BD timing, B6, Robitusson etc. I've upped my B vits, taking green tea capsules with a meal, definitely will be doing pre-seed, and will continue with the Acupuncture/Reflexology because its really helping me on the stress-levels front which aren't great at the mo. Who knows whether I'll be able to BD around the right time, but If its meant to be, we will! So yes, a relaxed attitude is definitely my plan! Because my cycle was so different last month (25 day cycle and O on day 12 as opposed to a 30 day cycle and O on day 16, I really don't know what is going to happen this month so will try and BD as much as poss!) Fingers crossed to you all, and Polaris, hope Thomas continues to improve! xxx
Carine, lovely to hear from you too! I hope you did find the preseed tube!
thank you all so much for xing your fingers! mine are crossed for you too and congrats again to all the pregnant ladies!

xx :hugs:
hello everyone, I am 1 DPO today. I will not test at least until 20th. This month I don't have much hope, DH's SA results are not good. But still, you know, we did our best :)
Hi Leyla great to hear from you. Try to stay positive - all it takes is one olympic swimmer :spermy: (probably looks like that too!). My OH has lots of swimmers but low motility (can't remember the percentage) but was low. However we've decided to stay positive and agreed to keep trying naturally this year (the specialists said if we weren't pregnant in 6 months to go straight to ICSI, however don't think its worth doing ICSI just yet as I'm so stressed with Mum that it would just be a waste of money) and we'll take it from there. Id imagine its hard for you both because now there is a possible explanation for you not getting pregnant and it can put pressure on your OH and make him feel guilty. However there are lots of things that you can do to help with volume, motility, mobility etc ... e.g. change your OH's diet, vitamins (wellman), and I've heard acupuncture can really help. Try brazil nuts - they are full of Selenium which is excellent for sperm!

Im in the countdown to O! last month it was day 11, but this month I'm currently day 12 and no sign yet, ... had a tease of EWCM at the weekend but gone now. CBFM saying high fertility but not peak so hopefully it will happen in the next few days. My OH is making a real effort to be with me at the moment so we have the opportunity to BD which is fab. Im actually more focussed on trying to get him to agree to get a puppy! I need something positive to focus on, to take my mind off mum and also getting pregnant! What do you think? xx
Yes beetle exactly, something else to focus on would be great for both of you. Another BNB friend of mine is also considering to get a puppy to get her mind off the concerns of TTC. I would say go for it!
I also have multiple patches of EWCM but the final patch is always the best (did I just say best? :haha:), I can tell the difference. That is why I am almost sure I o'ed yesterday. Plenty of CM dried up in hours. I hope you get your fertile time well covered ;)
Thanks for you recommendations hunni, we are on carrots and carob syrup currently. Also considering to buy some men fertility vitamins if we have the time. DH has good count (80 mio/ml) but has high agglutination, late liquefaction and low motility (Grade A %5). Doc said there is infection, and agglutination and late liquefaction are caused by that. I also read online that under such a condition, correct assesment of motility is very difficult. He is on antibiotics. We hope that if infection is cleared, his motility may improve again. I am kind of relieved to find out why it is taking so long to conceive. I always thought something was wrong with me.
When we first got the results, before seeing the urologist, I was devastated. I read online about people with better motility had to do ICSI. I am not afraid of the procedures related to that. Or the money (ICSI is not that expensive in my country). I am afraid of being frustrated if we fail at our first attempt. I want to try naturally for as long as I can. I am hopeful because I fell pregnant once, most probably he had the infection back then. So I want to be hopeful.
Good luck to you, too.
Hi girls!!!! Thanks for all your sweet messages! I'm doing fine so far, my tummy already looks a little swollen (I think I'm 8wks on Friday) which is a surprise, but I'm naturally quite slender so maybe that's why? I did have terrible bloating yesterday, it was quite painful - and the day before I did go to the Docs because I've had a terrible cold with a temperature so just wanted to check all was ok. She reminded me that during pregnancy your immune system is lower because all your reserves are going to the baby. So I'm likely to be snotty for a good while yet...shame!
I'm also getting up to go for a wee twice a night, but haven't yet had a letter about my first scan date or antenatal appt. Until either of those I don't think it will feel real!

Thanks for sharing all your news...Bumbs, lovely to hear from you hun and thanks so much for your sweet message. I've got everything crossed for your perfectly timed holiday on the 17th!!!

Beets - things sound really positive for you too as you're about to O any day, and sounds like you've been getting in some great BDing! Also a brilliant idea to get a sweet. Wouldn't be surprised if that makes your OH very broody! Really sorry you're still feeling so stressed but you are so on top of things in terms of what you can do to alleviate it. Well done and love to you and your mum.

Pol - how's Thomas? Really hope he's on the mend for good, now. Hugs.

Ley - sorry to hear about your OH's low motility :-( though Beets has some great suggestions on how to combat those kind of issues, it's good to know that there are steps you can take. Hugs to you too.

Carine - how were all the exams, hun? And how's everything else going???

MummyEmmy/Farmers - how are you fellow preggy ladies?!! I haven't made it over to the first tri forum properly yet, but will do soon, promise!

Love ya girls! xxx
Hiya Mort, so lovely to hear from you! Wow I can't believe you are nearly 8 weeks already!!!! where did the time go?! Sorry to hear you are feeling all snotty but I guess that's better then morning sickness! Any sign of that?! How are you coping trying to hide it from friends and colleagues ... what techniques are you using?!!!

Leyla sounds like you've got your head around things. Antibiotics can clear up infections really quickly and it could have been that which caused all the problems! I'm thinking lots of positive thoughts for you and your OH!

Well, my O is nearly upon me and my OH and I have managed to BD every night this week! (Shock horror swoon!). He really is making such a big effort its so sweet! Ideally Id rather do BD every other day but because I'm never sure whether he's going to be here or not, I'm taking full advantage!!! ;) Got a positive OPK and peak on CBFM today so I'm thinking that O will happen tomorrow! Hoorah! Then into the horrible 2WW. ugh! I'm still working on my OH on the puppy angle and we are down on a waiting list for a foxred lab - due to be born on 20th June! We want a girl and are no 4 on the list so it may not happen anyway. My OH is not sure whether we are ready for a puppy! (He still hasn't completely moved in!). Mum is not great but thanks for asking. She had a nasty fall on Sunday and had to go to hospital, luckily nothing broken but chin glued and very bruised and v. much in shock. Had to deal with carer, hospice team and occupational therapists as we want her to stay at home for as long as she can. hey ho!

How is everyone else? Bumble (so jealous about your hols!) you must be getting excited! Polaris? Hope you are loving having your Thomas back to full strength! And Farmers, its been a while ... guess you are now fully ensconsed in the 2nd trimester! How exciting! Have you had your 2nd scan yet? I hope you are now over the worst of the morning sickness now you are in your 2nd tri I believe?

Anyway lots of love everyone and catch up soon!

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