Team No-Test!

Hiya Mort, so lovely to hear from you! Wow I can't believe you are nearly 8 weeks already!!!! where did the time go?! Sorry to hear you are feeling all snotty but I guess that's better then morning sickness! Any sign of that?! How are you coping trying to hide it from friends and colleagues ... what techniques are you using?!!!

Well, my O is nearly upon me and my OH and I have managed to BD every night this week! (Shock horror swoon!). He really is making such a big effort its so sweet! Ideally Id rather do BD every other day but because I'm never sure whether he's going to be here or not, I'm taking full advantage!!! ;) Got a positive OPK and peak on CBFM today so I'm thinking that O will happen tomorrow! Hoorah! Then into the horrible 2WW. ugh! I'm still working on my OH on the puppy angle and we are down on a waiting list for a foxred lab - due to be born on 20th June! We want a girl and are no 4 on the list so it may not happen anyway. My OH is not sure whether we are ready for a puppy! (He still hasn't completely moved in!). Mum is not great but thanks for asking. She had a nasty fall on Sunday and had to go to hospital, luckily nothing broken but chin glued and very bruised and v. much in shock. Had to deal with carer, hospice team and occupational therapists as we want her to stay at home for as long as she can. hey ho!

Hi Beets and everyone! :flower:
Well, today has been my first day of feeling really queasy...noooo! :cry: It was a massive struggle to get out of bed to work this morning, and I had to stand up on the tube the whole way there feeling like I want to be sick. I HATE being sick though, so am just trying to keep it down as I doubt that, as when you're ill, it makes you feel any better to actually get it out of your system...? I do still have a bad cold so that's not helping, but the main 'symptom' is how little energy I have! I'm so zapped it's ridiculous! I know it'll all be worth it and it won't last long but am just trying not to book myself up to do anything strenuous.
I'm also really anxious to get a scan date booked so we can actually tell our families and friends!! might ring the hospital today to see if there's a letter on its way as I'll be 9 weeks this Friday...

Beets, sounds like you have done exactly the ticket to get you your BFP!!! woohoooooooo! keep BD-ing, lady! hopefully you'll get it all - the puppy, your BFP AND a lot of wonderful care for your mum. so sorry to hear about her fall. hugs. :hugs:

right, talking about it has put it in my mind now...I'm going to call the hospital to see if I've even made it onto their system. will keep you posted, and love and hugs to everyone!! xxx
Hiya Mort (and everyone else) ... oh so sorry you are now feeling queasy! Ugh, i too hate being sick! If it is the start of morning sickness be thankful that you didn't feel it earlier - most pregnant mums to be only feel sick in the first trimester. Still that's probably no consolation whatsoever! Try burning some peppermint oil ... ginger tea, plain crackers basically keep it simple. Glad you are being positive about the scan .. and hope they come up trumps soon! Can't believe how quickly it all seems to be going for you!
All good here ... my OH still hasn't made a decision about the puppy ... he's wavering which may or may not be a good sign! I hope he makes his mind up soon as we will probably get a phone call on Monday. Fingers crossed she has 4 bitch puppies as we are no. 4 on the waiting list!
Well, now into the good old TWW. ovulated this month on CD15 AF due by Friday 24th June but will hold off testing until Sunday 26th June! ooh! We did everything right so fingers crossed this will be our month. You never know! The subject of IVF did crop up last weekend (via my OH's sister!) and because I'm 41 its never far from our thoughts. Hmmm. Still not going to think about it just yet!!!

How is everyone else? Would love an update on your all! Take care xxxx
hello everyone, I am 1 DPO today. I will not test at least until 20th. This month I don't have much hope, DH's SA results are not good. But still, you know, we did our best :)

Hey Leyla .. .just a quick note to see how you are doing? Any symptoms? Not long now till testing. The 20th is the day we get the phone call about the puppy and my OH has to make a decision as to whether to allow me to get one! Could be a good day! x
Hey ladies!!

Sorry its been so long since my last post - Ive been under the weather a bit with sickness and work issues. Feeling a bit more like myself now though.
I had my dating scan last week - it was FABULOUS! Loved seeing my little baby wriggling round in there! Made it all seem so much more real! Everything is fine up until now and no further probs that are bringing up concerns.

Beets!! - sounds like you haave done everything you possibly can this month!! Must be your turn now. Im really wishing good thoughts for you and I hope your mum feels better soon. AND a puppy!! How exciting!!

Mort - I cant beleive how quickly the time goes when its someone elses pregnancy you are watching. Mine seems to be dragging but your is flying away! Perhaps its the opposite way round for you?! lol!

Leyla - you did your best and that is what will get you to your goals!! Dont give up hope - and use the treat method until you get to your testing date! Worked a treat for me ;)

Lots of love to you ALL!!

Mort, I hope you get well soon and enjoy your pregnancy!
Beets, you chart is looking good. I hope those temps stay up for another 9 months ;)
and thank you for asking about me, honey! I think I am 8 DPO today. I fell pregnant fairly recently and had kept notes of my symptoms. At 8 DPO, my cramps had started. Today, I find myself trying to imagine cramps :lol: Last month I had imagined cramps and then the witch reared her face. So I am trying not to dwell on it. :) Last night, in my dream I saw myself lactating. It is believed that this dream means the one who sees it will get pg soon. I don't know. Maybe having a baby is all I think of these days :shrug:
farmerswifey, I am glad your scan went well. What is the treat method? I think I should have known about it since I am a member of the team no test. Well, I am not a poas addict for the time being. I have a short luteal phase that doesn't keep me waiting for long :haha:
Hi everyone! It's nice to see all your updates.

Mort, I'm sorry you're feeling ill and so tired. Good plan to keep things low-key for a while and not tax yourself. Hope you hear from the hospital soon! My exams went well, also, thank you for asking!

Beets and Leyla, I'll have fingers crossed for the rest of your TWW! I hope this is the month for you both. Beets, good luck with the puppy situation!

Farmers, congrats on your wonderful scan! It's always nice to hear good news. Glad you're feeling a bit better; I hope the sickness and work issues are fully resolved and you're 100% soon.

As for me...AF is starting today right on time and I'm feeling really very low about it. I didn't have my hopes up this month, didn't obsess, and managed not to test at all, but I was still so disappointed to see that we'd failed again. I actually teared up this time, which I haven't done before. :(

I guess it's good I only have one more cycle to try because I don't feel like I could handle much more. I know people have been TTC for much longer, but NTNP from May '10 and actively TTC from Nov '10 feels like forever. I probably expected too much from the Clomid; everyone acted like it would be so easy since I already ovulated on my own before. Oh well. My husband is getting his SA done in the next couple of weeks, so maybe that will give us more information.

I have a lot going on this week, my family is visiting, it's my birthday Saturday, etc., so I'll be able to get my mind off it. Right now, though, I think I'm going to go in my room, shut the door, and have a good cry! I also found out that some classmates of mine were killed in an accident over the weekend so I'm probably still feeling a bit emotionally fragile from that was hard because next month will be a year since my little brother died and hearing the news brought back memories of when I first found out about him. Ugh. I am just a barrel of laughs here, ladies! Pardon my malaise.

Will be checking in of course to hear hopefully more good news from the team. Hope you all have a wonderful week.
Hi everyone.

Haven't posted in ages because we haven't been TTC this month so not much to report. However the good news is that the B6 seems to be working as I think I am 12 dpo and no spotting yet! Yay!! Can't wait for next cycle so we can TTC again with a proper LP!

Morticia - so sorry to hear that the dreaded m.s. has set in, it is really rotten, the only thing that I found helped was eating constantly, I put on so much weight in the first three months, LOL. And yes I do remember that unnatural tiredness. Hopefully it will all improve though once you move into second tri and you can properly enjoy the pregnancy.

Farmers - so glad to hear that your scan went well. It's lovely to see the baby wriggling around!!

Leylak - LOL at trying to imagine cramps! It's so true, why do we do this to ourselves? Anyway I hope your dream is a good sign.

Beetle - hopefully this is your month. I also hope your OH makes the right decision about the puppy.

carine - :hugs: so sorry to hear that AF got you. I hope it helped a little to put it in writing how you are feeling. Probably a good idea to have a good cry and get it out of your system and then hopefully you can relax and enjoy your birthday! Happy birthday on Saturday by the way!!

PS Thomas seems to be back to himself after his illness so I'm really hoping that we can put it behind us. He is back for follow up tests next Monday, I will be very glad to have them out of the way because it's hard not to feel paranoid anytime he's a tiny bit off-form or doesn't eat all his dinner. But he's generally eating well and loads of energy again so I'm beginning to feel optimistic that everything will be OK.
Wow hello Ladies! Lots of people checking in! Hoorah.

Firstly Carine ... my heart goes out to you! There is nothing wrong with feeling low because nasty AF has arrived. You've had a long struggle and we've all been there ... best to have a damned good cry and then set yourself some positive things to do next month ... could be as little as retail therapy or a full body massage, or as big as a weekend away. You definitely need something to take the focus off and also to reward you!

Leyla ... keeping fingers and toes crossed for you! Your chart looks good and I actually think visualisation is a very positive thing to do. If we keep thinking negatively your body could react in that way so I'm also thinking implantation thoughts (although I'm only 5dpo so a bit early!). Remind me how long your LP is usually?

Polaris ... so glad Thomas is back to normal and there have been no problems. I think sometimes its nice to have a break from TTC as its one less thing to worry about. I actually really enjoyed last month and think I was able to cope with mum's fall much better as a result.

Farmers ... lovely to hear from you! You are so sweet to still keep checking in... Leyla it was Farmers who suggested the 'treat's' - basically for every day that you don't test you can give yourself a treat ... e.g. choccy bar, or trip shopping or whatever it is but its a reward for not succumbing to the dreaded POAS. It doesn't sound however like you have that problem. Anyway back to you Farmers ... so glad you don't feel sick any more! And wow - a little wriggly baby on your scan! i'm so excited for you! What's the next step for you to look forward to? is that the last of the scans? I'm so clueless on what actually happens once you are pregnant and it would be great to know!

And last but by no means least .. the lovely Mort! How are you getting on with your scan date! Can't wait to hear when it is ... promise to keep us posted and hopefully also send us a pic of the scan. I can't think of any better motivation for us all!

Take care everyone! Lots and lots of positive thoughts to you all! xxx
Hi girlies :flower:

Thanks SO much as ever for all your lovely warm wishes and support - you guys are the best. :hugs:

Carine - so sorry to hear you're feeling down, hun. completely understandable given you've had such a rotten year and recent few weeks. You poor thing. :cry: I completely agree with need to really pamper yourself and treat yourself and surround yourself with things and people you love and enjoy to remind yourself of all the good that's in your life. I know that must feel hard now, but you're amazing and successful and deserve your BFP, which I just know is coming soon. :hugs:

Everyone else...massive good luck with O and here's to no AF on 26th June Beets - that's my 30th birthday! It would be SUCH an amazing present for me for you to have your BFP!!! Lovely to hear from you Farmers and Ley, and Pol - so glad Thomas is feeling so much better.

AFM girls...well, I had a bit of a scare this morning so am feeling a little fragile. :cry: As you know, I'm 9 weeks along on Friday and this morning, at 5am, woke up to go to the toilet (have been doing that regularly for the past month or so, sometimes two or three times a night) and when I wiped the tissue had a lot of dark brown blood on it. :wacko:

I managed to get back to sleep til 8am when the same thing happened and booked an appt with my doctor. When I got there she asked me to do a urine sample and I'd worn a pantyliner...and there was dark brown blood on that too. She tested my sample and said I had a urine infection and gave me a course of anti-biotics...but also wants me to go for an early scan in the next few days to check if it's a 'viable pregnancy'. I know we can't get ahead of ourselves and panic yet, but truthfully, I'm so sad. She had to warn me of the risks, and said to keep an eye on any cramping (so far, none) but I suppose I'm trying to prepare for the worst, just in case. The bleeding seems to have stopped for now (lunchtime the same day it started) maybe that's a good thing...but I know I won't be able to relax properly until we see that heartbeat. :cry:

Anyway, sorry to end on a slight downer and will keep you all posted. I really appreciate your advice and support. xx :kiss:
Oh Mort!! Poor you !!

There are a great deal of women on the first trimester thread that have been through similar situations and the common outcome appears to be implantation (baby digging in deep and making itself comfy).
Apparently it doesnt only happen early on but sometimes around 5 - 10 weeks too. I so hope this is the case for you but I completely understand your worries. It is hard to think positive in such a situation. Ive read that as long as the blood is old (brown) there is no need to panic. Red blood is a different kettle of fish.

Please PLEASE keep us updated!!

And stay positive - we are all sending you the very best and most positive of wishes!!
Thanks so much Farmers - it really does help reading links from so many women on here who have had the same experience and had it turn out to be nothing.

Spoke to the doc and the earliest I can get a scan is next Friday (24th), 2 days before my birthday! So here's hoping for good news. Thanks again and will keep you posted xx :kiss:
Oh mort I am so sorry honey! I hope it's the spotting that occurs when production of progesterone is taken over by the placenta. I hope you get good news for your birthday! My heart is with you :hugs:
Beets, my LP was 10 days before my pregnancy. Now it looks like it is 12 days but first two days I have a lowish temp and it rises at the third day so even FF confuses the exact day. Fortunately, it is always the same for 3 cycles so I kind of know when to expect my period.
:hugs:Aw Mort, my heart goes out to you, its uncertain times for sure but I completely agree with Farmers. My initial reaction when I read your post was, its old blood - its OK. I'm sure its old implantation bleeding rather than anything more serious - you havent got cramping or red blood so take confidence from this plus you've stopped bleeding so you should be OK. You are also still waking up early, all these are really good signs! So stay strong honey! At least they are moving to scan you (although still surprised that they are waiting until next Friday!), but hopefully you'll get the most wonderful birthday present ever!
Big hugs to you and I'll do my best to give you another birthday pressie with some positive news for me! Keep us posted. xxxxxxxxxx:friends::hugs2::hug:
Leyla keeping everything crossed that your LP goes beyond 12 days and you get your BFP! xx
Mort, I know anecdotal evidence can be of limited value, but my cousin had the same thing happen--dark blood showing up around 8 weeks, and everything was totally fine. I don't remember if they discovered a cause of the bleeding, but it stopped eventually and she delivered a perfectly healthy baby about 7 months later! I have everything crossed that it's nothing serious and you get good news at your's hoping also that the next week passes quickly and uneventfully, and before you know it, you're seeing that heartbeat! :flower:

Pol, I'm so glad to hear Thomas is still steadily on the mend. I hope Monday goes well and you can rest easy! Re: the B6 success, hurray!! Super exciting that you've seen results and have it sorted going into your next month TTC. Congrats!

And thanks all for your encouragement and kindness! I had my cry, a long nap, and have been keeping busy organizing our new house ever since, so I'm feeling better. I feel silly to have gotten so upset, :blush: but it did help to put it all in words. Thank you for indulging my pity party. Now, onward and upward!

I will be thinking of you all and wishing you the best in the coming days, with all your TWWs winding down, doctor's appointments, healthy baby scans, a new puppy, etc.! You're such an inspiring group of women--keep being fabulous and keep us all posted! :kiss:
Hi girls :flower:

Thank you so much for being so lovely, as always. :hugs:

A wee update - haven't had any bleeding since the scare the other morning...and definitely still FEEL very pregnant, my bbs are so sore and tender (and huge!) and I'm queasy every time I haven't am feeling cautiously optimistic. Scan next Friday, a week to go, so let's just hope the wait isn't too excruciating!

Carine - really hope you're ok. you poor thing. Cry anytime! that's what we're here for! hope you're having fun 'nesting' in the cute new house!

Carine, Beets, Ley, Pol, Bumbs, Farmers, love you girls xxx:kiss:
Hi Mort, Thanks so much for the update. That's great news that the bleeding hasn't continued and the fact that your symptoms are so strong is a great big positive! Less than a week now till your scan! You'll feel so much happier once you've seen that heartbeat!

Leyla so sorry to read that the witch got you. I was so hopeful for you too. grrrr! Hope you are OK?

Re me, I'm OK. Went yacht racing at the weekend in Force 7 winds, and got absolutely soaked through to my underwear! V. cold and shivvering. As a result this morning, I have a fever so have stayed in bed. Not much symptoms to report so really not sure whether this will be our month. Was v. emotional yesterday but that could just be PMT plus the fact that I can't persuade Mark to get a puppy. He thinks that it will be too unfair on the puppy if I have to leave it for long periods of time whilst I visit mum in a hospice. Im on the case to get someone to volunteer to check up on it whilst I'm out. Its so hard as she's not near a hospice yet and is doing well at home! Ah well! Anyway hope everyone is well and I'll keep you posted on how I get on!
Mort, I hope you still haven't bled since then :flower:
Beetle, thanks for asking honey I am touched! I am at CD4 and paranoid. I know that we have male factor but still I am thinking something must be wrong with me too. I am about to self diagnose myself with Ashermans Syndrome. AF is not like it used to be. :(
I hope you get a puppy honey. Sorry to hear about your mum :hugs:
Leyla honey I so feel for you. Despite the fact that we all know our bodies best, its really not a good idea to self-diagnose as you are putting yourself through extra stress for what might be no reason at all. The best thing you can do is put in place a positive proactive plan to get both of you fully checked out so you know exactly where you stand. If you do this asap then at least you can rest assured that you are doing everything possible to get to the bottom of things. I think its a natural reaction to think 'it must be me' even with evidence that things aren't 100% with your hubby. And the longer you go without a BFP the more you start analysing your signs and symptoms and thinking the worst. I've spent this morning researching fertility clinics on my OH's request as if AF arrives on Friday we will seriously get our act together and go down this route. I blame myself as I'm 41 ... despite the fact that my OH's swimmers weren't swimming very fast or in the right direction when we were tested a year ago. Its so damned hard but you must must stay positive and the only way I can recommend is to take positive action. Big hugs to you honey xxxx
Ley, feel for you too hun :hugs: as Beets said - self-diagnosis is all too easy and really all we end up doing half the time is scaring ourselves silly. It's definitely easier said than done, but TRY not to jump to the worst conclusion. I can't remember your history in terms of AF - has she always been weird? or is it only recently that you've noticed it? and how old are you, if you don't mind me asking? (not that it's necessarily relevant...for you either, Beets - it's just that you might be able to speed up the process at your doctor if you're 35+ because they should take into account how long you've been trying, if you're in the UK anyway). Keep us posted please and do try not to worry too much.

Beets - same to you dear, so sorry that you haven't succeeded in the puppy mission yet..couldn't you take primary responsibility though, seeing as you don't yet live with your OH? it does seem a little early to be talking hospice and absence from home re. your mum, you poor thing. she's doing ok with her current treatment, right? hugs though - what a stress. Big love. :hugs:

I'm ok, just gearing up for my scan on Friday...I feel SO sick/queasy all the time, it's horrible but I know is a good sign so am thankful for that. I'm hungry, constantly! but don't fancy stomach turns at the idea of milk in a cup of tea, even. :wacko: all I want are salt and vinegar crisps - and I have the worst taste in my mouth all the time! definitely no sweet cravings, anyway. I could pretty much eat pizza all day instead, which isn't much better...!

I am so anxious/nervous/excited about Friday, I can't help worrying (what if they can't find a heartbeat?) even though at the back of my mind I know that all my symptoms are good signs that things are ok and as they should be...I guess I just feel a little helpless. We've tentatively booked a train to Bristol for Friday night to tell DH's mum and dad - they'd be our first! and then it's my birthday (30!) on Sunday and we're planning (if all is well) to tell my mum and dad and brother then. I'm very nervous but excited for that, too.

Keep your fingers crossed for me girls, thoughts with you always xx:kiss:

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