Team No-Test!

Well AF showed her ugly face this morning. A little down, but I am getting use to it not happening. I think I am going to take a couple months off from trying. Thanks for the encouraging words. Good luck to everyone.
Well AF showed her ugly face this morning. A little down, but I am getting use to it not happening. I think I am going to take a couple months off from trying. Thanks for the encouraging words. Good luck to everyone.

So sorry that AF arrived. TTC is so hard and it's difficult not to get a bit obsessed (or I find that anyway). I think it can be good to take the pressure off for a month or so although it's easier said than done.
Farmers - what a lovely bump picture! You don't look lopsided at all in the picture. And your daughter is absolutely gorgeous, what a cutie! Thanks for sharing the picture.

Morticia - I know exactly what you mean about getting a bit worried on the days that you don't feel much movement. But it is totally normal at that stage. I think it's because baby still has lots of room in there so it really depends on what position they are lying in on a particular day whether or not you feel much movement.
hey ladies, sorry i have been so busy lately! started working in a school which only leaves one day off a week which was yesterday and i spent it with oh and his parents!

beets - i am so sorry to hear about your loss! i was really convinced that this was it for you! :( i hpe you stay strong and oh is treating you well, sure he is! i send you lots of love!

mort - you look gorgeous in your pic! i know you dont wanna hear that sweety, but i think you are having a girl! :) how are you feeling? producing any colostrum yet?

farmers - another beautiful lady with a beautiful bump! and what a sweet lil girl next to you! :) hw is it going? are you excited? i mean you are SO close already! and yes, i HATED the heat! usually i love the summer but since being pregnant I DEFINITELY DO NOT!

polaris - my fingers are crossed for you this cycle! x

as for me - finn and ella are kicking lots more now and yeah, i am pretty sure who it is, just sometimes think that my lil boy might kick my lil girls head as i can feel them go left - right - left right, too funny! oh can feel them as well, which is great for him, he finally is a bit more involved in all this! :)

cant wait for the 22nd, will go home to austria for one last time before the twins arrive, will be so nice to see friends and family again!

:hug: to you ladies, i will post a pic soon, i am showing but not the proper baby bump yet, mort i hope i have a bump like you soon! :) xxx
Hello ladies - just popping in briefly! What's been going on with the site - don't recognise it! V. odd!

Farmers - you look gorgeous honey! And so does your little girl! I'm so impressed with all of these bumps!

Bumbs your pic next! So lovely to hear that your two are playing with each other in there!

Pol - sorry to hear that AF came along - maybe you had a missed miscarriage or something. Im sure it was a positive delay rather than a negative one!

Leyla - hope you are well.

Mort - sorry to hear you are still bleeding on and off. My guess is that based on the fact that its happened all along so far, it will probably continue to carry on. But I think that if you are worrying about it - you must get it checked out. Its important and no one is going to tell you off for time-wasting that's for sure!

All OK with me. Feeling calm and enjoying the fact that I now have some time to focus on my business! Lots of neglected clients that need looking after - not to mention natural products to make and promote! No rest for the wicked. We have decided that we are NTNP until I get AF for the first time after MC and then will try properly from then and see how it goes. Hey ho. A BFP before xmas is the order of the day! You never know!
Hi Girls! :flower:

We've all gone a bit quiet on here I see...hope you're not all as busy at work as I am at the moment, ugh. Hilarious, though - I have to tell you all about this article I'm doing for P&B's about 'bonding with your bump' and I have to review about 4 different pregnancy treatments, including (wait for it) a Demi Moore Vanity Fair-style photoshoot (!! terrifying !!), a 3D/4D scan, a pregnancy yoga class and a yummy mummy massage! I will definitely report back and let you know when the mag is out (December, I think). :haha:

Hope you're all really well...miss you. Beets, so glad to hear how upbeat and positive you're feeling. You never know what happy effects you might get when you're not focusing so hard on your BFP :hugs: you're an inspiration.

Bumbs - love the names for your bump(s)! are they what you and OH have chosen for when they're born? so cute!! :happydance: funny that you think I'm having a girl now best friend thinks the same, ever since she saw a pic of Victoria Beckham (ha) and thinks our bumps look the same shape! We'll see! one thing I'm hoping is that the 4D scan doesn't show us the gender when we don't want to know just yet...I wonder if it can be avoided? Oh yes - enjoy Austria when you go back too - next time you'll be taking your babies with you, how exciting is that!

Pol - love to you, hope you're ok, and thanks for your kind words about foetal movement etc. the little bean has been wriggling even more than ever recently, so no longer as worried. I'm definitely feeling bigger and less mobile now,'s getting harder and harder to turn over in bed!

Ley - how are you darling, hope your appointments with consultants and things have all been ok?

Angelria - so sorry to hear you were disappointed this month. next time you'll get it, though - don't give up hope!

Farmers - how are you feeling honey, you must feel even less mobile than me! hope you're taking it easy and being pampered and spoilt as much as possible. :kiss:

We've also started our NCT classes which is exciting, the group seem nice but have only had one session so far.

Loads of love to you ladies xxx
Hi guys, sorry have been busy trying to catch up with my business! Have missed the boat in signing up for a few christmas fairs which is a shame but I'm determined not to put extra stress on myself. What will be will be! Its very liberating, and its also so lovely not to have to worry about where I'm at with my cycle, temping etc! I reckon I've still got at least 10 more days til AF (judging from natural signs) and then next cycle will be back on the case!

Mort, what a fun article to be writing! If you fancy coming to Hampshire, I'll give you a yummy mummy massage! Look forward to seeing the article.

Anyway this was just a quick check in! Hope you are all doing well?
Hello ladies!

As for the lovely ladies with bump pictures, you both look fantastic! I can't wait to post my picture with a bump, if I ever have one..
Beets, I am very happy to see that you have PMA after all you have been through. Glad it was a natural mc without complications. MC sucks. Really, I hated every minute of it. Although I had a D&C, it was so difficult for me to cope with emotional stress and never ending bleeding/spotting. I wouldn't wish it on my enemy... Back then, I thought the only thing that would heal me would be another pregnancy. That hasn't happened yet and my body learned to deal with it but still, I don't want to remember those days. Unlike me, I hope you get a natural BFP and a sticky baby very soon.

I have not given you any update for a long time. This is my third cycle with the new dr and second cycle on clomid. I think (hope) I ovulated recently but because of all the intervention on my hormones, I can't know my body anymore. I can't rely on temps, signs, EWCM etc. I will let it go. If I ovulated, it is well covered so I won't worry about it this month. Next week, there is a good chance that I will attend a conference in Dubai. DH will accompany me and we will extend the trip by one day so it will be a vacation, too. AF is due on one of the last days of it so I hope I will come back with a poppy seed in me :)
Hi leyla - thanks so much for the update. Wow - lots to get your head around!
I completely understand your comments on miscarriages. Mine was and they are horrendous. Yes it was good it was natural, (but it could have waited until the day after mum's thanksgiving service)! With regards to how I felt, I believe had a choice ... either to let everything get on top of me and be a misery guts or fight to be positive (not easy initially!) and really believe it will happen. Its what mum would have wanted so that's the route I've gone down and I have an amazing calm feeling as a result.

I'm so glad you are taking positive steps with getting pregnant. I hope the clomid isn't making you too hormonal? And its good to read that you aren't stressing about temping etc. I think this is the way I'm going to go this time around, well at least for the first month - but I still have the nagging tick tock in the back of my mind so whether I'll be able to avoid it I don't know. it is useful to know when you are fertile especially as my OH is generally so knackered due to his squash that I have to work hard to get him in the mood ;) Would be nice to know that all my hard work pays off because its the right time!
Anyway wishing you lots of positive, sticky beany vibes and hope to hear some great news from you soon!
Hi Ladies

Sorry for my lack in contact. I just dont know where my time is going these days!

Mort - you are very brave having a demi moore photo done! Hope it goes ok - but you are gorgeous and Im sure it will be fun anyway! Let us know how it goes wont you?

Beets - you are such a positive person. Positive thoughts attract positive situations so keep it up! I know you will reach your goals eventually.

Leylak - Ive got my fingers crossed for a sticky poppy seed for you! Im sure it is going to happen this year.

Pol and Bumbs - how are you ladies doing?

Afm - tired tired tired with a hint of tiredness thrown in! Lol! Im also starving all of the time and cant stop scoffing! 33 weeks now and Im pretty sure that baby has moved head down. My bump has indeed dropped down and people have commented on how low it is now. Before I almost had a shelf to put a drink on....but now it slopes down much lower.
Will try and post a photo at a later date. Movements are still there but much slower and more deliberate if that makes sense? More like legs and arms dragging rather than punching or kicking me. OH is super excited now as he is desperate to meet his little man. Ive got a feeling he will come early so Im trying to get all my xmas shopping done this next few weeks.
Ive also got to pack my hospital bag sometime soon. Im a bit disorganised.

Love to you all and I will be back to check on you all soon.

ARGH!! Just got back from MW appt. Baby is breech at 34 weeks! Waiting for next appt in 2 weeks time to see if he has turned and have a scan to make sure. If not it looks like I will be making some stronger decisions than I had planned to around the birth.

Hope everyone else is doing ok!!

Hey Farmers, ooh naughty boy for being in the wrong position! And you were so certain that he was head down too! I will keep my fingers and toes crossed that he engages in the next 2 weeks so that you can go ahead with your birth plan. It really must put your head into a spin. But most important is that he is lovely and healthy and I'm sure he is.

Hmm re me, after having a really lovely calm phase I now have turned into an irritable banshee! My poor OH can't do anything right without it irritating me! It will be 5 weeks on wednesday since MC so I guess I'm due anyday now with AF and I can't wait for her to arrive so I can get back to the status quo and we can start trying again. It really has been months and months since last AF and I think this must be the one and only time in my life where I want her to arrive! Fingers crossed it happens soon! Lots and lots of love to you all and Polaris at 11dpo? - good luck for this month! xx
Hey there lovely ladies.

I'm not about much at the moment as I'm on holiday in the UK visiting family. So just sneaking onto their computer!

This has been the quickest TWW ever as I just haven't been thinking about TTC at all. It would be great if I could manage that all the time. Not even sure how many dpo I am now until I check my siggy! I have also been very naughty and had quite a few drinks despite being in the TWW. However, I am spotting already so I am pretty sure AF is on her way.

Farmers, Thomas was a breech baby and I had a c-section. I tried everything, ECV, moxibuxion (sp?), headstands, LOL. I was so devastated at the time but really it wasn't as bad as I was expecting and the most important thing was that he got here safely. Still, 34 weeks is still early so there is still plenty of time for your LO to turn.

Beetle, you are entitled to be irritable after everything you have been through recently. Just be kind to yourself and treat yourself to a bit of TLC. :hugs:

How is everyone else doing?
Hi girlies :flower:

Oh no...poor you Farmers, how frustrating!!! don't be too upset though - as the others say, there's still time for him to turn, and even if he doesn't and you end up having to have a C-section then you will get through it and will still have a beautiful baby boy at the end of it. try not to worry for now, just keep as calm as possible to steer away stress!! thinking of you! :hugs:

Beets - sorry to hear you're grumpy, though it may be a good sign that AF is about to return and your cycle is getting back to normal...fingers crossed :thumbup: again, as the others said, you need to give yourself a break too - you're been through so much...if you're feeling irritable, then you deserve to let it all out! big hugs. :hugs:

I've been feeling grumpy too recently, I'm really noticing how much more tired I am now that I've hit the seven month mark. :growlmad: I also think I've got hemorrhoids...agh! seeing my midwife tomorrow so will check with her if I need to do anything about it. bump is moving and growing all the time...oh yes, and I survived my pregnancy photoshoot :blush: it was terrifying but more modest than I'd anticipated - thank goodness!!!! the 4D scan was amazing too...saw Bean's little nose and feet and hands! :cloud9:

love you girls xxx
Hello ladies,
Farmers, I am sure both you and your baby will be healthy no matter how the birth will be. We are not in total control of our bodies but we are blessed with a good health system that will enable us to choose the safest option.
Mort, you entered the third tri right? Yay!
Pols, careless TTC would be so much easier, I wish that we both could do it.
Beetle! I hope you get a decent period soon so that you can start again.
AFM, I came back from Dubai without a poppy seed. Besides, :witch: accompanied me during the flight along with cramps and discomfort. I am soo infertile :( no dose of clomid, number of follies, HCG shots and prog supplements can make me pregnant.
Ahh ley - don't think like that :cry:

You are NOT's just taking a little while longer than you would hope to get your BFP. you have to stay really are giving your body the best chances by trying Clomid and all the investigations you've done already...I just know it won't be long :thumbup: It must be so, so hard when you want something so much and it feels beyond your grasp - but don't give up hope!! :hugs:

Pol - I meant to say, whereabouts are you in the UK visiting? hope you're enjoying yourself, the weather isn't great though! you're from Dublin, aren't you? (or have I completely made that up...)

Love to you Bumbs, Beets and Farmers - really hope for you that the breech situation gets sorted or doesn't pose any undue difficulties! thinking of you! I had a midwife appt this morning and she said bean was 'back to back', but hopefully will wriggle round the right way in the next few weeks! xxx
Hey ladies

Thanks for your kind words. Im not as worried as I have been about the breech situation. I have been through so much to get to this point and I will do whatever I have to to ensure my baby is here safe and sound. Csection or not - my LO is what is important here. Its actually DH that is starting to panic now. I guess I will let you know when I know more myself. (next week).

Mort - are you putting your photo up here for us to see? I bet it is lovely!! What a wonderful thing to look back on in the years to come. Third tri for you now huh? We are nearly there now!!

Leylak - dont lose hope! I understand how difficult it can be - but you are doing all you can and I have a feeling that things will work out soon. Stay positive!!

Pol - hope you are ok? Its good to get advice from someone who has had a breech before. Im sure I will be asking you alsorts of questions if LO doesnt turn soon. How are things going for you now?

Beets - you have every right to be irritable!! If you dont let it out of your system it will only get worse. You are such a strong person and an insipration! I know that things will get better for you now. Im sending you lots of love. x

Bumbs - how are those twins doing?

Love you all so much! xxxxxxx
Hey Farmers, no problem to ask any questions that you want to know!

Leylak, :hugs::hugs::hugs: I hope it was a bit of help to let it all out to us all. I really hope that next month is the lucky one for you.

CD1 for me today, AF arrived in force overnight. I am enjoying a takeaway and a few glasses of wine to celebrate! Feeling OK about it actually. I still have a strong intuition that I will get pregnant at the same time of year that I conceived on Thomas (which would be January), so I'm not worrying just yet!
hello ladies! sorry for the lack of contact, i was super busy with work, uni and placement.

also, i was in austria for a week and OH and i had a lovely time with my family! wish it wasnt so far away, i really know what i am missing when ive just been there!!

as for my twinnies, they are doing fine, moving around lots and lots and sometimes even poking their little bums out so my bump looks like a tent! haha, too funny!

will have a scan at 26 weeks again to check on their growth, looking forward to it already!

mort - post your pics, i am soooo looking forward to seeing a 4d scan pic and you and the bump as well!!! pleeeeease!

farmers - you are nearly there yaaay! sooo close!!! :) i know what you mean with the c-section! i really dont want to have one but sometimes there is no other way and with twins its an even higher chance... my fingers are crossed that the lil one will turn soon!

beets - i hope you are doing okay! most important is that you rest and relax and focus on yourself and OH! i send you a biiiiig hug and of course have my fingers crossed for you!

ley and pol - hang in there! i wish you lots of luck and cross my fingers for both of you! enjoy the vino while you can!!! ;)

lots of love to all of you! xx

ps.: i will try to upload a bump pic soon, i am feeling huuuge!
Hello lovely ladies! How are you all doing?!
Farmers - I think you have absolutely the right attitude - hopefully he'll turn but if not you are in good hands - there isn't anything you can do about it so worrying really isn't an option. I hope your hubby understands!
Mort - I wanna see your pic!!! PLEEEEEEASE!
Pol - so glad you are in a calm place about when you are getting your BFP! Maybe you are right - I so believe in intuition!
Bumbs - haha - loved the comment about the tent! Can we see a pic of you as well? Glad that you are all doing OK although not surprised you are feeling huge!

And finally Ley - PLEASE don't give up or be down on yourself. You have to stay positive. Have you tried acupuncture? I'm having it twice a month - once before ovulating and once afterwards. Its helping my system get balanced - helps with everything really - ovulation, quality of lining, blood flow, balance of hormones etc etc - but it also is helping me destress and calm down. Seriously if you can find a good one - I would recommend it. And it might calm down the side effects of the hormones which will be haywire due to the Clomid.

AFM, You'll be pleased to know I've regained my normal Joie de vivre! AF came and went (painful but OK as I was so pleased to have her arrive!) and we are now in the exciting BDtastic phase! My OH is really making a concerted effort to be around (apart from the weekend when he had to be away) so we are doing everything we can.

I'm in a calm head space - although running around like a loony selling my products at christmas fairs which keeps me occupied. If you are stuck for xmas presents do have a look at my site (shown on my details)... all natural products and really lovely to boot! Sorry I know I shouldn't plug my stuff but I'm so proud of it! Haha!

Take care everyone! and hopefully hear from you soon! Its that exciting time of year ... xmas on its way! Definitely time to be happy! xxx

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