Team No-Test!

Merry Christmas everyone and loads of love and luck for the new year. Pol - how are you hun? X
Hi everyone.
I hope you all had a lovely Christmas. I had a really nice day, despite not being able to eat or drink - just seeing the excitement on my little boy's face was priceless!

Everything is good here I think - I haven't had anymore spotting which is positive. However I have no pregnancy symptoms really which is a little bit worrying. I know that I should just count myself lucky and that they will probably set in with a vengeance next week! But I just don't really feel pregnant at the moment which gives me little moments of panic that the baby is not developing or there is a problem.

The scan went OK but it was inconclusive as it was too early to see much. I have to go back on 19th January which is still three weeks away. The time is dragging! We decided not to tell anyone over Christmas just in case this doesn't work out.

Beetle and Leylak - how are you girls doing in the TWW? Sending lots of :dust:!

Happy new year to everyone!
Hi girls :flower:
Happy new year!!!! I really hope that it brings everything everybody hopes and wishes for...especially you, Beets, after the year you've had. :hugs:
This will be the year you get your longed for BFPs too, Ley/Beets! I know it!!!

Pol - thinking of your poor jaw and hoping it wasn't too agonising not being able to eat much over Christmas :dohh: can imagine the idea of a turkey smoothie wasn't really all that appealing...! Really glad that things seem to be going smoothly and here's hoping 19th Jan comes round super quick. Can imagine it must feel agonising - but I bet those pregnancy feelings will kick in any day now. :hugs:

All good this end...bean has turned so looks like I could be looking at a water birth after all! Just want to meet him/her now!!!

Love to you Farmers and your little bundle of loveliness, and you Bumbs - how are things in twin town?! Xxx
P.S got my bump pic in Pregnancy & Birth mag this 44 if you see a copy!
Happy New Year everyone!!! Mort - thanks for your kind wishes. I feel very positive for this year! Things are currently going well with buying the house in Farnham, and hopefully we will exchange/complete at the end of the month and we will be moving. This also means moving my business which will be hard work so I've told my OH we are only moving the once!

Mort - fab news that the baby has turned! I'm so pleased and excited for you! Keeping fingers and toes crossed that it will be a quick and painfree labour! They can happen you know!
Pol - I can completely understand the worry that you have no symptoms but I believe if your temps are high and you are having to get up in the night to visit the bathroom, then they are great signs and the symptoms will come along soon! Good luck for 19th though. I'll be thinking of you.
Bumbs - Hope you had a lovely Christmas and that you aren't getting too tired?
Farmers - would love to see a pic of your little one ...
Ley, how are you?

AFM - my cycle is up the spout still. I had a longer LP this time before the temp dropped and AF came on 14dpo (thanks to the Agnus Castus), but I still spotted on 9, 10 and 12dpo which isn't normal. So this time, I'm taking 100mg Vitamin B complex until OV in the hope that it will help. I'm also taking an australian bush flower remedy called she oak which is supposed to balance out hormones as well and also improve confidence that you will conceive. Something is happening as I've had night sweats the last 2 nights which in first half of cycle I think is unusual. Anyway we will see. My goal for this month is to get the cycle back to normal and then go from there (although we will be BDing like crazy just in case!)! Fingers crossed! Wishing you all a fantastic 2012! xx
hello ladies, sorry for the long absence!

mort - yaay for baby turning, what a bright lil one it is, surely he/she just knows that coming out the way mommy and daddy wish for is the best idea! :)

pol - I am sure you are totally fine and as soon as those symptoms kick in you wish them away again! still so happy for you!

beets - is the new house far away from the old one? will you be able to keep all your regular clients (job)? this year you will get that bfp, i know it! just relax and enjoy the bding!

farmers - PIIIICS!!!! :D

afm - I am all good, twins are doing fine, they are sooo big already! had a scan at 30+3 and ella was 3lbs 7oz and finn was 3lbs and 10oz, unbelievable, thats on the high end!!
they are having the hiccups all the time and are kicking my ribs which is officially painful now i have to say! i am having great difficulty sleeping although i am so tired all the time... heartburn is excruciating but i have to keep eating so that i dont get lightheaded.

is it harsh to say that i cant wait to have my babies out? not only that i am selfish because of all the discomforts, but also because we are all done with baby shopping and i just want them in my arms now! OH is getting very excited now too, it is the cutest thing when he chooses outfits and nursery accessories, never thought it would touch me when he does that!

so... i need to stop writing now, could go on forever, sorry!

cant wait for you to have that bean mort and see some pics!!

fingers crossed my lil ones stay in there until at least beginning of february - all the twin moms i am in contact with had them before 37 weeks!

lots of love to all of you! xxx
I am 6 dpo and testing on the 12th. It's so hard! I wanna know if I've been giving myself symptoms!
welcome, donut! you said you were testing on the 12th (today) - don't forget to let us know how you get on! and if it's no luck then wait a few days and try again as you might just be a bit early!

love to all of the rest of you girls - lovely to hear from you, Bumbs. your twins are really big already, wow! fingers crossed you do hang on til week 37 but am sure they will be fine whenever they come, you've done most of the hard work by now already. can imagine how big your bump must be with two of them in there - I feel huge and I only have one bean!!

speaking of bean...all is well and have a checkup with my midwife tomorrow to see if I'm on the way to being dilated at all...I wouldn't be that surprised if I was, only because I've been getting this 'feeling' that bean might be early. no physical symptoms though so might just be wishful thinking! lots of my friends have had babies recently and they ALL went overdue. looks like it's a common theme with first kiddies! someone's got to break the mould though, right?!

I am definitely more excited than nervous at the moment, and can't wait to update you all!

hope everyone is doing ok! xxx
Welcome Donut! Fingers and toes crossed for a BFP!
Ooh Mort, wouldn't it be amazing if you bucked the trend and had an early delivery? So glad you are excited!
Bumbs - I think you will definitely be in the early category! But hoping they hang on for a while longer! You will certainly have your hands full so rest up as much as you can!
AFM, all v. frustrating. Trying to get my cycle under control and its really not wanting to play. currently CD14 and no sign of OV yet. Last month it was CD 17 and I was really hoping that it might come sooner. Hmm. Good news is that OH is playing ball so lots of BD action! hehe!
Pol - any news? Hope you are OK?
Leyla - hows tricks?
Farmers - we really would love to see a pic when you get a sec! Guess you have your hands full at the moment!

Good luck everyone! xx
Hello everyone,
all is good here I think. I'm getting a few symptoms now, tender boobs and slight nausea, which is quite reassuring actually! I'm nowhere near as sick this time round (so far anyway!). Only a week to go until my scan so not long to wait until I hopefully get to see baby! I think I will probably tell a few more people, including my boss, if all is well at the scan. Nobody will be covering my maternity leave so I really need to start thinking about a plan to wind down the work I'm doing without leaving too many pieces hanging. It's quite stressful thinking about it to be honest - although I know once I'm actually on maternity leave I won't give work a second thought!

Mort - can't believe you are so close to your due date now! Very exciting! And great news that baby has co-operated and is now facing the right direction!

Bumblebee - those are amazing weights for the twins! I'm sure you will have them early but I guess it would be better for them to hang on in there for a bit longer. My SIL had twins and she was induced at 37 weeks.

Beetle - good to hear that you are feeling positive. I'm sure 2012 is going to be your year. My cycle was really all over the place and I still got my BFP so it doesn't rule you out, but I really do understand how frustrating it is. But the month I got pregnant I didn't ovulate until CD28 - I was sure it was going to be an anovulatory cycle!

Donut - good luck with testing!
Hi everyone, sorry I've been AWOL. Hope you are all well!

My baby has been naughty and turned breech, I only found out last week and unless he turns back head down I am having a section on Thursday!! I will be 40 weeks then, it's unlikely he will turn back now so I am getting my head around the fact that he will be here on Thursday!

Its all been a bit of a shock really, the reason we found out he was breech this late was because I saw a different mw after not being able to see my regular mw since I was 36 weeks and straight away she knew he was breech, I got sent to the hospital where it was confirmed. I had a feeling something was different anyway because the movements changed.

I'm not sad that Im having a c-section, in fact I'm happy that there is an end in sight now and that I get to meet my baby after what feels like a lifetime!!

Anyway, I will come back and update you all after it's happened!

Emma x
Hi everyone!
So sorry for my absence. I've been so busy with Adam and not only that but my computer has been troublesome.
Everyone seems well here!
Mort..I'm so excited for you! Has there been any changes? I'm looking every time I can to check if you have had baby yet! are things? I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Mummy's emmy...glad to see you back. I had a csection too and it wasn't as bad as I thought. Good luck x

Bumbs are you feeling? Make sure you are resting enough!

Beets...positive thinking Hun will get you through anything. I think of you often. Things are looking up now and I think 2012 is your year!

Anyone I have missed...soz! My mind is muddled with nappies and milk! Lol.

Afm... I breastfed for six weeks and loved it but I have changed to formula now. My milk did not have enough fat content to keep Adam happy! It got to the stage where he was latched on for hours at a time. He is much happier now and I can see that he is full and satisfied. I was upset at first but I couldn't get the fat content up quick enough. We are working at it together and I'm just trying to do what's best.

I will get pics up ASAP but I'm on my mums iPad right now. Trust me though...he is a proper cutie!

Love to you all!!!

Hello ladies!
Wow Farmers, lovely to hear from you and thanks for your lovely words of encouragement. So glad you are settling down well with Adam and I really wouldnt worry about him now being on Formula. You tried for a while and its actually better you are relaxed and he is happy now he's getting enough food than you stressing about not giving him enough and him being permanently hungry! Typical boy! Can't wait to see your handsome chap so post when you get a sec and your computer is back to full health!!!

Pol - so excited for you that you are now getting the pregnancy symptoms! I thought this would start to happen! If you bean survived the trauma of what you have suffered in the last few weeks, a few xrays wasn't going to hurt it! Good luck with the scan and keep us posted!

Mort, I'm on tenterhooks here... so excited for you. Keeping fingers and toes crossed that your natural birth goes well, quickly, and painlessly for you! Your whole world is going to change and its SO exciting!

MummyEmmy, today is Thursday so I'm assuming that its D Day! I really hope all goes well and that you get your bambino home soon. Hope that your OH is primed to run around for you whilst you recover!

Bumbs! Update please! How are you doing?
And last but by no means least Leyla - haven't heard from you in a while? You OK? What's happening with your cycle?

AFM, well the house is looking slighly shaky at the moment and could well fall through. I really need something positive in my life right now as I always struggle with January and I feel that the end of last year is all catching up with me. There is a little raincloud above my head and it needs to go away. I shouted at my OH yesterday and it was completely OTT so feeling really guilty! Think I just need a nice holiday as I've just kept on going.

Re my cycle, the good news is I O'd 2 days earlier than last month. Had more cervical fluid than ever before and am actually feeling rather chilled about getting pregnant! I think that is either the Vit B6, Acupuncture or She Oak or a combo of all of them. I took 100mg of Vit B6 for about a week at the start of my cycle until I started getting tingly hands/numbness and immediately stopped but hoping that this will sort out my spotting. Anyway fingers crossed that all goes well this month! xx
Hi girls,
just a quick update to let you know that I had my scan and everything looks perfect! Baby is measuring two days ahead of my dates with a nice strong heartbeat. So relieved and pleased! I even got some photos which I will upload later on. I have another scan at my booking in appointment on 14th February so not too long to wait to see baby again!
Yay congratulations Pol, that's fantastic news! can't wait to see the scans!
Hi all, well I am home from hospital now after having my c- section.
Baby Oscar was born at 9.40am weighing 6lb 12oz! He is adorable and we are settling down well as a family of four!

My c-section went really well and it was a really good experience, I am recovering well although I am quite tender!

Hope youre all doing well.

Emma x
Congratulations MummyEmmy on baby Oscar! So glad it was a great experience for you and we can't wait to see a a picture of him! :happydance:
Congratulations Emmy on the birth of baby Oscar - how gorgeous! Can't wait to see pics!

Really glad to hear you're doing well with little Adam too, Farmers - don't blame yourself at all for stopping BF, you did really well and can't be blamed for choosing the best option for him. If that's formula for whatever reason, then so be it! Also can't wait to see pics!

Beets - really hope you're ok and giving yourself a break and time to deal with everything that's been going on for the past year...don't forget you've had some serious trauma and might need some total R&R :-( I'm sure your OH completely understands and won't mind being shouted at now and again. Massive hugs to you. xx

Pol - really glad for you that all is going well, knew it would be - amazing! Keep us posted!

Bumbs - thinking of you and your twinnies! Hope you're feeling ok and aren't too tired!

Ley - thinking of you too hun.

AFM, it's my official due date tomorrow...eek! But no real signs yet. Am trying not to get too frustrated! Will of course keep you posted! X
Here is my scan picture from Thursday - baby measuring 9+1.


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