Team No-Test!

I am so sorry to hear that beetle, my thoughts are with you! :hugs:

try to stay positive!! xx

farmerswifey - great news and a great name!!! very happy for you! xx

as for me - just came back from my gender scan and guess what!!!

I AM TEAM :pink: AND TEAM :blue: !!! we are over the moon now and cant really stop smiling! when the sonographer showed me the potty shots i just bursted into tears, it is so perfect!!! :cloud9:

they both moved around and posed perfectly for a 3d shot, very healthy little babies! :)

all my love to all of you! xxx :hug: xxx
beets :hugs: don't know what to say, I am so sorry this is happening! :cry:
Beets - I am absolutey gutted for you. My heart sank when I read your post. So sorry!! You are really having a terrible time right now but remember that you are strong and you have support anytime! Lots of love to you! xxx

Bumbs!! Perfect!! How good is that?! One of each is wonderful but to have one of each that are twins is SO lucky!

Love to all of you lovely ladies.

Hi everyone. I'm having lots of symptoms!! Very tempted to POAS tomorrow (12 dpo) but will probably hold out and wait another few days and see if AF arrives. I have had a bit of very very light spotting yesterday and today so maybe I should wait and see if that turns into anything.

In other news, I think Thomas has weaned, he hasn't had a feed since Sunday night. Do you think that could be causing my pregnancy symptoms? I feel so pregnant all day today - slightly queasy, hungry, tired, sensitive sense of smell, and I've totally gone off the idea of tea which happened in my last pregnancy too. Keep your fingers crossed for me ladies!
Thanks girls but I think it was just a bit of symptom spotting craziness. Spotting is a bit heavier today and I don't feel pregnant anymore. So I'm thinking AF will arrive by Monday.
:hugs: polaris, at least we know that your body and hormones will sort itself out soon so that you can get your BFP.
Hi girlies :flower:

Beets - I am SO, so, so sorry and I really really feel for you :cry: It is such sad news and terrible timing - all I hope is that you go back for another scan and they realise that there is a heartbeat after all and it's all ok. But if it's not good news, then you WILL get there next time...just believe in yourself and your body. Massive hugs. :hugs:

Love you girls - Farmers, Adam Joel is a lovely name, good thinking :thumbup: and Bumbs - am so happy for you having one of each, just as you suspected :happydance: Pol - such a shame that it wasn't pregnancy symptoms after all, but I really do think that if you're weaning Thomas then you'll get your BFP soon. I know there's no hard and fast rule about BF'ing being a natural contraceptive and lots of people get caught out relying on that method but I am sure there's something to it. I'm sure once Thomas stops completely your body will get back to normal again and you'll conceive in no time. Ley - good luck to you and well done for being so proactive. You'll get there so soon, I know it!

AFM, bizarrely, I keep having these random tiny bleeds and panic every time, rush to the hospital...but it's always fine?? they keep checking baby's heartbeat and say there's nothing visibly perhaps I'm just carrying on my pre-pregnancy tradition as being a bit of a spotter?? :shrug: It IS worrying every time it happens but I'm reassured by the fact that baby is moving around a lot and it's never a lot of blood, it's also brown rather than red and fresh so hopefully it is just one of those weird pregnancy anomalies. I thought I'd be brave also and be the first to post a bump here goes! I'm 23 weeks tomorrow but this was taken at just before 22! xxx:kiss:
Hello ladies - thanks as always for your lovely comments. Am actually lightly spotting now so hopefully this is the start of a natural miscarriage rather than a d&c although timing wise I hope the worst is gone by wednesday's service.

Wow Bumbs - congratulations - one of each is absolutely fantastic! The perfect family all in one go!

Mort - sorry to hear you are being tormented by bleeding, it must be scary but as you say its always brown and its nothing new. Amazing pic! Look at you! blossoming - so neat too! My guess (always such fun) is that it will be a boy!

Farmers - Thanks as always for your lovely words and I really love the choice of names.

Leyla and Pol - I'm coming back to join you girls! Although we are going to wait and have one period before trying again! We must all get BFPs before xmas!

Thinking positive, healthy thoughts for us all! xx
Mort - what an amazing picture! You are so beautiful! And your bump is gorgeous and neat. I will try and get a pic up soon but cannot compete with you really!! My bump is also VERY one sided and looks a bit weird right now. However, it changes day to day so it could be symetrical tomorrow - lol!

Beets - stay strong my lovely! I hope it happens naturally for you too. BFPs before xmas for you and the others TTC will be on the cards now. You have been unlucky - but you will get there if you keep going!! I know it!

Polaris - are you convinced? Or being cautious? I think you could still stand a chance here. Youre not out yet!

Lots of love to everyone xxxxxxxxx
Hey girls.

Well AF never properly arrived and the spotting has totally stopped now since last night. Don't really have any symptoms but my temperature went back up this morning. Feeling hopeful again. Am going to wait until Wednesday to test if AF not here. Mainly because I have a very busy day tomorrow so would prefer to wait and test when I have a bit more head space.

Beetle, :hugs: I'm so sorry for your loss but I also hope that it happens naturally for you rather than a D&C if this is the way that it has to be. I hope your mother's ceremony goes well and that you are not in any pain. You are staying so amazingly strong, don't be afraid to let it all out sometimes too, this all can't be easy for you.

Morticia - beautiful bump picture. You are so slim with just a lovely little bump!

Farmers - definitely post a bump pic too! I actually love lopsided bumps, it depends which way baby is lying!
I caved and tested this morning with a FRER - BFN. I was really thinking it would be positive as my temperature is still high. Now I have no idea what is going on with my body. Could those four days of spotting have been AF??? I did think on Sunday that it was definitely AF but then it just stopped rather than turning into anything. :shrug:
Hello lovely ladies, I'm back and feeling much better. I had a natural miscarriage - would you believe on the day of my mum's thanksgiving! Luckily it was a beautiful day and I'd just got home before the agonising contractions started. Sorry you pregnant ladies but it hurts! Luckily for me only lasting a few hours. I've been an had a scan since and they confirmed that I had passed all of the tissue - but I do have a corpus luteal cyst which was measuring 5.5 cms in diameter which they are slightly concerned about. Me too - as its resulting in my abdomen being hugely bloated (can't do up any of my trousers) and serious constipation! Does it get any better?!!! However spirits wise im in a really calm and rested place. I'm looking after myself and not doing too much! (Could get used to it!).

So bumbs - congratulations on team pink and blue! So pleased for you!
Mort - you look stunning and what a lovely neat bump! I think it will be a boy!
Farmers - thanks for your lovely words of encouragement - it all helps - and please post a pic! or if not - send us a pic of your lovely cooking!!!
Leyla - how are you getting on this month ..?
and finally Pol - how are you doing now? Your ticker says day 6 - are you sure you had AF? Only reason why I say that is normally temp goes down after AF and if its still high ... ? Well, I'm no expert!
Lots of love to you all!!! xxx
Hi girlies :flower:

Wow, firstly, thank you SO much for the MUCH TOO KIND words about my ever-growing belly...ha ha! :blush: I of course can see the double chins poking through in that pic...but it's really lovely of you all to be so complimentary. I think I've grown substantially even in just the two weeks since that was taken, and my bellybutton is definitely about to pop out - ahh! Am about to hit the 6 month mark, too, which really makes me feel relieved - especially because yes, you guessed it, I had that bleeding again this weekend (and the weekend before) odd. and so frustrating. DH has made me promise to go back if/when it happens again, as that will be three times since I last saw the docs/hosp about it (but I'm so convinced it's just my weird body, and not something more worrisome). will keep you posted anyway.

Farmers, I love the sound of your bump, bet it's gorgeous. Mind you all women, pregnant or otherwise, are gorgeous in all sorts of different and interesting ways.

Beets - thinking of you so much, can't believe all you've been through lately. So sad that the m/c happened on the day of your mum's memorial service...what a day to be reminded of two losses. :cry: at the same time however, you have to think of the time now as a new start and new beginnings - and time for you to heal, both physically and emotionally. :hugs: keep us updated on the cyst, though, and if you have to have any treatment for that. :hugs:

Pol - sounds pretty exciting to me...I really hope the spotting was implantation, in which case you'd have to wait at least 6-8 days after to get a positive on a home preggo test anyway, wouldn't you? I reckon if nothing else develops in the way of AF in a couple of days then definitely test again...we are 'Team No Test' after all, so perhaps if you could bear it then leave it til 10 days after your expected AF? eek, exciting!:happydance:

Ley, hope you're ok...have you seen any more consultants?
and Bumbs - looking forward to seeing YOUR bump, lady, bet you'll be showing loads by now with twinnies!

Wouldn't it be nice if we all lived close so we could get together for a :coffee:? xxx:kiss:
Hi ladies

Im SO fed up of this heat!! Its killing me! Am I the only one??

How are you all doing?

Beets - I am so sorry about your recent run of things. However, I am pleased that this happened naturally for you rather than forcing things along and invasive surgery etc. Im sure that things are going to start improving now. You are feeling peaceful and that half the battle isnt it? Positive thoughts attract positive actions. All my love to you! :hugs:

Mort - how are you doing? Your bump is so neat - I am having a guess at a boy too. Have you gone one sided like me or are things staying in the middle? lol! :flower:

Bumbs - how are your twins doing? I often wonder if it feels different to having just one baby in there. Can you tell which one is moving or is it a bit of guess work? Have you started buying pink AND blue or are you sticking to neutral colours?

Pol - sorry to see that it wasnt a BFP. I was sure it was your turn too. Perhaps next cycle is the one for you. Im feeling strongly that there will be more BFPs before xmas in our lovely group!

AFM - Im hot and bothered. Ive stopped working on the farm now and Ive stopped doing pretty much anything until it cools down! lol. Been planning my hospital bag essentials and buying lovely clothes for baby. Its the fun part isnt it! Im 30 weeks now so three quarters of the way there.

Im also being VERY brave and posting a pic of me with my DD (and bump). Im not as glamorous as Mort by any stretch - and this pic was taken after a hot day picking more blackberries so I look a bit sweaty and shiny (Im going to insist we call it a 'glow'!!) LOL!!! :blush:


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Pol - Ive just realised that I misread your post slightly! Do you think you tested too early here? Seems that if AF never really arrived properly it could have been IB.

Im keeping my fingers crossed for you!! xx
I need some encouraging words. I have very irregular periods 28-43 days apart. We are ttc our second for the past 9 mo. My last period was on Aug 22 and I got a positive opk on Sept 21. I am trying to hold out on testing (I am 12 DPO). I am not sure when AF will show due to the irregular periods. I just don't think I can handle another BFN.
Hi girls,
thanks for your words of encouragement but my temperature dropped and AF arrived properly on Wednesday, 16 dpo. So strange to have four days of spotting then two days break with nothing at all and then AF. That has never happened to me before. I am definitely going to hold off even longer on testing next month. I really hate getting my hopes up like that and then being disappointed. Still I am feeling optimistic about the next few months. Although my intuition is telling me that I will have another winter baby so maybe I have a few more months to wait before I get pregnant. Although my intuition has been known to be wrong (e.g. convinced Thomas was a girl throughout the pregnancy) so who knows?

Beetle I'm so so sorry for your loss. But at least it happened naturally and you avoided a D&C. :hugs:

Will catch up on other's news later, flying out to yoga.
I need some encouraging words. I have very irregular periods 28-43 days apart. We are ttc our second for the past 9 mo. My last period was on Aug 22 and I got a positive opk on Sept 21. I am trying to hold out on testing (I am 12 DPO). I am not sure when AF will show due to the irregular periods. I just don't think I can handle another BFN.

Welcome, Angelria! :flower:
So nice to see a new face on here. Hope you're ok and don't worry, most of us on here have suffered from irregular AF or long ovulation cycles... you have done REALLY well if you're already 12dpo and you haven't given in yet, wow! plus it sounds really positive if AF hasn't arrived yet - do you have any symptoms? if you can bear it, I'd wait another few days to around 16dpo and then you stand a much higher chance of getting your long awaited BFP. Keep busy in the meantime so it doesn't feel too hard!!!
Good luck and keep us posted!!! :hugs:

Farmers - YOU are GORGEOUS! wow! what an incredible bump, congrats! :happydance: remind me - who is the adorable little monkey with you, holding your hand? oh and you don't look lopsided one bit, just incredibly blooming and lovely! meant to say, randomly, did you have any moments when you were a few weeks less far along than you are where you felt baby moving LOADS for a couple of days, and then not as much/hardly at all? I feel him/her lots generally, but then have random 'off' days like today where I definitely don't as much. Can't help panicking about those quiet moments!

Pol - so sorry it didn't work out this time, but am interested that you think you might end up having a winter baby! I hope so too! :hugs:

Beets - thinking of you darling xxx:kiss:xxx

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