Team No-Test!

farmerswifey thanks for asking honey! I am waiting to ovulate. This month, I am not temping regularly. I want to take it as easy as I can.
bumblebee, I am not PG but I remember that I had cramping that started at 8 DPO and continued for at least 2 weeks. Then I had that streching feeling every now and then. No it is not a sypmtom of MC I need to add, I had MMC (no bleeding or cramps at all) way later than the cramps. To conclude, cramps without bleeding are good signs of a healthy pregnancy, no need to worry.
Oh my Goodness BUMBLE! Congratulations!!!!! I'm soooo happy for you! Just goes to show that not obsessing can make it happen! Ridiculously happy for you! Thanks for sharing the symptoms. They sound great. And agree with Leyla that when I was pregnant albeit for only 6.5 weeks, I got the cramps around AF and a little while after and then the tugging/stretching feeling every now and then which was quite nice and reassuring ... so don't worry. No bleeding and feeling sick is a sign of a very healthy pregnancy! 6 week scan is actually quite good in the UK! I think it really depends on how old you are. Norm is 8-10 weeks. Well it is in Hampshire anyway!

Mort, can't wait to see your little pic even if its tiny wee - Hope you had a wonderful birthday! Sorry not sure if I wished you a Happy 30th Birthday before!!! You'll always remember it though for the time you broke the news to your outlaws! Thanks for the reassurance that I'm doing the right thing! Likewise to you Farmers, thanks so much for your thoughts (and yes, if I was pregnant we would want to know sex of baby as my OH is such a control freak he wouldn't be able to go a whole pregnancy without knowing!) ... bless you for keeping tabs on me! I want to get my BFP for you all! You've all been so supportive. And I love the fact that all you preggers girlies still keep in touch and let us know how you are getting on! Its so POSITIVE and it really does help! If any of you want some pregnancy reflexology or pregnancy massage and can get yourselves to Hampshire, I'm here for you! Alternatively how about some pregnancy products - check out my website!!! All good natural stuff! (hehe! always the saleswoman!).

Leyla when is O day? any time soon? I feel that you and I are in the same boat! Hope you are more relaxed this month and not stressing. sounds like it with the relaxed temping. Good for you hon! Let me know when you are due to see the specialist. (fyi my Oday is approx Sat 9th July with AF due Sun 24th July).

Pol ... where are you? Hope you and Thomas are OK. And you Carine? Take care y'all! xx
thanks for your congratulations, thoughts and info leyla and beetle, I am indeed very happy! :)

I know it will happen soon for you too, just do the same as me, relax and make the best of everything!

beetle, let us know how this appt went. i think i read something about an information evening the other day??! i wish you best of luck and all the babydust in the world! and i also hope that your OH will let you have a puppy!

mort - i am so excited about your lil kidney bean and seeing it soon! i cant wait to see my little peanut's heart beat in a few weeks. how are you feeling? any new symptoms?

:hugs: xx
Hey everyone, sorry I've not been around. We were away for a week visiting OH's grandparents and extended family in the west of Ireland. Very enjoyable and relaxing even though the weather was a bit mixed. Also Thomas had his follow up blood tests and the results were really good so that was a huge relief!!

Bumblebee - wow, so delighted for you!!! Hope you have a wonderful pregnancy. Cramping in early pregnancy is totally normal. I remember running to the loo a lot as they felt just like AF cramps at times.

Beetle - sorry that AF got you. I agree with the others that you are making a good decision to get checked out with the fertility experts, better to find out now if everything is in good order rather than letting time tick on. With any luck you'll get your BFP this month anyway and won't need them!

Morticia - belated happy 30th birthday! I'm delighted that your scan went well.

Hello to everyone else, I hope everyone is doing well and feeling positive.
polaris, I am glad that your DS is healthy!
Beets, today is CD 14 and ewcm says o day is soon. It usually happens between CD 16-19. I started temping to pinpoint the exact day.
DH's second SA results came. He used antibiotics and some other type of pill for spermies. Liquefaction and viskosity became normal. Count was good (80 mil), it improved a little more; forward progressive motility went from 5% to 40%. But this time, they looked for krueger morphology which wasn't checked last time. It is 4% but should be >14% :( below 5% is subfertile.
Obviously, the results are better than I could ask for. I am confident that he can father a child if not soon. I am planning to try this month and if witch gets me, I will see the dr. In case he asks for HSG, it is better done earlier than ovulation so that the chance is not missed that month.
Good luck beets, I hope you get your BFP soon so you don't need to go through the painful processes at all
Ok ladies

I want your true and HONEST opinions about something...

I have posted this elsewhere but your thoughts mean more to me than people that I havent connected with so here goes..

DH and I have been discussing names for baby. We dont yet know if its a boy or girl so we have a few of each that we both like the sound of. DH has his heart SET on calling a BOY Jesse!
He is pretty much cowboy obssessed so I feel its to do with Jesse James. Now my problem is I absolutely love the name Jesse - even for a boy. BUT - is it too girly. I know its common in america and australia but this is good old conservative and boring england we are talking about. Would I be making a rod for our own backs and that of a child?

What are you honest opinions please?

I hope you are all well!!

Personally I love the name Jesse for a boy or a girl. If we have a girl Jessica is high up on my shortlist. I personally don't think it's too girly, I think it is a cool name and there are quite a lot of male Jesse's in film and media.
hey farmerswifey,

jesse is a great name, i am a fan of it for both girls and boys but as you said - you have to consider what it will be like for a boy in a primary school and you know what kids can be like!

now i will teach my child not to take the mickey out of anyone for anything but there is bullying in schools and most likely neither a teacher nor a parent can stop a 7 year old from doing so. (studying education studies and doing a lot of research about those kind of things :)

personally - go for it, most important is that your son (if you are going to have a boy) has a cool name and jesse absolutely is a cool one!

lovelovelove, xx
Hey Farmers, oooh what a lovely dilemma to have. Like the other girls, personally I love the name Jesse for a boy. As I was reading your post it didn't cross my mind until you mentioned there being possible issue. I can tell you about my own experience. When you are a child you want to conform so with a name like Freya which was unusual when I was little, I hated my name and wished I had been called something more common. However nobody actually teased me - it was just how I felt. Now I love my name, its great in business and its great to have a more unusual name and I want my children to have more unusual names. Not ridiculous names ... but I think there is a way forward for unusual - definitely! Good luck .... x
Hi girlies!!! :flower:

Agh SO sorry I've been so off the radar! It was my best friend's wedding in Cornwall this weekend so we were down there for a couple of days - it took us 7 hours to drive there, grrr, so have been feeling pretty exhausted ever since!

Anyway....there must be loads and loads I have missed, but just wanted to post this!!!! (hope it works!)

Oops - just previewed that and can see it's wonky, but at least you can see a sideways version of the little kidney bean!! that was two weeks ago now and my belly has got a LOT bigger, so am hoping all is well and the bean is growing away merrily too. I cannot wait to tell everyone (our parents were so happy, and it was so special to tell them on my birthday - thanks so much for all your good wishes girls! :hugs:) but am waiting until next week's 12-week scan (on Weds 13 July). I will post another pic after that!

Beets - you have a beautiful name, I love it. and Farmers - I think Jesse for a boy and Jessie for a girl are really cute! I sort of think Jesse for a girl, spelled that way, is a bit TOO androgynous, but Jessie with an extra 'i' for a girl is great! (short for Jessica). What is your OH's last name?! it might help us envisage the baby's full title! :happydance: so happy for you. Ley - so glad for you that OH's SA was positive, and that you're ovulating soon! yay! and farmers - thanks so much for coming back and saying hello, you sweetie. I wish we could all meet up too, that would be ace!!! :kiss:

I'm still feeling VERY queasy, oh yes Bumbs - meant to say that I've had the odd bout of cramping, no more blood though (touch wood) so pretty sure that's all normal and just part of the uterus stretching to accommodate baby. Hope you're not feeling sick yet! surely mine should disappear soon, right?!!!!

love you girls - keep smiling. I want to see a full round of BFPs by Christmas ok!!! xxxxxxxxx


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hey mort, thanks for the reassurance!

the cramping is getting less every day but i wake up literally every morning at 5am to go and pee and also because i feel dizzy and just weird. hope that goes away soon as it takes me aaages to get back to sleep and most days i start working at 7am. this habit leaves me knackered all day!

is it normal that i don't get an u/s until i am 11 weeks? my midwife (who ive never met) called me yesterday and set an appointment for mid august. which will make me about 10-11 weeks. i am going home to austria first of august and will see my obgyn asap, although i will be 9 weeks then, which also occurs really late to me!??

shall i call my midwife and ask for a sooner appt to see the heartbeat?

:hugs: xx
Hey Bumbs

Unfortunately the 11th - 13th week is normal for your first scan unless you have had a miscarriage in the past or there is a problem that they need to check.
The cramps and peeing and diziness is also normal but this gets less as you get further along. (except the peeing!! lol)
It seems that every stage of pregnancy has a form of waiting and not just the 2ww!
You should call your midwife if you feel you need to see her earlier but your first scan will be set for near the end of your first tri.
They cant hear the heartbeat with a doppler until after this! Its a tense time but keep an eye on things and get plenty of rest. Any issues then call your midwife and get her to refer you for an earlier scan - at this stage they would have to do one transvaginal rather than abdominally.

Hope this info helps you hun!!

Hi everyone, just briefly checking in before I'm off on a yacht racing hols to Guernsey on Monday... really hope the weather improves as its foul at the moment! (I'm a bit of a fair weather sailor now!). Leyla ... good luck for your 2WW. I think I'm about to O any day now but wont be able to catch you up this month! Really hope its your time this month and its great news that your OH's sperm has improved so much! We are much more relaxed this month to the extent that I've only been temping to find out when O day is. I'm thinking of still temping afterwards just so I have a nearly complete set of temps if we do have to pass that info onto fertility specialists. Haven't decided yet though! Enjoy next week! xx
Have a nice holiday beets, sounds exciting!
thank you very much farmerswifey! :) i talked to my mum and she said exactly the same as you, that it is completely fine to wait til end of 1st tri! phew... thats good!

besides being all sleepy and emotional, i dont really feel pregnant, cant wait to have a bump and feel the baby move! :happydance:

have a lovely holiday beets!!

for all you ladies ttcing - all my luck, lots of babydust and i know you'll get this bfp!!!

Cramps again...
My womb has been trying to talk to me and I have been trying to avoid it. Because every time I listen to her, I misinterpret what she says. This time she is screaming that she has a small seed in. Or so I think :haha: I am trying not to listen but I already heard what she said. Great disappointment is on the way.. I haven't decided when to test.
Hey everyone,
I'm hoping that I finally ovulated on Saturday so I think I'm 2 dpo. We BD on Wednesday and Saturday but missed out Thursday and Friday, too tired on Thursday and OH in work on Friday. Hopefully we've done enough but not getting my hopes up. I'm not planning to test until AF is very late, haven't worked out when yet.
polaris, your intercourse pattern is identical to mine when I got my BFP. We had BD on wed and sat am and I ovulated on sat. I thought my chances were low but bam! BFP! So good luck :)
Hi girls! :flower:

Good luck ley, pol and beets - sounds very positive and really hope this is it for you! Beets - have an amazing holiday, the weather is great at the moment so here's hoping it holds out for you! :hugs:

Bumbs - how are you feeling now, hun? farmers is completely right - I get on and off cramps and have been waking up every single night at 4am to go to the toilet ever since I found out I was pregnant! :haha:

the worst bit of it for me is feeling so queasy all the time...:cry: honestly, I feel HORRIBLE. even though I'm not actually being sick, getting through work every day is a real struggle. please let it end soon so I can enjoy this special, pol, does it get less and less as you enter your 12th week? I'm 12 weeks tomorrow so really hoping it does!!! xxx:kiss:
P.S scan on weds - eeeeeeek!!!
Morticia, I found the nausea and queasiness kept getting worse until 14 weeks. I was very disappointed as I had been hoping for a magical cure at 12 weeks. However at 14 weeks it really did disappear almost overnight and I felt fantastic for the rest of the pregnancy, bar a bit of tiredness as it got close to the end.

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