Team No-Test!

I am back with some good news. Not as good as a BFP news though :) DH's third SA came back great! The last one was in July and he had %4 morphology which was considered subfertile. He used some vitamins and hormone pills and now the morphology is %15, which is normal :thumbup:
his count is perfect and motility is good too :happydance:
so now, I am the only problem. I am really relieved.
I had mentioned that I had high anti thyroid antibodies. Today I gave blood sample for that too. I have been on steroids for 2.5 months and I hope my antibody levels are reduced. Tomorrow I will visit the doctor with results. He suggested IUI for the next cycle but I think I will wait until February for that. I pray it will happen naturally...
Hello Leyla - thats fantastic news and I feel confident that your treatment will be working as well! Brilliant! Hopefully this is the news that will give you the boost you need. You sounded so down in your last post. Fingers and toes crossed that you get great results! x
Fab news Leylak!! Keep going as I feel strongly you are nearly there now! Im thinking positive thoughts for you here!

i hope that everyone is doing ok - I am so tired right now so I wont ask everyone individually - but please report back!

Afm - Saw midwife yesterday and she didnt have a clue where baby was positioned. Sent me for a scan and they confirmed he was breech and backwards. In fact - whereever he could have got it wrong - he did!
So now Ive got a consultant appt on Friday to discuss my Csection. Im not willing to do an ECV because they scare me too much. Heard bad things and dont want to take any risks. Its taken me so long to get to this stage and I would never forgive myself if something went wrong now.

Wish me luck for friday and I will post back asap.

I love all of you ladies!!

hey ladies,

leylak - wonderful news! very happy for you!! :)

beets - also great news, so happy that you can start again and I am sure it will happen soon! christmas is a happy time of the year, with all that happyness all you ladies should conceive to make it an even happier time! haha!

farmers - oh no... but just remember - most important is a healthy baby and a healthy mommy! i am so excited for you, not long at all now! yaaay!

i will post my 23 week bump pic, be aware that I am in my pjs and no make-up... always try to have it done as soon as i get up so its not a full stomach pic!

lots of love to all of you and MORT - PICS PLEEEEASE!!

xx :hug:


  • 23 weeks.jpg
    23 weeks.jpg
    21.3 KB · Views: 6
Wow - Bumbs you look fab! Very neat too despite there being two!

Farmers - Oh I do feel for you. Sorry you are feeling knackered. I'm thinking lots of positive thoughts for you. If its got to be c section then its meant to be - he's probably so comfy in his position he's quite happy staying put. But I believe wholeheartedly that you should follow your instinct and anything you are worrying about should be avoided - you don't want that additional stress of thinking 'what if ...' I can wait to see a pic of him! Fingers and toes crossed.

Leyla - have you got the results yet? I'm hoping they are positive!

Mort lovely how are you doing? And you Pol?

AFM I think I've just ovulated as I had really bad pains last night and my temp went up this morning. I have no problems in getting OH to perform, he's so desperate for it to work now that he is more conscious of my fertile window than I am. TMI .... I really wasn't sure we needed to perform this morning seeing as we had last night and I got the response 'we are on a schedule'! so any 'lurving' feeling was completely removed! ho hum. I'm also worried because I had pineapple for the last 2 days as I read that it was good for fertility plus I love pineapple. - however I've been reading this morning and it appears its good for implantation, but you should eat it before ovulation as it can give you a hostile cervix and mess up your cervical fluid. And I have definitely noticed a lack of CF recently. So I've probably messed things up this cycle. Grrrr! silly me!
sorry I meant with my last post that you shouldn't eat pineapple pre ovulation! Doh! Far to early obviously!
beetle don't worry about pinapples hun, I don't think it will mess up with your chances of conception that much. I am sure some strong swimmers made it to the egg! (Oh it was very easy to say that :blush:)
Bumbs, what a lovely bump you have! I am sure the twins are comfortable there :) You look younger than I thought btw.
AFM, I got my results. My TSH increased to 3.5 in spite of thyroid pills. So the dr increased the dosage by 50%. One of my antiobodies decreased by half. But still way above the limit. The other decreased slightly, like 10%. Again, way above limit. But dr thinks we are in the right direction. He advised me to keep taking the steroids. I have been gluten free for more than 2 months in hopes that it helps with hashimoto's. I would discontinue if my results hadn't improved. It is difficult to go gluten free especially the explaining to people part but I will continue for some more time. I don't know if it is useful but I know it doesn't harm and I would do anything to have a healthy baby.
Hi Ladies

Bumbs - your pic is gorgeous! What a tidy bump!! You must be very proud right now!

Beets - there will always be something you should be eating and something you shouldnt but it will constantly change! The people who research these things correct themselves on a daily basis! lol! My mum was told to eat Liver every day whilst pregnant (and she did!) and now you arent supposed to touch it. Or even pate etc! Im willing to bet its the same with pineapple! Dont worry about it - a little of what you fancy will do you good! (or a bloomin lot actually!!)

How are things with you Ley? Pol? Mort? Where are you gorgeous ladies?

Afm - booked in for a c-section on the 8th December so that is the latest possible date my little man will make his appearance! Was under some extreme pressure from my consultant to try ECV but Im just not prepared to take any risks. I know recovery for me will be longer with a csection - but as long as LO is ok then I just dont care!
Having some late pelvic pain too. Possibly pelvic girdle pain but its so far along now that Im just gonna ride it out until the birth. Its literally less than 3 weeks away so to start painkillers etc and physio now feels silly.

Hope everyone is ok?

Hi girlies!! :flower:

soooo sorry I've been absent for so long!! I've had a pretty bad cold and cough (baby taking all of my resources I suspect!) so have been off work, back now but still feeling achey and tired and 'flushed' (that horrid 'hot under the skin' fevery feeling you get, blurgh :cry:). BUT I shouldn't complain, everything else is fine! I had an interesting experience on Saturday night, though - I had Braxton Hicks for the first time but continuously...literally every 10 minutes! I was a bit concerned because they were coming like clockwork (on the dot - 8.02pm, 8.12pm, 8.22pm, 8.32pm etc...) but I woke up on Sunday feeling more normal. have had a couple since, but not as many in a row, so don't know what was going on! baby must have been practicing! It did make us think, though, that we should really go shopping and get some baby stuff. I know it's very unlikely but you do hear of people going into preterm labour at 30 weeks I'd feel more confident if we at least had a few babygro's and things to get us more prepared! I've also got a really aching pelvis and feel generally more tired than ever. perhaps all because baby is getting bigger, combined with feeling a bit run down, and hitting the 31 week mark tomorrow?

Agh - didn't mean to go on and on about me for so long! Let me quickly say Bumbs - you are gorgeous! you look SO cute, beautiful smile and lovely bump! and as I suspected with twins, you're showing so well already! really hope you're feeling ok. :hugs:

Beets - you are sounding so positive, and same goes for you, Ley. You've both been through so much! Keep those smiles girls! :thumbup: :kiss:

Farmers - hugs to you, lady :hugs: I don't blame you at all for making the decision not to have the's your body and your baby. they have to understand that. You sound like you're keeping a really level head despite news of the breech birth and C-section, good for you - it may not be as you planned but as you say, the health of you and your new little one are of the utmost importance. and it's amazing that you know exactly when he'll be born, too! will be thinking of you tonnes on 8th Dec!

Ha ha - thanks for asking me all about the pics for the magazine (which is out on 1st Dec, so keep eyes peeled!)...I'm very embarrassed and may have to delete it soon - but here is my nudie shot (I'm much bigger now, this was 24 weeks) and the amazing 3D shot of Bean! xxx
THANK YOU mort! what a lovely compliment! :)

you look absolutely stunning and baby looks sooo cute!!! i think bean looks like a boy... even tho i had a feeling you might have a girl :hugs:

i have had some braxton hicks the past week and therefore stayed at home as with twins those can turn serious very quickly! was very worried but after today's midwife check up i am okay, she said keep off my feet as much as possible and i will be able to keep those two little ones in for muuuch longer!

about buying baby stuff... i already feel like i should buy everything and at the same time i dont want to... have the essentials for my hospital bag which makes me more relaxed!

lots of :hug: ladies, keep the positive thoughts up! xx
THANK YOU mort! what a lovely compliment! :)

you look absolutely stunning and baby looks sooo cute!!! i think bean looks like a boy... even tho i had a feeling you might have a girl :hugs:

i have had some braxton hicks the past week and therefore stayed at home as with twins those can turn serious very quickly! was very worried but after today's midwife check up i am okay, she said keep off my feet as much as possible and i will be able to keep those two little ones in for muuuch longer!

about buying baby stuff... i already feel like i should buy everything and at the same time i dont want to... have the essentials for my hospital bag which makes me more relaxed!

lots of :hug: ladies, keep the positive thoughts up! xx
MORT!!! AMAZING PICTURE!! You are Gorgeous!! That is such a glamorous photo - and I am so impressed with it!!! Simply stunning!
And Braxton hicks are horrible arent they? You never know if it is real labour or BH and it kind of concerning for a while. I think you should defo buy some things now so that you are prepared. Once you get started you wont be able to stop - just like me!

Bumbs - I hope you are putting your feet up! Its tiring enough with one bun in the oven - let alone 2! Make sure you are resting and I will be checking up on you!! lol!

Everyone else? How are you getting along? Pol? Ley? Beets?

Afm - been for my pre op checks today and been talked through the csection and told what is needed etc.
Put my mind at rest a little more and now Im more excited than scared. It was a fifty fifty divide yesterday! lol! Im getting everything ready for xmas and just about to start wrapping gifts whilst DD is at nursery. Need to get it all done so I can relax when I get back from the hospital and not stress about things that Ive got to do.

Better get on with it then I guess! lol

Love to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Wow - Mort, what a glamorous stunning pic! You must be really happy with it! Definitely take Farmers advice and get shopping!
Farmers - golly, only 2 weeks to go! I'm so excited for you and keeping fingers and toes crossed that everything goes really well.
Bumbs - glad everything is going OK and progressing as it should.
Ley and Pol - how are you getting on?
AFM really odd cycle this time around. Have been having super high temps post ovulation cos I've had the nasty cold bug that's been going around. Then tiny spotting on 7 dpo (got excited thinking implantation bleeding) and again spotting last night at 9dpo together with massive temp drop - temp up a little to just above the coverline this morning with a little more spotting. If this is early AF I'll be really upset but what's more I never spot before AF comes. Maybe the miscarriage has messed everything up. Really hoping its just implantation bleeding but too early to tell! will keep you posted! xx
Hello ladies! I am near the end of my third clomid cycle and fourth dr monitored cycle. I want to take a break from the dr appointments until next Feb, when we will try IUI. In the meantime, I will keep taking clomid. BTW I have a feeling that we won't need all these and I am already pregnant. But I have felt like this so many times before all ending in BFN and AF. This time, my signs are sore bbs that I haven't experienced since my MC and consistent 36.8 C temps like when I found out I was pg. Oh and I was extremely sleepy last night. AF is due Saturday and spotting is due tomorrow. Dr told me to test on Friday.:shrug:
Good luck Leylak, I really hope this is it for you this month! :hugs:

Sorry I've not been posting, I have been checking in from time to time but have no update really. Still trying but nothing happening at the moment. Hopefully 2012 will be my year.
Thank you Pol!
Unfortunately, this is not my month either :(
A few hours after I posted, I started spotting heavily and all symptoms went away. I am sure it is not implantation. Here comes December, the month I fell pg last year.
pol and beets, I hope 2012 will be our year xx
Thank you Pol!
Unfortunately, this is not my month either :(
A few hours after I posted, I started spotting heavily and all symptoms went away. I am sure it is not implantation. Here comes December, the month I fell pg last year.
pol and beets, I hope 2012 will be our year xx

I'm sorry to hear that hun. :hugs:

I'm pretty sure this is not my month either, not even sure if I am going to ovulate this month and we haven't managed to BD much either, so I reckon it will be on to January for me given my stupidly long cycles.
Hi girlies :flower:

Thank you all SO much for your (ridiculously) nice compliments about my naked pic - ha! mag not out for a couple of weeks but I will def keep you posted in case you fancy peeking at a copy!

so lovely to hear how everyone is getting on...Beets, you were sounding so positive, hope that PMA has continued regardless of whether or not your first cycle post-MC has been a successful one :hugs:

Ley/Pol - really sorry to hear that it isn't your month this month, it must feel so frustrating :cry: but here's hoping that next month is a whole new fresh start to coincide with the new year. :kiss: I believe in it!!!

Bumbs - rest up girlie, you've got to take extra-special care of your precious twinnie cargo! work isn't important right now - you are! :hugs:

and Farmers - it can't be long now, did you say you were booked in for your CS on 8th Dec?? omg, so exciting, I know it isn't what you ideally wanted but it will all be for the best and I can't WAIT to see a pic of your new bouncing baby boy!!! :happydance: doing fine, did see my midwife last week and she said Bean is transverse at the moment (lying sideways) and if he/she is still like that by week 36 then I will also be looking at being booked in for a C Section! obviously not what I would want ideally, as I was really keen on a nice, hippy water birth...but what will be will be, and as long as baby is ok that's all that matters I know. at the moment to tell you the truth I feel damned uncomfortable, pretty much constantly :wacko: I don't know if that's compounded by bean's position (my belly is extremely 'tight' and feels stretched, kind of like when you're very bloated)...or whether that's just normal at this stage! but either way I'm keeping a close eye on things because it can be dangerous to go into labour if baby's transverse, so I've heard. would be a hell of a lot better if I didn't still have three weeks of work to go, but c'est la vie! will keep you posted!

loads of happy December wishes and love to you all! xxx
Hi leyla so sorry to hear that this month wasn't your month - you were like me - feeling pregnant and then it just went away! Fingers crossed that it happens for us remaining 3soon!
Farmers wishing you all the best for your c section and can't wait to see a pic of you both when you feel up to it! Wow the first of us girls to have a baby!
Mort I'm sure your baby will turn - maybe he she will decide there is more room if he/she does! Hope so!
Bumbs i think it's amazing about your twins! Look after yourself!

Afm - busy doing Xmas fairs selling my natural goodies so no time really to think about babies! My lovely OH has found a house in Farnham and has had his offer accepted! So hopefully will all be completed by end of January! Still has to sell his flat though!
Am hoping my cycle will sort itself out this month - last month spotting started at 7dpo until AF came! Not sure what that means but not good. Taking Agnus Castus this month to try and regulate it! Xx
Hi girls. I had made a GP appointment for tomorrow to discuss my irregular cycles and hoping to be referred to fertility specialist since I have been TTC for nine months and I am over 35. However it is not to be, because I was unfortunately in an accident on the bicycle and have fractured my jaw in two places, broken four teeth, and generally look like I am wearing Halloween make-up! Home for the night tonight but going back in today for emergency surgery. I've had so many X-rays etc. that I actually better not be pregnant this month! So GP appointment is on hold for the moment, maybe next week.

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